So now that insiders have been proven, once again, to be correct, how do you feel about Erdrick joining Smash?

So now that insiders have been proven, once again, to be correct, how do you feel about Erdrick joining Smash?

Attached: 1546794785369.png (710x897, 283K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I never doubted Erdrick would get in. Be careful though, Banjofags are going to keep complaining that their bear hasn't been leaked nor relevant for ten years.

rent free


Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)

>when Jack Frost was nowhere to be seen
>when there's nothing Minecraft related in the Stage Builder
Keep coping DQfag, he ain't getting in

Attached: basedsora.png (325x360, 109K)

absolutely based

Insiders never said Jack Frost would appear, nor that the stage builder would be Minecraft themed.

>moving goalposts

Roster speculation is nothing but a waste of time and leads to disappointment but I enjoy the CHADrick memes

Attached: VDdVvFvM.jpg large.jpg (158x228, 11K)

>yfw you see the bottle with a letter in it on that beach

Attached: FighterZ.png (1281x610, 953K)

it ain’t happening
Why can’t we just wait till the next one is revealed to talk about smash give it a rest for little gosh user

Attached: 7500486C-C33A-4DA2-8C67-980CDC160BBE.png (405x443, 77K)

They never said that, this is just fanfiction. Post a proof with a link or fuck off.

I'm not sure you know what goalpost mean, buddy.


So you have no proof, then.
Enjoy Erdrick.

I would love to have erdrick or a star ocean 1 or 2 rep so we could have a vanilla Enix representative. After that theres 3 spots left open, right? The after that would be:

Ryu Hayabusa
Reimu (Touhou)

But that’s wrong u retard


I feel like there isn't going to be another SE character

None of those are even happening u sperglorg
>actually wanting raymooo or doomwhy

Attached: A060181F-F026-46D5-9EFA-75B1EB09F633.jpg (601x601, 19K)


Every time I see Reimu I just assume it's bait because nobody could be that retarded

Twenty posts in and you were still unable to post a source or even a screen.

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Reminder that the names in the codes aren't literal codenames to hide who the characters really are. Ryu and Roy were in the code for Smash 4 months before reveal. Brave and Joker got removed in the next patch because the devs realized people found out.
There are no codenames, just names in the code.
Jack is Joker because typing Jack instead of Joker is faster for coding.
Pakku is Packun Plant.
Brave is Brave. not Sora's valor form. Not B for Banjo. There's only one big video game character who is literally called Brave when typing it out in English in Japan.

Dragon Quest heroes.

Its better to just accept your fate.

Attached: 1547154074555.gif (500x180, 8K)

>Implying I care what u think u stupid reaction pic fag
Find it urself lmao

I didn't realize you guys really seeth that hard over people liking Reimu. Thats kind of sad man. Then again thats how I feel about people that 'want' minecraft in.


>2ch "leak" claimed Jack Frost appears in the stage
>"insiders" backed it
>Virginben claimed Minecraft is in, speculated as part of the Stage Builder, among other things
>"insiders" backed him
Now fuck off

I just don't understand. Does waifufaggotry really cause this much brain damage?

>Jack is Joker because typing Jack instead of Joker is faster for coding
It was a code, stop being retarded

This is not a proof.

Insiders also said there would be Mii Costums from the Persona 3 and 4 protagonists, as well as three forms to Memento, there were three layers in Stage Builder and also said Erdrick would be playable next.

Attached: 1545896734674.jpg (740x738, 49K)

Kisses u

>They're gonna codename a character who was already revealed
That's like saying Pakku is a codename dipshit. Just because they shorten it doesn't mean shit

For coding purposes u sperg
Not the same as some secret code name

"Jack Frost appears in Joker's moveset" was from a completely different post that came after the "Erdrick, Steve, Hayabusa, Doomguy" post on 5ch in a different thread, with different user IDs.

Seems boring.

Erdrick is the closest we're ever going get to Goku or any other DB character in Smash

What? You automatically assume that any character thats a female is wanted in because ????? I don't even understand what the whole thing behind 'waifus' is about. The one girl character that you really like? No, the Touhou series is fucking awesome and its a huge staple in videogames. The universe and characters are cool as shit faggot. Maybe if you played one instead of pretending to know shit and just shitposting you'd gain some knowledge as opposed to just going "LOOK LOOK HES A REIMUFAG!11!!!!" and wasting everyones time that has to scroll past your 10 IQ half brain-celled bullshit.

tldr; keep seething. Reimu is a fucking shoe-in. Shits obvious.

Attached: Hakurei.Reimu.full.1390976.png (641x720, 343K)

To bad DB sucks anyway
Rather take a naurto lookalike

>straight up lying
Fucking pathetic

he looks like a fusion between kid goku and gohan to me

DQfags are scum who should be cleansed off the face of this world.

