How goes your Risking, Yea Forums?

How goes your Risking, Yea Forums?

Attached: Risk Of Rain.png (3840x2160, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:!3Xo0BQKb!iAt-oyRJW1d8svYXSLgVF7_uXti7gdMWKg61gXTvIKs!S99T0azC!9FdqRmwKzH04TO0BKwm7kxnGI0vAogVIlqE0tqJ3Kxg


1 spot left hurry up

gesture of the drowned felt like cheating

Attached: Capture.jpg (1881x841, 146K)

how bad will my lag be from the UK

If you edited your save file for lunar coins then it's literally cheating.

EU Bossrush
No downloads needed
Hopefully no more issues so I can finally upload this & go jerk off to Huntress' thighs

More info:
Every 60s (starting 15s after stage starts), director gets a huge stack of cash which scales with playercount & exponentially with wave count. This replaces the slow trickle.

This has shown me that they should bring back chairs.

Nah we need them to pose and be cool.

where the fuck do you even find the save file to edit it?

>Loader and CHEF still don't have Ready animations
Will Hopoo ever come back to 1 for a hotfix?

Gesture and Fuel Cells are great.

Attached: risk of rain 2.exe (1067x600, 2.73M)

where the updated artificer titty mod at


get in here and suck on huntress feet

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>fw you can actually effectively grind lunar coins now and people still cheat

how do you grind lunars?

Anyone hosting modded EU?

Give me one reason to play anything but huntress.

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I'm going to pay you 5 coins to kill yourself


US West

Unmodded, Monsoon
3 slots open

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so I can just play in drizzle until I get 1000 lunar coins by obliterterating myself?

Or you could speedrun in monsoon because you get items faster



actually dealing damage

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How much longer till I can Orange Justice ingame?
serious replies only

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Everytime I play her I get distracted with her perfect ass and end up killed

1 slot open

Wait for the first DLC.

>Playing merc
>Vagrant spawns stage 1
>Stand on top of it to kill it
>It starts slowly drifting upwards, out of the teleporter area
>takes 7 minutes to get to stage 2 because of this

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Vagrant dies in 30 seconds with proper spamming of abilities, wtf

EU host when?

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109775240993992833 NOW
Monsoon vanilla

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Come back boys, maybe it won't lag as much

EU WEST - 109775240993996167

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Post thicc qts please

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Canceled, i joined



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The booru isn't being updated with all these new OC wtf!!!!!!!!

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Then fucking update it you dingus.

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Attached: 20190417222728_1.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

>Literally perfect run with Merc
>Shredding any boss that comes near me in less than 2 seconds
>One trash enemy killed sets off a chain reaction that wipes half the map
>Decide to go to fourth level in loop instead of obliterating
>Literally 1-shot by an Elder Lemurian with less than 20 health as soon as I come out of my third Shift
This is the final straw
This shit has killed literally every single one of my runs that goes past the Celestial portal, something one shots me right as I start the fourth level and I'm not even exaggerating
I'm going back to RoR 1, wake me when there is an actual content patch

Attached: 1549869912962.png (310x317, 20K)

im playing on drizzle!

>do sequencing shrine
>get this

Attached: 20190417221845_1.jpg (1920x1080, 354K)

You ever wonder why nobody ever sequences on the thread?

Friendly reminder to support hopoo since he is one of our lads.
If you have the pirated copy, thats okay but consider giving him the shekels

Just find a rusty box for ez reds lol

so will you get legendary items only from rusty lockboxes now or what? are exaggerating. The new patch gives everyone 3 seconds of invincibility upon spawning in a new map.

you've become a mosquito

>getting one shotted right at the start.
literally impossible now, off yourself piratefag.

>Being too poor

Attached: 1528429661124.webm (470x360, 1.05M)

just get gud looool

>how to out yourself as a poor piratefag
i bet you were playing on drizzle too.

Oh, sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smartass "within the first minute of the fourth level"

Boss rush mode is p fun desu

Attached: br.jpg (1920x1080, 538K)

Something is wrong here.

Discord is a necessary evil user , trannies and furfags have all the money.
Wish it didnt exist but it is what it is.


EU either Rainstorm or Vanilla, up to who wants to join

>muh pirate
Holy fuck, you people sound like early 2000s forums

Attached: risky.jpg (461x203, 13K)

>I'm not exaggerating
>But you are
>[smart remark]
You had the invincibility to whip your camera around and assess where you had to go to avoid death. You did that, and still ended up dying because you didn't have the necessary awareness. It was totally your fault.

my best run by far. i let myself die because my friend got on and i wanted to play multiplayer.

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where the us host at?

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>kys instead of oys

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It literally wasn't my fault, I came out of my third Shift and just instantly dropped, Lemurian wasn't shooting any particle effects or anything, unless I came out of my Shift in front of his mouth as he released the 5 fireball attack and ate them all at once
I meant "not exaggerating" as in I wasn't exaggerating about every run of mine ending at that point by being one-shot

Why did this get deleted?

come on bois, 2 slots open

wait, what? actually complaining about difficulty that early on? user...

US east, let's do this

>unless I came out of my Shift in front of his mouth as he released the 5 fireball attack and ate them all at once
Hmm, wouldn't happen since the SHIFT would stun him. Maybe you got contraption'd? Just sounds like bad luck man shit happens.

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Based mods deleting butthurt funsuckers.
As is tradition.

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Do you have reading comprehension?





join, ya simps

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unironically based

>4 Stone Titans spawn at once
>4 Stone Punches materializes beneath you at the same time from across the map
>Get launched into orbit

Attached: 1554092700140.jpg (500x521, 79K)

Can't you still take screenshots with non steam games added to steam. Not any of the guys you're responding to but showing it in your library isn't the best proof of ownership.


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he cute

Finally a non faggoty post in this /vg/ thread

Looks to me like you're complaining about dying less than 20 minutes into a run, maybe try drizzle if you don't play it already

i got u famalamadingdong

Attached: 1554965855823.png (900x520, 110K)

>can't make it past the second loop (fucking lol)
>blames the game
RoR 1 is literally too hard for a shitter like you.

