Who's your favorite vidya reviewer/youtuber?
Who's your favorite vidya reviewer/youtuber?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice try Jewmanlives
>Used to like him
>Suddenly flood of newer games blatantly shilled
>Unsubbed and tried blocking his channel with Iridium
Shit seems to be working so far. Fuck that shilling cunt.
Triple g is based.
the one and only moldman
Scott the Woz
>EA takes his jewbucks from him when he shits on Anthem because he can't not shit on it and not immediately give away his shill status
>tries to play the victim like EA was censoring his independent review because he said it was bad and not because he didn't do his shill job
Fallout 76 is great, has no flaws.
That dudes channel sucks. He's a bought out piece of shit. Fuck that fosters drinking faggot
I used to until the anthem bullshit
>shills for anthem in a video
>I'm not a shill btw guys I genuinely liked the game
>deletes the anthem video 2 days later
>hey guys, I deleted the video because EA didn't pay me like they said they would because I said something bad about the game in the sea of lies and shills
used to like him until anthem mess
also his new name just reminds me of Gman from half life and GGmanlives would have been better imo
By looking at the picuter I can imagine the actual guy is a chubby faced balding soiboy
Jewmanshills is my favorite e-celeb!
that was a great stream
He's shown his face before.
How can someone be so wrong? He uploaded the video the first time, which he shat all over it. Considering he was part of the EA YouTubers thing and had their logo on it, EA wanted him to remove the video. He simply took out the logo and reuploaded the same video where he shitted on Anthem.
real nigga know, okay?
There are a lot of older videos of his where he's filming himself on his couch talking about games. He's a very pale, tall and lanky Australian.
Who is that guy? I remember seeing him on WLIIA
He's so niche, I don't think anybody will recognize him.
Hey hey, people.
Why did he change his name?
Civvie 11
The only gaming related videos I watch are those "30 upcoming PC games" or "100 PS2 games in 10 minutes" types of videos.
john wolfe
Came here to post this
not funny
Joseph Anderson
Don't care, just play the game and decide by yourself whether you like it or not
>History Behind the Warrior
>8 Bit Ryan
>Jim Sterling
>Yong Yea
>Angry Joe
Fucking Aids:
Etika was
Guess I need a new one now
gmanlives reviews alot of great games and works hard, but the way he reads his scripts is really monotone and it gives him the charisma of a saltine cracker.
mandalore gaming
>Spout dated chan humour
>Get shekels
>Quit getting a doctorate to get YouTube $$$
What a life
Avalanche Reviews
J's Reviews
SuperDerek RPG
Scott The Woz
The Completionist (Videos itself are pretty bland, but Jirard is puts a lot of effort in his videos)
Kilian Experience
Resonant Arc
Summoning Salt
Used to like:
Snoman Gaming
Larry Burry JR
God tier:
Oxhorn, Ross, Civvie 11, Fudgemuppet, Icarusliv3s, Larry bundy jr, Rockcock 64
Great tier
Gmanlives, theepicnate, Slope's gaming room, Videogame dunkey, Broughy1322, Brodual
Good tier
uncle dane, vinylicpuma, Siro channel,
Bad tier
Juicehead, Jimquisition, pewdiepie, Yong Yea, Boogie2988, Angry Joe
I like myself a lot.
t. sseth/mandalore
>youtuber makes decent/good videos
>they're pretty niche
>Yea Forums finally discovers them
>loves them for about a week
>love switches to hate
>rinse, repeat
Every time.
>Yea Forums is one person
PBD and ProJared were such wholesome guys back in the day
you can only do this for so long though without getting tiresome
Have sex
we don't deserve him
>Sseth being secretly mandalore
god what a jekyl and hyde-ass reveal that'd be, a guy barely toeing the line from being an overt /pol/ youtuber being one of the nicest dudes around constantly worried that they're going too far in their streams
I wish I could.
We still love DSP after all these years, faggot.
The people who eventually show up hating the things Yea Forums likes are actually people from other sites (homosexuals) who just hate Yea Forums in general.
Gmanlives was legit never that good, though.
Reminder that he reviewed Swat 4 without ever figuring out that there was a walk key and complained about guns being inaccurate.
which is which?
mandalore, I love you
supergreatfriend and civvie11 are the only ones I watch.
Clown Daddy actually makes that game look fun but his channel is small as shit.
could you repeat that please?
Read this in his voice.
To be fair, the amount of time it takes for the guns to aim in SWAT4 is utterly retarded.
>0 results
Classicgameroom aka CGR. Oldfags will remember him.
