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Other urls found in this thread:


>what do the people in our world look like?
söy boys and dykes apparently

Who's gonna tell them that the small population of non-whites in ancient rome were mostly slaves that didn't achieve anything in their entire lives?

Why is "diverse" always just blacks? Never any Asians, Hispanics, Indians, etc. Kinda goes against the meaning of "diverse".

Who's gonna tell them that being brown and ugly isn't a virtue and their decision is just lazy tokenism especially if it isn't consistent with the climate of the place they set their story in.

diverse is just code for antiwhite

Diversity means black people and less civilized culture.
Brown people and Asians are too white and civilized

>Never any Asians, Hispanics, Indians
>Brown people and Asians are too white and civilized
Leftisists love SEA niggers and spics too, they only hate east asians for being too white.
>Why is "diverse" always just blacks
Americans are obssesed with niggers.

Also this.

oh shit i fucked up the spacing

Why is "diverse" always about skin colour? Deversity comes from culture, the way people live and do stuff, not from the pigments in your body. A slavic fantasy series is an already diverse product since most fantasy comes from Arthurian or nordic influences and yet Netflix is filling it witch POC to make it "diverse".

The answer is: americans are stupid and they're makinf our younger generations like them thanks to globalism

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>that black guy with the white baby

diverse just means not white

The actual post in OP is talking about polynesians and the silk road which connected to Asia you fucking retard

This isn't just an American issue. They do it here in Europe as well, diversity just means less white people. Don't true to paint it as a US issue when it's something that's contaminating the entire west.

Oy vey the goyim know! Shut it down!
>but muh syrians on the hadrian wall

>love SEA niggers.
East asians love SEA niggers too user.

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what about spartacus
oh right

I wish these people would make stories about those other non-European places instead of pretending that Europe isn't white

Do they? or is it just brown japs/other brown east asians. big difference.

Why is it that libs have the entire world outside Europe and Post 18th Century Americas to craft any kind of story they want with 100% non-whites and no one would ever complain because it'd be accurate, but instead they have to make up fantasy tales of Europe being majority shitskin its entire history and presenting this as fact?

libs are subverted and brainwashed why do you think they are like that to begin with? i bet they censor themselves so much that they don't know the history of other cultures

It's an american thing in it's origin. Europe follows because (((they))) have the cultural monopoly. Euro youngsters listen to the Twitter trends instead of treatimg them with context. Europe is slowly turning into an american colony

they see a few olive skinned italians/greeks with curly hair in paintings and start fantasizing about ancient greek/rome full of niggers and half niggers, it's a cuck fantasy.

They do.
Cheaper to learn english in flip island too.

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Meant for

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Your average jap thinks about pinoys in the same way your average american looks at spics, that being he hates the culture and the males and wants to fuck their woman. It's pure fetishism.

>the Mediterranean empire of Rome that extended from the whole south of Europe to the North of Africa, including some parts of the Middle East was not ethnically diverse

Ok, got it Yea Forums

It's a fantasy game about a fantasy archaeologist uncovering a fantasy language to learn more about a fantasy culture.

There was no need for them to make everyone a nigger woman, but that is what that particular dev does. It was the same exact thing in 80 Days, everyone you met was a strong woman of color no matter where you went. In India you met an Indian woman in a sari stoking coal in a flying city but she was actually the chief mechanic because she was far more intelligent than any man but also did hard labour at the same time.

It was 100% to be expected.

Attached: George-Orwell.jpg (750x1119, 703K)

Can I make a cuck game where some generic male anime protagonist is cucked by a buff white american guy and will jap cucks buy it?

You do know that a lot of north africans were very similar to south europeans genetically? especially during that time, not to mention that the only real imigratory problem rome ever had was being flooded with blue eyed, blonde haired pale savages from the north to the point of being overun by them.

>pure fetishism
Besides that applies both ways if you ask me. A far better treatment compared to the arabs who threats anyone as shit.
Lets not forget that East asians fetishize white blondes too with many still being xenophobic of the white piggus/devils.

Who's gonna tell them that niggers are subhuman and deserve only death and suffering?

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i think i've read a doujin with this exact same plot

I barely see Hispanics in vidya and film

If you did i would personally pay out the ass for it, i don't know about japs though. they seem skittish about foreigners taking their women.

But Japs like Mexicans?