He broke a rule, I leave it to you to figure out which

Sounds like a stone titan buff to me. His punch is so incredibly easy to dodge even without any movement speed increases. The punch lets you know he's somewhere on the map. Without that he might sneak up on you as you fight the boss and start lasering you while you're nowhere near cover and your shift is on cooldown. They're only threatening when you don't know they're there.

So you don't have reading comprehension or just didn't follow the discussion and jumped in for validation

The game completely revolves around items, you can absolutely blame the game when you got 1 Tougher Times in 40 minutes seeing as it's the only defensive item aside from the garbage shield


just use cheat engine

>needing defensive items
>getting hit
Sounds like you need to STEP ON THE GAS

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It's time friends.

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EU Boss Rush

Now with enemies from a single wave spawning in a tighter timeframe and waves spawning much more "on the dot" (previously could take like 15 seconds to actually spawn the wave, now does it within a second or two)

Don't need to download anything

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>he thinks his opinion has literally any validity when he can't even make it to the third loop

Attached: smugdog.jpg (540x564, 67K)

soda cans instincts and afterburners

Hey this is pretty much how I did my first 100min+ run.

Not that guy but I'm going to call bullshit and you can't just blame RNG for your being bad at the game. There are loads of defensive items and there are loads of offensive items that make it to where you don't need defense just hold W and click on the bad guys.


give me the file so I can host for NA

Rolling for alien heads.

>Defensive items
You are doing it wrong, too many things can one shot you at higher loops. 3d print some stuckies

I wanna make sure it's not spaghetti first

My sequence gave me all fungi...

>loads of offensive items that make it to where you don't need defense just hold W and click on the bad guys.
That was the run I had and it still didn't matter
Looping the game past the first time completely revolves around the items you get, you aren't going to loop 4 times with just Rose Shields and a Red Whip.

at this point the game can't even load ennemies anymore, felt so fucking anticlimatic

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was a good run, hope they add end game soon. Good to know I scared the whole planet.

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Why didn't you trade any of the items at a printer? Do you have a screenshot from that game to even prove that you aren't just talking out of your ass.

There are enough items in the game and enough crates that you are going to get a diverse loadout no matter what. Its almost impossible to lose due to items. Its your fault.

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>You will never marry or be able to tell Bitter Crown how much you love her

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where my EU nigs at?

Final stats

Attached: final.jpg (1818x828, 209K)

i can't join cause i get black screen what do

>Why didn't you trade any of the items at a printer?
>Bro just use a printer XDDDD le git gud
You do realize that is the RNG you are trying to say doesn't factor into a run at all right?
I swear to God, Risk of Rain threads are now all full of newfags and underage kids because of how 2 exploded into popularity, I want to go back.
>There are enough items in the game and enough crates that you are going to get a diverse loadout no matter what. Its almost impossible to lose due to items. Its your fault.
>Attack Elder Lemurian
>3 Right Clicks from Backup Mags -> First Shift -> Second Shift -> Third Shift -> One shot
Explain to me how that was my fault

I miss ror1 host so bad

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do you have vanilla?

>gesture is the best item in the game
>it's locked behind the worst achievement ever

should have known that that enemy is more dangerous than you can handle and avoided it. it moves slower than you do when you have no movement upgrades.

yes, but with a visual mod for thick huntress and artificer. they shouldn't cause logic conflicts though, they're purely on my end, r-right?

>enter prismatic trial
>tons of crabs spawn
>do it in less than 1 minute

Soooooooooooooooooo hard.

How did I die?

Attached: 2.webm (550x308, 2.39M)

>cheesing his cheevos
that PT is also long gone now

14/14 hp + 67 shield

fuck, i just checked and the mod has been overwritten by the update. yeah it's full vanilla now

You're complaning about dying on the fourth map. What's your endgame?

>enemy is more dangerous than you can handle and avoided it.
I was shredding 3+ groups of Dunestriders in 10 seconds or less, an Elder Lemurian wasn't a threat whatsoever
Magma Worms were only doing 200< damage per shot, how was I supposed to know I was about to eat over 900 damage from a trash mob out of nowhere?

Going too fast and too high triggered a respawn but you had jack shit for health so it gave you lethal falling damage

You can't do that anymore.

say something nice about Crown

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Where is Acrid

>Fourth map
>After looping
Read the replies you fucking tool, it was already 40+ minutes into the run at HAHAHAHAHA

Did you get hit by something? It was your fault, don't get hit.!3Xo0BQKb!iAt-oyRJW1d8svYXSLgVF7_uXti7gdMWKg61gXTvIKs
Mod user delivered

But i also had the head stomper, so i shouldn't take fall damage.

>an Elder Lemurian wasn't a threat whatsoever

Pure concentrated stupid right here.

HAHAHA mode continues scaling in difficulty, you hit another tier.

You went "out of bounds" which is an asshole about fall damage

>Elder Lemurian is more of a threat than a horde of Dunestriders as a fucking Mercenary
u r smart
>just don't get hit bro XDD, just use a printer bro XDD git guuuuud
Cool deflections

Hitting the roof is fine and falling doesn't quite kill you as bad but I have noticed the out of bounds fucking me a bit harder than falling .

nice, thanks
but that still does not solve , which is a shame
i mis-replied in my last post, sorry

That also doesn't make sense though because the platform i was aiming at isn't out of bounds and I never reached it.

I didn't say use a printer I said don't get hit. If you got hit, it's your fault. Don't get hit.

Yes, yes it is. Elder lemurians are ALWAYS capable of oneshotting you at close range. You should've known this before, you should definitely know this now.

>thing that kill is not a threat
>actual advice that helped others in the past is "deflection"

Attached: cute bait.png (752x749, 25K)

Good for early game.

Yeah, elder lemurians are more of a threat than fucking dunestriders. Did you get one hit by a dunestrider? No you got one hit by an elder lemurian.

How fucking stupid are you?

Sounds like you're deflecting.

Attached: giphy.gif (499x340, 483K)

out of bounds

>>actual advice that helped others in the past is "deflection"
How fucking deluded do you need to be to think "just don't get hit" or "hope the RNG gives you a Backup Mag printer" is legitimate advice?
How far up your own ass are you?

In that case you should expect to die at any point without a proper build. This is literally not the game's fault you zoomercore newfag, it's your luck and your lack of adaptability.



