The leak is spreading already on Resetera and Neogaf, we'll gonna have the first trailer in less than a day, probably japanese afternoon
Expectations? Hopes?
MHW Iceborne trailer dropping in less than 24h
Other urls found in this thread:
no khezu no buy
Khezu is probably in. Hope it isn't just all ice and snow.
>Wanting Khezu AGAIN
Fucking die
Why? He's just a big walking willy.
>another flying wywern
So we have snakes again?
The only people who want Khezu ever again are FUfags who can't admit that their game is shit compared the sequels. It was good for its time, absolutely, but it's a huge piece of shit by today's standards.
No, FU is clunky, archaic, and has bad design choices.
But Nargacuga...
The only people who want returning monsters ever again are bingfags who can't admit that their game is shit compared to World. They were good for their time and hardware, absolutely, but theyre huge pieces of shit by today's standards.
No, old MH is clunky, archaic, and has bad design choices.
this shits still like 10 months away
who gives
Suck a dick, faggot
He's coming back though. Guaranteed. He's in the teaser.
The future is now, old man.
honestly it's just nostalgia from the first game on ps2. i couldn't play the psp games because the controls were fucking garbage.
It's just Tobi Kadachi's big bro
Two new monsters and some returning monsters
Mostly new monsters with a few returning monsters
More than one or two outfits I don't instantly turn into invisible stat sticks would be a nice change.
So the future isn't supposed to challenge you?
it's fucking here boys wooo get in nibbas
I want more non-reptilian monsters
Monster Hunter is a game for Japanese 8 year olds to play on the train,you need to eat a bullet if that was ever challenging for you LMAO
>lao-shan lung
>some fucking shit ass kut-ku recolor, diamond apex circumcized kut-ku or whatever
can't wait
Is this supposed to be the g rank? I ain't touching the game until I have a complete MH
who cares
Who's that on the thumbnail?
I like Monster Hunter World as much as the next guy, but c'mon, son. All of the new Monsters are just old Monsters anyway.
>Anjanath is just Deviljho... WHO'S ALSO IN THE GAME???
>Great Jagras is just Royal Ludroth who is a reskin of another monster I can't remember the name of
>Jyuratodus is just Plesioth who is just Lavasioth and is also in the game
>Kulu-Ya-Ku is just one of MANY raptor monsters like Great Jaggi and Velocidrome or whatever
They all use about the same couple skeletons anyway. You can't just call people you disagree with "bing bings" because 90% of Monster Hunter players (myself included) HATED having to buy a $200 Nintendo Box just to play the game that they enjoy. I hated it just as much as having to buy a $300 Sony Box to play Monster Hunter World until it came out on PC. Consoles, ALL OF THEM are fucking cancer. I would GREATLY prefer playing on PC, just as ANY gaming enthusiast would.
Who the FUCK would defend a shitty corporation that doesn't give a fuck about them? inb4 he just responds "bing bing" to me.
Great Girros sub species
bing bing didn't read
So are they gonna still delay it on PC even though Capcom recently confirmed that it outsold the Xbone version despite being released months later?
link to the leaks?
What did they mean by new moves by the way? New weapon type? Adding new moves to existing types seems pretty pointless.
New monsters are nice, but what's the point when we've already reached the peak in design?
Already existing weapon types have gotten new moves before. Maybe they'll make moves that aren't True Charge Slash actually worth doing on the Greatsword, or maybe they'll make Hunting Horn actually viable, or maybe they'll give HBG the marine run it got in Brave Style in MHGU
youll take your leftovers and enjoy it
New monster moves, one would assume.
>Snek looking asshole
BASED and Mongoosepilled
Najarala is the only monster in the entire series I never could learn the tells of. Absolute travesty of a monster.
Place your bets - how much Frontier power-creep level bullshit is going to be in this expansion?
In that case they might as well delay the Xbone version for the 2 people who actually bought it there
What are the chances of seeing a completely new weapon type?
>Master Rank
How much you guys wanna bet it's just a shittier and easier version of G-Rank instead of giving us actual G-Rank, because muh casuals?
