What are you going to make in stage builder?

What are you going to make in stage builder?

Scala ad Caelum's tower for me

Attached: super_smash_bros_ultimate_stage_builder_screenshot.jpg (780x439, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A giant penis

A Minecraft stage.

nothing because this isn't an FPS and they've already made enough stages. Literally anything made in stagebuilder is 99% of the time AIDS and some random bullshit a 12 year old threw together, even though a 30 something year old made it.

Attached: 56fa203906125.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

the fuckin cage

Honestly...yeah, probably

I'm gonna remake Pokefloats and no-one can stop me

But you can make backgrounds as well now, so even if the stage is functionally the same as other stages, it will still be fun to make stages for the aesthetic.

A giant penis that goes in a giant butthole


Define 'Make' backgrounds. I'll be awaiting eagerly.

I can't
But the placement limit can

Attached: br15juk3wkd11.jpg (1440x855, 81K)

You can't stop me either Cambrian Explosion lifeform, I'm gonna make this Psyduck with an awful collision model and you can't stop me

They showed in the update video that you can make multiple layers, with only one of those layers of course being interactable with the characters.
This includes both front and back layers, so both foreground and background can be made.

I really hope that's a bit more lenient this time.


>we can choose any stage’s background

Fingers crossed for boss stages like Marx and Rathalos too

Why did evolution think that this was a good idea?

I want to try to make a Las Vegas stage using Fourside with Balrog’s theme playing.
I hope we get color choices that can properly mimic neon lights

I'm going to make an opabinia stage

Now now, there's no need for personal attacks

Attached: EP_opabinia.jpg (400x320, 29K)

what hour is the update getting released?

yes.. with just pre-determined pieces. i don't think you understand.

I'm gonna one up you with a Hallucinogenia-Floats

Personally I think the Stage Builder in Smash 4 was a big fat fucking insult. Sorry we have to remove half of the stage equipment because you can draw your own platforms now. It's like Nintendo feels as if you absolutely have to compromise every time you get something cool from them.
>Sure you can have a new handheld, but we're putting stereoscopic 3D in it and were cheap so you have to deal with a system now that is half as powerful as a PS2, and thanks to that shitty hard ware 3D will lag horribly.

>Sure you can have a new home console but it's also portable and you can only display it in 900p, and you can't have proper internet.

Hour 9 EST

I was going to make this, but I'm sure that a million of these are going to pop-up in the community creations thing.

What exactly were you expecting then?

>pixelated version of that Steve image in every thumbnail
Fuck me.

If the Find Mii stage background is usable in the stage builder, Im gonna make Pumpkin Hill.
all kino ideas im going to steal.

Thank you user.

5 hours from now I think

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what the highest rated version will look like.
Same thing should happen will all the popular stages. I kinda want to download people's really shitty Pokefloat attempts.

for you to stop hyping up some bullshit thats in the end literally novelty and will have a lasting effect of possibly nanoseconds once all of the 'LE RANDOM !!11 SWASTIKALOLOL' stages have been made and shared. just stop shilling.

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My brother and I used to play on this retarded stage I made called Feel the Burn. It had this pit with lava on either side of it in the middle of the stage, and you'd have to tech your way up to get out of it. I made it huge with cannons in asshole places for maximum deaths, and it was basically best when you played with silly characters like Ganon or DK that could spike you whenever they want. Also, Launch Ratio 2.0 for best results.
I can't wait to remake it in Ultimate and make it even more dumb.

there is still much room for improvement for Stage Builder to be phenomenal

just let us utilize trophies(ie base, background, prop, hazard, etc)
if a Nintendoshill is reading PLEASE have that for the next smash

Long as they're good and you share them online I don't think anyone gives a shit about "stealing".

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I like the way you think, user.

Is it out yet? When is it out?


Aku's Throne Room

Attached: Aku_in_his_throne.jpg (500x324, 45K)

I wonder how detailed you'll be able to make your drawings.
How many colours will be available. How small the smallest blocks can be. And of course how much you can draw.
Picture very related.