Probably last Bossrush test before I release it

Don't need to download anything

Attached: 20190417222748_1.jpg (1920x1080, 372K)

>without a proper build
Oh yeah dude, let me just through on Command then
Oh wait I can't and need to rely on what the game gives me and the game can give me a build that doesn't support the character I am playing, admitted by you yourself
BIG think

3 replies and I'll do it

Attached: 1531750236831.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

>Oh wait I can't
ye u can

you were a few loops in. it is statistically impossible to not get a good printer or enough tri-shop terminals to skip the printing altogether by that point.

What do you fucking expect? Us to give you a combo input to work on whatever level you are on to get through it?

The only fucking advice for this game is "go fast, pick your battles, don't pick items you don't need"

Is this your first time playing this type of game?

>Mod shit
Literally irrelevant to this shit-flinging

I believe in you, drawfag

Attached: risr.png (1200x1200, 701K)

>ordering before loop
it's your decision not mine

Does getting hit kill you?
If yes, continue
Stop doing whatever it was that got you hit like the scrub you are.
Have you stopped doing whatever it was that got you hit like the scrub you are?
If yes, continue.
Congrats, you got gud.

>it is statistically impossible to not get a good printer or enough tri-shop terminals to skip the printing altogether by that point.
>Hurr Durr RNG only works in the players favor
I'm not asking for fucking advice from you, Mr. Validation, I'm calling you a fucking moron for even suggesting relying on the game's RNG is indicative of skill

>i-it doesn't count
okay folks it's confirmed we have a troll fisherman here

Attached: bait iron.jpg (523x480, 73K)

>hurr durr ima scrub who cant adapt and who bumrushes tough opponents then blames the game because its shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Attached: bait pole.png (500x501, 70K)

I thought those were sticky bams. I was gonna say, bad day to not play Commando lol

It literally doesn't fucking count, you stupid sack of shit
>lol just mod it
You sound like a Bethesda defender

>Can bumrush literally every other enemy and come out on top
>Get one shot by a trash mob when you haven't taken more than 400 damage at any other point in the run
>Calling everything you disagree with bait
Stop trying to fit in so much, kid.
How much have you played the original? Or did you just see your favorite streamer playing RoR 2 and decide to buy it?

Post a screenshot of the highest you've made it in the game.

Its not the games fault you're bad. As they've already said its statistically impossible for you to have not found a printer for something you could have used at that point. Don't fucking blame RNG for getting killed by a creature that can usually kill you in one hit.

when they gonna fix the enemies tracking

Not that guy.

Attached: 20190414234257_1.jpg (1920x1080, 363K)

>by a creature that can usually kill you in one hit.
I've never been one shot by an Elder Lemurian outside of pre-patch Blazing since I bought the game, so nice try
>Post a screenshot of the highest you've made it in the game.
I don't take screenshots because I don't need validation from retards on the internet like you?

>Get one shot by a trash mob
if you get one-shot then it's not really a trash mob now is it? it's an elder for a reason, sonny.
>Can bumrush literally every other enemy
is the big guy not different from "any other enemy"? answer me honestly or dont at all, either way this is my last reply you'll get.

Attached: (you).webm (240x200, 137K)

>Literally perfect run with Merc
>Shredding any boss that comes near me in less than 2 seconds
>One trash enemy killed sets off a chain reaction that wipes half the map
>Decide to go to fourth level in loop instead of obliterating
>Literally flew off the map going to fast and killed myself
This is the final straw
This shit has killed literally every single one of my runs that goes past the Celestial portal, I fly off the map right as I start the fourth level and I'm not even exaggerating
I'm going back to RoR 1, wake me when there is an actual content patch that adds invisble walls to keep me in bounds.

Attached: file.png (492x493, 382K)

>Get one shot by a trash mob when you haven't taken more than 400 damage at any other point in the run
Would it make you feel better if they put a big ol' HP bar and title on every elder lumerian so you don't feel so butthurt when they do that one threatening thing they do? It seems like you're literally just bitching that it's not technically a boss so it shouldn't be able to scratch you.

I'm getting extremely frustrated because I find it nearly impossible to evade enemy attacks. Enemies are tiny, the tells for their attacks are subtle, the range of their attacks are difficult to gauge, and the reaction for getting hit is also very subtle and easy to miss.

Just a really really frustrating game to play because I'll think I'm doing really well but then enemies start literally teleporting on top of me and in an instant I'm dead. Not having fun.

Blazing lemurian 1 shot me

Attached: 1549943397122.png (714x680, 455K)

>play commando
>no stickies/glasses/syringes on the way to stage 1 teleport

You can't fly off the map in the abyss. If you go through the roof, you don't take damage. Stop lying.

>commandbaby can't into ror2
Like fucking clockwork. I hope Command never make it into this game so I don't have to share a space with you fucking niggers.

Attached: smughouse.png (399x382, 87K)

Just don't get hit lmao

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I miss Loader

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it's a joke, he's mocking another user's post itt

>Someone tells me to "just get a build bro"
>I'm the Command baby and not him
I can proudly say I've only used Command during Yea Forums lobbies in RoR 1

>he abandoned the rock and went into the open
u goofed
Please be patient, I have autism.

>I-it's not like I wanted you to beam at my chest!

>is the big guy not different from "any other enemy"?
What does this even mean?
There is zero reason a non-boss enemy should be more threatening than a horde of bosses

>it just added 1 million credits


Attached: file.png (2560x1440, 3.48M)

I don't appreciate you mocking me

Monsoon, Vanilla, US WEST.
Catch a ride.

Do slugs affect shields? I had like 3 or 4 slugs + transcendence, and after running ftom damage for a while I noticed my shield was recharging fast as fuck, even faster than just transcendence

>Probably the last one before I release
Jesus what did you do?

I only restart if I lack damage or movement.

Because seriously fuck doing swamp without movement holy shit why do I always get swamp. it's always fucking swamp, never desert always swamp.

This game is literally less rng reliant than RoR1 because the stations give you three static options to choose from rather than quickly cycling through dozens of items. 3d printers make setting up builds that much easier. So do newt shrines which provide a possible god tier red like Ceremonial Daggers or Tesla so you can grab two or three of those and instantly get carried.