No one cares about dbz in smash dude, literally no one. go play as ryu faggot. or go play jump dog shit fgs. the only manga character that ever deserves to be in smash would be Guts.

Attached: berserk-manga-wallpaper_6301990.jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

>Seething this hard because a franchise you dont care for is getting in Smash Bros

this but unironically
fuck erdrincels

>disassociating yourself with a fake leak and support an even faker leak
That fucking leak was even faker than the other one since it said all would reveal by fucking E3

Cry most waifufaglord

Attached: 10CC75F1-A54C-4072-AEE0-B984095E2B72.jpg (499x378, 19K)

>Jack Instead Of Joker is faster for coding
>One letter shorter
>Pakkun has six letters
>Brave has the same number of letters

I really hope this is bait because it’s hilarious and I want to give you proper credit for the joke

Original leak with Erdrick, Steve, Hayabusa and Doomguy, the leak insiders support:

Six days later, leak mentioning Jack Frost, unrelated to the other leak:

Nah fuck Erdrick. If I'm going to have a Dragon Quest character, it's going to be the best one.

Attached: file.png (800x846, 385K)

>Source is reddit
so fucking fake KEK


Ryu was a shit character to add to
Why add fighting game characters
When u can just play that fighting game
The whole appeal is being able to play characters that would never be in a fighting game

I'm not a waifufag tho lol. Thats whats so funny. I knew people weren't kidding when they said Yea Forums doesn't actually play games, you guys don't. You don't even know what touhou is and its hilarious to see you all seething lol

Attached: 7a6.jpg (400x560, 37K)

Would love a link to that, because it’s the only thing close to “Insider Confirmation” I’ve seen.
>find it urself lol
I tried googling it. No dice

You can just say "I don't know what coding is like"
They're not going to make all the names barely recognizable.
There's not going to be Pak. Or Bra.
Use your fucking skull retard.

Attached: 1481933171017.jpg (500x391, 26K)

>No, the Touhou series is fucking awesome and its a huge staple in videogames
Imagine un-ironically believing this. If anything this wall of text makes it sound like you're the one seething here

Don't you dare think that Hayabusabros are on your side, Dicksuck Queer. We want nothing to do with assheads as obnoxious as you.

what did those retards say again?

i cant be arsed to remember

>not a waifufag
>wants his literal who loli in smash

Cry moar u shitter

I agree Ryu was a shitty choice. While I thought it was really cool just because I play alot of old fighters by crapcom, it just doesn't sit with me right. But seeing how their trying to make Smash now the ultimate crossover I'm not going to deny he ultimately had a spot. What actually gets on my nerves though is that they added ken as a whole seperate slot and not just an alt like femrob. shits dumb.

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Stop assuming what "side" I'm on. The 5ch leaks are all fake. However, it never said they will all be revealed by E3, it just said Steve and Doom Guy will be revealed at E3.

The Erdrick, Steve, Doom Guy, Hayabuya leak was just a random Jp poster trying to make it seem legit by adding "oh yeah, these guys were apparently leaked online abroad btw".

Nice arguements, keep seething. Reimu is a shoe-in. I bet you guys unironically wanted bandanna dee or some shit lol. fuckin herbs.

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Yah :( I would have rather had shadow but it seems like they couldn’t get sega to okay it I guess seeing how they waited to the end to reveal it as a at
Seems like he was going to be a character

>6 days
That’s one day later.

Also the first leak that isnt associated with Jack Frost says P5R is releasing in the first half of 2019 and we don’t even have a release date yet

>keep seething
Keeps typing out literal paragraphs

Ur the one seething shitlord

Attached: 206133E5-0573-4ABF-8427-D9EB78E0827A.jpg (325x247, 13K)

>First Post Dec 9th 23:03:46.72 Poster's ID:g2iNILpgd
"This apparently leaked online abroad, but no one believed it before Joker's announcement.