>*sip* quake was a good game mate, fuck your modern xray vision powerups
he's quite funny for a 90's pc gaming boomer. he never liked the souls games because they have bad mouse&keyboard support , and he tends to be a far cry fanboy, but calls out bullshit in most triple A games today.
he's gone for good
>The faggot who got banned from league because he couldn't contain his tard rage several times after being warned and then proceded to make a youtube video where he goes "WAAAAH WAAAAH, I DESERVE SPECIAL TREATMENT BECAUSE I MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS, THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO BAN ME"
Yeah no
he's at least two tiers above anyone else
All of those are fucking aids though.
>not watching comfy histories of speedrunning
summoning salt is where it's at
Penguinz0 is still good, granted, the fact that he puts out multiple videos a day means they are losing their charm faster, but his style of comedy has been consistent and his voice never gets old.
He sometimes likes shitty games or hates good ones for the stupidest reasons.
he needs to do more stuff desu
he got kind of shit near the end. Haven't seen a video from him in months.
it's not really that big of a problem if you, you know, walk, like you're supposed to.
This guy is very hit or miss but I like his vids for the gameplay
>too brainlet for Siege
Hope he comes back for mk11 love hearing his rants about the mk games
shillman has been shilling his shit here since he started his channel
muh fake hype nigger
Oxhorn is a closet fag.
Also half your list only plays Fallout 4 and 76
Don't blame me, blame his 1 video every 10 years schedule. He's god tier though.
NicoEvaluates. Found him while searching for vids about shitty Mega Man games and enjoyed his channel ever since.
He's a /fog/ namefag though.
>waah, he did one dumb thing once, I could never enjoy anything he does ever and nobody should
Hang from a tree, cock holster.
yep, for some reason he preferred doom 3 over the fast paced style classic doom 1&2 were. He rightfully shits on most ubisoft games, but always gives post far cry 3 games a pass.
His Siege video was pretty bad.
>jim sterling
I can tell exactly when you started following him because it sure wasn't before he got caught getting bribed to give Dying Light a good review in exchange for playing the release build before anyone else.
For me, it’s tamers12345
>follows shammy and clemps but DIDN'T listen to their advice when they told everyone to watch and follow mechagamezilla
your loss I guess
>Ross Scott
>gaming pastime
Those are the ones I would recommend.
Oxhorn makes fallout videos and is so through you don't have to play dogshit like 3 anymore.
icarusliv3s is the perfect doom channel. Everyone else is funny
I like Ross, but his voice is so goddamn tiresome to listen to.
you can't get more kino than this
Some user posted The Salt Factory yesterday and I've seen his Oblivion and Morrowind video.
Pretty good.
For me, it's Nakey Jakey and Ahoy
A literal paid shill.
>tfw no doctor wife
Civvie 11
shame they had to flee winnie the pooh land. Why they went to ANOTHER communist country is beyond me.
My complaint with Ahoy is that he comes off as just saying buzzwords that feel right to say about whatever subject he is making a video on.
They are now in Mexico though.
>That one guy nobody can hate
Not that long ago I saw I think Mandalore recommend a channel that seemed like a straight up hackjob of NakeyJakey because he helped him with something. Like legit, same nostalgic focus, same weird way of speaking, same "format is me crudely greenscreened while sitting on something over gameplay with a lot of comedic cuts"
It was weird.
Wow, so there’re two of us
Worthless he made the right call. Stay mad fag.
They actually removed the video because he didn't state it was a sponsored piece of media. He then tried to act up like EA shut him down for e-money sympathy.
Mandalore is a big fan too. Lots of big names love Mecha but he somehow stays obscure. He even had Vinny from Vinesauce on his podcast last month.
I used to watch "filmnstuff" but he must've died or gone to prison or something because he hasn't done anything in over 2 years now.
Civvie 11 is good shit
He did a shill video prior to the review where he praised the game you dingus
He appealed to the Yea Forums Yea Forums audience until fall 2018.
Once he started getting invited by big game dev and publishers ($) he dropped his Yea Forums persona and even started complaining about how sometimes "the gaming community is toxic ". He even had the jew meme as an avatar for his Twitter.
Too bad for him his selling out plan failed right at the fallout 76 video. The Anthem one was just inevitable. Sucks how some would sell their integrity for the cultural progressivsm and corporate shilling of today's gaming industry, just for more bucks.
Been watching him since Machine for Pigs actually.
Most YouTubers are shills. I watch them for their personality not their opinion. I'm an adult I can decide for myself by seeing a game if I want to play it or not.
>caring about history of autism