So MK is dead, right?
So MK is dead, right?
Everything about this game is embarrassing
>this is what they did to my Sheeva
I was fine with everything else, but this ain't alright
>I was fine with everything else
You deserve this fate
>/pol/cels are crying their little hearts out
>game will go on to be the best selling MK game to date
Always a fun time watching these tards embarrass themselves.
>caring about a ugly character still being ugly
>Have to Make another thread to feel special
Top kek pathetic
I wish it was
Not because of the characters getting hit with the sjw stick, but because the series is trash
anyone got anymore leaks?
I didn't like it, but I could accept it. This is over the line
Cute cyborg
Here is some leaks boi.
*Unzips pants*
Didnt it went attrocious at EVO?
Is that Sheva?
you should probably get that leak checked out by a doctor
The guys are still hot so I don't care
Guys, I'm not feeling very good because of this leak. Will you anons post Hitomi for me to best off to my fish monster waifu?
Call her Shadiva
No it's Shanequandabele
It died a long time ago, user.
>ugly swarthy female goro is ugly in the new game
holy gosh dang i am totally freaking outraged omg eat this downvote
Nah this is there celebrity guest appearance Raven Symone
No, it will sell more than X. It will likely be yhe best selling fighting game of all time.
I love watching 4chin get gtfo'd, especially Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums.
Go play DoA then incel.
Lol, X was the best selling yet. 11 will top it.
What the fuck is this shit? Is this supposed to be Sheeva?
Reminder that you will (thankfully) kill yourself before 40.
No matter how hard you post you will never get rid of that deep-seeded hatred you have for yourself.
Is anyone really buying this on the Switch or anything?
>"Always a fun time watching these tards embarrass themselves"
>Spends time reading and responding to those threads
What does that say about you...?
I wanted Sheeva back, but not like this. Never like this.
She looks like Raven Simone
If you all dropped your twitter anime avatars for a moment, you could actually turn this into a racist controversy against NRS.
>On twitter at all
That give me 9 more years then. Looks like I'll outlive this site.
Well at least I get the little pleasures of watching you cry about videogames.
Not for the switch but yes I've preordered Mortal Kombat 11 premium edition.
>half of the catalogue twitter caps
>still pretending this shithole doesn't live there
Raven doesn't have that Manish chin or jaw
I could care less about the face, but the armor is dumb and she doesn't look buff enough.
sheeva's supposed to have that chiseled bodybuilder physique 24/7. I wanna see those bigass shoulders.
>Caring about Sheeva
>Caring about women in an MK game
>Thinking with your dick
I got Shao Kahn in this game, doesn't matter what you faggots say, I'm going to be crushing heads and spamming taunt online.
>yes I've preordered Mortal Kombat 11 premium edition.
Cállate puto
Negro feo
>get gtfo'd
>get get the fuck out
>MK is dead because Yea Forums doesn't like the new character designs
>They only hate them because they can't jerk off to them
Your opinion is worthless
I lold p hard bb
MK hasnt been good since 3
only normies and zoomers think it still is
Lmaoing at this white cuck
lend me your wife
Or are you racist?
oh come on! Face wise that is objectively terrible
>playing fighting games
If you like dick I can provide it.
MKX was the perfect balance, the Anita Sarkeesian touch in female designs is too obvious
a franchise dies as soon as the original audience moves on
>the only appeal is literally cute characters
Shut up lmao
That's a male clit fuccboi
Now suck my dick
who is that?
Zoomers don't play fighting games though. Other than retro gaming and RTSs fighters actually have he most boomer audiences. Zoomers play arena shooters, battle royals, and mobas.
Also every MK game has sold more than the last.
wait that's sheeva?
Okay. But you have to preorder mk11.
More like HEEVA amirite?
>Also every MK game has sold more than the last.
But what lasting appeal did any of them have?
people still talk about 1, 2, 3 even 4. No one talks about anything released after that
No tournaments. No competitive scene at all
yeah but you're losing the culture war you care so much about, so yeah
I don't get your problem
That's what black women look like
>I don't get your problem
>black woman
>Tranny this
>/pol/ that
>Yea Forums this
>Incel that
>Jerk off this
>Seethe that
Can we all dashdfgvcbsvcx
People still talk about 9, quite a bit as far as the competitive scene goes.There really isn't much of a scene for 1-3.
9 and X still have communities and scenes.
Who cares about le ebin esports pros?
why the fuck is Sheva african looking? she's a god damn Outworld monster, a fucking Shokan A GOD DAMN DRAGON DESCENDANT WHY THE FUCK IS SHE BLACK
jesus fucking christ what are they doing?
you are fucking retarded if you think MK11 will actually outsell MK9, not even MKX did
Shit series, shit game, shitskins
>what is mkx
You seem upsetti spaghetti.
Are you an incel?
Unless you are complaining about Sheeva actually better looking in mk11, complaining about ugly female characters in the game (which there are just very few to none) and showing her as an example is completely idiotic.
Seeva was NEVER supposed to be beautiful.
Are you a well-meaning useful idiot for totalitarianism?
you ok there buddy?
Fun fact: Street fighter series always have been better than MK series
SFV exists
MKX is the 8th best selling fighter of all time. 9 is the 10th.
Also X was the fastest fighting to hit 10 million units sold.