Slim to none
*1up noise*
That doesn't make any sense.
They stopped caring about "muh casuals" as soon as the game released. Lunastra alone filtered like half the fanbase hard.
I fear how long would take if we weren't an "important" plataform for them
Can't really say we are far behind from consoles anymore though,
>when they give you faggot cape
half the fanbase quit because endgame was boring shit
IMMENSE. I don't know about Frontier, but where the fuck do you even go from here? You can get a set that gets
>Weakness Exploit 3
>Critical Boost 3
>Attack up 7
>Masters Touch
>Handicraft 5
>Dick Sucking 10
>Ball Fondling 8
How the FUCK can you make a set any better?
Literally no matter what they do you fucking "muh g-rank" retards will RRREEE. Even if it's 100% perfect. You know G-Rank has ALWAYS been a shitty gimmick meant to sell additional versions of the same game to chinks, right? It's ALWAYS been a tacked on garbage mess.
>Lunastra apologists actually exist
This snake image has been around for months.
Any idiot can make a trailer thumbnail.
Calling fake shit.
Place your bets
>snake wyvern
>tobi's cousin
>dalamadur related
>completely new skeleton
>literally my mom's snake
fuck that realist shit
>that skeleton
>rotten vale
if it is real it's a baby Dalamadur
Narga/Barioth reveal
New monster based on the bipedal/leshen skelly
Ice Vaal Hazak
If they were going to add a new weapon type, I would be happy with any of the following:
>Giant Boomerang, a ranged blunt damage weapon that doesn't use ammo, with the gimmick being well-timed button presses on catch to follow up with a secondary stronger throw
>Fists/Gauntlets, obviously blunt damage, that focus on lots of small hits rather than big singular hits like Hammer and Horn, with a gimmick built around Royal Guarding, frame perfect blocking that releases a burst of KO damage, so you can stand your ground against a charging monster and potentially KO it out of its attack.
>Gun Hammer expanded into its own weapon type, where you load shells into the hammer and can select from multiple ammo types like bows and bowguns, focusing on high elemental and status damage.
They don't give you faggot cape till you beat her :^)
>Royal Guarding
>faggot cape
Is it rainbow? Please tell me it's rainbow.
Here's what I want
>Buff hunting horn so it has good damage by itself
>Buff pierce ammo because piece is cool
>buff KO value on Hammer+hunting horn to match HBG sticky spam or nerf sticky spam
>do something about boring as fuck Drachen Armor/Masters touch
I feel like if we got a new weapon type they'd have made it a bigger selling point, so much so that we'd already know by now
>tfw no khezu in mhw
I have a switch, xbone, ps4 and pc with MonHun on all of them. Don't hate either, but have some issues with both.
Styles were a fuckimg mistake and are an abomination to Monster Hunter as a whole. I won't miss them when they're gone, and neither will you. That said, this didn't ruin my enjoyment of the game.
I was one of of those massively butthurt guys during pre-release footage who did not like the "casualization" of the basic gameplay loop. After platinuming the game, I see now that it was more of an artistic vision choice than anything else. They clearly wanted the game to be seamless, and the gameplay reflects that. I do wish the game was harder, but then again I left soon after Deviljho showed up and never got to fight arch-tempered monsters. The idea of the Behemoth fight pisses me off because I like to solo my MH games and from what I have heard that isn't possible with behemoth. My main issue with the game though is timed events with missable content. Whoever thought of this should unironically literally be shot. Easily the biggest mistake of the entire series and the #1 reason I won't be getting IceBorne and refuse to come back. I pre-ordered the game and still got shat on just because I didn't suck the game's cock 24/7 365 days a year. World is a great game but the devs can burn in the pits of hell for all I care.
What's the issue? I'm comparing the mechanic to that of another well known action game by Capcom.
