What's wrong with them? Mister Chef is supposed to be black.
John117 Actor
>Not just getting Steve Downes
whats the point in hiring an actor to play as master chief?
why not just hire a stunt actor instead and just have the original voice actor dub over him?
He's Canadian-American and 6'5. As long as he doesn't fuck up the voice he'll be fine.
I liked this actor ever since he was in The Wire and had the gf with the rocking tits.
>Orange is the New Black alum
Acting isn't just showing expressions, retard.
>implying this isn't perfect casting
The dude's name is Pablo Schreiber of all things, it makes sense to hire a mutt to play a 2500's mutt.
Mister Chef is supposed to be black.
No he isn't you retard, read the books.
Games > Books > everything else
In canon, this show can be ignored for the shit it will be.
>read the book of first person shooter garbage
(((he))) is a lanklet at least.
>a spic/kike as Master Chief
>watching the TV series of it
>implying 2500's "americans" wouldn't be even more muttier than now
The politically correct term is "spike".
rape guard in season 1
That's how it is now.
No blue eyes, not built like a god, not so handsome that he makes women wet their panties through eye contact, facial hair.
This guy isn't Master Chief.
Maybe Steve will over dub?
The quality of writing in halo fits right in with the quality of writing of tv series.
>Fun Fact
Pablo is the half brother of Liev Schreiber,
I hope he didn't get the pedo genes from Liev's side of the family, otherwise I won't watch the show.
He's a pretty good looking dude, no homo
Steve downes is 70 years old.
do you even know who master chief is?
because judging from your reply, you dont.
How do you know all this celeb trivia, you giant reddit faggot?
>American taste
>Liev Schreiber
Pic related is his wife and (((son))).
Do you really think transplanting Masterchief as he is in the games to TV would work?
>Taco Jew
>what's wrong with that?
Are you being ironic or cynic?
More like Steve DOWN SYNDROME, LOL
I went to his Wiki page to check if he was a Spic(he's not by the way) and It's mentioned on there
Get off Yea Forums, /pol/ fuck.
You be ready for chief to find any excuse possible to show his face, just like they do in the deadpool movies.
Who do you think taught that kid to deep throat that handlebar?
Hollywood is basically on incestuous group. They're all related in one way or another. For example, Nicholas Cage is the nephew of Francis Ford Copolla the maker of The Godfather, but usually they change their names to make it less obvious.
just make him wear a helmet all the time. the producers are retarded. so much cheaper too
This. His father was also a hippie
The only thing black about John117 is his pupils.
>a character who is given minimal dialogue and has his face purposefully hidden so players can self insert
>instead of hiring a stunt actor and dubbing the voice over ala Darth Vader they get an actual actor
Glad you could join us, Mad Sweeney
The smug face on that bitch.
The white race deserves its suicide.
oh boy cant wait for 5 seasons of flood for no reason
>get bored summer after graduating high school
>Sense the undercurrent of repressed racism growing in america
>go to IMDB Halo forums and start some dumb thread about Master Chief supposed to be cambodian
>pretend like i know what im talking about
>call everyone who disagrees stupid
>come back 10 years later
>literally the top thread and spawned one of the biggest debates in IMDB history
>on a fucking video game
People are fucking dumb.
different medium, different strengths
self insertion isn't one for series and movies
they could've got any fucking 6'2"-6'5" football chad with blue eyes
they've said this show will have chief with his helmet off which is a fucking horrible idea, but they are doing it
If you’re not a hack writer yes
Unless he's a voice actor he'll fuck up the voice
That's literally irrelevant
that cunt is a nonce
Who else would watch the show except gamers?