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my peenus weenus of course

>talking about a game is shilling
Christ no wonder Yea Forums is going downhill. Why did you even come into this thread if you didn't like the subject matter?

I'll try to make a 1:1 recreation of Nicolas Cage's face, as well as I can.

maan it really gets to me knowing Nintendo is a shell of themselves since the GC era

but I grew out of videogames and moved on to more meaningful interest so it doesn't bother me anymore, just glad I grew up with a stronger ninty and appreciate that

Nintendoshills don't exist here.

Or maybe you're just a cynical asshole who doesn't enjoy anything because of your pessimism.

so I could stop you hooligans from shilling.

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your peenus weenus!

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>t. 12 year old

Where tf is the update???

>t. "tired gamer" who doesn't know when to quit



Attached: gonzoface.png (489x585, 305K)

Whoa, watch out for this guy! XD

I'll try to make an Azurda (Titan form) stage, Rex's hut will be mostly part of the foreground except for the roof and back wall, with a window to see the chaos inside. Might or might not make the crane move with a box of salvage.

Attached: azurda.jpg (1280x860, 216K)

>t. pathetic 30 year old who still uses Yea Forums even though he doesn't even like video games

Tower of Heaven

Attached: screenshot3.png (640x576, 7K)

You're probably 13 stop posting here kiddo.

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Altar of the Moone/Sunne from Pokemon Sun and Moon
Skytown from Metroid Prime 3
Hekseville from Gravity Rush, specifically this scene with the clock tower in the background

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>only one wario land song in the game

Attached: Ben Franklin Troon.png (450x194, 164K)

You mean to tell me they made the release date the 17th when it's going to be the 18th in most of the world?

Snibbedy snab x-DDD

Probably a boring stage that has a not used very often platform setup and two cancer stages based on ones I made in brawl.

came here to say this

I'm 22, and I happen to use Yea Forums because I actually like video games, unlike you of course.

The same thing I made last time.

Attached: Bad.png (1543x847, 2.41M)

fuck yeah this. the best stages are the ones that are basically a whole new mode.

Excellent taste

Death box with walls that close in

>use Yea Forums because I actually like video games
you got the wrong place


>says the wojak poster

Attached: 1545296778856.jpg (603x506, 58K)

that would be neat with breakable platforms

Oh great, it's the "shitposting is board culture" faggot.

....Why didn't they say the release date was on the 18th then?

the dark knight rises' opening scene

Attached: 1552061205792.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

They NEED to update this with actual in game stage assets and scrolling capabilities.

What time is the update out?

they're unironically from reddit. they always proclaim how proud they are to ruin this board because "Yea Forums is for shitposting and reddit is for discussion"

No one tell him

I'm probably going to make my first map shaped like the Switch, using ice and fire elements for the joy-cons.

>Nintendo of America
>releases trailer that says 17th because it's the 17th in America
>user: stupid Nintendo can't count right

damn me and my friends used to do this and just wait for one of us to get launched out that hole

Because we all watched an American video.

Anyone know what time it drops? pacific time btw

This looks like the best stage builder yet but that’s kinda because the others were so shit

I’m just pissed they still leave out old functions. Why get rid of lava floors? I loved using those in stages, it’s basically the only hazard we got besides canons.

I hope they keep giving this mode more content but I’m not betting on it.


sometime today

>Why get rid of lava floors?
They didn't. They showed a stage with lava floors.

Also custom break the target stages

Attached: file.png (1024x768, 553K)

Death box

I honestly don't give a real shit about the stage builder. I want to try out Joker damn it.

Oh shit I guess I was just being retarded then. Awesome.

I’ve wanted custom targets and custom adventure maps for so long.


Pretty sure one can sue for that since they didn't provide any terms or conditions, go ahead if you can be bothered

This along with Sector Z and Planet Zebes

Sounds epic user, good luck

A fire emblem stage probably.