If you like RoR1 there's no reason to find RoR2 easier. Less rng, less reliance on breaking the game by stacking defensive shit because you can actually dodge since it's in 3d, it's an all around easier game.

>There is zero reason a non-boss enemy should be more threatening than a horde of bosses
nigga r u srs? a smol lemurian and a huge lemurian should not be equally threatening.

Am I the only one who plays this with a gamepad

Not my clip, but that dude was surrounded by shit. rock won't save him from the literal wisp army behind him lol

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I play with a gamepad.

>4th stage in 10 minutes
Teach me your ways

An Elder Lemurian shouldn't top a group of Clay Dunestriders as the melee character in terms of threat

>t. engineer main

Ror1 had multishop terminals as well. It had the rotator shop but no 3d printers

i played ror1 with gamepad but ror2 is a shooter and i'm more proficient at m+kb shooters
however i can understand playing huntress or engi with gamepad

I've never been one shot late in a run in RoR 1, the farther you get in RoR 2 the more vulnerable you feel and that's the complete opposite of what you should be feeling when you have 2 Brilliant Behemoths, 6 Ukeleles, 5 Backup Mages, and a dozen Wisps

but he did, not because you're melee but because you're a scrub who didn't animation-cancel his dash into the ult. git gud

>There is zero reason a non-boss enemy should be more threatening than a horde of bosses
They usually aren't, but their whole thing is being extremely deadly up close, so if you're playing mercenary you need to be real fucking careful around them. Should brass contraptions and greater wisps not smack your ass if you're standing around like a potato and shooting at something? You just seem mad that something without a big health bar and title can kill you.

Seriously, no one?
Monsoon, Vanilla, US WEST.

his game is modded user
The rotator shop was extremely difficult to time, it was basically rng.
If you had all that shit and you felt vulnerable, you're just bad at 3d. You don't get one shot in RoR1 because you can't fucking dodge, it's 2d. You NEED a giant health pool and a bunch of damage blocking and to abuse i frames. In 3d you just need to git gud

>You just seem mad that something without a big health bar and title can kill you.
I'll freely admit I'm fucking SEETHING right now still because of it, why do you think I have been arguing the past hour
It's not about just flat-out "thing can kill me", it's about "thing can instantly kill me"

How are you getting high quality webms of that length under 3mb?
I use Webm for retards and i can only get a max of maybe 10 seconds.

Where are the lewds located?

Not him, but when I used OBS to record I would set the output to lower than what I was playing at. Think that has something to do with it.

Post merc pics
this is HIS PATCH, drizzlets bow down to the blade of infinite DPS

Attached: 31XXrujiD8L._SX425_[1].jpg (425x410, 9K)

the booru, but i can only find ror2 lewds in there while the actual lewds i am interested in is loader loading his dick into a lemurian's ass. i just wanna see if it's as gay as the artstyle makes you think it would be

I think the key is to resize it down in webmforretards, most of the ones i've seen posted have been 800x450 and lower

Attached: local man gets reminded.webm (800x450, 2.36M)

>infinite DPS

Attached: Acap.jpg (200x200, 21K)

When's the first big update?

>it's about "thing can instantly kill me"
I don't know what to tell you my dude, that's pretty much their whole gimmick. They're vaguely threatening at range, but if you get close to them they won't call back in the morning. You can hit them with the safe R attack and dash out, use equipment to deal with them, hit things near them and let procs do the work for you, or just ignore them, but going in hard against the enemy that specializes in turning your asshole inside out if you get too close to it and complaining that it killed you just seems silly.

It would be. It'd still make my dick rock hard.

Guess I've just never gotten close to one or Tougher Times just tanked the hits in other Merc runs, because I literally never got one shot outside of Elite ones until today

mfw there is no thicc female engineer with a fungus buttplug picture yet

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is the patch out yet?
I actually had a good run and it felt too good to be true

Literally came out yesterday.

Engineer is stupidly broken.
We were already getting limited enemies on Monsoon.
To the two quitters who didnt believe. FUCK YOU

Attached: 333.jpg (2522x1432, 574K)

>Have amazing run
>Have zero motivation to go back and play through the early game for another run
The honeymoon period is wearing off

Attached: 1543897442927.png (1244x706, 996K)

Its about how far you can get even with the painful starts user. Plus you got plenty of other characters that are actual hard to win with

>5 daggers

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Attached: 65076879.png (695x767, 560K)

host put on random stage progression

it was bosh rush and llike 3 overloading worms spawned on top of 5 or six IMPS


Attached: 1554768673594.gif (600x600, 58K)

What are you hopes, dreams, nightmares for RoR2 before it's fully released? I'd like some more unique side challenges like the Golden Aurelionite and its gimmick. L4D style versus where throughout the run, the Lemurian players will randomly become a spawned elite or boss.

I fear that Hopoo won't do anything to address the notion of late game runs nullifying any defensive item but Tougher Times. Medkits and Monster Tooth, as they are now, are completely useless to boot.

Attached: RoR.gif (400x250, 2.58M)

US East

Thanks for the run. I was essentially just a sidekick. Also apparently there's an even bigger island with bigger easter eggs. I imagine somebody with Gestures and Chrysalis could make it there.

Attached: 20190417144723_1.jpg (1600x900, 263K)

Sadly the game won't get much better than it is right now, Hopoo has always been shit at balancing.


ah shit, too late

The main things I want are varied levels, way more enemy attack patterns, and wayyyy more items.
Challenge runs with certain items disabled would be interesting too.

Here's boss rush dll
Only host needs it, anyone with a vanilla (or sort of vanilla) assembly can join with no issues. (Mirror:!S99T0azC!9FdqRmwKzH04TO0BKwm7kxnGI0vAogVIlqE0tqJ3Kxg )

I'd recommend looking at convars so you can tweak it yourself. (prefix is bossrush_)
Most important ones are likely bossrush_basebudget bossrush_playermultiplier bossrush_wavemultiplier and bossrush_power

Those determine how much budget the director gets per wave.
You can also sort of do an alternate playstyle by turning on sacrifice artifact & significantly increasing the interactablecost convar, that way people will have to rely on drops from monsters to get their items. Though that might leave you with not enough & you might need to tune back how much budget director gets in accordance to that.