1 Joker
P5R will be released in the first half of 2019

2 Erdrick (Loto's name abroad)
He has alts for Anlucia and Luminary
Aside from DQ11S, previous DQ games will also get rereleased
This is to help sell DQ in the west (Nintendo is publishing 11S abroad)

3 Ryu Hayabusa
This is due to Ninja Gaiden's 30th anniversary
A Ninja Gaiden game will be released (unknown if it's a new title or not)

4 Steve
Announced at E3 2019
He has alts for Alex and Chief
He was intended to be in the base game, but moved to DLC to promote dungeons

5 Marine (DOOM marine)
Announced at E3 2019
He has a DOOM 64 alt
Doubling as promotion for DOOM Eternal"

>Second Post Dec 10th 05:02:40.16 Poster's ID:OQResSNFd
His stage is Alefgard
Male Loto, Female Loto, Anlucia and Luminary each have 2 colors
Slime is used in an attack
Made possible active cooperation on SE's part
It's as a move to help push the DQ series abroad"

>Third Post Dec 10th 05:12:08.75 Poster's ID:QeylIKUad
Stage is Mementos
Jack Frost is used in an attack
Promotion for P5R and P5U(fighter)
P5R is coming in 2019
Arc is busy with the Granblue fighter, so development on P5U is being slowed down"

>The thread that the 2nd and 3rd post are in is called "the remaining fighters are leaked" and the OP post says:

"Dec 10th 00:45:54.44 Poster's ID:V1XUkgJ20
Leon Kennedy (RE)
Tracer (Overwatch)
Hero/Brave's Party (DQ)
Sol Badguy (GG)
You may think this is just made up, but save this thread if you have a shred of belief. This is the real leak."

you forgot
source: reddit for the first one

keep seething. enjoy pic related.

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_rosele__2dbfc1aaaa6e72cff126893dc9594779.jpg (2480x3508, 2.92M)

If DQfans disappeared,
there wouldn't be a Sakurai to make Smash,
there wouldn't be a Taro Yoko to make Nier,
and there wouldn't be a Nomura to make Kingdom Hearts.

So think again when you say such things!

Attached: nomurasakurai.jpg (1116x1047, 194K)

>Reimu is a shoe-in
Pedos don't have a very good track record

Attached: 1535403721114.png (1920x2749, 934K)

here's your next gameplay trailer fight

fellow sneaky stabbers

Attached: fight.png (854x563, 274K)

I code for a living dipshit. Shortening it by one letter is retarded, and being inconsistent with how you shorten names (especially if the ONE instance of doing it is only by one fucking letter) is incompetent at best and braindead at worst.

Yeah bro I totally believe you code for a living and its not you saying that just to defend yourself

Woops yeah. ID:g2iNILpgd who posted Doom/Hayabusa/Erdrick/Steve says in the following post that the source for those four is Reddit.

Ezio would be so dogshit. Niggas already been in Soulcalibur and AC is one of the most boring franchises in vidya at the moment

Fuck off to /jp/ cringeass nigger

Shit pic here’s a better one

Attached: 1B98A340-F491-49F0-A1B5-E2F03AAD317C.jpg (680x1019, 97K)

That is Dragon Warrior, not Dragon Quest you idiot, learn how to read and how to write.

whos talking about pedophilia? you're disgusting dude. besides the game already has inkling in it you fucking creep.

Based. Leon is in btw

This dude was already in a fighting game that fits him much better

Face it ezio is a dead character lol
He was in games when I was in middle schools and I’m past uni now




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Gohan didn't do anything in Super and he won't do anything in Smash.

sword goku never

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>jack frost
speaks for itself, doesn't it

Leaks are fake as fuck, anyone who expected every character by e3 is retarded

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Seething and coping. Go crawl back to the same hole the Refusteves came from, Erdrincel.

They just pretend to like Dragon Quest, no way Nomura would enjoy that trash.

Who do YOU think Brave is user?


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Your Literal who is never getting in
> Sakurai's Smash Criteria for 3rd Parties since Brawl
> 1. Characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen
> 2. Fighters that switch models are a different matter."
> 3. Even if a character is unique, if they overlap with other characters and aren't unique as a fighter, they are rejected.
> 4. In order to fit the character into the world of Smash, I need them to allow me some artistic license.
> 5. It might be something like a courtesy to include a character who has the history of being on a Nintendo platform.
> 6. The character must display personality in their game
> 7. It’s important to have something that ONLY the character can do
> 8. Potential development issues, and game balance is also taken into some consideration (Heihachi cut from Sm4sh)
> 9. There are some characters that can’t join the battle, even if they meet the qualifications
> 10. Is the character the representative character for their respective Source Material
> 11. The character must have something inherently unique about them
Everyone in the 5ch Leak is deconfirmed, as well as Banjo & other meme picks by one of these

Touhou is primarily a Japanese thing, so I understand why you would think that as a westerner. But considering Touhou is so big there, it certainly isnt out of the realm of possibility. She has a better chance than most western characters, that's for sure

Cope harder SUBHUMAN

Attached: B3C1C8C1-79B6-4F8E-813C-60F7ECEED3DE.jpg (749x800, 283K)

Definitely not Erdrick, that's for certain. Most likely, it's Banjo.