>Fighting games
Saying that you like women showing less skin in MK11 won't get you laid.
Just a wake-up call to the huge amount of beta males on this sub. Nobody is impressed and no girl will like you because you like your virtual women less hot.
I recommend going outside and seeing how slutty women dress in real life to help curb this issue. Also lifting weights and quitting your onions diet might help as well.
Ironic that the fags behind "have sex" can't have sex themselves.
The highest selling MK game of all time,
The 8th highest selling Fighting game of all time.
The fastest fighting game to hit 10 million sales.
X is also considered by long time fans to ve one of the best MK games competing with UMK3 and 9 (2011) for the favorite.
Normies don’t give a shit about the character’s sex appeal. The fans only care about the gore, lore and gameplay. You’re literally the most niche part of the MK fanbase: the idiots who got into it because of fucking sex appeal. Reminder that MK9 ads and commercials on TV couldn’t show fatalities or female characters, but the MKX ones did show female characters and sold way more than MK9. I love me some fan service, but MK isn’t a game that needs sex appeal to sell. That was never EVER a reason to buy MK games.
I never liked Mortal Kombat before they always were mediocre fighting games. But it makes it even worse now that there's an agenda attached to it.
can mods try to fix her?
Play Dead or Alive 6
Not really. I'm an idiot but I'm actually a nihilist. I don't care if the right or left wins the culture war. I just like Mortal Kombat.
Fuck Reddit.
>He thinks we care about the sex appeal and not the ideology driving the decision making of developers and publishers
how shallow can you be?
I don't care that the women aren't flopping their tits around and begging for cum on screen.
I don't care about pretty much any of the complaints usually seen in these threads
But you're fucking kidding yourself if you think the designs in this game aren't god awful. The models themselves are ugly ontop of already ugly designs. Compare this shit to MKX and tell me this doesn't feel like one major shitfest of a game. Even the posterboy Scorpion looks terrible compared to his X variation
>not even Sheeva was safe
They'd just delete her.
I know. I wouldn't count it either. But EVO does so lists do to.
Regardless, the point was that X outsold 9 and the other user is retarded.
so a well meaning but useful idiot for totalitarians?
I want to play Mortal Kombat 11. I don't care about getting laid.
>I'm an idiot but I'm actually a nihilist
so a useful idiot, I see.
I'm not useful for anyone. I'm worthless user.
No, just an idiot.
I'm not useful for anyone. I'm literally worthless.
You might be useful if you figured out your values.
The game will sell millions, people who complain about this game are in the minority.
>Half dragon ogre-like woman isn't beautiful
That's it, we had a good run Mk bros
Why are you people acting like Sheeva ever looked good
No Smoke no buy
good by comparison user, good by comparison.
Good goy, good goy
based NRS for using my man Kenan as a face model
Fuck that. I'm too lazy.
I know right.
Beacuse I'm self aware and ok with who I am? That is cringe.
I can't wait for next week when people are defending this and I'm being called an incel because I don't like this design.
get help user
Because you're a coward deliberately playing the fool to avoid responsibility.
>self aware
You may be aware that you are useless but you aren't aware just how unwanted you are.
Literally a pseudo-intellectual.
Because she wore a Borat Bikini.
Look how they think all the women in MK11 are ugly just because of no swimsuits. Even though their faces and attractiveness is vastly improved. None of it matters because they are wearing clothes now.
Pretty much for me yeah, this is MKvsDC levels of bad. Call me when they announce mk12, because this one is fucking gone.
they should just make all the characters palette swaps of Shrek
>That was never EVER a reason to buy MK games.
So why are all the men shirtless, even the new characters? Why aren't they covered up if sexuality doesn't sell?
Shao Khan gameplay dropped this morning.
>Even though theirattractiveness is vastly improved.
Maybe to mentally ill trannies like you, but nobody else. They look boring as fuck.
She looks exactly like Sonya. Whats the point of the character anymore?
>Atrocitus voice from Injustice 2
Nah. I'll just kill myself when I'm ready. Life is too much work.
Yes, I am. I know noone likes me. That's ok. I've become used to it.
No. I'm an idiot. I can't do shit. Nothing intellectual about me.
>using twatter
kys yourself
Take a look at Yea Forums, even just page 1 and pretty much every thread has lewdposting or people talking about how they want to fuck. It's to the point where gacha shit is more accepted than this game just because it has big titty anime boob. Yea Forums just wants to fuck everything so when a game like this doesn't necessarily invite something like that they shit on it and call anyone excited for the game cucks, trannies, shills etc.
You really can't take these complaints too seriously when you look at the culture of the board where they're so sexually repressed they unironically ERP with eachother.
She's the only non-ugly female in MK11. Please be gentle to her
how tiny is Anita?
she's wearing boots yet all the women(?) towering over her.
I thought all the Reeeing over the other female characters was a bit much, but this is bad. This shit is really bad.
Shes bland and boring. Kitana is pretty much the only one in the entire female cast that looks passable. Everyone else either looks fugly, bland or both. Given how they improved many of the more boring male characters and some of the new guys are unique and cool, I think there were two separate art teams working on the game. The boring SJW team made the women because "realistic armor and strong women".