>animeposter calls others subhuman

only in 2d, they hate spics and niggers IRL

>they seem skittish about foreigners taking their women
i remember seeing people in /gif/ saying that BLACKED and BLEACHED JAV sells well in japan.


I've seen 2D blacks in anime but i don't think I've seen 2D spics.

Filthy mainlander asian here, we're racist as shit to our neighbors and we hardly consider SEAmonkeys to be all that worth talking about. They're a non-factor but we tend to hate the chinks and nip the most

t.gorean living in the states

In the newest season of Precure one of the main characters is half hispanic, surprisingly with the dad being the hispanic one.

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are you retarded? most romans were brown and most germanics were slaves

Be specific
Is she Brazilian?

japan and mexico are literal friends bro
read a book for once

The real question is
What is that world's tax policy?

You know that the term "whites" apply to all ethinic europeans and not just the ones with literal white skin right? retarded anglo

I think Mexican? I haven't watched it yet since I don't watch shows that are still airing.

Get the fuck out of our islands kimchee

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that's stupid
spaniards, italians, portuguese, slavs and irish are not white

Here is your mexican snake god bro

Attached: 848af629a4621e3781069b094e2d91fa.gif (540x304, 2.18M)

Here's a (You)

First it's not Rome It is an OC civilization for their game see Second, Rome was diverse but not the we wuz kind diverse where you see fucking nubian legion generals in Britain or a percentage of black people in Rome or Pompeii similar to a modern day city.

>and irish
why, aren't they and English/scots both anglo?

I want to conquer her pussy and evangelize those titties

Rome was diverse as hell wtf? Thats why it fucking fell

That's like saying London was always non-white because the British ruled over India and Africa.

Isnt there a north african emperor after the augustus dynasty who made tons of statues of Hannibal in his effort to romanticize the enemy of Rome?

Man, she walks like she's really confident.

Haven't you watch Doctor Who? London was diverse in the Victorian period, they just whitewashed History

Zidanne is Argelian and outside of /pol/ he wouldn't fit in the category of "non-white"

With a body like that is hard not to be confident

>How Ancient Rome Inspired Us
>Rome isn't mentioned in explanation

Ugh, how this company has fallen. The Sorcery series was great but it seems like they lost their way after that. 80 days was crap and this looks to be even worse. People are reporting it's an unfinished buggy mess, what the fuck were they doing for 4 years?

I assumed It gets assumed later on but user only posted a crop and no archive link

>Rome was diverse
Yes it had a huge diversity of european peoples under one empire + some african and arab slaves and jewish traders.

The "diversity" that killed rome was hordes upon hordes of blonde barbarians with little respect for roman culture, values and society coming in as refugees

That’s Brazil user

It wasn’t as much as it is now

Wasn’t it a mixture of germanic barbarians and niggers tho



Couldn't give a shit if somebody wants to make a game wth a diverse cast but they look like fucking Archer characters

>Except the history tells a different story: Rome was a melting-pot, set at the intersection of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and beyond.
>It was easily as diverse as modern-day London, or New York.
Holy shit it's worse than I imagined

The few niggers roman had were mostly slaves and merchants, the ones invading and out breeding the native romans were germanic barbarians.


Attached: 1504023655026.webm (854x480, 1.71M)

But I swear I saw an art piece that showed a nigger and a few Germans handling a lady in a disorderly fashion by stripping her clothes off. You can try and ask me where I saw this art piece but I wouldnt be able to find it since it was a while.

Attached: fuck this.gif (350x260, 842K)

And then they all vanished up until post WWII (((rebuilding)))
Strange indeed!

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>some african and arab slaves and jewish traders.
Rome at peak had the whole Levant, huge amounts of the Middle East and Northern Africa like modern day Libya, Algeria, Egypt, etc. it was hugely diverse in the empire sense and many ethnic subjects, plus came into regular contact and trade with Nubians, Asians, etc.

>Look at how diverse and inclusive the olden days were
>It wasn't until later that everyone became racist

Attached: confused thirsty.jpg (374x347, 39K)

Rome was diverse for that time because it was the heart of the Empire but actually stating that It would be as "diverse" as modern day metropolis such as London is ridiculous and retarded.

i'm talking about mainland rome, if you think the roman capital was this multicultural diverse empire, then you are absolutely retarded.

Actual historyfag here.

The Roman Empire was multicultural as fuck. You don’t conquer as much as they did without absorbing lots and lots of different cultures. And they had trade and relations with Axum and Meroe, so while they’d be a minority there were absolutely black people living there.

