Titanfall 2

play this game
it's actually the best shooter in existence right now

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would appreciate webms from fellow titans if you have them

first one was better

how so?
i played the first as well and loved it but just bought this one after 3 years of ghosting on it and have been playing it all night

Yes but it's on Origin

i don't participate in the launcher war
but i try not to install epic.
this game is like 7 bucks for the definitive edition right now

there are undetectable hackers everywhere, see

he even fooled the tf2 community managers that featured his videos online

It’s dead, jim

no i mean i get there are hackers.
seems like they've already implemented better anti-cheat measures in Apex than they have in this in like 3 years.
you can't even report people.
i still have a good time personally

The developer is too politically charged for me to spend any money on, especially after seeing apex

Its fun as fuck but I wish people would use something other than SMG's. On the rare occasion you see someone using something thats not a SMG everyone looses their shit

i saw a guy one match dunking with the kraber
just use what you want

2 is the same thing but with more stuff, how is it worse

yea i felt the same.
saw on guy saying the wall running and movement is slower but you can glide cs style so i dont see how.
feels like they innovated pretty well

Not that user, but I kinda liked 1 better as well. 1st person titan animations, customizable titan classes, burn cards.

However, the 5 dollars spent on titanfall 2 last week was worth it.

I don't care about DRM loyalty, Origin is just a particularly vile botnet and service.

Shotguns rape everything.



every gun is usable theres just no reason to cause hitscan is too good

t. have every gun with black camo

>plateau at 4k players online on PC, 3 years after release
>ignoring games like Lawbreakers and Battleborn that are literally dead
Who am I kidding, /vee/'s tranny hivemind would think a game with 50k at peak is dead just because they stopped playing it.

Yeah SMGs are the most noob friendly, but any gun is viable enough if you practice using it. I used to tear ass with the softball against filthy alternator users

No point to shotguns when everyone is equipped with an ability that guarantees a non-counterable one hit kill when you get close.

>Its fun as fuck but I wish people would use something other than SMG's

People won't admit it but that's a large part of why the game died. No one actually wanted to play it. They just wanted to play their TF2.

>burn cards a selling point
oh, honey...
But I will agree with you on first person animations and titan classes. I wish they could strike a middleground where each class has a role but you can mix and match equipment to create sidegrades and subclasses, a-la Team Fortress 2.

the rule is for me if it's under 200 concurrent it's dead.
but like what do you want? if it has enough players for a match how many people do you need?

i think the official explanation is they wanted to bridge the skill gap and let shitters compete too, but in reality people just abuse the shit out of the broken hitscan.

>inb4 this becomes titanfall 3
>inb4 respawn gets cucked by ea and apex legends is all we get left of respawn
>inb4 ea says not our fault blame randy

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most underrated game of this gen

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>more stuff
Thats the biggest problem. Thousands of retarded skins, shitty useless weapons, titans and gadgets while others are clearly better, more garbage on every inch of the screen, YOU LEVELED UP 12 tmes at the end of every round, 45 gametypes and everyone only plays attrition, 10 types of wallhack gadgets

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Git Gud.

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>why am I an L-Star using POS

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i wonder which dollarama that is

titanchads assemble

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Titans in FFA were a mistake, but I did enjoy the mode in its limited run. No trash teammates feeding the enemy points, you only have yourself to blame if you lost.

This is why I stopped playing. Loved titanfall 1 but was having issues with 2 on origin and massive amounts of snipers flying through the air getting headshots. I don't doubt there are some people who can do this naturally but the amount of people that were able makes me think most of them were cheating


>Ronin nearly DCs and his faggot sword block is negated
Absolutely golden

>he uses Ronin

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scorch is my favorite


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i got good....retired now....just an old boomer...

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From what I remember from the screenshot I posted I raped everyone with my EVA-8 shotgun at the very start, got my titan asap and just dominated the match.
It must have been about a year or so ago but I was pretty good with my titan too, never lost it even though I fought 3 other titans.

If you main Ronin you’re a turbofag and I will absolutely switch to Legion and spend the entire game bullying you with my smart core and double power shots.