It's probably that fag from the other thread some hours ago playing pretend that he was just "playing games" when he started getting BTFO'd
ITT: Bitching About Nothing
The guys look alright. Only thing the SJWs managed to do was to make all female characters incredibly boring and samey.
To replace sonya eventually so they don't have to make a new brand featuring boons new pets. They know if it wasn't called Mortal Kombat it would flop dead on the spot if they pulled the shit they are right now.
Unless you can give an example of what you mean by boring design i'm just going to assume you're pissed they aren't showing more skin
>I'm an idiot
Reminder everyone complaining about the character designs are in the minority.
This game will sell like hotcakes and every playform will have a healthy community for a long time, especially if they implement the cross platform connectivity they were talking about adding after release.
MKX and Injustice 2 both sold like crazy and they were both dead games in less than a year's time. Oh yeah those week 1 sales sure do mean they're putting out a quality product!
my wife
>Cross platform
Oh fuck I never heard that and I hope they implement it. If it can keep SF5 alive it would do wonders for MK. Fighting games seriously need to do this more.
Switch gameplay trailer just dropped with not yet seen story footage.
imagine being this sad that people having different thoughts can prevent you from having fun
holy shit. Who is actually gonna buy this game? LMAO
nah, she's super average and I'd say her face is below average by chink standards.
They will remove the gore for the next one too, you think they can have all this shit with rocket scientists in london stabbing each other up?
very few people buy mk to because Jonny cage is shirtless
Emphasis on "if." If the game doesn't have cross platform, it'll be dead like all the other shitty NRS games to release after MK9.
And week 1 sales actually don't mean shit. These games are the FIFA's and Madden's of the genre lmao.
Proof that billy and his bikini bois are the minority.
They can't even fill a petition. LITERALLY not even 2000 haters.
11 is gonna be huge.
Just got some story spoilers on twitter and man oh fucking man are people going to be PISSED!!!
Boring military gear straight out from Anthem or another run-of-the-mill looter shooter. Its fine if its the theme of one character but now they stretch it out to most of the female cast. Now they're all tough ladies that wear reasonable armor and take no shit from anyone, with very little variation in between. Compare it to the new male characters with the Goa'Uld nigger and the half Baraka/Goro greedy dude who throws potions around.
Fuck, they even tune the ninjas to have something more than just the color going for them, Noob gets a cool fitting weapon for himself. Compare to Jacqui where they managed to make her wrist guns even more unremarkable and boring than before.
There's more NPC only fighters right?
I preordered premium.
That's part of it but I mean story story shit.
So theres no reason for them to be shirtless then. Yet they are.
>gacha shit is more accepted than this game just because it has big titty anime boob
Yea you are full of shit
commit suicide
why do people use incel as an insult on fucking Yea Forums?
What kind of people? Did they successfully ruse us, or resetera instead somehow?
RIP Future Scorpion, you were too male and privileged for this world. May your character development somehow be rescued
Let's both do it.
this game is so shit
>Imagine being this retarded and unintegrated that you don't see how a totalitarian egalitarian ideology might affect the actions people take and the mark they leave on the world.
Stay asleep, dipshit.
No, the kind of people who think MKX's story wrap up was fucking trash.
Yeah lets ignore gachashit threads going to post limit with people dumping anime lewds. You don't like gacha and neither do I but that doesn't mean it isn't being well received by the board as a whole, don't even need to mention /vg/.
It really is, the best thing about the game are the character models.
Will it actually though? I don't really keep up with MK anymore since this isn't Sega Genesis era but I haven't noticed much interest in this game. It could just be because I'm not in the FGC but I don't see anything special about it.
Because there are lots of actual incels here.
I mean, if you are getting mad over bikinis you are making it pretty easy to see that you are an incel.
Casuals were drooling with MKX last time because they loved MK9 and MKX was advertised to be far more violent. MK11 in comparison is pretty tame.
>fully armored sheeva lookin like latisha from chicago
yup, its dead
This can't be real
>NRS shills on full blast
doesnt look good pals
Because they're from other sites and wish to make it clear without directly saying it.
it's literally just a black woman head with little horns
ah, as is the ed boon tradition i guess
>there are lots of actual incels here
and? who gives a shit about anons hating women, I don't get it.
You mean decent, actually inspired outfits that arent restricted by Anita Sarkeesian types? You're just making it clear that you browse reddit when you defend this and call others incel.
>Because there are lots of actual incels here.
Still less incels than in Resetera.
Who is this ugly nigger supposed to be?
oh shit boys the NRShill is awake. He'll accuse of being Billy or Anita and have aneurysms at you for desiring interesting character designs
what the fuck
It's a subtle redpill that nogs arent human, but monsters
>bikinis of all the colors of the rainbow
Try again.
It won't sell more than Smash.
Mk11 sheeva
>FemKahn with belly button and sexy thighs.
This needs to be a thing.
I dont get it either
if they hate women why would they want them to look better by their own definitions in the first place? Wouldn't them being ugly dogs you pummel into paste better fit that narrative i see swung around these threads?
So why dose Yea Forums think this game won't do well
She's the new iteration of pic related
What the fuck
Smash is more of a fighting game than Mortal Kombat.
ed boon? more like ed ____
Kill yourself
I haven't seen more than 5 people in the thread saying the game will fail
da joos
I want the old designs back but signing a petition for it is embarrassing. I am just not gonna buy the game.
have sex
Based anonymose's btfo of this pol fags. If you were going to buy this game after the third trailer I suggest you kys.