Add this to the list

Attached: interview.jpg (587x233, 71K)

The only character I could possibly want less then a boring ass resi rep is sora or steve. im a huge fan of RE but i just don't even want them. shitty personalitys with boring styles, just give me doomguy or masterchief. pic related.

Attached: 1555401474189.jpg (554x439, 38K)

How is that B-tier N64 collectathon gay bear Brave?

Mr Obama

Because there's objectively more people who cares about Banjo than there's people who care about Dragon Queer. Cope.

>fits all criteria
I'm thinking he's in.

Attached: goku.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Believe it or don’t, it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t make logical sense, what purpose would they have only changing one single character name when “Brave” is the exact same length as “Joker” and “Pakkun” is even longer and none of them are changed to keep with “calling characters what they are”?

Wrong and again how is that gay bear “Brave”?

I wana be Jill:(

The stats 100% matches up. Cope more.

What stats? The ones who had Joker as a midget?

Attached: D9B5F58D-72C1-4F7C-A94F-C977B2F08B98.jpg (459x550, 50K)

1) Dragon Quest has a large audience in JPN, but it's not large overseas. Especially since it's DQ3, only middleaged japanese like Sakurai or diehard DQfans would remember and love DQ3.

2) Erdrick has no legacy, he was literally only playable in one game.

3) With your ignorance, you have also not mentioned that the larger audience of DQ is in Japan, and you make it sound like it's worldwide known. Ironic, you say that people are ignorant for ignoring that it's the second best NES selling title, yet you're ignorant for not pointing out that it's only large in Japan.

4) The musical composer is still a large problem, considering it also took him 30 years to make any complete soundtrack of DQ songs to be sold overseas.

5) Stop this, face the fact that the only leak that started this Erdrick talk was the Granblue leak, which was also deconfirmed the second we saw the Mementos stage. Please be honorable and cope alone in peace.

>calls sora and Leon boring and personality less
Wants 2 of the same MUHH GUNS faceless shootermen
>anime girl pic

U could have just said u have downs

>People are still clinging to the Brave = Erdrick theory
>Even though Jack is Joker's code name and Jack Frost is nowhere to be seen, severing the only leak that codename had with that character
I'd be willing to believe Brave is a character that starts with a B before I believed dumb circumstantial evidence like "he's called brave in some translations" and "there's that picture of Kirby and the DQ shield"

shoo shoo, cuckrick autist

Imagine believing this
If so many people care about that dumb fag bear then why has it been dead for over a decade shitlord?
That’s what I thought no one cares about Muh N64 autism character

Attached: 6b5.png (680x550, 95K)

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>t-t-they're placeholder stats!
Then prove it.
Prove that BRAVE'S stats are placeholders. Even if Joker's stats were placeholders, it don't mean that Brave's stats were. So prove it.
>I-I can't
Thought so.
Cope more. You don't have evidence that the datamined stats for Brave isn't final. Also, Brave starts with B, has five letters and Banjo is certainly a brave bear.

>Current Kirby series Director at HAL calls Erdrick "Brave" in English
>SE Japan also internally translates the class as "Brave"

Yeah, I'm thinking he's in.

Attached: brave.jpg (1200x664, 176K)

The fuck is a npc?

>Even though Jack is Joker's code name and Jack Frost is nowhere to be seen, severing the only leak that codename had with that character
The connection is that Jack and Joker are both playing cards.

>Insiders proven wrong
>"No seriously, insiders are right"
Is this opposite day OP

DQXI Sold 1 million on the west, more than games like Bayonetta 2 and plenty of other games, XI sold double than Persona 5 for example.
Erdrick is literally the grand father of JRPGs.
The rest is embarrassing zoomer low IQ garbage not worth responding.

I’ll be laughing and posting a pic of your pathetic subhuman post when Erdrick is confirmed over and over on Yea Forums for at least 1 year.

Holy shit ur actually autistic aren’t u

Dragon Queer consistently sells like shit everywhere but Japan, and you chucklefucks expect men of logic to believe that Nintendo would unironically put in a bad-selling third party franchise in Smash Bros? Absolutely delusional.

And how does this prove the connection between Brave and Erdrick?

I mean I’m against Erdrick but this is a garbage fire of an argument. If the stats for Joker were incorrect, there’s a perfectly valid reason to believe they won’t line up for Brave either, which just means we can’t use it in favor or against anything. (Although the Pakkun stats were accurate if I recall correctly so who knows?)

Joker stars were placeholder, that’s a fact, he’s taller than Young Link.
>Brave means Bear because both start with a B and Banjo is a brave bear

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Attached: eTeDkrZ.png (1024x625, 506K)

>using an old magazine ad as "proof"

Attached: straw.jpg (3264x1832, 1.35M)

rent free

>Nintendo instagram posts a picture of a Skull Kid figure during all of the Skull Kid discussion
>Reggie had a skull kid figure on his desk during the Diablo trailer on the Nintendo Youtube channel
Yep, I'm thinking he's in.
This is how you sound.

