>life will change was the song played during his announcement
>not in smash though
>life will change was the song played during his announcement
>not in smash though
Mmm what?
>mmm sweetie mmmm I don’t watch ummmmmm what are you talking about ohhhhh that one movie mmmmm sorry I’m not big into ummm popular stuff lol I prefer the classics like gone with the wind mmmmm sorry lol
You sound like an absolute fucking prick
Just another decision to be thrown on the "What the fuck are they doing?" pile
Jesus dude take your meds.
Who hurt you user?
kill yourself
>waaah someone doesn't care about my capeshit, please help me marvel!
>bombing run was played during cloud's trailer
>wasn't in game
Neck urself
>crying this hard because no one gives fuck about ur stupid capeshit
The Galaxy version of Airship Fortress was in Bowser Jr's trailer but it's not in the game.
Beware the Forest's Mushrooms was in Geno costume's trailer but it's not in the game.
Dude I came here to post exactly that, what the fuck is this travesty? It's literally the thing I was looking forward too with his inclusion FUUUUUCK
don't mean to act entitled, this patch is way bigger than anybody could've guessed
Sakurai and co. are fucking hacks. What else is new?
on top of that no burn my dread and no mist. Dissapointing but i'll take what i can get especially cos we got battle for everyone's soul
shouldn't you be drooling into a bucket of popcorn right now
Xbox has no games and belives the cloud console will save their videogame shit show
lmaoooo the state of capeshitters rn
Can you samefag any harder? Fuck off retard
Imagine getting btfo so hard u have to cry samefag
Fuck off capeshitter
mmmm sorry sweetie, but you're wrong
>haha btfo r-right guys?
Yeah you're retarded, go back to samefagging
very sad
Could you retards move your Yea Forums nonsense back there?
Nice try retard but I'm afraid that, once again you are wrong.
No one here gives a shit about capeshit, try another board. Though would anyone who even cares be on the site at all right now anyways?
>this patch is way bigger than anybody could've guessed
>Joker + movie maker + stage builder + some costumes
>Most people were guessing Joker + Stage builder + homerun + break the targets + race to the finishe + An actual Event menu + Smash run + some costumes.
Nah. Rather small.
Anyway returning to the main and original topic of this thread, how could they not put "life will change" on the persona patch? It just doesn't make sense, it's one of the best songs in the whole game.
I'm almost glad they didn't given how they mangled the fuck out the other tracks, shit sounded like nightcore
Dude no one plays break the target or home run or race to the finish
Why bother adding stuff most people will touch once
>this fucking thread
Wake up, get up, get out there is basically life will change
way better than most smash threads
What the fuck are you on about? Nobody was actually expecting all of this. Now we just know that it MIGHT come down the line
better than epic sony vs nintendo wojak threads, which is like 70% of Yea Forums
When is the update going up?
The new "Beneath the mask" is cool but yeah I'm sure they only put "last surprise" in just because of the meme.
Reddit was.
Reddit can shrivel up and die
Site is full of mouthbreathing tards
Life Will Change is just a worse version of Wake Up Get Up Get Out There anyway.
The wrong parts of Reddit are delusional as fuck, did your beliefs were replaced with ambitious and shitty especulation by Reddit?
Nobody with a brain was expecting it then.
All of reddit is mouth breathing retards, the fuck do you mean ""wrong parts""
Now you take that back mister or else I am dialing 911
>Joker's game is a glorified harem shit VN
>All the fanart since his announcement has been self-insert harem shit
>All his music is jazz that appeals to "classy" types who unironically wear fedoras
>Those other characters talking during his trailer were maximum cringe
>His design looks like if reddit tried to design their own "Anonymous" mascot
Name a worse character
Ness and Lucas
Do it faggot
Idc he is cute and that’s what matters
9 pm est
i don't think you know what jazz is