>D'Vorah sticks a bug dick in your belly and pumps you full of babies in her throw
>D'Vorah pukes in your mouth and John Carpenter's your ass in her fatality
>Johnny turns you into a puppet
>Shao Khan knocks your head through your asshole
It's like you haven't seen anything in the game.
I am so glad that it finally happened. Not because I care about marvel stuff, but when my friends dragged me to go see Avengers 2, you see that Cap is the only one who can very slightly sort of kind of make the hammer move a tiny bit. I called it at that point he was gonna use the hammer. Literally all of my friends told me I was an idiot. I expected it to be in Infinity War, but End Game works too.
>no argument
surprise surprise
You first incel
She definitely doesn't look monster enough, i hope if they show/add Goro again they retain his more otherworldly appearance
the thing that kills it for me beyond anything else is moving the horns down to the side of her head instead of closer to her mohawk like they've always been
also the lack of sexy leotard but we could've modded her nude without much effort anyway so who cares, but that face is what we're gonna be stuck with for a majority of porn of Sheeva from now until the next game either fixes her or ruins her
very cute
kill yourself like half of your kind do
>See the word incel in an MSNBC article after a mass shooting
>Now can't go 30 seconds without using it to describe anyone who disagrees with you
Incel has become the most annoying word on the planet. Normies who never heard of them or even know what its about saw it come out of Rachel Maddows mouth and now they can't stop using it.
Have Chex.
No I meant the casual audience buzz surrounding the game, I should've been clearer, sorry.
The harbinger of death
What does that have to do with anything?
user said it would flop. It clearly won't.
hello r*ddit
Every Yea Forums buzzword is the most annoying word on the planet.
>tfw counter circlejerk was in full force
>any anti SJW post was called /pol/ immediatly
>Yea Forumsstarted sucking off Bioware
>Incel spammers start invading the board
>Spamming tranny memes and pissing everyone off
Youre turning it around you fucking faggot and i love it.
Spam incel more, only you can turn around the autistic circlejerk that has had Yea Forums defending shit tier games because it felt attacked by /pol/.
Come on you fucking autist, say it one more time
Its been dead
Some retard said it was gonna be the best selling fighting game in history. It is not selling more than Smash.
What happened to all the big titty girls?
Resetera and Reddit dont understand sarcasm, user. Yours was wasted.
cmon nigga they literally lowered a clothing slider to as minimum as possible without making the girls actually nude and added some random pieces of cloth, metal parts, and stripper boots
replaced by bizzaro world clones. Please understand, they can come back in sequels because other realms and timelines and shit like that. Just buy the game and dont think about it anymore.
>Studio doesn´t allow woman to be sexy
Uh oh, that´s problematic.
I live to pls user. Any more requests? Or did you climax already?
>implying i don't jerk off to tha Kahn's, Kano and Cage
The females still suck and i still won't buy it.
Ricardo with boobs
Will they be back in the next game? I might skip this one
She knows that she can't wear mk costumes like this anymore right?
everything is dead
Yeah, inspired by the B-movies, Conan Barbarian, Mad Max and exploitation Kung Fu films that inspired the entire franchise in the first place. These new designs aren't inspired by anything else than the art directors own hardon for virtue signaling himself on Twitter to his circle of rainbow hair hipster friends.
No you have to buy this one or there wont be a next game. Do you want them gone forever?
Wtf thats very problematic and nobody would wear that into a real battle. Internalized misogyny!
But the no bikini stuff is an attack on men in general, typical feminism
What I love most about these dumb little invasions is how painfully obvious their tactics are. They samefag and pretend to be impartial anons that just got tipped over the fence to their side. It's literally shit like "THAT DOES IT! I used to be a 4channer, but not anymore, fuck /pol/, progressivism has showed me the way!"
>female cosplayers have to cosplay male characters now, to show off their goods
dark ages timeline
This desu
I can just put in MK9
If the next game is going to be feminist as well, it's probably better that it doesn't exist
The countless shill threads before Anthem release should have opened everyones eyes
Well, yes, the mainstream buys things that are photorealistic, this has always been a given.
>a franchise dies as soon as the original audience moves on
Firstly, I guarantee you can't substantiate that argument. Secondly, the original audience doesn't give a fuck that the women don't look like strippers anymore.
Lol, you know that costume was sponsored by NRS right?
Alicia Marie is badass. She fucking killed Billy.
Yeah, ironically for the women. Male cast is as good as always and the new male characters have some fun idea going for each one. Its just going to mean the female characters get played even less than before.
That he enjoys watching incels suffer. As do I. These threads are fucking amazing it's great watching you absolute loonies have your hobby taken from you. And you can't do anything about it. So keep crying :)
doesnt matter, as long as they keep doing it.
It doesnt even matter if people are shitposting it ironically.
At some point its going to be so annoying that the fad wears off.
too lazy to post a laughing hitler gif
Looks like the team that made 'Mass Effect: Andromeda' still has work.
I don't know what's worse, actual paid shills that do this for a living or shilling fanboys doing it for free?
Finish it.