You can also tweak how many whips, random items & experience players get at the start of a run. The whips are nice because the extra out of combat movement speed allows you to actually spread out a little to find loot but then get back together if a wave spawns.

If you find any issues let me know

Attached: 20190417232749_1.jpg (1920x1080, 405K)

Will this work? Let's find out

Attached: 1462080839553.jpg (500x500, 60K)

RoR1 is really wonderfully balanced. What are your grievances?


Attached: 1555522340754.png (1000x1000, 173K)


Game fun?

how do i edit theme "convars" you speak of


I think is the guy whose entire gimmick is basically backseat driving and trolling the fuck out of everyone who posts a single complaint.
I've seen him do this in almost every single RoR2 thread to date.
If he's for real, he's one of the most belligerent faggots i've ever seen. He's probably the only person who thinks incoherent one-shot game design is fun.
Monsoon merc is the easiest way to come up against every bullshit damage source that exists in the game.

Attached: xxxsamuraihentaitentaclerape.webm (580x326, 2.85M)

as described in

Ctrl + alt + ~ to open console
Yea Forums_ is prefix (or in the case of bossrush dll, bossrush_) for the convars and will help you find the syntax if you forget by typing it in and pressing down in console
Change convars by using "{convarname} {value}" (for example Yea Forums_items 1). To toggle booleans, switch between 1 & 0 (1 is active)
You can put these in autoexec.cfg file to always force a setting when you boot. You should create this in \Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config

yo modanon, I set my modded in game settings to 16 players at one point, and now no matter how many times I put it back to 4, there's still 16 slots for people. What gives?

>Discord is a necessary evil user
We got along just fine before discord existed. Nothing necessary about it.

just don't get hit lol

Should I just cuck myself?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-17 15.07.49.png (1936x1239, 2.03M)

I need to Loop Monsoon. Now.
Canada West, Unmodded, Monsoon

Attached: 1553900032034.gif (246x382, 1.38M)

I hope for items that increase health that aren't infusion.
I feel like a lot of the one shotting right now comes from the fact that we don't have any bitter roots or ways to just increase armor without doing something.
I fear that bandit is going to be unlocked by beating golden aurelionite, I did it once with some friends but trying to get that gold shrine to spawn is gonna be a bitch.

Someone needs to make a TeamSpeak Client that has the Quality of Life improvements brought by Discord. A list that shows who's online, friends, chat log functions, embedding, etc..

do it

Attached: 1554748296121.png (1024x695, 36K)

cool, so I have the autoexec file, now I'd like to know what each of these things do

>bossrush_basebudget bossrush_playermultiplier bossrush_wavemultiplier and bossrush_power

what values are the default?
how do the values work? (is it fractions of one? etc)

that way I can know how to properly tweak the difficulty.

Can spin away

>Mul T
Can drive away

Can blink away

Can dash away

Can hide in a bubble


if you type them without a value in console, it should give a descriptions & the value it's set to (at that time it'll be the default)

she can hide behind her ice wall

EU lobby, Vanilla

>inb4 "You just aren't playing her right/just 3D print stuff/just get Backup Mags"

>Artificer stays behind and distracts the enemies

Attached: 1554941696114.png (1800x3000, 727K)

>get sequenced
>outsprint my bullet
>heal 32 per shot
>no cooldown skills

Attached: 20190418001503_1.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)


The best defense is a good offense.

Attached: 1394104767510.jpg (640x846, 101K)

no it's not lol
>overloading worms, overloading vagrants, cremators are all incredibly powerful and blow every other boss out of the water
>loader and chef are absolutely broken and are way better than any of the other characters
>on multiplayer, bandit can cause enemies aggroing him to attack enemies
>infusion is absolutely busted

Artificer hides far away and takes potshots at enemies while using her flamethrower to fuck up anything that gets close.

Doesn't get hit lmao

Attached: 1552996794631.png (211x238, 12K)

>muh dunkey epic funny voice guy
>keeb sayin ib :D
funny because even getting cucked he gets more action than all of you incels

i bet you faggots have never seen a cock in your life

>overloading worms, overloading vagrants, cremators are all incredibly powerful and blow every other boss out of the water
What does this have to do with balance? You're not pitting the bosses against each other.
>loader and chef are absolutely broken and are way better than any of the other characters
There we go. But these are meme characters so who cares?
>on multiplayer, bandit can cause enemies aggroing him to attack enemies
Never seen this, hundreds of hours.
>infusion is absolutely busted
Only on Glass.

trying out hosting lets hope my internet aint too shit
US west, vanilla, mansoon


that went well

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-17 15.22.48.png (1936x1239, 954K)

I requested that pic in a draw thread here is another draw thread request pic

Attached: bikini.jpg (768x768, 106K)

Can't tell if it's my shit internet or you, can some other user try joining?

Attached: 1549413348310.png (512x512, 531K)

U.S. west, quick boss rush game.
You don't need to dl anything.

hey ive got a cool post PLEASE REPLY NIGGER

or you can reply eeplreply reply to my POST FAGHOT reply


Party rockers in the house tonight

got 2 other anons in here so it might be your end friend
3/4 mansoon vanilla US west

>Downloaded RoR2 and gave my copy to another friend
>He's stuck doing college exams

I hope he does his best and pass but fuck man, I'm glad these threads exist so I can play with other anons. Wish his exams would be over already.

Attached: 1553469364721.jpg (480x426, 17K)

3/4 currently

Attached: 1554782839352.png (1250x560, 825K)

dude what

Attached: 1460670698055.png (532x532, 155K)

>that huntress model on the booru

Attached: 1545533622821.jpg (720x734, 84K)

fucking heiress sub

the boss balance is inconsistent and some bosses are often run ending threats while others are complete jokes
i had a stroke while writing the bandit one, it was meant to say that he can have enemies target his teammates instead of him meaning if a boss is focusing him or if he has a large horde of enemies on his ass he can run away and fuck over his team
infusion is still way too good outside of glass, it can get you to 9999 health after like a loop and a half at which point you're nearly unkillable

Any content update ever since release?

no just bug fixes

Considering getting this game. Is it basically just 3d Risk of Rain 1? Which would be fine, I loved RoR1.