Even before those dreaded darkies came along, Rome was never culturally homogeneous. Most stories about the Roman Kingdom (admittedly more myth than history, but there’s likely a grain of truth beneath them) were largely about the tensions with other tribes like the Etruscans and Sabines, who’d eventually be absorbed into Rome.

And cultural disparities can exist among white people too, you know. It’s hilarious how Stormfags come up with these “WHITE PEOPLE ARE AWESOME” montages that invariably combine Greco-Roman imagery with Germanic imagery. That’s why the Romans got along perfectly with their northern neighbors and never had any notable conflicts with them. They were white, and thus the same.

>get conquered and annexed by superior romans
>centuries later people think you were as good as your conquerors because technically you were part of their empire

>american education
get a load of this fish person

thats not realy the argument here isnt it?
This is about modern day """diversity""" where its about how many african americans you can have running around your cities

Since after a few centuries you’d be a part of Roman society, and in one case even becoming the goddamn Emperor, while your family history wouldn’t really matter much, yes.

>They were white, and thus the same
I mean the whole point of pan-european nationalism is that cultural disparities and past conflicts are irrelevant in the face of genetic and societal kinship, generalizing all europeans under the "white" label isn't meant to be a reductionist statement but a unifying one.

Then I guess it’s realistic for black people to be in the game.

as less than 10% of the population and mostly slaves? ye

>half hispanic
>blond af
>rare for hispanics
>recessive trait not present in even less Japanese
Does somebody have an actual explanation as to why anime usually makes foreigners, especially girls, yellow blond even when it makes no sense? I mean an explanation by an actual Japanese person.

The game has a fictional civilization the problem is the article see

But it’s not actually the Roman Empire, is it? It’s a fictional fantasy setting taking loose inspiration from the Roman Empire.

Cyrodiil is the same thing, but it’s filled with elves, orcs, Khajiit, and Argonians: races that not only didn’t exist in the real Roman Empire, but don’t exist at all. Nobody gives a shit there.

thanks /his/

You have to experience another culture to truly realize how inferior it and its genetic practitioners are.

I imagine because its aesthetically pleasing. I've seen them explain a blue-eyed blonde haired jap girl by saying "she's a quarter (insert region that has white people here)"

In terms of actual demographics, no, I don’t think Rome would’ve been comparable to New York or London (this is a pure guess on my part, but I’d say the most diverse city in the Empire was Alexandria or Tyre).

But in terms of being a major metropolitan city that commands global attention, Rome was about as close to one as the classical world had. They had visitors from as far as India (and there was a Chinese ambassador who tried to go there but gave up because holy shit this is far).

Only due to their mixing with Arabic/North African Moors, which was after Rome
See above
See Above
The result of native Europeans mixing with Asians who made a mass migration, after Rome
I fail to see how they aren't white.

>The Roman Empire was multicultural as fuck
Yes but it is not multicultural in the sense the authors are trying to push with that article, isn't it?
Also despite all the cultural inputs from the annexed provinces (including their Original Roman Pantheon: Do not Steal) you could get rejected for going native (see Marcus Antonius, I know it wasn't Empire yet and they wanted to get him out anyway but still) not to mention that romans were borderline autistic when it came to city building to the point that people say that cities as far as Merida or Ephesus share a homogeneous model taking Rome as the pattern, or so I have read.

Anglo refers to "Anglo-Saxon" a group of Germanics who mass migrated into the southern British isles around 500AD. They primarily took over modern England.
Most Scots, Irish, and Welsh are descended from the Celts, the people who lived in the island before Rome's invasion. Though Welsh and Scots tend to have some, small, Roman ancestry.

Spaniards didn't mix that much (if not at all) with Moors

More like the character face design in anime is so absurdly minimal, you have to rely on a lazy color swap to signal a hint of racial difference.

Anything white paint it blonde with blue eyes, anything black just paint it brown, etc.

american education

this is why you don't have nor deserve an ethnostate

You do know that acording to genetic studies italians and slavs have about the same level and percentages of mixing as germans and french people nation-wide.

Anglo-Saxons are a blight on this world.

based and saxonpilled

>How to Make Racist Heads Explode: The Post

said he writing in English

I'm white and want to play a game with a black protagonist

you say this but they make asian girls blond with blue eyes all the goddamn time

Italians used to be white before they were replaced by uhh the Lombards???