I see the cripple needs his wheelchair

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Anyone who needs a concurrent playerbase to enjoy a game is a poser. You can play any game if you get enough people for a match, I can open up Natural Selection 2 right now and find a playable server, boomers still get together to play 20 year old multiplayer games on weekends (they didn't invite you because you're a faggot.)

tone players are shit. most of the time if you rush them from the side they dodge in front of their shield giving you a free shield

tone requires precision and leading
eat shit you little baby ass

Ronin is pretty fun but faggots always played him wrong.
Ronin is best by using a hit and run style, run up, smack him a few times with the sword and fuck off in a matter of seconds, repeat.


>ronin =/= a fucking mosquito

Lack of variety isnt fun. Those boomers playing NS2 are using nothing but meta or agreed upon meta faggotry because they are senile and easily enraged.

>precision and leading
>my sides
Pardon me, I must have the wrong titan where you could just slap fire repeatedly and get ez pz tracking missles like a cheap whore. I don't think so.

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>t.ronin player

Stand up, my fellow kings

Also, very grateful to Apex for bringing so many more people to the multiplayer

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Why would you ever run? Sword block is the most overpowered titan ability. Just fucking face tank the enemy abilities with it while you keep dashing around behind them like the fucking weeb shitter you are. Ronin is only ever exposed if you turn your back.

>implying I play ronin
I'm a monarch lad, because fuck you and that T3 invul on weak points is gucci as fuck

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but where your rockies at
you aint got no rockies boy

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>playing Monarch/Tone

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I'm sorry I can't hear you over the draconian shield loss you fucking losers.

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>playing the virgin chassis that has to steal shields and then run the fuck away because they’re so weak
>not playing the chad ogre who never runs away and always kills his opponents honorably head on

either shitposting or underage

Me when I need some extra shield and you wander into my field of vision

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>more in the shitposting ballpark I usually play monarch or just go with generic autism which usually just falls onto not using a titan

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I pirated it and loved the campaign, but is there any reason to buy it now? How far ahead would a potential Titanfall 3 be?

It was my 2016 GOTY and while DOOM was fucking excellent, it's a bummer they came out so close together, because I've replayed Titanfall 2 a couple times and really have no interest in beating DOOD any time soon, but DOOD got all the attention.

At least Respawn is making a new Star Wars thread.

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>play this game
I did on release. I got and put probably 200 hours on PS4. let me play other games you fucks my backlog is only getting worse and I can't waste more time on TF2.

After 300+ hours of playing and mastering Scorch I'm going back to playing other Titans and god damn it reminded me to hate Tone, Monarch and Ronin players even more. They are so easy to use and I've heard Monarch players several times complain that they're bad against pilots. You're not bad against pilots if you can shoot them out of the air without having to calculate the trajectory of your shot first. All the tryhard player fallout from Apex has everyone running around with the cheesiest builds they looked up on youtube and then they call me me an OP scrub with no aim when I blow their hit scan ass up with a slow moving rocket in midair. I don't care for what this game has become but I still have fun games.

it's like 6 bucks right now for everything and i would say tF3 is still prolly at least 2-3 years out

I'd give it two years. I'd assume they wait to launch on PS5. That's IF titanfall 3 ever even becomes a thing, which I'm very uncertain about. Apex is starting to falter and fortnite has only become more aggressive in it's attempt to keep players. I'm afraid EA and respawn might can the whole franchise of Apex doesn't do exceedingly well. Hell, titanfall was as good as abandoned until they realized they could cash in on battle royale games by just reusing a ton of assets they already had laying around. I digress though. Tf2 is cheap as fuck at this point and the pvp, while sparse at times, is extremely worth whatever price you'll find the game for at this point

TF2 is the best $6 you could ever spend and TF3 is probably still 2 years away with all these other games Respawn is working on.

Titanfall 3 is at least maybe another 3-4 years off. Odds are they won't wheel it out until apex starts dying down. I'm not a hundred percent on my prediction and really I'm just using the Apex thing as a buffer zone to the idea that maybe it'll buy them time to develop the shit.

Does anyone know where I can find a collection of all the titan messages you get when you jump in?

Like the "We are stronger together" or when Legion dies and you eject it says " Avenge me"


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I couldn't get into it. The marketing need to have every player get a Titan in a match leaves a confusing mess.