Hello incel
Fanboys by themselves can't support the franchise. MK9 and MKX were a success precisely because they lured in a lot of non-fanboys to play MK after a long hiatus. Fanboys will suck the dick of the developers even if they would kill their mother in front of them, therefore their opinions are entirely irrelevant for the most part.
>precisely because they lured in a lot of non-fanboys to play MK after a long hiatus
That isn't going to stop because women have skintight leather and cleavage instead of military vests stapled to plastic tits or bandage dresses.
She looks like she only fucks white guys
What fad? Before incel we called you permavirgins. If incel wears off we'll just make up something else to refer to furious virgins with mental illnesses
Fuck off
The irony of you goober geeters calling sjws snowflakes for cryjng about clothes in videogames and are now the ones who are crying about clothes in videogames is rich.
Reeeeeeee more.
It's always been nothing but projection from the poltards
Have sex incel nazi
Keep going tranny, keep going.
Im gonna keep replying to your repetetive posts.
Youre not pissing off me, youre just pissing off everyone else.
Is this some sort of out of season April Fools joke? Why do nigger trannys have to be in mortal kombat? fuck boon and fuck NRS
No ty.
So, how does Jade look in this game?
But the word spreading its infested by SJWs will. That being said I'm 100% sure all the skintight outfits are in those advertised DLC outfit packs, giving intentionally boring and bland outfits for the entire female cast just screams of cynical marketing.
Tbh this just seems like Injustice 2 with an MK skin.
Like a muslim
This is the definition of trying too hard. The smiley at the end was too much.
that sheeva? looks like vin diesel
>And you can't do anything about it
Apart from not buying SJW games of course ;)
Like shit if it's her living costume
nothing like that picture
This game is gonna flop hard guys.
Do you think the average consumer actually gives a fuck about a bunch of retards on imageboards complaining about Jews taking away tits? You grossly overestimate how much people care about this sort of shit. I'd suggest getting your excuses together now so you can pretend that it all happened because of some grand conspiracy like Captain Marvel so you don't embarrass yourself.
>i enjoy eating shit
>how dare you dislike eating shit
your funeral man
i not buying this shit
>So, how does Jade look in this game?
Are you trying to imply she has ever looked good?
Aw shit, this is disappointing
Am I really the only one who thinks she looks hot? I want her slobbin on my knob
Decent if it's her revenant costume
Looks like you don't understand the snowflake meme at all
>you cant enjoy the beauty of the female body whitout sexual conotation
imagine being virgin
Welcome to business. Don't give people things for free when you know they'd pay for them.
Lots of lonely, stupid men out there who'd pay for clothes for their digital dolls.
it basically is
>Do you think the average consumer actually gives a fuck about a bunch of retards on imageboards complaining about Jews taking away tits? You grossly overestimate how much people care about this sort of shit.
They seem to care when Gillette tries to be woke. You also have to keep in mind the casual audience for MK is fairly small thanks to the theme and the genre. That pool of "casuals" consists mostly of gamers who are aware of the gaming community itself but don't play fighters religiously. And that group hates SJWs.
gameplay is MILES better than anything MK has ever shat out
>implying that's an improvement
Did you guys wnat to talk about gameplay or bitch and moan about superficial shit?
If you were to go back in time and tell me that people would complain about Mortal Kombat's sex appeal rather than violence, I would've called a retard. I am entirely convinced you faggots don't play games and just latch on to any and every controversy you can manage to exaggerate for the sake of some pleasure from being offended. It's just exhausting at this point. Even normies can talk more about the gameplay mechanics than you bonafide retards.
The fatalities look good at least.
I don't know about you guys, but I was late for the MK train and am playing currently MK9 which is fucking awesome and seeing all the news about MK11 I don't think of single reason why would I want the new MK.
Who's staying on MK9?
she literally doesn't though
> wild Sheeva appears
>(and allies!)
>afghan face
Yikes, absolute state of this SJW shit
>playing MK for the """gameplay"""
LMOA at your lyfe.
[chair clattering]
>Did you guys wnat to talk about gameplay
What is there to talk about? The new system promotes zoning too much and hopefully they get the balance right before online turns into a shitshow of players avoiding actual fighting.
Can't play 9 so i'm stuck with 10 desu.
Why did they introduce the SJW shit in the first place then? Just leave it out of games and nobody will complain. Simple
>still talking about anita
holy shit dude have sex
You people have crazy high standards if she looks ugly to you.
>They seem to care when Gillette tries to be woke
Yet they're completely fine and weren't meaningfully impacted by the hordes of sensitive manbabies crying about them, just like Mortal Kombat will continue to sell millions of copies, movies featuring woman leads will continue to make literal billions of dollars, etc. Like I said, start getting your excuses in order because most people don't give a fuck about this stuff.
This. I practially support anything that make /pol/ mad and make them lose their shit
The gameplay looks pretty meh and most of the characters designs are even worse, but it'll sell a ton anyways and they'll get away with it, when will it stop?
Have sex
you wont be missed, but yeah mk9 is a fun game
>man desperately fights to maintain homeostasis within his delusion
It's below average
>and weren't meaningfully impacted
You mean besides a completely useless ad campaign they wasted millions on? And suddenly their next ad was trying to pander to white men as much as possible?