J'aimerais bien parler dans ma langue natale, mais les enfants retardés comme toi ne comprendrais pas.

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>he hasn't already played GTA SA

Go away gaul

nothing wrong with using the language of the eternal anglo for subversive reasons such as mockery and banter against him.

How were most Germanics slave when Rome constantly was at war with the Germans? In fact they eventually even sacked Rome.

Most slaves, historically speaking, were prisoners of war who were then used as slave.
Massive slave trading between nations was pretty rare. So them being at war with the Germanics makes it more likely they had a lot of German slaves, not less.

>slavs and irish are not white

Attached: 1352836894287.jpg (597x473, 56K)

germanics literaly outbreed romans in their own lands before the barbaric invasions.

>How were most Germanics slave when Rome constantly was at war with the Germans?

lad prisoners of wars were a thing back then too, if you managed to lose a battle against the romans and couldn't GTFO in time get ready to be sent straight to the local slave market after the campaign is over.


>Advocates for more "diversity"
>Just adds niggers and high yellow half-breeds
Every. Fucking. Time.

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Septimius Severus and his son Caracalla were both non-white emperors.

>Bonjour, nègre.
Do it right, nigger.

>implying americlaps know that other ethnicities exist.
>implying americlaps know that "ethnic" doesnt mean "minority"

Well, a certain minority spent a long time subverting the education and media industries to convince Americans that they have no culture.

What can they say motherfucker? they like them some chocolate.


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Nah, they just have a taste for shit.

Literally the only Indian representation ever is some nerdy incel character played for laughs and no one gives a shit despite there being over a billion of those street shitters

Man, you're not even dogwhistling. You might as well be using a megaphone.

close enough.

Iberians barely mixed with Arabs, Berbers, and Jews.

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I really wonder what goes through devs minds these days. They place blacks in these games to pander to them (I think), but even after all these years you still gonna see blacks still playing the same games and not what these left-leaning lunies pump out. Niggas like action and anime not these glorified sob stories.

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Well, yeah. Dog-whistling is when the Left claims something that isn't racist is in-fact racist.

Americunts don't have any culture, they are puritan rejects from the Europe. Southern, the soncalled 'fly-over' states have good culture, that is roundly mocked and smeared by the tasteless swamp of bland, obnoxious corporate shit that are its bay areas.

Attached: WE WUZ ABACUSSIN.jpg (720x307, 51K)

>genetic map of europe alooks almost like a normal map of europe

Well, there're reasons that the bible denigrates city dwellers.

>an calculator

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i fucking hate when they shoehorn modern murrican ""values"" in depictions of ancient cultures

She says it in a retarded way, but she's not wrong. The Ishango bone was used by Congolese tribes during the Paleolithic era.
I don't know why you think spouting overused "we wuz" jokes qualifies as a refutation.

sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.

>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

Attached: 1417723107807.jpg (298x389, 31K)

Careful user, Apples diversity manager was fired for expressing the revolutionary idea that a variety of ideas and life experiences is diversity too.

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Why did everyone give this post attention all of a sudden?

Nothing she wrote in that tweet is correct other than there were perhaps some bones in the possession of ancient African tribes, lol.

>all the (((((white hispanic)))) burgers mutts seething over this post

Attached: burger.png (881x571, 25K)


This isn't even an Afrocentrist reading of history, this is just archaeological findings.

>Black people make shit up on twitter.
>Haha, you better believe me because I said so.

Attached: 1551136013109.png (876x785, 330K)

Diverse is literally just a word for "less white people"
It doesn't matter if it's mostly black people, idiots would still call it diverse.

>liberal university website
>"This isn't even an Afrocentrist reading of history,"

Attached: australian flavored black person.jpg (2836x2000, 1.13M)


They already called an entirely black woman photoshoot the most diverse.

Filthy, dumb, revisionist scum.

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>Some hotep bitch with 0 likes
Wow user, really digging down the bottom of the barrel for some "quality" bait.

>However, the Ishango bone appears to be much more than a simple tally. The markings on rows (a) and (b) each add to 60. Row (b) contains the prime numbers between 10 and 20. Row (a) is quite consistent with a numeration system based on 10, since the notches are grouped as 20 + 1, 20 - 1, 10 + 1, and 10 - 1. Finally, row (c) seems to illustrate for the method of duplication (multiplication by 2) used more recently in Egyptian multiplication. Recent studies with microscopes illustrate more markings and it is now understood the bone is also a lunar phase counter. Who but a woman keeping track of her cycles would need a lunar calendar? Were women our first mathematicians?