Going to see what i can do to make Xenoblade Chronicles 2 themed maps my ideas so far are
>Leftherian Archipelago with jellyfish titans as platforms / stage
>FLOS with conduit in the background
My xenobro

He can try but he would be laughed out of court

Attached: Creakingskull.png (720x480, 323K)

Sounds like time to remake smashketball

Attached: smashketball.webm (640x360, 2.19M)

The first stage I'll make, too. I made a Studiopolis stage in Smash 4 that used the cannons to simulate the popcorn machine, and I hope I can make that but even better here

I'm going to make a stage based on Varrock. DON'T COPY MY IDEA I HAD IT FIRST


Smash 4 looks as bad compared to ult as brawl did to 4

Can we play these online with random people please?

>can use the actual Studiopolis theme music
It's already going to be better. Good luck, can't wait to play it.

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Got any screenshots of that? Sounds cool.

>Super Smash Maker
>Sakurai and his team provide the assets
>The community does the actual work of designing adventure stages
This would probably be the ideal scenario. They can just recycle the normal stage assets and lengthening the stage size for adventure stages probably wouldn't be too hard. The only real work Sakurai would have to do is add generic enemies, and even then could probably just import a lot of the models and animations from Smash Run. Granted I know jackshit about game design, so everything I'm suggesting might actually be retardedly difficult to implement, but it sounds like a cool idea in my head.

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That's a dumb idea.

We don't know yet but everyone is hoping we will at least be able to use them in Private arenas.

>having to download new stages with every match
That's a terrible idea and you should feel bad for suggesting it.

As an option you can disable of course

We'll be lucky if we can even play them in custom arenas.

I hope things can be snapped to the grid. That's maybe 90% of what I want from this.

>what is Counter-Strike 20 fucking years ago

There's an icon to display grid lines so it wouldn't surprise me.

>a game implemented a retarded idea 20 years ago that must mean it's a good idea 20 years later!
I have to ask, were you dropped on the head as a baby?

this is good

You can play the communitys' stages? If so then this makes it a whole lot better than just making your own.

It was a good idea 20 years ago. Everyone loved it, everyone embraced it, over half the levels played in Counter-Strike were custom levels.
You can project your awful opinion all you want, most people would like to have the OPTION to play these online with randoms, an option you can disable if you don't like it.

sounds awesome
I really loved xenoverse 2, it's a shame it isn't a bigger part of smash

Don't worry, Xenoverse 2 will be a much bigger part of Smash once Goku gets in.

they're basically making a little smash miiverse for stages, pics, and the video editor movies

>community content is a retarded idea
I fucking hate consolefags.

Not him but you do know that CS is a server based game and Smash, like many fighters, isn't, right?
Think about why it might not work in this series.

Can’t wait for people to start making porn stages before Nintendo removes them off their sharing service

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>most people would like to have the OPTION to play these online with randoms, an option you can disable if you don't like it.
Having the OPTION to do so doesn't mean you wouldn't have to download custom maps when you do use that option you colossal retard.

i'm an idiot
just beat xenoverse 2 a few days ago, it's been on my mind I guess

Attached: nia butt.png (200x187, 81K)

That wouldn't make a difference.

If you don't want to do that, then... don't turn on the option?


Some attempts at a 'serious' stage after getting the memes out of my system with a stage based on this bad boy

Attached: Sneed's Seed and Feed (Formerly Chuck's).png (725x598, 1.67M)

It's spelled "C-O-N-S-O-L-E-F-A-G", user.

User-generated content used to be a common thing before consolefags started embracing matchmaking systems on PC.

First of all, there have already been console peer-to-peer games with custom levels and it's not been a problem (and the same was true for Counter-Strike listen servers)
Second, you can already upload your levels to a server in Smash Ultimate anyway, functionally the same as having a dedicated server to download from.
Telling me to "think about it" isn't an argument and a lame ass excuse to not provide one of your own.

Nice tongue twister there retarded, and what you're saying doesn't make sense. There would never be a circumstance where you download a level if you disable it in your matchmaking options.