Ten sexo
I'm sure you'll be back here to apologise to us all and admit you are an incel roastie once the game tanks though, right?
but thats impossible
get woke, go broke
Didn't Kitana and Jade supposed to be pretty?
>everything is pol
soon it will be :^)
You first incel
You better be talking about Cassie
The normie consumer will get bored of this shit if they dont consistently and dramatically change shit like they did between IX and X. If they repeat what they're doing right now clear into XIII then the franchise is fucking dead in the water. Even bing bing wahoo has to do small things differently to feel fresh in their ADHD rattled minds. NRS laid the groundworkd for a huge fucking of themselves by sticking to this injustice-tier shit for two games. Its a good thing the next one is probably a shaolin monks styled thing if the leak is on-point still because fatigue would definitely settle in if they did 3 MKs with this style as dedicated fighting games in this day and age and the post MK4 era proved outright.
No, that offends the ugly feminists
I don't know when the last time you've stepped outside but that is not below average at all.
Have sex
There might be a more cynical reason behind it:
They confirmed that you can customize the costumes and that theres going to be future costume DLCs you have to pay for. Its not a coincidence the vanilla women's costumes look bland and boring as fuck. Cassie Bunnysuit/Maid outfit for 20 dollars is going to sell like hotcakes.
Jade looks just ok, but Kitana looks fucking great.
Every single thread is just filled with shitposters or actual retards that use the same buzzwords as always
>inb4 have sex
The rest of my post didn't tip you off?
Remember when you were a kid in elementary school, and there was that one kid that always annoying and dick for practically no reason?
The worst part is that even though he was a dick and everyone let him know that he was a dick he just kept coming around and being a dick anyways.
That's /pol/. The kid that just can't get the fucking hint.
They had great designs but in game they usually looked like shit
Have sex
Did you mean tranny sjw cuck?
The parent company literally made them shove out a follow-up ad basically going "s-sorry white men, we didn't mean it THAT way uhh-"
What rock are you living under?
Most threads start with bait now, it's weird.
What can you do? Make a too serious thread about one particular game only and it gets deleted because people complain it should belong to /vg/.
the threads are made by shills trying to get uproar going the week before launch. What did you expect? actual discussion? You cant have that because any complaint triggers the shill's alarms and they shitpost at you to drown out your critique.
MK gameplay is fucking shit
what is there to talk about?
Have Gex
Jannies spoiled OP's image lol
and netherhelm confirmed there WONT be any sexy costumes even with the costumization stuff
So why are you trying to talk about a game you won't buy, idiot?
Yeah, I'm not feeling it. From that screencap alone she doesn't look like some weird alien warrior amazon, she just looks like a black lady in some horns.
I stayed away from here for 2 or 3 years and it was a shock to see a lot of SJW posting here. I was told that a famous site closed and some of the SJWs came here, is it true?
At least 25% of the posts I read in Yea Forums seem to have been written by an effeminate bald man with beard and old-fashioned glasses or a fat whale with pink hair.
i was friends with that kid and we both bullied that girlish boy in the back that kept complaining about that kid every single fucking day
Its like they hate money or something. Is that guy in the interview an actual employee or just a contract hire that will fuck off after the games done and they move on to Injustice 3 or whatever?
i like making fun of stupid people that will buy this shit
Its less that site closing and them being autistic enough to try and force normalize drastic changes on people anonymously
Also a healthy amount of shitposting and being le ironic like faggots so take it as you will
>haha go back to Yea Forums
thats how you look like right now
its cool to be a contrarian for some reason
Even Shaolin Monks had better designs
Maybe I just don't "get" it, but what about that picture is supposed to make me want to purchase that game? Why are they doing this?
i dont know.
I think it started as ironic shitposting.
Gamergate was a huge boogeyman and ever since then anons were deathly afraid of the /pol/ boogeyman invading, not knowing that /pol/ is busy raiding its own board with interracial porn.
Course, actual SJWs dont know that ironic shitposting is a thing and started joining in. But they tend to be easy to spot.
With anthem, i noticed an influx of Incelposting. the Muslim Kombat threads are full of em, id wager about half of em are Ironic shitposting.
All the same to me tho, thisll just swing the pendulum the other direction again
The fact that you have to ask means they've failed spectacularly.
I thought they were supposed to be half-dragon, not monkey.
Your new is showing.
do they realy think calling people that visit Yea Forums of all places incels will actualy hurt anybody in here?
this isnt facebook, i could literaly create a thread and talk to myself for a hour and nobody would notice
Well Shaolin Monks had fantastic designs so yeah it's obviously better than Anthem-lite
Ay yo bitch lend me your wife's pussy it's Wednesday she nerds a man to take care of her needs you know what I'm sayin?
Why are western developers so incompetent now? Are they drinking too much onions. This just looks disgusting and I had hope for this game to get more players for the FGC but this is just embarrassing to look at.
yeah i had to get a new one because your mother wore mine out,
shes very fierce and dedicated for the price she wants
>Posts Apu
I love fighting games, but my favorite MK is pic related. Am i retarded?
Average American woman.
who cares what they look like retard you're ripping heads off jerking off faggot
Actually we're all anonymous and your posts amount to spam.
MK is shit
Shaolin monks was the only fun game they ever made
Oh good now instead of at least having a nice body she has nothing.