I literally burst out laughing by the end. Yes, there is nothing political about this source, no sir.

Attached: ishango_bone.jpg (410x205, 48K)

n-no but there's records of there being blacks in egypt!
they wuz kangs!

why do white "people" think they matter when it was PROVEN scientifically that all you are is a fake human race made by the real (black) people?

Attached: Yakub.jpg (774x643, 183K)

>be nigger
>scratch on bones about how many times i jerked off today

>thousands of years later, white people dig it up and conclude that i was einstein and also a woman

Yeah see, that's an ad hominem. You're attacking the character of the source rather than the argument itself.

I'll admit the website seems fishy, but what it says about the Ishango bone does check out. I linked that website because it was the first thing that came up on Google when looking for a source, and didn't do a good enough job reading through the whole thing. There's many other writings on the Ishango bone you can look for.


White people are descendants of the ancient Nordic aliens, one of the most powerful race in this galaxy

Attached: terra_avis_by_las_t-d4q490w-320x320.png (320x320, 172K)

>Yeah see, that's an ad hominem. You're attacking the character of the source rather than the argument itself.

I see, so if I link some Stormfront infodump threads you will treat the information the same way as if it had some from a ten-year term study?


So powerful we settled in a chilly shithole that is pitch black for more than half the year to limit ourselves.

When the source basically says to just trust it, the source makes itself (rather than its conclusions) the argument.

I... what..?

Attached: worried cat.jpg (625x415, 44K)

This is all a test m8, they injected some of their DNA into this population and look how they dominate the world

Because when you use Puerto Rican or Latino guy or middle Eastern guy (Omar Shariff is good example) in depiction, people might not notice, but using black guy is a clear signal to your fellow leftshits that you have managed to inject the cancer into the institution and its time to fill as much positions in it as possible. It is also a time where gloves come off and toxic environment of fear is established i.e Netflix's five seconds eye contact rule.

go back to retardera

Like I said, it's a dubious source that I didn't do a good job reading through. It came up while looking for a source, and the pieces I read before linking it checked out with what I knew about the Ishango bone, so that's why I linked it. I'll gladly take the fall here.
Doesn't disprove the existence of the Ishango bone though.

Hahahahahaha.Blacks keep believing that they were all over the world.. When they were still stuck up their own asshole in Africa.... Doing what n*ggers do best... steal, kill, rape and so on.

>sunshine with that many votes almost surpassing 64
Yea Forums has better taste than i thought. all 3D marios afterwards didn't capture me.

Wow, so edgy. Couldn't even bring yourself to type "niggers".
Read Global Rule #2.

People that take pride in something their supposed ancestors did are weird.

They talk about Polynesians there

No, I suppose I wouldn't treat a Stormfront thread the same way.
I addressed the ad hominem bit because it seems like any time a university page is used as a source, right-wingers dismiss it as "liberal propaganda". I wanted to get that out of the way before confronting the actual flaws of the website.

Well that's why people love japs. they're weird and proud of their history/culture.

but counting how many times you jacked off is actually mathematics

Attached: WE WUZ DRAGONBORN N SHIIIET.jpg (564x548, 57K)

I don't use ResetEra.

Basically all of the above.

Attached: image.jpg (711x541, 248K)

No they aren't. Do you know how genetics work? We prove ourselves in the singular form all the time, racial accomplishment is just a collective/genetic long-term proving.

Attached: human accomplishments.png (1237x1017, 108K)

Because their stated goal is dismantling of systems of oppression, not creation of anything new. It was designed to target Western liberal democracies and nothing else. That is why pointing out any hypocrisies or double standards doesn't work. It's what allow them to work side by side with muslims.
Stalin attempted to push for international hate speech laws after WWII with the backing of islamic nations, but leaders at that time correctly recognized the plan and stood against it.

It's really people who have no personal achievements of their own so they have to attribute their group identity traits to the people who also have those traits who actually did accomplish something significant in their life.
It's like when I see Americans say they went to the moon. Sure, the people who went to the moon were American. But you did nothing and had no part in that. Then when Americans say something like that X group chimes in with 'WELL WE DID Y THING FIRST'.