Sure if you don't understand the difference between P2P and server based games.

Your Smash maps ARE hosted on a server which is why you can download them from other people who upload. So your argument is dead even if P2P was an obstacle (which it never has been in other games).

That makes no difference when you'll be downloading a file anyway. I'm curious to hear how you think it makes a difference for sharing maps.
Didn't Smash 4 already let you play custom stages online?

I'm going to create some specific parts of transforming stages, like the tower from Mushroom Kingdom U.

Attached: TowerU.jpg (1280x720, 444K)


>First of all, there have already been console peer-to-peer games with custom levels and it's not been a problem
Yeah expect for the fact that they all have had the exact same issues of long load times.

>you can already upload your levels to a server in Smash Ultimate anyway
Yeah but that server is used only for storage and not gameplay meaning you would still have to access the server, download the stage and start the game. That's why you have to download stages in the first place. Assuming it would only temporarily save it the stage would have to have additional time after to delete it.

>Telling me to "think about it" isn't an argument
From the looks of it it worked fine as one because it revealed how little you actually know about either of these games.

>Didn't Smash 4 already let you play custom stages online?
In lobbies which is exactly why you're being told why it's a bad idea for randoms.

Shit like this is stuck in my head because of what some of the spirit fights did.

Crocodile Cacophony in Halberd
Wonderful 101 in space or New Donk etc

Hey retard, you're forgetting the fact that Smash Ultimate lets you test levels without downloading them. Rewatch the video. There's no reason why they couldn't do the same for matches.

Bowser's Castle using the Norfair backdrop.
Ganon's Tower using the Find Mii backdrop.
Is there a snowy backdrop besides Ice Climbers? I want to make a Tropical Freeze level.

>you're forgetting the fact that Smash Ultimate lets you test levels without downloading them
Yeah no, you're still downloading them to play you just aren't saving them.

>Is there a snowy backdrop besides Ice Climbers?
Yoshi's Island Brawl?

Why is this stage download argument happening? I played custom stages with friends online in 4 and it didn't have to download the stage there. I'd imagine it'd function the same here.

The map files are probably tiny enough that they can be downloaded immediately. It's not like you're making entirely new meshes and textures, everything already exists within the game.

I'm gonna make a stage where you fight on top of Pyra's giant tits while playing with the Rex Mii

Attached: 1497404799803.jpg (708x1003, 119K)

>Yeah expect for the fact that they all have had the exact same issues of long load times.
LBP was P2P with levels hosted on a server, just like Smash. A simple level the size of a Smash level took mere seconds.

>Yeah but that server is used only for storage and not gameplay meaning you would still have to access the server, download the stage and start the game.
It would only take a little extra time for an option you willingly enabled.

>That's why you have to download stages in the first place. Assuming it would only temporarily save it the stage would have to have additional time after to delete it.
Downloading can take time since you have no choice but to wait for the content to exist. Shit can be deleted in the background without anyone ever knowing.

>From the looks of it it worked fine as one because it revealed how little you actually know about either of these games.
Still not an argument.

i'm actually not going to make anything. i'll just download other people's good stages. make me a good scala op

I wanna make a daily dose.

Steel Diver stage if I can have water and have platforms go under it.

Attached: Steel-Diver-3DS-007.jpg (300x180, 11K)

>and it didn't have to download the stage there.
You did.

Gonna make stages based on my never evers, 2Fort for Heavy, Underground Caverns for Sophia the 3rd, a Puyo Puyo stage for Arle, and Hollow Bastion/ Radiant Garden for Sora.

Attached: 2mae4ks5x5621.jpg (1462x828, 58K)

i want to recreate a location for this game im working on

I guess it wasn't really noticeable then since the load times were negligible.

Merchant Port and Tempest Peak

You did have to download it, which further proves the argument that it's fast as hell to download a relatively small level file of in-game assets and it's a non-issue.

>a Puyo Puyo stage for Arle
Based on what?
I was gonna make an Unfinished Tower stage for Amitie.

