Post yfw you didn't fall for the VR me-

Post yfw you didn't fall for the VR me-

Attached: VR_is_too_real3.webm (700x392, 2.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:

based as always


Attached: 1515379541019.webm (700x392, 2.78M)

this isn't video game

Attached: 1518641587629.webm (400x400, 488K)

Attached: good girl.gif (354x264, 1.76M)

>saving a weebum of a gif


There's clear gameplay involved here, without it all being context triggers or any other usual no game elements

Is this advanced heatpatting?

only because you can play it, doesn't necessarily mean is a video game, numbskull

Attached: 97212591-918E-4E06-9900-BCDC9402E434.jpg (645x1000, 107K)

what's the goal? Seems to me more like a tech demo than a game

>She loves it!

Put benis in bagina

post more of these

I'd rather it a webm with a seek bar and clocking in at a fraction of the filesize than the raw gif.

>Post yfw you did fall for the VR

Attached: Shinobu3VR.webm (720x404, 2.92M)

>ywn be this insecure about your shitty investment that you have to spam the same thread everyday

Attached: raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg (360x360, 17K)

Somehow i was hoping he would bring her to the end of the balcony and kicked her down.

Is this how neets think younger females react?

>mfw I didn't fall for VR meme

Attached: boxing.webm (800x450, 1.86M)

>that whole webm
my fucking sides

Attached: 43578.jpg (600x582, 68K)

That's his wife my dude

I just picked one up because they're actually verging on reasonable now in terms of price.

Man, superhot VR was great. A solid 2 hours of fun.

I still wouldn't recommend VR to anyone but the hardcore crowd who just wants some slightly more up to date arcade titles. At the end of my session, my neck hurt, the fingers I used for those dumb grip buttons ached like shit on my main hand, and I honestly would've been fine with the game ending half an hour sooner. My face was hot and sweaty, I'm glad I didn't get this any closer to summer because I can already tell it'll be utterly unplayable by June.

Where can I download this? I find no reliable, clean, sources of it.

Can I ask which headset you used? There's some advertising as not needing a PC, I would think those are the ones to avoid

I don't think about 3DPD at all

reminds me of that one 2d h-game with Seaport Hime
did you try sanic_hegehod?

Vive, I really can't see any fucking point in buying any of the alternatives. Number one on my list of requirements is decent tracking, and it's the only one that's even vaguely accurate.

I thought the display would be shit given how hard people have whined about it, but it looks fantastic. SDE isn't noticeable unless you have autism, color fringing isn't terrible, I honestly can't see myself upgrading for a long time. Text is a bit hard to read, but I wasn't expecting miracles from a 1200p screen 2 inches from my face. Miles better than the smartphone VR I tried first, that stuff is hot garbage.

>the fucking ak in the last row
top kek

Nope, but I was able to find it there. Thanks.

IIRC all the waifus out there were posts by Yea Forums of a different english chan, and were added almost last minute with a neat python program the dude wrote himself, which is fucking amazing. i wish i could code like that.

i shouldnt find this hot but i do

Attached: 1553708062031.png (360x333, 184K)