>looking for something to co-op with my brother
>MHW comes out and gets good reviews
>buy it on a whim with no previous experience in the series
>completely blind
>didn't even watch trailers
>put over 100 hours into it with my brother
>one of the most fun co-op games I've ever played
>killed the big blue dragon
>kinda lose all interest
>stop playing entirely once I reach the real proper endgame
Game is godlike and easily my GOTY 2018, but I don't see myself playing it again. It becomes a bit of a grindy slog when you start fighting things with too much health. I honestly feel like the game was more fun when I didn't have knowledge on how to play it properly. Most fun I had was early on in the Wildspire Wastes just getting attacked by random things I never recognized. All my desire to play it kinda vanished once the mystery was gone.
I'll definitely get the next one, though.
The Greatest Girros
you can solo behemoth. theres people that have soloed extremoth
>laughs in penis
Too little health more like. If you're somewhat OK at the game you can easily kill any monster (aside from arch tempereds and behemoth/ancient leshen) in under 5 mins. 2-3 mins for non tempered elder dragons is totally manageable without even being autistic levels of good or a speedruner
Give me adult Gobul
Hoping they fix the fucking PC bugs that have been there since launch.
Not even gonna touch this dumb shit otherwise.
I want full texture resolution and working reflections goddamnit
They released a 4k texture pack free DLC not too long ago. Also what bugs? they fixed a shitton of stuff from the rocky release they had
HD textures are already available. Been up for a few weeks now.
The HD texture pack doesnt fix the normal fucking textures in game. Not everyone has the VRAM for that shit.
Besides there are other missing effects anyway
If you can't run it then tough shit. Stop being a whiny faggot, no one cares. Hopefully they don't add in what you want so you stay the fuck away from it
>Complains about bad graphics
>Doesn't have the specs for good graphics
>This is the game's fault
God you niggers are dumb
>Ran out of arguments
>Better call them niggers that will show em
No Guildmarm no buy
Why don't you email capcom with your exact pc specs so they can specifically optimise the game for your exact setup? That seems like a reasonable request from a level headed and educated gentleman such as yourself.
If the Snake Wyvern skeleton is back then that could mean they could get the Leviathan skeleton working too.
Guildmarm dlc is in already you doublefaggot
I never said I was good or using optimized gear.
Doesn't count
I would think that solves the problem about fights with too much hp being a slog then no?
I just want sandwich my face on her sweaty thighs
The first MH is always magical if you played it blind. After that, I only bother with G-rank titles.
seething nintendo retard fanboys will never ever get mainline Monster Hunter games on their bing bing wahoo fisher price toys ever again
The uggo handler in cosplay is not my wife you tripplefaggot.
Y-you what?
Rajang would have to get nerfed hard to work with world.
I want to fill her with slime and blow her up
Now I understand why all Sony threads devolve into waifu posting.
no tigrex no buy
You'll kill him 3 times or something and then never touch him again at endgame, why care
Hopefully double notes and oils return
I have MHW on my shelf and know nothing about the series
You think iceborne will be a good expansion?
Also do you guys think theres gonna be a goty edition or something on ps4 so i can pick up iceborne physically at some point?
I want to support capcom and its redemption arc
Aerial GS is stronger than true charge though.
The only DLC worth for the goblin is this one
Because the Sony fans don't let you talk about games anymore so all that's left are waifus.
All the Monster Hunter expansions that bring in G-rank are good because they do some unexpected stuff that breaks your comfort zone from the base game, for example this monster here
>Khezu's game trailer dropping in less than 24h
>You think iceborne will be a good expansion?
I'm expecting way more subspecies than new monsters given how long it takes to make monsters for World. It hasn't even taken as long as the usual G version either.
>Also do you guys think theres gonna be a goty edition or something on ps4 so i can pick up iceborne physically at some point?
It's Capcom. Unless a game was a colossal flop they always do something like that.
What makes you say that?
Neat. Hope the CB doesn’t get the Ultimate treatment where they break its flow due to how retarded SAED is in world.
>they'll make Hunting Horn actually viable
How is it not viable? I'm honestly curious, I have no trouble using it and If I go with a wide range build not only I still deal damage but also keep retards in check unless is a one shot move
Khezu is garbage. Gigganox is him but much better and fun to fight
It's completely viable, he doesn't know what he's talking about. True charge slash is also less dps than aerial GS.
