Why do people jerk off over AoS?

Why do people jerk off over AoS?
Name one good boss in this game except for Death and Julius

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dawn is better anyway

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Headhunter was great.
But yeah, the game was really lacking when it comes to bosses.
Everything else was top notch, though.


Dawn has better sprite art and controls and everything else is worse.

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I actually agree other than the artstyle for the portraits. People make a big stink about the glyph drawing, which despite being stupid it's also like 5 seconds you have to spend for each boss, so who cares.
DoS has far more interesting weapons.

Glyphs are the least of Dawn's problems, its biggest issue is the terrible castle design.

You get to fight Julius?

The game continues after you beat Graham if you have specific souls equipped, you know.

His entrance was fucking cool(lmao) but the fight was garbo

It took me SO goddamn long to figure out how to get past that waterfall. I had all the souls except the mudman soul. I had already tried multiple times to use the transformation souls to get through, but I guess I just wasn't far enough to the left.

equip bat demon, succubus and flame demon before fighting Graham and the game continues

Dawn of Sorrow > Aria of Sorrow

Don't mind me, just the best weapon in the game passing through.

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The problem I have with Dawn is that Soma feels very nerfed compared to AoS where he's just broken in an already broken game

Just started Circle of the Moon. So far the bosses are better but the level design is worse. Also no weapons, which is lame. ( come at me classicfags)

Fuck Dawn had some kino Sprite design. It looked almost 3d ish.

Imagine it one of them made in 3d.

I feel like the weapon crashesor whatever they're called make him feel stronger. Like in AoS you just press attack and then the weapon rotates around his hand. But in DoS you can do a bunch of cancels and shit to much more stylishly kill monsters faster.

The bosses were by far the weakest part. Like half of them are just shitty lategame enemies.

Headhunter, Death, Graham, Julius and Chaos's 1st phase range from good to incredible though. Balore and Legion were trash but they did have some pretty neat presentation.

>Imagine it one of them made in 3d.
I'd rather not.

They completely dropped the ball with the way souls are handled in Dawn. Want to get a weapon that isn't shit? You have to farm souls. And fairly early on, you have to get the rarest soul types, so enjoy spending over an hour farming for that one soul. Also, you have to collect multiple souls to make soul abilities actually useful. For some of them you have to collect the same soul 9 times to fully upgrade it.
In short, fuck DoS, and fuck having to farm souls.

The game spawned a whole genre. Ever heard of Metroidvanias? Well that's the very first one. Why do I have to explain this

Nevermind. I thought you were talking about Symphony of the Night.

Don't forget that Dawn also has retarded drop rates way lower than in Aria.

Hopefully, you're using the always run patch. Makes the game 1000% better.

It's an okay game, sorta like the Richter mode from SOTN, except as a whole new game.

Ah yes, it was SotN that spawned the genre of games that do everything Metroid does. But SotN had swords, so it's a totally different and new unique genre.

Agreed, Dawn had it in the boss department. But Aria is way more replayable and fun

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>games that do everything Metroid does
Funny how Metroid hasn't done what Metroid does since Super.

Okay but what's your favorite song from either game? I'm partial to the clocktower in DoS