You've done nothing of that.

is that how they achieve these stats?

Attached: murder by race in the USA.jpg (632x773, 119K)

>Do you know how genetics work?
Ironic really

Don't you think that your argument has gotten pretty desperate when you have to assume psychic knowledge of your opponent in order to proceed?

Not an argument, sorry.

I have a Greek friend who's mentioned that greeks are all about pointing out how great the ancient greeks were.

even lighter nigs hate darker niggs

Attached: Ramses II Charging Nubians.jpg (1944x801, 1.07M)

Yeah, and look at modern Greece lol.

Hitler was a proud woman of color

It's Nation of Islam bullshit. The Nation of Islam is a fringe group of black nationalists formerly headed by anti-Semitic piece of shit Louis Farrakhan, who once referred to Hitler as a "great man". Malcolm X was killed by NoI members because he spoke out against them. Obviously the shit the Nation of Islam says is ludicrous, and they don't represent the majority of civil rights activists.

Notice the part of the painting that has the shadowniggers is destroyed. This reflects the effect that IRL niggers have on their surroundings.

Attached: niggers.png (600x600, 446K)

ok, what is your argument then?

Yeah, I think his name was Jeauneus Claudeus Junckerus.

where do groids get their information? Is someone telling them this nonsense or are they just making shit up as they go? I know they don't have much neural plasticity, but holy fuck.

>anti-Semitic piece of shit



Attached: jews on the goy.jpg (468x633, 84K)


*i move away from the mic to breathe in*


Attached: the 1%.png (600x600, 197K)

She seems like one of those hotep people, so probably from the Nation of Islam or some other black supremacist group.

Attached: jewish expulsions 3.png (928x8800, 1005K)

Attached: jewish media.png (1746x1364, 1.18M)

That's fucking retarded! You're comparing a 1945 skyline of Detroit to a 2016 random apartment complex! I just typed in "Detroit 2019" on Google Images, and this is the pic I got. Goddamn, racist propaganda is getting more and more disingenuous.

Attached: detroit.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

IT WAS NOT A FUCKING MELTING POT YOU NEUTERED NIHILISTIC COCKSUCKERS. Rome stood for so long because first and absolutely foremost they imposed their culture and vision with iron fist and efficiency, leaving tiniest space to keep some irrelevant shit like flower crowns at the coming of spring etc.
Rome fell when they stopped doing it, just like what leftshits are doing now.

i wonder why you chose to respond to that and not lol

But Egyptians weren't even black.

I take it whoever made this image didn't really look into the kind of person Ike Perlmutter is.

what do you know about genetics? im pretty sure your heritage helped you achieve a degree on Genetics

First of all, because I didn't even see that reply, since it was further up than the part of the page I'm currently on. Second of all, it's a red herring. I'm not gonna waste my time debunking that behemoth of a post when it's already been done before and I know I'm not gonna change any minds. I just saw a stupid image being used as an argument, and responded to it. I'm not making it a mission to go around Yea Forums debunking every stupid thing people say. I do it spontaneously when I feel like it.

I'll give you more attention when you're finished playing dumb.

Why is every openly racist white boy an underachiever friendless virgin?
The ones that are racist but discreet about it are usually Chads.

>First of all, because I didn't even see that reply
yeah you did

>Second of all, it's a red herring
no it isn't. you don't know what "red herring" means

>I'm not gonna waste my time debunking that behemoth of a post when it's already been done before
no it hasn't lol

Pretty much everyone is openly racist when they can't be punished for it. Humans are naturally racist, it's the correct stance to hold. You would have to be literally retarded or very naive/easily influenced to believe the races are identical.

>people unironically still blame the germans for Rome collapsing
>not the imploding economy
>not the plagues
>not the continuous wars against persia
>not the constant civil wars
>not the legacy of bad rulers
Please tell me you guys don't do this.

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nice argument

Why the hell would you need to be "discreet" about it on the internet? especially the Anonymous part of the internet. i doubt people who simply think some races are better than others are going to shout "NIGGER" in the street or treat anyone different because of their race in the real world.

SJWs are fine with this because they're actually only interested in their own virtuousness and courting violent, thuggish males. Pajeet may struggle to poo in loo, but these people see him as too competent for special attention.

They're hypocrites and basically racist at core.

