This is Master Chief in the upcoming Showtime® series

This is Master Chief in the upcoming Showtime® series.

Say something nice about him!

Attached: Pablo Schreiber.jpg (400x600, 57K)

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something nice about him!

He'll be fine

You like Huey Lewis and the News?

too skinny


Attached: 54pvitwfnor21.gif (190x182, 2.36M)

>a mexican jew

>They kept him wh*te
This is an outrage.

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Maestro Pablo! La inundación nos ataca!

i think its a good choice, average looking tall white dude, idk too much about his acting career though

That fucking nose!

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He will always be that guy from SVU that ruined the show for like 3 weeks.

Games > Books > everything else
In Halo canon.

That's an old pic. He's actually pretty jacked.

>Oh great it's another Olivia with therapist moment
>Shit continues for like two or three seasons

Fuck that shit where is my Barba?

They should have just made a CGI TV series or a CGI movie.

>Not black
Microsoft is on the wrong side of history.

Master Chief ain't black.

How do you know? We've never seen his face.

>A fucking leaf

He's described in the books.

Books described him and the animated movies have shown his face. He looks like a dork.

We actually have, several times, plus his face has been described over and over again.

Halo 3 Starry Night, Bungie's goodbye card, Halo 4
Kill yourself, tranny.

Halo? More like Hola

>it's a "someone who doesn't play Halo tries to state facts about it" episode

Is that Nick Sobotka?


And? That doesn't mean he can't be black in the tv show.

can any1 post me the, consider the following w/ sign animu grill?

No, but it just makes the show far less canon and not worth watching.

>Halo F*ur

Nice casting but check these.

quick everyone unironically respond to this as if it weren't lazy false flagging bait! aaaaaaaaand go

This is supposed to be an original story so it already puts it pretty low on the canon bandwagon.

At least he isn't black, I guess.

>Talking shit bout based Mad Sweeney

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>no blue eyes
>6'5" instead of 6'10"
>ginger instead of brown hair
>has accent
>doesn't have the body of a god
>isn't handsome
>probbly doesn't have a big dick
>not white

Nigga he is white, just because his names Pablo means he's a spic
Plus half the shit you listed there is related to his character in a TV show and not actually him.


i would stab you irl

He nearly raped Olivia Benson.

Made me kek

wait.... i thought master chief was a robot?

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Like Samus?

i would 100% have full penetrative sex with him!

He's called "Jefe" in spanish.

still better than netflix spike, i guess

What the fuck kind of name is Pablo Schreiber?

At least is prettt white

I don't get why putting a face to a faceless character is so important. Any director worth a damn is gonna have Chief wear all his shit all the time. Anything less is artistically and intellectually dishonest.

Fuck a TV series shouldn't be about chief it should be about other aspects of the Human Covenant War with Chief and Friends as cameos.

>Say something nice about him!
He's white. Not hang on the corner don't give a fuck white. But Locust Point IBS Local 47 white
He don't work without no fucking contract and he doesn't stand around listening to horseshit excuses

At first, I wanted it to be about the Chief, now I want it to be about somebody else. This really should have been CGI.

>there's gonna be a Halo Netflix series
what the fuck this is so weird, my 10 year old self's dream is coming true. but it's probably gonna suck.

Can we just get some Halo Infinite news already, I'm tired of hearing about the expanded universe, just give me the mainline game already.

Why do white people want established white characters to be black?

White people have always been mentally ill, this is why we need to correct them all the time, I'm black and I want Master Chief and Samus Aran to remain white. This is why if they ever make movies for both series I want them to be completely CGI, it's the only way to capture the atmosphere of Halo and Metroid perfectly without fucking anything up.