'incel' and 'manbabies' would be a better example
white jade was the best! these version of kitana and mileena are the best
Thank god for the filter.
At least it's not bad like the mk9 port on the vita
No you just have good taste in beat em ups.
>/pol/ is busy raiding its own board with interracial porn
You're thinking of Reddit
please delete this
You can't have her. But you can fuck me if you want, sugar.
It writes itself
Things have degenerated to the point where I am actually amazed that Cap gets this moment instead of Carl Manvers.
Imagine larping on a reddit for "anarchists" who just like how it sounds and would never practice what they preach in reality
she still destroys the fuck out of the only intimating thing in the movie so its still the worst of both worlds at the end of the day
Incels are embarrassing and the fact that it took the vidya industry so long to outright shun them is embarrassing. But this game is amazing purely because its driven you ugly freaks into hysterics. And the best part is you can't even offer an argument to the general public over this shit because theres no way to do so without revealing what an unhinged incel you are. So suck it up buttercup and find a new hobby :)
So they somehow made it worse than fanfiction-tier? Amazing.
This is the first character where I agree with the incels. She looks like shrek, and isn't cool or intimidating at all. Just goofy lookin
She is named sheeva and has four arms shouldn't she be more brown?
Life is like a hurricane here in Cuck - berg
Rape scars, tazers, co - caine it's a Cuck blur
Might throw a hissy or be a sissy!
INCELS! Whoo hoo
Everyday there on Yea Forums crying
INCELS! Whoo hoo
Naw dawg I don't fuck that crazy pus-crusty fake pussy shit man I'd rather fuck Hilldawg Clinton
you'll abandon the hobby once its not popular anymore regardless so just do everyone a favor and kill yourself now sweaty
fitting in yet?
I have a penis.
But we can always just suck each other's dicks. Or you can fuck my asshole if you are into that.
For you irrelevant freaks it is lol
Mixture of actual SJWs not understanding how this palce works and anons picking up on easily repeateable buzzwords
But yeah, its basically an insult thats completley worthless without attaching it to an actual person, and then it only works if its actually true.
Holy shit, an mspaint comic. I'm fucked now.
That they have fun watching these tards embarrass themselves.
But it's being made to appeal to the trannies, not against them?
But you're an incel and you're still here
>spamming an image board every day
id laugh, but im here so realy i should feel bad about myself
its the only word they have to try and combat tranny and they feel smug saying it so idk what they get out of it besides delusion and misplaced accomplishment
Upsetti Spaghetti Incel.
Nice mad.
That is fucking disgusting.
Kitana kill Shao Kahn
Jacqui beat Cetrion
Dvorah kill scorpion.
Like a crazy feminist write the game
It's ok incel, there is no need to be upset
Because you respond with juicy (you)s and virgin mad.
Holy fuck God Liu Kang.
>they develop scorpion's character only to say "fuck that" in the next game
what the hell was NRS thinking?
>Jacqui beats a god
Excuse me?
keep going
Should have thrown a pepe or wojack in there.
nothing realy, again, most of this is just shitposting.
As far as im concerned,
posters are usefull idiots.
>Using MK9 as the gold standard for MK designs
fuck off
Upsetti spaghetti virgin.
Give me the (you)
Hey incel virgin, you owe me a (You)
>there are people with tumblr images itt telling anons to 'go back'
This thread has made it abundantly clear that there is a problem on this board, so I'm here to help you fix it! Using the filter is quite easy but for anyone that wants to patch the problem right away I put together this quick visual. Thanks Yea Forums, look forward to discussing more games with you in the future.
The same person who showed the video of Dvorah killing Scorpion, is the same person who said that Jackie defeats a God. Nothing surprising seeing how Woke this game is. Oh, and old Sonya dies, but unlike men, she does so by sacrificing herself.
nuMoral Kombat will sell no matter what due to the brand's name and what's worse is that they will pat themselves in the back thinking that the change they vomit made it success and not because they were riding the cocktail of the IP long notoriety
underrated post
Already done.
this isnt reddit
(you)s are meaningless
I hope you can turn off the blood so the YouTube algorithm let's people see the videos.
Mario Kart is still great :^)
It's a response. Not an upvote autist
cope, seething, etc
NRS shills on suicide watch
Seeing Ed Boon on the streams makes me think he's just about ready to quit and let NRS die under Warner Bros. boots when they put some dingleberry fuck in the control seat for Injustice Infinite or something retarded like a MK-themed battle royale game or whatever is hip at the time.
Is this the new generic buzzword reply everyone is going to start using? At least it isn't "SEETHING" I guess...
go back
The sad thing is that Yea Forums actually thinks that anyone outside this board gives 2 shits about their opinion. You say the same shit about every game that comes out and that its going to fail "because of reason X", or its shit "because Y was changed" and use that as an excuse to shitpost.
No wonder Moot himself came on here before he left and stated he made vg because v at the time was basically Yea Forums 2.0
If you really thought this you wouldn't be here
That is such a broken scorpion, god damn
How? We shills are ok with it. Suicide watch would be the people who are mad about it.
they wont be gone forever Mk is the CoD of fighting games thay can fuck up once or twice and still keep going
Fun fact, the SF series has ALWAYS been better and superior to the MK series.
