This games SUCKS

this games SUCKS.

Attached: 220px-Apollo-justice-english-cover.jpg (220x220, 20K)

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this game sucks even more

and that's a good thing and here is why

Attached: trancendent_bait.png (1080x710, 56K)

It's just boring and easy. The last case is the only good one. None of the twists were very good and none of the characters were very entertaining besides Trucy and Apollo. All of the cases felt incredibly short as well.

It's not the best, that's for sure. After one of the best, if not THE best opening court cases in the series, everything ed le just feels below-to-mediocre. The yakuza case is middling. The fucking concert case blows ass because of that one minigame which doesnt fucking tell you how to cut and pause certain segments of the recording, and what was building up to be an amazing final case as you play as Phoenix going from his fall from grace and the aftermath of it was pretty fuckin' stellar, the final court case just leads Kristophs court trial by jury decision in a way that's not satisfying.

I know people will probably take a shit on my opinion of the game, but the only real saving grace of Apollo Justice is the sprite art. 1-5 did a better job with the same assets as Apollo Justice, but I digress. AJ still has fantastic sprite work.

>All of the cases felt incredibly short as well.
That may be because a lot of the trial sections felt short. Turnabout Corner only had two real witnesses despite all the characters it introduced and the final case's final trial was practically automated.

Apollo is a mistake.

How is it bait to state the plain truth?

I'd say it's around the same level as Justice for All in my opinion. Maybe a bit better since I hated half of the cases in JfA. The biggest downfall with Apollo was simply that he doesn't get to use his bracelet outside of court. This mixed with the removal of character profiles leads the game to feeling a lot like the first Ace Attorney game, which wouldn't be bad if the third one wasn't amazing.

because the OP knows he's wrong and that it's the favourite game of many

It says a lot about the game when people only like it because it doesn't have any spirit medium stuff.

Best music
Best atmosphere
Best first case
Best art style
Best sprites

>Best music
>Best first case

Attached: 1549207142351.gif (268x185, 1.17M)

>The last case is the only good one

Attached: what the fuck am I reading.png (400x240, 92K)

>last game is good
It was garbage. The last 45 minutes basically play itself

AJ has the best Pursuit theme step off

>Powered through the trilogy release on Switch
>Realize the other mainline games are available for phone
>Bite the bullet
>Blast through AJ. It's weird, but it's fine.
>Get to Dual Destinies

Maaan, this shit is weird to see. Voiced, animated cut scenes, 3D models, and heavily changed UI. This stuff is fucking me up. Only real complaint so far is the VA's. Dunno why everyone's objections sound so... flat.

Trance Logic is better than Logic and Trick, but otherwise AJ is worse than the original trilogy.

It has the best objection theme for sho.

The 2nd case of Apollo Justice wasnt bad

I hate Phoenix's new voice, the original was perfect and that was just some dude who worked at Capcom.
Wait til you hear what they did to Miles though lmao

Oh, Jesus, I didn't think about that. As flat as a lot of them are, I'm most surprised that Apollo and Gavin sound almost identical. It's strange considering Gavin's German seeps into almost every sentence of he speaks, ("Achtung! Herr Forehead, etc.")

I think Sam Riegel fits as Phoenix’s VA, but yeah the original VA was pretty good too


Yeah well Japanese game companies have been doing this forever.
The first time I ever saw Pichu I legit thought they redesigned him because THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. STOP PLAYING JAPANESE GAMES

Maybe when he's speaking , but his "Hold it!" and "Objection" are pretty weak. That said, this complaint goes for most of the cast. The only one who seems to get it right is Athena.

based wendee lee

How can one man be so beautiful?

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T&T was the last AA game that was better than mediocre