>yeah you did
Ok, nice to know you can read minds. You really think I read every single thing people write on Yea Forums? I skim through these threads and stop on parts I find worth reading. I see a wall of text on my way scrolling down, I'm not gonna waste my time reading it.
>not a red herring
Yeah it is. Its purpose is to waste my time responding when they're not even gonna bother reading my response. It's a diversion tactic.
>hasn't been debunked
I assure you it has by other people.

Perhaphs if you would know how world around you works and if you have ever accomplished anything with tiniest meaning, you'd understand mr. Fatass in comfy flat, safety, full fridge and working utilities.

The Nation of Islam has much more insane arguments and positions than "Egyptians were black".

t.Middle Eastern

Asians and latinos dont give a shit about diversity and noone wants to be near to indians.

People are annoyed that other people equate the diversity of culture among rome to meaning 60% of romans were actually african Black.

I-I don't understand why those whites take so much pride in their ancestors' accomplishments... f-fucking mental if you ask me

t. Mutticus Maximus, 2019, latino-blasian-jewish monstrosity

How do you cope with the fact that whites are a woldwide minority and are getting outbred by literally everybody? Especially getting outbred 6:1 by Muslims in Europe and there's nothing that can be done to stop it, it's only speeding up.

How do you cope with the fact that if you speak up against any of this your entire livelihood and that of your family will be destroyed forever?

Hmmm, really makes me think.

lotta racists in this thread... sigh... it is 2019 and were still dealing with this =/

Attached: wikipedia on white pride.jpg (640x928, 167K)

Oh you have so opened my eyes mr Individualist and now I see that you are not individualisting from Somalia and I wonder why? Any particular reason?

>white pride is not a racist slogan guys!
lmao in what universe?

Because they traveled long distances through the universe to bring harmony to the world

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>most romans were brown

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>pride in their ancestors' accomplishments
That's pretty pathetic. You can be like "yeah that's cool" but that's about it.
You did nothing regarding those accomplishments.
HOWEVER, if you add some of your own to that mix, I feel gloating about previous ancestors is deserved. Otherwise you look pretty fucking pathetic.

At the end of the day the game is unlikely to sell well anyway
sounds boring as shit
people play game to have fun, not learn.

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The one where racism doesn't exist.



I wonder why everyone within these "diverse" groups has either brown or black hair. Blonde or red hair is a trait they rarely use, almost like they detest it since it is proof of white diversity. Not only do they openly hate everything that is white, they hate beauty. They know they're ugly so everyone on everything else has to be ugly, too. No one thinnks modern art is pretty, everyone know it's crap. It's supposed to be.

Every race that isn't aryan has a HUGE inferiority complex, even the ones that aren't actually inferior (asians)

The "Aryan race" doesn't exist! Aryan is a language family, not a fucking race! Do you actually buy into this pseudo-scientific bullshit?

Nothing in the OP image is even wewuzing

I think the point is that everyone but whites are allowed to be proud of who they are, what their culture is and their ancestors but when whites do its considered "racist" or a bad thing in general that should be frowned upon.

Asians are smart but they lack the strength and courage of the pure Caucasian

Attached: germanic_warrior_by_sandu61_d7y5k0b-pre.jpg (777x1028, 102K)

all of those were caused by the germans tho

Be quiet, goldman.

>what it says about the Ishango bone does check out

It's scratches on a bone that can't be measured in any meaningful context. You people grasp so hard for any signs blacks aren't totally useless, even when to this very day their way of life has barely changed.

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No one has a problem with French pride, German pride, Greek pride, Russian pride, etc. People have a problem with "white pride" because it's almost always used by white supremacists.

Again: do you understand how genetics work?

>asians are smarter than whites
>Jews are significantly smarter than whites
>blacks are stronger than whites
What are they supposed to be the best at?

Germanics including modern Germans, French, and Brits were the "horde" faction during this era in the same way Muslims and Africans are the "horde" faction of today. They radically replaced the semi-homogenous society of Rome(it was a controlled diverse empire similar to how the US integrated 200+ million immigrants to be Americanized), but the Germanics quickly became the majority and all sense of culture and nationalism was lost. Everyone wrong with the world today is because the "horde" faction always wins in history. The Mongols ruined China, Germanics ruined Europe, and I forget the ethnic group that ruined Arabs but it happened to them too because they have like 20 religion sects there. Now the new horde factions are ruining our modern world.

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What is wrong with white supremacy? Whites are supreme. A casual glance at human history or intelligence research should tell you so.