Just because you ask doesnt mean you'll get, i dont think you understand the concept of burden of proof. He never made a claim that required a screenshot for proof, so a screenshot isnt needed. I swear, all kids do is throw around phrases that they have little to no understanding of just to sound smarter.

waa waa fucking faggot niggers *smack* *smack* yeah take it KID early access to these nuts *whap*
>dude seriously ill kick your ass
no no NO NO

I think you may have misnamed some variables

Attached: file.png (376x135, 43K)

What a blunder.

please don't ever reply to me again

yeah I did, but I already fixed it
guess I didn't update the descriptions tho

US East

this is your average gacha autist

Attached: 1553169058651.png (500x334, 169K)

Does it stack at all?

I just asked if it was worth buying dude, the fuck.


he's just advanced shitposting, don't mind him

Fair enough.

Random question: there any summoning classes? I saw there was an engineer sort of class with the turret, bu is that it?

never acceptable

1 more get in here fags

Yeah, engineer "summons" a turret, if you want to put it that way. There might be a future survivor that has summons, but for now you'll have to settle with engineer.

>they supposedly nerfed burn damage
>it’s still what I die to 90% of the time unless I get a healing heavy build
At least you can finally play solo Mercenary without burning enemies being a solid brick wall of fuck you

you can get ghost versions of enemies you kill with an item
you can also spend money on drones but they're really weak
beyond that, engi is the best you'll get

rusty key is never good, even at 10+ it will shit out whites constantly

in the future there should be an item tied to killing the newt
I wonder when the first content patch will drop

pretty much. there's a rare (red) item, a mask that gives you a chance to summon a ghost of the enemy you just killed to be your ally until its health runs out, which will tick away at a steady pace. and some shitty drones that you can buy, but they are noob traps.

is there a way to get the game to favor spawning bosses? playing in single player you need to set the initial budget pretty high for it to spawn bosses near exclusively

I dont even at this point

Attached: 1461215426364.png (400x322, 223K)

Guess Im going Engi then, thanks.

yeah its 3+3 each time you pick up another crown
babygirl is a gold digger
drawfags draw the Newt Queen the crown belonged to already

summoning is for fags bro just dont get hit instead

they nerfed em
they were just so fucking stupid overpowered that even after that theyre still by far the most dangerous elite

US East

good early game, absolute shit late game, especially for red chests

crank down the resolution

>decide to just casually try long road with a random v boi
>reach stage 20 easily thanks to him gifting a phew but powerful stuff
>be so poweful that overloading magma worms and blazing bosses kill themslves so fucking hard that i didn't needed to think to use equipment accellator ball of anal destruction as they got wrecked in literal seconds
Thank ya dude.

Attached: 20190418004852_1.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

get in

it's EU

eviscerate bug claims another life
merc should start with headstompers equipped

was fun, cheers man

Attached: 1406589637317.png (500x339, 212K)

>i had a stroke while writing the bandit one, it was meant to say that he can have enemies target his teammates instead of him meaning if a boss is focusing him or if he has a large horde of enemies on his ass he can run away and fuck over his team
He's a bandit. It's in the name.
>the boss balance is inconsistent and some bosses are often run ending threats while others are complete jokes
If all of the bosses were Overloading then there would be no way to win.
>infusion is still way too good outside of glass, it can get you to 9999 health after like a loop and a half at which point you're nearly unkillable
When was the last time you Monsoon'd RoR1 without any artifacts? It's an incredibly difficult time. You need those thousands of health.

Too bad i forgot to take our of our equipment, we were more gay than a gay bar party

Attached: gay bar guy.jpg (551x561, 79K)

You know what the game really needs? Items that trigger off of cooldown abilities refreshing.

This creates new and interesting synergies, combining handily with alien heart, bandolier and backup mags, among others. It allows the potential for alternative strats and builds beyond stacking sticky bombs and other on-hit proc items.

Most importantly, it synergizes incredibly well with Artificer, who at the moment fundamentally does not synergize well with the current crop of items (or rather, the rest of the cast synergizes much better than her). She'll still need other fixes, but this would allow you to keep her current cooldown-based approach to combat.

Attached: 1554154206585.png (640x853, 303K)

>alien heart
>waifu image
>low quality version of said waifu image
opinion discarded, kill yourself

I dont like artificer's m1 and ice wall, the shit ball and flame thrower is fine
why on earth is the m1 limited by ammo, that is a blatant anti synergy with attack speed which is what they balance around since everything gives on hits instead of raw base damage increases
given how much skill goes into landing a non hitscan, non aimbot, projectile at far away shit, I dont know why they make you work so hard for so little, you know?
I dont have problems aiming the icewall, but it still seems underwhelming besides executing golems

Since all the game's maple-like elements are gone for a third dimension, we're probably not getting an MS easter egg, huh?

Attached: @@@@.png (413x143, 39K)

items shouldnt be dependant on other items, thats trash
uke, gasoline, crowbar, will of the wisp, and shit like that are all good by themselves regardless if they work great together



I lowered some stuff so it won't be COMPLETE bullshit, lets see if it is actually reasonable.

Attached: 1555462872344.png (1000x1000, 143K)

played the shit out of the first game but never maple story, besides the tshirt item that gave armor, what MS elements do you mean

I was running default earlier, and it feels completely fine. I'm actually gonna turn things up to get the ball rolling quicker.

There is already an MS reference with the red whip item that makes you faster like the red whip in ms

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 4.25.32 PM.png (462x392, 219K)

on multiplayer its 100% not fine

As soon as anything gets released, it's going to be researched by dozens of people, so easter eggs will be found in seconds and won't be fun at all.


Attached: 1554724438573.png (2000x2000, 59K)


>2d side-scrolly, rope-climby platformy thing where you space and kite groups of mobs while managing cooldowns
Heck, user, you're making me all nostalgic now

Attached: I_am_very_hungry.png (728x698, 265K)


Attached: 1555283355255.png (1388x1240, 546K)

god damn lol


EU lobby, NA fine

Need one!

EU Lobby!



Monsoon, Vanilla, US EAST

2 spaces now

1 more spot for my fellow americans

US EAST vanilla

Attached: 1555367892415.png (1142x856, 599K)

US West Monsoon Vanilla


how many times do you think the jew lizard timestop fucked her?

US East Vanilla

Attached: rormoney.png (290x174, 12K)

1 slut left

Attached: 1554947512645.png (680x660, 263K)

1 more


how do I disable chests on sacrifice?