Retards like you are asking to get BTFO'd when Virgindrick is officially disconfirmed.

>Brave starts with B, has five letters and Banjo is certainly a brave bear

Attached: FAC12BFE-A58A-4315-8274-C1F2E075ACCF.jpg (467x333, 87K)

>DQ fans: Make some of the most influential games ever made, such as Nier and Kingdom Hearts
>DQ haters: make subpart shitposting on Yea Forums
The difference is telling...

Attached: DF34QenUwAADPEu.jpg (637x427, 66K)

Again, you fail to point out information. It sold 1 million overseas, yet it sold at least 3.2 million units back in Homeisland Japan. Bayonetta was added because she was high on the ballot, and Persona 5 was added for unknown reasons.

Erdrick is literally the grandfather of JRPGs, and he would've stayed a grandfather if this fake leak talk didn't have him included.

Buy a bucket, better 1-2 liter to hold your tears.

>dragon quest doesnt sell well in the west why would they put erderick in

Nintendo is putting erderick in to shill DQ you dumbasses. General reminder that Nintendo chose the DLC, sakurai just approved it, and they clearly want to push DQ in the west. They are publishing DQXI in the West, they spent more time talking about DQ last direct than anything else aside from Fire Emblem, which was the focus of the direct.

>Japanese sales don’t count in this Japanese game

Are you retarded?

Attached: 2D1652F1-47B1-4393-93BB-AA7A9B8DF8CC.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

What was the word again? Oh yeah

You're the one believing in Erdrick here.

>Just you wait! I'll get you next time virginbin!
You sound like a saturday morning cartoon villain.

Reminder that no matter how much you shitpost and seethe, Banjo is never getting a new game.

Notice how he didn't respond to this either. Btfo so hard

You mean the datamine? What you said doesn’t make sense.

>they spent more time talking about DQ last direct than anything else aside from Fire Emblem
Because the direct also airs in Japan retard, it the definitive edition of a game most Japs probably bought, so they wanna convince Japs to buy it again.

There’s nothing to respond retard, the point is Japs use Brave when they talk about Erdrick, you missed the point entirely thanks to your low IQ.



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Nice Roleplay user!
You really got em’

heh, funny you call me making no sense yet here you are making claims that Erdrick is still in, after even the main source of the Erdrick rumor talk has been debunked

you're on the losing side of the dlc war
come on, there's no shame in stopping believing
that Erdrick is in

afterall, there's a ton of speculation that the next DLC fighter is going to be revealed at E3, wouldn't it be a large flop if they revealed a literal who

>still seething about being a retard
Keep coping faggot

DBZ fags need to get out. Your shitty Naruto ripoff character isn't getting into smash.

There was never a war, Erdrick has been confirmed since the Brave datamine, but you’re free to keep seething over your gay bear being a dead IP that won’t be in Smash.

Attached: 33A8784C-3717-4E37-9468-A6927EF2D0B5.png (630x730, 372K)

>you chucklefucks expect men of logic to believe that Nintendo would unironically put in a bad-selling third party franchise in Smash Bros?
Well yeah, Bayonetta got in.

Why Banjo? I have no problem with people who want Banjo, it's an old series that was born on Nintendo, and that is what matters.

All of those characters are irrelevant literal who's, also you faggots underestimate how much people like Crono
> Most popular characters each year (100k to 150k Voters)
> 2002: Link (1st), Mario (2nd), Sephiroth (3rd), Crono (4th), Samus (5th), Scorpion (6th)
> 2003: Cloud (1st), Sephiroth (2nd), Link (3rd), Rockman (4th), Snake (5th), Mario (6th)
> 2004: Link (1st), Snake (2nd), Cloud (3rd), Crono (4th), Sephiroth (5th), Samus (6th)
> 2005: Link (1st), Sephiroth (2nd), Cloud (3rd). Mario (4th), Rockman (5th), Samus (6th)
> 2006: Link (1st), Sephiroth (2nd), Cloud (3rd), Snake (4th), Mario (5th), Samus (6th)
> 2007: Link (1st), Snake (2nd), Cloud (3rd), Sephiroth (4th), Samus (5th), Dante (6th)
> 2008: Link (1st), Snake (2nd), Cloud (3rd), Crono (4th), Rockman (5th), Samus (6th)
> 2010: Link (1st), Cloud (2nd), Sephiroth (3rd), Snake (4th), Mario (5th), Samus (6th)
> 2013: Link (1st), Snake (2nd), Samus (3rd), Squirtle (4th), A.Ketchum (5th). Pikachu (6th)
> 2018: Link (1st), Cloud (2nd), Princess Zelda (3rd), Mario (4th), Samus (5th), Crono (6th)

>Erdrick has been confirmed since the Brave datamine
>also posting most overrated FE girl

>Erdrick has been confirmed since the Brave datamine
based retard

Who the fuck is Rockman?

your worst nightmare has arrived

Attached: 1544158989822.png (1280x717, 1.63M)

Mega Man

t. erdrincel.

