No one here actually chooses to play as a woman in video games, right? It's just a meme, right...

No one here actually chooses to play as a woman in video games, right? It's just a meme, right? I have no trouble watching movies led by women or writing stories from the perspective of women but I just can't bring myself to play as one in a video game. How do people do it?

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Only when there are lesbian options

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Was anyone else a bit weirded out by how thin female Shepards arms were? I couln't play as her for that reason.

Mass Effect is a Chad simulator. Playing as a Chad woman is kinda fun, I guess.

It's fun. Girls are pretty and cute.

>How do people do it?
be a woman in real life

For Mass Effect the meme was Jennifer Hale was a better voice actor than Mark Meer, but this was actually bs.
I played as a woman in Dragon Age Origins for my fourth play through, but that was because it allowed for a far different experience and you could essential become queen.

You know I asked by brother that once, why he plays female characters.
He told me "If you're going to stare at some video game character's butt for hours on end, it might as well be a girl's"

>lesbian option
>mods to give them giant titties
>mods to make them wear skimpy armor

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Bioware's official stats said:

10% played femshep in ME1
20% in ME3

And Ubisoft said 33% played cassandra while 66% played Alexios in Asscreed Gyros

My Skyrim, Mass Effect Andromeda, and Dark Souls 2 blind playthroughs will be female.

My Skyrim character will be straight and have children.

My Mass Effect character will be bisexual.

I'm a 34 year old Yea Forumsirgin. Come at me, /pol/ shits.

I can do it if the girl is good looking, it’s like permanent eye candy, but then you’ll have to romance guys which sucks (unless the game has lesbian shit then it’s double eye candy). Never do it on a first playthrough though.

I like playing as the same gender, so femshep it was. You're the same.

Renegade femshep is kino. I enjoyed playing FO4 as a woman more because it didn’t really change anything about the game, just constant eye candy.

>If you're going to stare at some video game character's butt for hours on end, it might as well be a girl's
Exactly the kind of damage control you'd expect from a low-T söyboy who relates more to soft, estrogenic females than high-test action hero Chads.

>wanting to stare at male ass for 3 games

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I play as a girl in games and self-insert despite being a dude because I secretly want to be a girl, fuck you all.

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Agreed it seems weird.

>the meme was Jennifer Hale was a better voice actor than Mark Meer, but this was actually bs.
It's true for the first two but ME3, Meer was probably better but, at that point it didn't matter anyway

There's a sort of threshold that one crosses. I'm not sure where exactly it is, but it's somewhere past the event horizon of spending too much time on the internet, watching too much anime, and having very particular personality quriks. It's that kind of person who just "really, REALLY loves girls" to the point it becomes almost ineffably weird. It's not quite being a tranny, but it's definitely not anything a normal straight dude would do either. Like putting pussy on the pedestal, but 10x worse. There's something off about it, but I can't just put my finger on it.

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Usually my sight is somewhere other than my characters ass


the biggest meme answer to that question ever

I never play as a woman on my first playthrough, unless it's an MMO
Then it all depends on what kind of character I want to make

It's probably guys who are so socially and sexually devoid that they create a fantasy version of what a female should be and roleplay with that in their digital games. This is what happens to hyper-atomized men, no amount of cope or excuses will change that fact. The same goes for people who watches females trying to be men and acting "tough". That shit is corny and pathetic. No one believes this except white liberals.

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All normal males eventually grow up to realize that women are pretty cringe IRL, I think that's the part that's missing.

Shepard is cute! CUTE!

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