Attached: 1554487619080.gif (500x506, 98K)

>1 hour run
>Only jank items
>blazing boss that takes a million years to die
>die to a wisp that you're pretty sure you killed 10 times already
Command when? I'm sick of these dumb slugs and useless chronofillers

Dang I missed it

Command artifact removes chests and only allows printers and triple-item shops. You can also increase or decrease the rate either of these appear as well with console commands. Look at the pastebin.

I prefer the first game



No dude, command is gay, this is the TRUE Risk of Rain experience

Just had a god run with engi
>10 glasses
>16 fungus
> 7 fucking fuel cells with preon
>dio x2
I died twice to overloading worms.

Heres the thing though, when I played on your server it was like there were no chests whatsoever and you could only get items from sacrifice (which is what I want)

neither of those are useless

I'm not who you think I am. I just explained to you how to do that. You can make a run where the only items are dropped from enemies and bosses (with the exception of green item shops in hell).

Monsoon, US WEST, Vanilla.

Come play for a bit.

Unity is the lesser of two evils. I'm liking RoR2 better right now, but it's going to get worse as they add more trash items.


>faggot mul-t stacking gesture of the drowned+glowing meteorite in multiplayer
>as soon as he dies he disconnects

What a lovely person.

I mostly just prefer pixel art and 2d if I'm being honest.

Fuck user, same. cumming buckets to unfinished art makes me feel more degenerate

They're going to balance things out as time goes on. I imagine red whips and daggers aren't going to be completely fucking useless when the game's about to launch.

>but it's going to get worse as they add more trash items.

Daggers are great when you don't have stickies.

Shrine of order is better anyway

Attached: A HUNDRED BEARS.png (286x91, 48K)

local man is fucking invincible

I just found my first 3D printer with syringes. How many should I get for MulT?

At the point where I finally find a Shrine of Order, my build is too good to give up, Hopoo really needs to crank their spawn rates


Attached: b3e16d721e7368153d3bdf3eb3bf176e2af8e532.png (1680x992, 1.35M)

now that I think about it, he just set the chest price REALLY high so no one could buy anything even if they farmed for years.

how can I do that?

100 stacks is only 93%ish chance to block. So close, but not completely invincible.

Hell if I know.

if you get hit you're either going to take no damage or go invisible. very powerful

Just ask witchanon

all he needs is to stack transcendance and he's good.

>get a good run going
>faggot steals everyone's boss items
>dies first stage 4, like fucking clockwork because item thieves always die first
>server dies shortly after, so he was probably host too
think I'm done with risky rain for now until either host migration or more content is added
also artificer is in a much better state right now imo, but shitters will still complain about her

Attached: birb dog.jpg (750x707, 84K)

I simply cannot be assed with these crabs. Where is the save file located?

I just exclusively play with people I trust and can communicate with

that was the third time, i became too invested in a fishing video, im sorry

the most redpilled man alive

> artificer is in a much better state right now imo, but shitters will still complain about her
Haven't tried her since the update but my problem was she died too easily, and that didn't seem to be changed.

NA East
I want to get Deicide

Attached: 1554675779140.png (700x464, 191K)

>not crashing the host with meteor

That's the only time I've seen it and used it, but goddamn if that wasn't the coolest shit.

Attached: 1522612040403.jpg (1600x1398, 114K)

Most of the runs I do well with her on I just killed everything before it could hurt me. She's better, but that lack of innate mobility option is going to always hurt.

Maybe someday we'll get a use item that adds mobility. Or just stack speed items on her first.

She kills faster now with items so she scales better. But it's the same shit defensively. I really think her wall should have a smaller cooldown, it's not nearly as useful as any other defensive ability right now.

syringe, glasses, bears, stickies, etc. we have all the good items already. they are only going to add garbage like piggy bank, dice, and spikestrip.

Do syringes even benefit her at all?

invalid lobby id

hosting my own because no one else is


Attached: 1555263234704.png (1000x800, 27K)

Get memed on

shrine of order is great, had capacitor

Attached: sequenced.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Is commando secretly the best character?

artificer is really about micromanaging your positioning and spacing. the changes made it so that instead of being a wet paper towel that falls off after the first stage with no defensive options, she's a true glass cannon now since her ice wall properly scales with items now, and her other moves have better proc rates.

if you never learned how to play her properly in the first place, then you're likely to still die as her. the changes mainly benefit the people that were above the initial learning curve, and the people that already knew how to do well as her

A smaller cooldown wouldn't hurt for her ice wall, but it's still plenty useful right now in large groups. It still works well on tanky enemies like golems and elders, but it also works pretty well on the new worm and large groups of trash now as well thanks to the explosion radius increase. I think that Commando's roll is in a slightly worse spot right now, if not even with ice wall.

It doesn't help that a lot of people aren't aware that you can hold down shift to aim her ice wall.

Not sure about flamethrower, but syringes make M2 charge faster, and M1 shoot faster as well. Attack speed makes it easier to unload all of her damage then sprint away and focus on evasion. It's not an inherently bad item like some people think it is on her.

it's no secret, user. Commando and Merc are both tied for the best character slot.

I wish syringes would shorten the cooldown on her M1 so with enough of them you could just keep firing without pause instead.

Now with 10% less Fighting Polygon Team!

Does time still tick at the Gilded Coast?

with her BIG FAT THIGHS!

that would be engineer

Hey I'm retarded and need to be spoon fed, what makes this game fun? Is there an endgame or is it just endless grind and replaying missions?

I can’t get keyed up. I definately beat the boss in under 15 seconds once why am I not getting it reeeeeeeeeeee

>excellent run
>suddenly ded
>kill screen doesn't show what was it
what the fuck hopoo
how am I going to learn my lesson
wasn't a barrel

endgame is becoming a god
it's a roguelike/roguelite what'd you expect?
the later levels and final level/final boss aren't added yet, that's why it's early access user.


Commando is the high potential character of the group. His setup starts boring but by the end of the first loop, you should be starting to see how powerful items get on him compared to others

>overloading worm with the changes

Attached: 1551275985710.jpg (646x663, 171K)

>play commando
>no sticky bomb printer on first stage
>exit to main menu and start over again
top strats


Merc is fun!