Please keep seething, i feed off your anger.

How does it feel knowing Banjo is never getting a new game while i’m getting 2 new DQ games this year and a rep in Smash? You literally have nothing to look forward to in the future.

Attached: 6340454B-3822-4FCB-BAA5-0B2440EE75BA.png (388x412, 240K)

This would be so disappointing if it's real. I mean Ryu is kinda based but we already have two ninjas and Doomguy is just Master Chief without personality. Steve and Erdrick are just trash.

So show me a screenshot you subhuman.

>brave datamine
Mate, your FE drinking Discord emote won't help your case.

>but he's named brave
Alright, so he's named Brave, which then translates over to Hero, which then is Erdrick, ergo. it's an easy link. What you're basically saying is that Nintendo have not learnt their lesson about naming DLC codenames, and instead just translated this and that.

>but the datamine
The datamine has the stats of someone who floats during the air and is around Mario's height, with the possibility of sliding when turning. Doesn't sound like Goku with a sword to me.

>but the stats are temporarily
How would you know they are temporarily?

>Gay bear being a dead IP
King K. Rool's last game appearance was in 2008, in Super Mario Sluggers. Banjo's last game was in 2008. Both are high on the ballot. You may cope now.

pic related; me atm

Attached: 1555290194082.gif (390x277, 2.41M)

Nobody cares about any of those characters & Tecmo already stated that if DOA gets a rep it will be Kasumi.

Don't forget the movie, based Yuushachad!

Sell me on Sword Gohan, what makes him different from the other anime swordsmen Smashfags hate so much?

It had like 2 games dude
It’s a dead series
And the character is ugly as fuck

Literally no reason for it to be in
Literally no one cares about it
It’s just retarded man children throwing autism fits because they don’t have their retarded bear

>keeps posting overrated FE girls
Erdrick isn't coming faggot, better to accept it now than getting BTFO later

>but he's named brave
>but but stats
Joker stats were placeholder

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literally seething


Banjo always looked like a discount Nintendo mascot.

>not this based fellow
He would have a final smash that would teleport the enemy players into skyrim

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I’m thinking sephiroth is in

That's because he is.

We just can't stop winning, Banjobros.

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>But he's named Brave
So you are literally saying that Nintendo has learnt nothing about DLC codenaming.
>but the stats
Joker's were, but how are you sure Brave's are? You are saying it as if you know that they're placeholders, yet you have no evidence. The difference here is that I do not know if they are placeholders, so each possibility are the same.

Also, you ignored my statement about the datamine and them being a dead IP. Cope.

Based, Rarereplay flopped and the only evidence they have of Banjo being cared about is minuscule fan polls MEANWHILE

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You know, you may think that posting smug garbage girls may give the illusion that you are actually feeling as smug as they are, but on the contrary it just confirms how much you're seething at the moment.

Just like how the Grinch leak was confirmed

>Dragon Quest
New games every year, developer streams, movies, figures and even books to collect.


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he was a nintendo mascot, if he wasn't bought out, he would be right next to DK.

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>and a rep in smash
Keep assuming like this and you’ll get depressed when you’re wrong, just a word of warning

He was basically a lock as soon as Cloud got in, it's like adding Mario without Luigi

Got called out didn’t u?
are ur feefees hurt fag?

sword too long

But he didn’t and is now an irrelevant dead gay looking bear with games that aged like milk.
Imagine seething this hard.

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It hurts to admit it but this makes a lot of sense. Specially with the leaks before the data mine saying that we would be getting a Square Enix character plus the newest Dragon Quest coming to the Switch. At least Joker looks cool I guess.

it's like adding Wario and Waluigi it rhymes

Not an argument, same with the Ridley is too big meme

that leak falls flat as soon as you see where the source of it came from

so this is the power of smash bros threads... not bad


Not even a response?
Come on, I expected better of you.
You could've argued that Nintendo thought that this was enough, or that K. Rool was higher requested or easier to get than Banjo, but you just had to blow it all away by not responding.

I recommend Phenibut, I heard it's a very great antidepressant.

>FIFA sells more than any video game combined
>Games released annually
>Guys, I think FIFA is in

Looking forward to niether Erdrick or Banjo getting in

I'm not the one incessantly posting smug reaction images in order to hide how I'm actually feeling.

