What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>combine handheld and console development teams plus WiiU ports
>still insane drought periods

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Consoles are dying and gaming is dying. Period.

To be fair most of the Wii's library was hit or miss

Better than the Switch's by a long shot.

Nothing went wrong there's just two difference between 2008 and 2019
1) the casual market shifted heavily to the mobile platform. So all the "exclusive" shovelware you see listed here doesn't need to be on the Switch because the companies that makes those games make more money putting some shitty game on a mobile device and trying to get kids / bored adults to download it and pay for microtransactions
2) Nintendo was pumping out a bunch of gimmicky games to take advantage of waggle technology. The Switch has no gimmick so they aren't shitting out tech demo after tech demo like they were with the Wii

A lot more miss than hit.
Like 80% shoveware. It was Nintendo's PS2.

I just came here to say that Captain Rainbow, The Conduit, Deadly Creatures, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Excite Truck, Fragile: Sayonara Tsukino Haikyo (also know as Fragile Dreams), The House of the Dead, Little King's Story, Red Steel (2), Trauma Center and Zack & Wiki are underated Wii games and that you should play them.

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The switch still has motion controls, Gyro, touch screen, IF sensor, and that HD rumble shit. It's got plenty of gimmicky tech to build games off of.
I mean shit the Labo is all about that shit.

I was going to poat something similar. I noticed all consoles are having fewer and fewer exclusives as time goes on. The ps4 sold more than the ps3 but it has a lower number of exclusives, and the xbone is just sad, the virtual boy has more exclusives than it

>1) the casual market shifted heavily to the mobile platform. So all the "exclusive" shovelware you see listed here doesn't need to be on the Switch because the companies that makes those games make more money putting some shitty game on a mobile device and trying to get kids / bored adults to download it and pay for microtransactions
Even though that's the case, half of the exclusive games in the switch section are literal mobile games and shovelware
>Nintendo was pumping out a bunch of gimmicky games to take advantage of waggle technology. The Switch has no gimmick so they aren't shitting out tech demo after tech demo like they were with the Wii
The only bad wii prefix game is wii music.
The switch has the labo and 1-2 switch.

the wii is the GOAT nintendo console

Excite Truck and Conduit are shit, but you made a solid list.

>not having mountains of shovelware like the wii

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The switch isn't even the worst of it either
>PS3 games by the time the PS4 came out: lots
>PS4 games by the time the PS5 comes out: Bloodbourne
I've been waiting for a good excuse to buy this gen's consoles but there's literally nothing worth a damn.

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t. 18 year-old who grew up playing Blops on the Wii

>To be fair most of the Wii's library was hit or miss
"Miss" is an understatement. 99% of the Wii library is gimmicky garbage trying to cash in on braindead casuals by appealing to the motion control meme. Even Nintendo themselves got in on it, with shit like Link's Crossbow training.

It worked so well that they tried another gimmick with the Wii U touchpad, but thankfully that blew up in their faces.

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im 58 kiddo

>Trauma Center
Valerie is the best girl in New blood

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Atlus makes best brown girls

Japan learned that the West is a solid place to sell to and even more to PC, having exclusivity deals means way less money for them overall

Yeah but most of the Wii games are Nintendo games.

Then you are too old to understand why the Wii is shit. Gaming is exclusively a hobby for people born between 1979 and 1989, pops. Everyone one else is either too young or too old to truly appreciate it.

This is what I keep complaining about, the Switch isn't getting exclusives because it's getting fucking multiplats.
Companies don't have to develop exclusive games for it since they can just port something from the other platforms and charge full price, it fucking sucks.

>developing exclusives for a tegra


>half of the exclusive games in the switch section are literal mobile games and shovelware
What? No they are not.

Quality vs quantity. WII had a shit library with only 30 games that anyone really remembers. While Switch is going to have a shit ton this year alone. Add in the fact it was mostly casuals like mentions and it makes more sense.
This is kind of true. People are moving to PC more so than in the past. And it makes sense in the long run.

People say the Wii had a ton of shovelware, but they also got a lot of exclusives from third parties that Nintendo didn't have to pay for.
Like Fragile Dreams, Pandora's Tower, Little King's Story, The Last Story, Trauma Center, Another Code R, you know the kind of stuff that we will never see as a Switch exclusive, even games like Octopath are getting ported to PC. I know I had more fun with the Wii than with any console this gen.

There was a lot of exclusivity in 2016 for PS4 but then it shifted to PC a year later.

what the fuck is nintendo doing. where is my god damn mega man battle network

>It was Nintendo's PS2.
Not even
PS2 had a lot of shovelware but every now and then you'd find a diamond intbetween all the garbage
Meanwhile the Wii had the handful good games and from then it was all shit, it was the Steam store before its time