Please let me change fighters and stages faster in lobby mode that's all I want

Just a stage were you're inside the board and Puyo's fall from the sky rotating as they do.

no fucking kidding, smash 4 looks floaty now, just like brawl.

Attached: Fhm7Dwn.png (299x429, 126K)

>a Puyo Puyo stage for Arle
Nice, I was thinking about that too

This is what I will make first. Did this with Smash 4 as well.

Can't you can make background elements move on a set timer? Maybe you could get really creative and have a Puyo Puyo match happen in the background, somehow.

i had a lot of fun on this game

Ultimate has been the first game in the smash entry since melee that I've been able to play for more than a couple weeks before getting bored because of how shitty it was to play.

holy fuck would this map be amazing

you better deliver user

>Good old days of Halo 3 never ever
It hurts.

Based. Looking forward to it.

Based and banepilled

Yeah lava is in the materials section instead of in the gimmicks tab i think

Attached: DR. ANDONUTS I'M PSI.jpg (400x240, 41K)

Pic related and Bowser’s Castle/Airship

>we can now use warpzones to make dunks instant, making matches even faster
>using foreground/bg layers to draw hoops and the interior of a sports arena
This is gonna be good

Forgot pic

Attached: 2FB57E9D-F31C-4B4E-9EA4-D076A064A686.png (640x360, 68K)

They just had high damage and flew around like pinballs as a result.

I'll try to make the Street Fighter 2 stages, especially Ken's and Guile's.

Attached: Street Fighter 2 stages.jpg (1202x837, 162K)

Allowing community-created content to be shared with eachother in the game will bring more potential content along the way, similar to games like Mario Maker. Why oppose more content? You talk like the times for downloading them before a match is a long wait also, which is almost means nothing because the game uses its own assets for the building. that's a reason why building options are as limited as they already are.

Its coming at 7:30 pm pst btw

What stage is this?

Attached: iqnbxh.png (1387x775, 2.18M)

Tomodachi Life

One of the apartments in the Miitomo stage, maybe?

>Remembering you could make miis live in shit shacks with awful clothes and fake goods
Nintendo has a strange sense of humor.

>Tomodachi 3 for Switch never ever

Attached: 1457670536370.jpg (1079x1079, 69K)

It better fucking happen.
If it does though, it probably won't be until some time after Animal Crossing.

Gotta make it cum lava.

Poke floats

The King's ring.

Attached: the ring.jpg (528x220, 83K)

A tetris stage with actual falling blocks

I‘m gonna build this fucker

Attached: 78015ED8-7674-4530-8EB7-ABB2C006CF24.png (843x893, 439K)

Blood Gulch.

Someone better make a Touhou themed stage

Attached: 1546881138091.png (970x500, 28K)

I'm ready for "can x character cross the PIT OF DEATH?" videos to reemerge on youtube.

This would be fucking amazing but will there be enough room?

Imagine those lips on your dick

Very simple version of Space Invaders

>Foreground: the four shields that the enemies shoot
>Background: Several aliens moving back and forth slowly
>Background: Player ship moving left and right faster than alien ships

Simplicity is best.

Good shit user

I'm probably just gonna draw a F-14 from behind, and have it tilt and move around to the bayonetta After Burner remix

>tfw work late today but will be back by the time the update drops and maintenance ends
>Got paid today because banks are closed tomorrow and Friday
>No work tomorrow so i can stay up late fighting the 5 million Jokers online
Hell Yeah Motherfucker

Attached: hype.gif (1200x1200, 479K)

I just had a thought that made my dick rock hard
what if
>Stadium Mode added in 4.0
>Can make custom Break the Targets and Race to the Finish stages using Stage Builder

Attached: Webp.net-gifmaker (1).gif (85x97, 13K)

>can already use bomb blocks as a stand in for the targets
Time to remake some target tests

But you can draw freely in background and foreground, right? You can create geometric shapes or some garbage of this type.