>the rareware spirits found in the datamine

reminder that DQ games are literally the lowest tier of JRPGs. boring as shit.


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There's been a shiton of leaks posted in 4/5chan before. What's your point?

>link literally always in first
How does he keep doing it

The leak also claims that Joker uses Jack Frost for his attack. Clearly, as stated by the other Phantom Thieves, Joker uses only one Persona, which is essentially his own persona.

have sex

So, who is behind this? Sorafags being bitter as always that even Nomura would rather have DQ in Smash than KH or Steve zoomers who have realized the DQ fanbase is too old for their bullshit?

The reason people started to consider Erdrick was because one of them predicted the Granblue fighting game. The same leak said we would be seeing Jack Frost and we got nothing. You can’t pick and choose, buddy



His Designs are always top tier & he looks cool as fuck in every game, it also helps that Zelda games are usually amazing

It wasn't even the same poster, user.

What do you want me to respond exactly? Are you implying they expected the game to get datamined?

All the proof you need is that Brave can no longer be found in the game files.

I mean you keep doing this, saying some retarded shit and expecting people to respond when there’s nothing to respond, you are literally not making sense, calm down.

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im just joking, but adding (1) maybe 2 more song to the FF7 playlist would be nice

How did insiders get proven right? I didnt see anything that lined up

Try again.

Cope harder grinchfag.

>Jack Frost is used in a attack
So its fake then?

It’s like a group of autistic children screeching and hitting eachother for no reason at all
Simply amazing

I knew the grinch was BS too, cope and seethe.

Wrong. He's in.

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I am the one saying retarded shit?
My words:
">but the stats
Joker's were, but how are you sure Brave's are? You are saying it as if you know that they're placeholders, yet you have no evidence. The difference here is that I do not know if they are placeholders, so each possibility are the same."

Your words; "...but you’re free to keep seething over your gay bear being a dead IP that won’t be in Smash."

Your arguments have been debunked ultimately, so I expected you to at least come to a fair judgement where you have accepted the fact that Erdrick, a character that most of the world had forgotten about (and admit it, still don't know, because, you know, he's only popular in Japan), will not come into Smash.

I will say it again, there's absolutely no shame in admitting that you are wrong. There's still time to correct yourself.

No one really knows until prove wrong. Vergeben had some correct info regarding the last two non-DLC characters; Incineroar and Ken. That made him look really trustworthy but he then claimed we would get a Square Enix rep as the first DLC character and when that didn't happen he lost most credibility.

yeah, basically



It's going to be hilarious when it turns out that Jack Frost is a super rare spawn on Mementos similar to Dracula/Kid Dracula on the Castlevania stage.

So is there anything realistically stopping Sephiroth at this point?

Weren’t you the retard saying the stats aren’t placeholders? So how do you explain Joker stats being place holder?
No, saying “but but Brave’s stats could be real” is not a valid argument.

I mean you have to at least try to follow the conversation if you expect me to put effort in a response.

Must be hard placing all your hopes for months in a place holder stat that is now objectively been proven wrong.

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How much Square wants to shill FF7R


>Joker's were, but how are you sure Brave's are?

lmao are you for real?

>P5R will be released in the first half of 2019
No way in hell is P5R going to be released that soon.

Wow so you gave up that easy huh?

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So far, there is small proof that they are temporarily. If these stats do, in fact, change, then they are just temporarily as all of you said. This doesn't change the fact that the leakers who said that Erdrick is in has been debunked, and that his codename is too convenient and nothing else.

I just don’t want him because he’s really boring. Same with shit like that one ninja man or Leon.

>ff7r coming up
Yah there’s literally nothing
He’s the next fighter isn’t he :3

Hey, that ain't me, man.

SE's greed

>Sorafag actually seething his creator has betrayed him

>Literally admitting Erdrick is in

lmao, i’ll still bully Banjocucks like you every chance i get, the ones behind dead characters like Banjo and Geno are always especially insecure and easy to trigger.

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>he’s not me
>butt actually he is

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The right choice

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erdrick in


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I was the guy who wrote that long shit. (this)

As I said and stated, even if you ignore this basic stat thing, you still have the problem of several fake rumors and leaks going around. What you're essentially doing is trying to spread a disease where the host is essentially dead.

Rosterfags won't shut up until at least 2021

>admitting Erdrick is in
Who said that lol


Mate, can you stop writing Cope on every one of these, it's a bit confusing because people think that I am the one writing cope. Thanks.

Anyways, I'm gonna leave for the night, have a nice one. It's kinda late, so.

Nintendo knows who people really want.