The real fucking crime is that just about every mary sue thot character is back, but they couldn't even bring back all of the staple ninjas
Where the FUCK is Reptile? Where the FUCK is Ermac?
Why the fuck do we need so many boring thots instead of all of the klassic characters?
>supporting day 1 DLC
only in gameplay because the dial a kombos aren't really that fun.
Mk shits on Sf in story and always has.
Not if WB gets sick of their shit and cans their studio like they did their own video entertainment studio after buying Midway out. They'll sit on this shit and shove out a crappy movie or tv show to keep the rights as long as they want if they have to.
DLC to wring your wallet out some more
At least before she looked tough woman ugly. Now she looks retarded woman ugly.
If it sells millions it will most certainly not be thanks to the character designs. Their character designer is lucky they are doing everything else right.
Supposed to doesn't matter here, she looked much better before.
So its like the kike-destroyer in Apex?
Whose the white ninja in the krypt,m
Reeks of tumblr fujo
Reminder, the SF series has ALWAYS been superior to the MK series any way you try to twist it.
MK10's storyline was a complete mess considering how we are expected to see Cass be anything but an overpushed character, especially with how you went 1 right step then 2 sudden wrong steps. And now you tell me MK11's story, which is looking worse and worse everyday can complete against anything?
Hell, do you honestly think people give a real fuck about MK's story mode considering the events of MK9?
>tfw am the only Sheevafag in existence
>They do this to her
It's not fair bros
Makes you wish she got Kintaro'd huh?
What happened in 9? I only started paying attention in 10, never played the stories of these games.
Not really because all those people that are mad aren't going to buy the game now no matter how hard you shill
wait why is the joke that she looks black when she has a more caucasian-looking jawline and a nose that isn't flat? (the total hambeast-looking face is a separate matter entirely)
Is going to sell millions just for the Brand the designs , gameplay , story it doesn't matter people will buy without even looking at the reviews . Is the benefit of marketing towards casuals
>Implying NRS isn't going to bend the knee once sales plummet
do you think suburban internet activists and Reddit niggers have the money to keep this shit show afloat?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
She looks like Vin Diesel in drag to be honest
>Omg life is suffering, late capitalism wants to make me kill myself I wish I had a vagina and that makes me want to kill myself even more
>Fuck you chud start including blacks and women pay for my sex change and health care and college while we're at it too
You're all cowards and should probably just off yourselves while you still have the option to
this is hugely ironic coming from the crowd who calls every person who likes MK11 a tranny
Original timeline was fucked because niggers killed Kang, Raiden gives himself in the "Past" an ominous message without explaining shit. Past Raiden fucks it ALL up even more, causing everything wrong to happen FASTER, and causes the shitshow we have now by accident.
The plot is literally: Blunder God - The Tale of Raitarden
If you killed yourself you wouldn't have to worry about what gets posted on here anyway
See? This just strengthens my argument!
Pretty much Raiden tries to fix the timeline from the beginning after the stupidity in Armaggedon leads to Shao Khan winning and becoming pretty much a god.
However, this plan quickly backfires and characters that were meant to have survived by MK4 die and characters meant to have died survive in unexpected ways. Also Johnny Cage becomes the Champion of Earth, Kung Lao and Liu Kang fucking bite it as well as Kitana and Sub Zero who becomes a cyborg, and Quan Chi ends up working with Shinnok now instead of Shang Tsung.
Yeah, are we doing it or not though?
I keep hearing rumours about a spiritual sequel to it coming soon
MK plays like shit is animated like shit and now they finally brought their models and characters designs fully in line to the standards NRS and the community want from MK11 pure unfiltered garbage.
>just face-scanned a nigger and left it at that
please let the industry collapse soon
we need a forest fire to clear out the under growth.
Its obvious they're going for the gritty le GoT death shock
back to your shithole.
Holy shit is that daisy hogg?
>He says while Sheeva looked completely good in MK9, and D'Vorah looked creepy yet interesting in MKX.
i dont think its warner bros telling him to do anything i honestly think this is an internal decision just to avoid the controversy. Complaining about characters not having skimpy outfits on the mainstream makes you look like a loser as apposed to having girls dressed skimpy and then have every news outlet going after you telling you to grow up and stop treating women like sex objects.
I hope so. Amerifat nigs don't know how to make games like the based Japanese
Why is this game so bad with faces? The only characters that look good are the ones that wear masks.
This is true for all of them
Even Raiden looks fucking weird now.
This is a deeper problem than Sheeva. This is baby's first face scanning game except I'm pretty sure Netherrealms has done it before and are just acting retarded about it now.
Look at this shit
This is NOT Sheeva specific, they all look this way.
i cant figure out what this comic is trying to get across
raiden kills himself to make her happy??????????????????????????????????
Is this their excuse for not putting in certain characters and adding some of them? I noticed a handful of the rainbow ninjas are missing.
Oh yes, I thought my musclefu was exempt from this since she didn't appeal to most but it seems I was wrong.
One of these is not like the others.
Like this, look at this shit
Nice face, Cassie. Does your daddy know that you stole his chin?
Why does the faggot always sit like a woman.
I'd like to give her my daisy hogg, if you know what I'm saying.
A black woman Khan should be like Grace Jones
Or this, look at Sonya