Sorry about my dumb deaths engi bro we could've gone on much longer if i wasn't an idiot

Attached: 1530160356852.png (1200x900, 1.64M)

host when

>being so bad at the game you need to get sticky carried

Attached: concerned koichi.png (674x687, 156K)

Mercenary is the most fun, but he's made of paper and his damage is mediocre. Commando is good, but he's basically just worse Mul-t.


Can someone explain to me the rare use items that give you elite abilities? I'v only seen one of them and it was for the frost elite powers, whats the requirements for them to spawn? Drop chances off mobs or are they only found in containers? I can't seem to find info about them anywhere.

Attached: i26r34ovcpf11.jpg (750x556, 71K)

I want to get the 20 hermits off the cliff achievement, will they eventually start spawning on the first level in the plains if I stay there long enough?

Why not set the item shop multiplier to 0 and then put sacrifice and command on?

extreme low drop rate from elites.

They do spawn there eventually, yeah, That's how I got the achievement.

I'll give it a try


Attached: 1528799009943.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

Doing it now, not seeing any shops.

Now that it's confirmed Hopoo browses the threads, say something nice to him. Add in HAN-D you colossal fucking faggot. Abloo bloo melee would be difficult to put in, yet Merc is more popular than ever.

Attached: Faggot.png (1012x163, 18K)

I'm a newfag, are percentages additive or multiplicative?
Royal Capacitor does 3000% and crowbar adds 50% to your first hit, does that become 3050% or 4500%?

Is it any elite? Also do we happen to know the exact drop chance percentage?



>hopoo browses these threads
hahaha yeah fucking right
add fireman pls

Attached: Fireman.png (2067x1724, 688K)

We already knew he browsed the threads, it's a fucking aggydaggy autist. Just how slow are you?


Some are additive some are multiplicative others are logarithmic

Get back to adding in HAN-D, faggot.


Attached: 1554398157150.png (768x1024, 26K)

>Posts a ripoff
MUL-T homos never cease to amaze.

Attached: CHA-D.png (768x1024, 20K)

us east 109775240994245246 vanilla

Attached: 1555119973322.jpg (960x540, 307K)

I think mul-T and commando serve different purposes

Commando is much less gimmicky but his ultimate results are way better, he also doesn't sacrifice good feeling control to get there.

Mul-T feels really clunky compared to everyone else, from the illusion of slowness his size gives, to having to change weapon mods to use different items or even just hit enemies in a certain position/of a certain size, to swapping back and forth to carefully aiming, to wildly spraying, to "just bump into them" gameplay.

Commando is just a good, streamlined experience that works. it might be boring, but it works. You play commando when you know what you want to see and what you want to get from the game

Mul-T is a lot of flash held together with duct tape and crutches. You play him when you don't want to settle on a gameplay style and want to have a lot of gimmicky edges on everyone else while playing a character who's identity is as fractured as possible.

too bad. HAN-Deconfirmed was scrapped. writing has been on the wall since the beginning. this game isn't big enough for two chadbots

How long does it take?


I'd say it would be easier to play to first loop and get a black hole to pull them off

How big we talking we here? noel sized? bigger?

Attached: eloy-gerardo-montemayor-ramos-noel-guns[1].jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Took me like 5-10 minutes maybe. But I didn't just sit on the first stage, i looped and then chased them off in huge groups.

commando also scales better than any of the others with items tbqh

what is the convar name for that?

>Get Stealth Kit
>Doesn't work

EU lobby, NA fine

I like this. Make it happen Hopoop

scratch that

There is a convar that lets you disable intractables in the list. and one for intractable cost too

what about a sort of Han-D but caller the jannie or the junker, made up from pieces of the previous survivors, like the core of the design it's HAN-D but it has the loader's fist weapons, the chest is cheff's allowing him to burn things and maybe it's legs should be a combination of both chef and han-D

Needs a movement ability especially as a melee character

What's proc stand for

Peoples Republic of China

flyers would fuck him completely, he needs movement
make his shift increase his movement speed while he is on it
make it so that his R can be used as a rocket jump by aiming downwards. Propellingl myself into the skies with his fire hose sounds fun as fuck

Is this a meme now?

host when?

Cool character design, sub-par moveset.

it's when an effect is activated or triggered.
>X% chance to attach a sticky bomb on an enemy. If a sticky bomb is attached, then it proc'd

What the fuck is supposed to be the combo of merc? I am literally too retarded for this, I have 4 backup mags and i STILL can't stay airborne.

both of those sound neat.


>search word on internet
>first result

Attached: proc wow wiki.png (886x838, 743K)

Attached: ROR2_SPADE.png (894x606, 642K)

>tfw you always just assumed proc was "procure"
>"proc rate? yeah how often you get that to happen. obviously how often you procure the effect!"


US Central

That is genuinely interesting and something I didn't know till now.

Attached: 1544735359259.gif (540x405, 2.68M)

Lobby bugged, new one

EU Lobby, NA fine

Modded or vanilla?

It's full anyway

invalid again nigger

Nice run

Attached: asdfasdfasdfasdf.png (1911x1065, 1.62M)

like this?

it would only work while the player is stadning on the ground and the mouse aimed at the ground. you would also need to be within the blast radius of the attack for it to work

this would prevent the player from getting blown around every time they use the attack.

Alternative is to have a passive ability that boosts his jump eight and speed similar to Headstompers but also has a recharge period

Attached: file.png (2076x1720, 714K)


vanilla 2/4 US WEST

Attached: tumblr_mll2u33R0z1r2du9bo1_500.gif (500x480, 242K)


>can't even loop since the patch

w h y

any ideas to make him better are appreciated

I like this

Wait what if.
Stay with me now what if we had a TRASH MAN.

>trash man

Attached: file.png (427x474, 18K)

That was fun

Attached: Gg.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

R "Eat Garbage" Consume one of your white items at random. After consuming 3 items receive one green item.

>play trash man
>MUL-T takes all of your garbage

Attached: 1524089212596.png (450x500, 412K)


That's ridiculously good.

I always thought it was procure as well user. Learn somethin new every day.

Attached: I AM THE GARBAGE.jpg (1116x1200, 141K)

This is actually a really cool design
motherfucker even recycles