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Leaving after being btfo, stay seething.

And remember, you’re never getting a new Banjo game.

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Didn't they say Minecraft would be in Smash in someway?

I think it's more realistic for the DQ11 mc to be in.
Why do people think Erdrick's Boeing anyway? Is it just because you never played a DQ game?

You know what we also need? A Sunsoft rep. Imagine the main character from mr gimmick throwing his star around.

Hey, was just a bit longer because I was gonna say goodbye to a discord server.

I'm content with never getting a new Banjo game, I'd just be happy if he finally came in after so many requests. Speaking of requests, where's the ballots where it says that Erdrick is wanted?

Based and Daipilled

>Nintendo announces Banjo Kazooie and Tooie Remakes
How silly would you feel then

nigga thas Gohan

Same guy, this is my last post before bed. Sorry if I didn't stay true to my word, but hey, you know the saying; the graveyard is full of indispensable men.

You never played a single one


>but but the Ballots
How humiliating.

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>banjofags still using the excuse that their character is popular
>no proof

Hahha neck urself
Online polls mean literally nothing
>some dumb YouTuber makes a video on it
>plz go vote for x
>all it’s retarded viewers vote for it despite probably not even knowing what it is
That’s all it takes


>Banjofags were discord trannys all along

>something unrelated to Smash
>another game unrelated to Smash

>versus filenames found within Smash Ultimate itself

rent free

When will Sorafags learn?

Attached: chaddrick.jpg (1920x1440, 279K)

>murr it's unrelated because I say so
>b-but filenames within the game!
Are you really going to pull that card? Embarrassing.


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Is that all u know how to say u dumb autist

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Seething, how cringe!

>Zelda is unrelated to smash butt... butt butt banjo is I swear guyiZe
Ur a fucking retard

Explain why you think Erdrick is confirmed without using the "Brave is what people call him" excuse. I'll wait.
Jack isn't what people call Joker.

>because I say so
Leave it to rosterfags to assume literally everything Nintendo does leads into Smash Bros. That's why every video game related event, reveal, or social media post of any kind is bombarded with comments from mouth breathers assuming there's some kind of Smash tease or news on the way.

Fuck off. Majora's Mask and Diablo III are not Smash Bros. Smash Bros being a big crossover doesn't mean those things it crosses over with aren't their own thing separate from it. Not everything is fucking Smash.

>but banjo
You BTFOfags are just as bad. Where in that three-post chain was Banjo ever mentioned? It was about "Brave" and it's connection to Dragon Quest. Stop assuming everyone that has a problem with you is just salty that their character is "never ever" getting in. I reiterate: not everything is about fucking Smash Bros.

That magazine that the first person posted isn't Smash either.

Calm down u spergtard
Take ur meds

> 5. It might be something like a courtesy to include a character who has the history of being on a Nintendo platform.

>Joker's entire existence until recent events

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Master Chief is going to dab on Erdickfags soonly.

Shin Megami Tensei has had a long history of being on Nintendo platforms.

I sure remember Joker back in the old days. Oh boy, gotta love the Jack Frost references in his moveset.

said grablue fighting game was also already leaked by vergeben and apparently also hitagi beforehand

Japan would explode if Erdrick wasn't next, but Master Chief was, lmao, it would be great, fuck the nips.

Is this the laugh at Edrickfags thread?

The character's age isn't what matters, but the legacy of their franchise.

Master Chief deserves to be in Smash more than Erdrick anyway. The anime swordsman has done nothing interesting nor been a cultural impact on the world in anyway whatsoever, unlike Master Chad who is pretty much Mr. Video Games alongside Mario.


Umm... the 5Chan leak had a detail that was totally wrong... although I do believe Erdrick has a high chance... I don't know about the others.

Attached: Hurrah! Steve isn't in!.jpg (1080x1080, 244K)

It absolutely is now. They're fucking seething and trying way too hard to deflect onto Banjofags.

Ah yes....... Persona sure does have a long legacy on Nintendo handhelds

Rent free

Shin Megami Tensei, which Persona is part of, do.

Don't falseflag genobros like that. Genogang supports guh-huhgang.

That was a different leak posted days later after the full dlc one.

Dragon Quest is the shittiest most boring JRPG series.

Goku's a pretty brave guy user

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You wish, José.

ITT: Erdrincels further proving why they should be hated.

esto es el fin user

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No, it's from the same one. There were two, a Yea Forums one that claimed Crono and Banjo, and this one that claimed Ryu H And Steve. I feel like those characters do not have a strong leg to stand on anymore. Especially Steve, who has entire developers (pretty much, or else it's a broken NDA) deconfirm him.

Toriayama is a fucking hack and his art style is shit

rent free