Redownload CS 1.6

>redownload CS 1.6
>everything is crisp and clean
>no overdesigned mechanics and no overdesigned graphics
>you can easily make out characters and there's like a billion maps by now
>no cosmetic shit and micro transaction
You've got an eternity to name a better team shooter than 1.6
Pro tip: you won't ever be able to

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cs go



Cs go

someone host a Yea Forums server with nipper maps

None of you can @ me in HnS.

Dragon ball fighterz

did you even read the OP?

>Gaben's personal money sucking machine
Unironically kill yourselves


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I like it too but CS1.6 looks like a fever dream in 2019
>Shoot a wall
>No indication of where your shot landed but black squares that fly everywhere

Attached: 1552674411229.jpg (704x756, 80K)

>15 years later
>people are still butthurt about shields
What a world to live in!

Based. Fpbp

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Imagine thinking a high-res wall is "overdesigned graphics". CSGO is a fine successor to 1.6 and if you don't think so you can go hang out with the BR's who didn't switch in 2015

Sure, CS:GO looks fine once your eyes adjust (or you go turn off the stupid amount of post processing effects), but what about the retarded cosmetics and micro transactions?

also first shot accuracy is a joke in csgo and it always has been

>also first shot accuracy is a joke in csgo and it always has been
god forbid the game actually rewards skill and doesn't pander to hue monkeys using $2 trackball mouses from 1995

literally fucking what.

how does your first shot being random reward skill?

that's the whole point you mongoloid, csgo doesn't reward skill the way 1.6 and source did

>(or you go turn off the stupid amount of post processing effects

no one plays cs:go for graphics anyone who plays competitive in the slightest has everything on low just like pretty much any other fps to give better visibility

CSGO accuracy doesn't function differently from accuracy in CS1.6/CSS
You're taking talking points from people who don't play comp shooters at all, or tried them once in 2015 and got destroyed, and trying to discredit a game that's literally a graphical update for a game you like.
Also CSS is a fucking broken disaster game so citing that as a "good" CS game reveals just how little you know about the franchise.

Attached: Huge hitboxes.jpg (527x264, 52K)

>also first shot accuracy is a joke in csgo and it always has been
Yeah, that's why everyone does "qq" in 1.6.

CSGO is a fine game