At the least the inclusion of Stage Builder shows me that they're actually adding new shit besides characters this time, which is excellent

Pumpkin Hill is such a good idea. Please do it justice if you can! I might try my hand at it too!

someone should make a stage of this

Attached: 90d.gif (329x302, 6K)

>Still the same boring-ass generic assets and piece-limit meter as Brawl
Who the fuck cares?

I care

9/11 tribute

This. A fun dick stage with a flaming tip that launched everyone that touched it like cum and barrels that send you to the tip everywhere else was my best creation on Sm4sh and I plan to make the next one even better.

Attached: C3F9F69C-3226-40FD-93C9-1806B4B9E507.jpg (512x288, 17K)

Does anyone know if you can put multiple songs on a stage? I hated how in Brawl you could only have one and didn’t play smash 4 very much so I’m unsure about it.

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Some Jap will make Hakurei Shrine in a few days

The same thing I make every custom stage:
>box of death with a ramp leading to a small insert at the top so that soccer balls can roll in
>the inside of a box is then two ramps leading to the middle and is all about who can control the soccer chaos


Eagle's Tower.

Attached: index.png (240x210, 8K)

>Can Remake my Shadow Man and Wispy Woods stages with much more detail

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x225, 13K)

>Yea Forums
>like video games

Make it so that they jiggle

I’ll steal this idea, except make the shields into platforms built by those destructable blocks.

call me when you do

I just realized this is supposed to be similar to Joker's bedroom

If you could install permanent assist trophies I'd love to make a Mother Brain Tourian stage.

Attached: downloadfile-6.jpg (1193x670, 179K)

A giant spinning penis.


>no new mii game that basically combines tomodachi life and miitopia into one

Attached: 1467432652214.png (376x386, 199K)

I understood that when I saw that in the trailer

Fucking Sakurai always does this with character trailers

Like when Zelda was holding a flower in the kalos stage while Cloud was laying down

Fucking Pacmaze hopefully, fuck Pacland

you thought it was going to be a good stage idea, but KONO DIO DA

share it here when you finish, babe

A giant Ladder with Snake Eater playing in the background

>start new Tomodachi file
>Todd Howard and Bane become best friends

Beautifully memed Nintendo


Thank God for layers.
>furthest layer is dick
>next layer is hand moving left/right along the shaft
>other layer is the nut shooting out

there's so much room for improvement in a new tomodachi
the original, while fun, was undoubtedly flawed and got old fast
a new one needs a lot more stuff to do, and change some of the bad parts, like the minigames

Attached: 1538546425243.gif (500x377, 396K)

Come on, nigga, get more creative.
>middle layer dick and wrist/arm
>back layer the back of hand, four fingers
>front lay the thumb
>all arm parts move up and down in sync

>the original
The 3DS game was a sequel.

Attached: 1542336219538.jpg (240x200, 29K)

Spiral Mountain

Bowser's Castle

No, you can draw and color your on geometry, did you not watch the video when they showed it off with the SMB3 recreation?

Im gonna make a big titty mermaid and Probably get banned for it so, be fast and download it.

Attached: Mermaid.jpg (1027x726, 129K)

Time to make unrigged porn models in Smash!

This is edited right?

Nah this is the edited one my dude.

Attached: shannn!!!.png (1200x750, 1.27M)

I might make Towelket themed stages to appeal to the 3 other people out there that played the games. I've already got Miis based on the characters to upload too.

Attached: 54278733_p14.png (951x897, 1.49M)

>the dlc fighter is a masketta man

Nothing because I don't have a stylus.


Attached: clock tower.png (1366x768, 1.27M)


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Just buy an active stylus.

All I want is gay miis

Definitely porn/hentai

The same thing I built for my first level in Mario Maker.


The Xenoblade X titlescreen with the mech in the background. So just a cliff sloping down left, really.

Attached: 1455795477791.png (256x240, 5K)

But what song will you use?
I'm still mad there's 0 X songs in Smash

Why were there so many of these floaty, long water bugs? And why did they all die out?

Planning on making a few yume nikki stages

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