Sure it doesn't perform as well as bow or HBG for speedruns, but it's a perfectly legit choice and incredibly useful for some fights. HG earplugs song for at's that love to roar into wombo combo for example.
>giant boomerang
>Gun Hammer
>another shitty worse version of a weapon like GL
If they are going to add a weapon if better be that hunting hound + rapier.
At the same time CB is pretty broken especially if it's a paralysis weapon. I mean, if you get a mount going then get the paralysis you can get off two charged hits on the head to get an easy KO meaning that monster isn't going anywhere soon and you deal a lot of damage.
>wide range
>as horn user
Big yikes from me, but keep that dooting stronk my brother
To be fair I use sheat 2 with a wide range horn build, but I only do that with randoms, if I solo or I'm with a friend I just go full DOOT
Senpai you can do that with hammer as well, I’m just pointing out the elephant in the room that is you retaining shield charge on SAED. Something they’ll probably change. I just hope they don’t break all transitions like they did for gen to “nerf” it.
>Buff hunting horn so it has good damage by itself
The only buffs HH needs are getting double notes back and individual horns having better song sets. There are way too many that either have no useful songs at all or just one.
Absolutely based.
cute snake
Where the fuck is my snarf?
Bow is a much better ko weapon than sticky, it's the best ko weapon in the game. Hammer needs a buff for sure because it has laughable ko damage, and is pathetic unless you can spam slide attacks.
Totally agree about pierce ammo, but generally just fix all ammo so that more playstyles are viable. Outside of magda cc HBG it's essentially spread or cluster HBG, and elemental rapid LBG. Everything else is gimping yourself.
So where's the snake image from then?
I mean, even if you're brain-damaged and prefer Khezu over Gigginox, Khezu has been in way more games, and his fight has hardly changed at all. Gigginox is better in every single way and has gotten much less screen time
Najarala could come back, would fit with Nargacuga both being jungle themed
wonder if we'd actually get a new jungle themed map
>another episode of "MHWfag hates the grind the series is known for"
fuck off.
Narga will probably just appear in new quests in the Ancient Forest
>Gigganox is him but much better and fun to fight
My nigga.
It's not gonna come out for a year anyway because they refuse to have console - PC content parity.
I just want my Ironwall jewel, user.
May Chungus bless me during the Festival.
hello, reddit
I do sometimes visit Reddit. They have a good Monster Hunter community there. Also, the entire internet.
Honestly, jewel grind is the most overall enjoyable grind in the game because all you are doing is playing the game and just collecting rewards. The hardest grind is doing all the canteen completion stuff and getting all the quest check marks on your board
I wish they'd bring back truly dark caves...
I've done every optional and I'm over HR 100 and still missing ingredients. I assume they're tied to the capture quests I haven't bothered with yet and to that end, I agree. I'd grind 50 elders before going out and trying to find a rare fish.
I'm sure I'll do it eventually but I can't be fucked yet.
Darkness would be a neat environmental hazard to take care of. Bring torches or flame weapons to see, or use a new NightVision armor skill to increase visibility.
>and getting all the quest check marks on your board
Man, fuck special arena quests. Whose fucking idea was it to make those cycle in and out?
How the fuck am I supposed to know which I do/don't have unlocked and completed?
Some of those are tied to specific gathering points that only spawn in their uprisings in expeditions/investigations. And even them it's not 100% guaranteed they'll spawn.
>The hardest grind is doing all the canteen completion stuff and getting all the quest check marks on your board
Don't make me remember my adventure of getting all pets including the pieces of shit fucing big size fishes that can go choke on a dick and die.
Great, can't wait to kill more of the same garbage, but with a different color outline in the menu, because all my gear is obsolete now.
I just want my boy Gore Magala and some huge spider monster
Post the link to that placeholder.
Canteen stuff is some quests you get in town plus harvesting rare materials. I don't think any capture quests are tied.
how does thad have access to computer?
no yama tsukami no buy
Do the capture quests give you anything then?