Is there still room for the turn-based/ATB JRPG in the modern video game landscape? I hear publishers and developers claim that no one wants to play them anymore, but I feel like every time a relatively high profile one comes out, it does pretty well and people talk about how much they wish turn-based games were still made regularly.
Is there still room for the turn-based/ATB JRPG in the modern video game landscape...
Turn based games are being made all the time today retard
Pokemon still makes 1 Billion dollars each mainline game so yes
And yet Squeenix is constantly claiming that there's simply no demand for a turn-based FF anymore.
Is there still room for the turn-based/ATB JRPG in the modern video game landscape?
There is.
>one company
>same company said Bravely default did fantastic
Oh yeah, that's some riveting gameplay. Menu management. Whew.
Persona 5 was successful in terms of an SMT game. It was probably the most popular non-pokemon turn based game released in the past few years.
Nothing enrages squeenix more than people demanding they make SNES/PS1 era style games. They just want to make movies and you filthy white piggu gaijin will play the new FF7 """remake""" (read: cutscene-laden hallway simulator) and give us money to make our new movie er i mean game FFXVI
because FF's turn based combat is braindead and boring, they were right to drop it. If they bring something like SMT's turn based combat that would be cool but that's too much for the retarded FF playerbase. I mean not to say the action combat in XV is any better
>(read: cutscene-laden hallway simulator)
lets not pretend this isn't what FF is, especially 7
They think FF13 failed because of turn based combat, not that it was just a shitty game, so now instead of playing to the strengths of their development team, they try to make action games with very little experience.
I wish squeenix would just rip off Grandia 3's battle system for one mainline FF
probably the best turn based (or hybrid) battle system ever
Also, there's room for anything in the modern video game landscape if you hype it hard enough
turn based RPG's have evolved into the tactics genre, no one wants outdated combat systems
that's just an excuse. Squeenix isn't just about video games but about products. FF XIII was supposed to be an entire franchise on it's own. people were going to be clamoring for Lightning, she was going to be the next biggest vidya character. 1000 statues were going to be made. people were going to demand they make a movie like Advent Children featuring their true love Lightning. All 3 XIII games were going to sell like crazy and SE would rake in billions from the crazed XIII fanbase.
Except they thought about all this and forgot to actually make a good game, so their scheme failed and they have to come up with an excuse to blame other than "we are incompetent and greedy"
Need proof of how stupid they are? Look no further than FFXIV 1.0, which literally failed because all the devs working on it thought people were going to like it regardless of the quality because it was an FF game, and filled it with graphics that no even the greatest computers of 2010 could run it well, much less a PS3.
You mean as vita trash with writing that makes 50 shades look like fine art?
Sometimes corporations are retarded to the point where the average consumer knows more about what they can sell than they know.
stopped being vita 2 games ago tho
>And yet Squeenix is constantly claiming that there's simply no demand for a turn-based FF anymore.
>no demand for a turn-based FF anymore
>no demand
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.
>And yet Squeenix is constantly claiming that there's simply no demand for a turn-based FF anymore.
they need to learn to not say that when their last attempt at an action FF game was a literal one button combat system
10-2 is the best iteration of the ATB they ever had though
Quit trying to fit in.
Nah Squaresoft was already going under. Pic related is where they officially went wrong. You can even argue that FFVI was the tipping point and when they started getting addicted to the smell of their own shit but that's also a good game so it's easier to blame a piece of shit like Spirits Within
no, me trying to fit in here would be saying everything sucks
I'll take SquareSoft.
They're right, think you can sell a AAA budget turn based game nowadays? FF needs their 5/6 million AT LEAST to break even, and unlike DQ it has no real reputation or standard to meet, FF sells on brand name and as such it changes depending on what makes that brand name sell.
Besides, FF never sold for its gameplay either, as it has always been pathetic in that field and vastly overshadowed by other franchises.
There is a market for turn based games (not ATB because that's garbage nobody likes), but it's a small market fit for low-mid budget productions at best.
>FF needs their 5/6 million AT LEAST to break even
maybe if those stupid faggots didn't spend so much money on advertising and amount of polygons it wouldn't
>They HAVE to spend infinite dollars on what could be a midsized product. They have no choice but you blow their budget on retarded shit! They have to make 10 billion sales or else they won't be able to make up their completely overblown and mismanaged budget!
Monumentally bad post.
getting the normies to stop caring about graphics is the only way to save gaming user
normalshits don't care about graphics as much as you think, they care about braindead, junk food gameplay. Minecraft and Fortnite are the two most popular games now and they look like shit. Graphics tards are mainly PFats, almost every jRPG fan would agree to dialing down on FF's graphics since it takes up such a monumental amount of dev resources
Yeah, for sure. Octopath Traveler, Dragon Quest XI, and Persona 5 all sold well and those are recent turn based RPGs. Definitely still room in today's market for well made turn based JRPGs.
FF sells on graphics, remove those graphics and you have nothing.
And advertising is the core strategy to sell your stuff, if they didn't bombard people with Octopath ads that shit would have barely sold 200K units, FF is no exception.
>>They HAVE to spend infinite dollars on what could be a midsized product.