I kind of agree here. As much as I love TF|2, Titanfall had so many little details that were just missing in the sequel. First person animations, the announcer popping on your screen to feed you information, the "multiplayer campaign" (which would be awesome if they included it in some way, it would give more purpose to choosing different factions, but I by no means mean to say they shouldn't have given us the kickass singleplayer campaign we got), and let us not forget customizable titan voices. Titans in the first game felt more like they were "yours". Also, I found myself using Stryder frames far more in the first game, but almost never in the second game since my playstyle doesnt fit any of the "presets" you have to choose in the second game.
Oh well, Legion's pretty cool too.

It's not very confusing at all. I think you have attention problems

This, I loved Titanfall 2 but I don't really want to go back to it after seeing Apex. Very disappointed, but not surprised.

Op is not a fag for once. If only 2 had all the maps of 1. It would be the best game ever.

Do people still play
Cuz destiny 2 pvp is fuckimg garbage code wise and i need to burn off steam

Respawn are fairly competent devs.

On PS4 in the American southwest, it takes an average of 2-3 minutes to find a game at any given time, in my experience

Games are inherently political. Get over it.

I've heard on console theres at least 10,000 on everyday on both consoles and pc I think almost the same? PC it takes like a few seconds to search for a game like 5 - 15 seconds?

I hope you're improving on going fast pilots

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i wish to go fast, faster than anyone has ever gone. please teach me the old ways!

Legion doesn't say that, they all do.

Jumping on to play some matches on ps4, thanks for the thread.

Multiplayer is dead and rightfully so considering how much of a step back it was from the original.

Depends on what platform I suppose, I'm on xbone and there's regularly around 3000-5000 players even during weekdays

Got the game 5 minutes ago. I reckon respawn is busy with apex and the star wars game so it's gonna be a while until 3.
I did play the campaign on a pirated version. It was really nice.

Any tips for starting out in multi(pc)?

Tip: if you're ever just running, you are fucking up amigo. Any time you're just running, you could be stim rushing, phasing, power sliding, or grappling.

I was blown away when I discovered Titanfall, 2, and Apex all run on source, when Valve's games using their OWN engine have to cut corners here and there to compensate for the engines drawbacks. For example
>Lowering the graphical quality in tf2 to compensate for cosmetics
>Ridiculously low draw distances in CS:GO's Blacksight or whatever the BR is called
>Maps tend to be boxy because of how source renders environments

And meanwhile
>Titanfall maps are huge and open to compensate for the giant robots
>Apex somehow doesnt have the same draw distance issues as Valves BR
>Modern graphics without cutting corners, still preserves the same delicious mobility mechanics of classic Source titles

Respawn truly is god's gift to man

Literally completely wrong as evidenced by almost the entire rest of the thread

Low bait detected, priming offensive thermal systems.

Then watch as EA cucks them and keeps the apex team only

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Don't play to win, play for style and speed, you'll surpass all the tryhards in time and develop far more diverse and entertaining skills in the process.

Source? You mean like, the engine TF2 uses? The fuck?!

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use hipfire, if you're on the ground you're playing wrong and make sure you farm grunts for easy points


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Never run when you could slide or grapple.

>Yea Forums constantly circlejerking about how good the titanfall games are
>no one actually plays them

You're all just a bunch of posers. Same thing as the Quake crowd, talk a bunch of shit but never actually play the games.

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First one was faster but had less interesting mech classes


What the fuck are you talking about

Scorch bros, where you are at ?

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He thinks everyone that likes TitanFall2 should be playing it 24/7
He doesn't understand that only spergs and autists do that, and those guys got shit taste.

If anything, thats the only thing that Apex did right in two months

Usually 3~4k, peaks around 8 around the weekend on the xbone.

How much is this shit? You guys have peaked my interest.

Doesnt matter its worth whatever it is

Hate EA but love this game

The word is "piqued"

it does now, they brought back a bunch of maps

Lol faggit

i've been playing all night stoop kid


Denial is always the first step. Though it has been almost three years now, you really should accept reality and move on.

>t.ronin player

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congratulations, you're the only human in existence to say that the "multiplayer campaign" was a good idea.

>Yet another online-only multiplayer shooter with microtransactions

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> has critically acclaimed story mode

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>search on steam
>its not there

dont be a baby you've never truly owned any game anyway

csgo can be run on intel integrated graphics, apex can't

csgo looks like shit and has maps you can cross in seconds