Yes, that's what FF is about, blame it on the franchise being garbage, other IPs have no problem working with low or mid budget and making profit with something as low 300K sales, because they sell on their own merits instead of pretty visuals.
Again, nobody cares about the gameplay of FF games, otherwise FFXV wouldn't have sold 8 million units given how garbage it is even for an action game, but you FF fags keep on denying this.
>FF sells on graphics, remove those graphics and you have nothing.
this is what I'm trying to say needs to change. They're right to get rid of the shitty turn based systems classic FF games had, but they fucked up when they decided to allocated resources to how many strands of hair were on noctis's head instead of a proper combat system or fleshed out world
And Pokemon
They will never change that.
Again, get this through your thick skull, the main selling point of the series since the very first game has been GRAPHIX, FF is a casual series for a casual market, they never once cared about making games that are compelling to PLAY, outside of the first two and maybe the first Crystal Chronicle, mostly by virtue of being made by people who actually care about gameplay.
You won't change that now, if FFXVI came out with Automata-tier graphics it would be a fucking disaster for the IP, if you want compelling gameplay you have to look somewhere else, FF will never, ever deliver that.
>Again, get this through your thick skull, the main selling point of the series since the very first game has been GRAPHIX
no it wasn't dumb fuck, it was the encounter design and dungeons (narrative focus starting with 4 was also innovative for its time). FF7's blocky models are some of the worst looking out of any major 5th gen game.
while the series is high budget, the MUH GRAFIX! shit didn't really hit till 13 and SURPRISE it went to shit
Right, now instead it's just trash.
Oh yeah, sure, good point. I generally don't think about games aimed more at kids, but that's another demographic that sells super well. Just more evidence that turn based RPGs are just fine.
>turn based
>but it's active battle system
I hate this so much. You give tons of skills and spells and everything to use and to think what to use on which character or enemy, but at the same time you make me race the clock to find the correct skills. I love ff series but not a single game with active battle system has been good
>no it wasn't dumb fuck, it was the encounter design and dungeons
Nobody fucking cared about any of that, the dungeons in FF are pathetic even compared to DQ, the battle system and encounter design was only barely acceptable in the first two games before getting to absolutely pathetic levels with the rest of the series.
>FF7's blocky models are some of the worst looking out of any major 5th gen game.
FF7 had top tier prerendered backgrounds and its battle and art direction, let alone the amount of high quality FMV cutscenes were jaw dropping at the time, this is without considering the massive amount of enemy models, summons and whatever else, FFVII was at the top of the industry for its time when it came to visuals.
>the MUH GRAFIX! shit didn't really hit till 13 and SURPRISE it went to shit
You are not only underage, you're completely fucking deluded.
The entire reason FF1 was a big success is that you could see your own party in battle, the single deciding factor in making it different from DQ clones was exactly that, GRAPHICS, visual spectacle, but keep denying it as much as you want.
>You give tons of skills and spells and everything to use and to think what to use on which character or enemy, but at the same time you make me race the clock to find the correct skills.
some people like a little tension in their battles, also there's always the option to put it on Wait
the problem is that most of the time the correct option is "Attack"
That too. But "wait" doesn't pause it while your on the main battle menu, you have to open a sub menu for it to stop. I like action games and I like turn based games but I absolutely despise a hybrid between them.
On a side note, as you said attack is usually the only viable option when you're post game, it's very sad. So much wasted potential of actually having to use tactics when all superbosses are quite literally just
>I absolutely despise a hybrid between them.
you sound like a guy that needs to play Grandia
also Baten Kaitos Origins
how's the combat then? I just might try out
In this day and age, video game publishers are like politicians. Policy does not reflect public interest, and the developer/publisher will cave under the whims of corporate greed and lobbyists. Hell apparently some fat white bitch who is in no way Native American bitched about the feather on Game and Watch in Smash Ultimate and Nintendo changed it. One lady, not a gamer, should have never had influencing power over something she realistically doesn't give a shit about, but these days in video games it's also politicized to hell and whatever doesn't conform with the SJW way gets knocked down.
LR is good ATB
can't do them justice in one post, it'd probably be a better idea to look up some gameplay vids and reviews
all I can say is that I had a lot of fun with them
you should start with Grandia though
>So much wasted potential of actually having to use tactics
When you have not only a garbage battle system but also garbage enemy design you can't pretend to also need to use tactics, FF is just trash when it comes to actual gameplay, be it action or turn based, it never goes above mediocrity, nor has any ambition to do so.
Ironically, FFXIII was the only game where they actually tried to come up with an interesting meta behind it all, but they still failed (and misjudged their userbase too)and it was received so badly it killed any sort of will to build upon it.
Honestly, FF is stuck between a rock and a hard place, on one side you have a franchise that has built a reputation on anything but actual gameplay and is now forced to deliver as much as it can on anything but that, on the other side you have a userbase which either feeds that bad habit or simply doesn't know what it wants, it's somewhat pitiful.
There's a place for anything. It'd be a niche though.
The RE2 Remake was as close as you can go to "classic" survival horror while remaining a big relevant title. I'd like to see a take on turn based combat like that.
>it was received so badly it killed any sort of will to build upon it.
But they did build upon it in the sequels and Lightning Return's battle system is legitimately good