When will it release?

When will it release?

Attached: Brooke-HuniePop-2-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

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i don't like whores in these games because we're supposed to earn the women. why would i play through the game to fuck such an easy woman?

i hope someone murders the dev and it never releases for leaving Audrey out

Cope incel. IRL they wouldn't want to be anywhere near you.

what were they thinking, we could've gotten mommykino but instead we got shitty fake plastic gold digger

Attached: 1552945261419.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

>implying they would want you

cope more nigger

Boring as shit.
Why does everything have to be Vanilla shit?

back to plebbit

Moms are better than "I'm fake give me money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONEY MONEY GOLD!!!!!!!!$ MAYBE YOU'LL SEE MY TIT$ AS LONG AS YOU HAVE SOME DOLLAR BILLS BOY!!!!!!"

the guy who makes these games is black what did you expect?

>Not even your actual mom just some old milf

>why would i play through the game to fuck such an easy woman
But this isnt a game about your mom

yeah, fucking someone else's mom is the best thing ever

Could you be a bigger cuck?

>he doesn't like Vanilla

Attached: 1550631788037.jpg (701x1000, 184K)

The dev has a fetish for whores. All of the girls in this game are $10-for-a-blowjob sluts.

put me in your screencap when you report to your discord administrators

that's what happens when you grow up in the hood

Is he really black?
Surprised to see a black guy competent enough to actually program a game.

>>Not looking boring shit means I'm a cuck
Typical vanillatard

>hobby plastic surgery

Holy shit you can tell this post hit way too close to home

>Is he really black?
yes he is

>tfw no mommy gf

Attached: 9yPHHKe.png (296x290, 141K)


I know I will in a moment.

Proposing moments after fucking is such a dumb idea.

>self inserting into a fictional loving relationship
Can't imagine anything more pathetic and sad


you know what's more depressing and pathetic. getting off to a girl stepping on you, getting off to fake bitches that only care about how much money you have, getting off to "imagining the smell," without Vanilla shit, those horrible fetishes start spawning and you end up with a shit ton of degenerates that have no idea how to manage without imagining smelling some big girl's ass right after she eats 20 lbs of mexican food.

Excuse me for wanting to feel loved for once, user.

Fat fetichism
Femdom in general

From the dev’s twitter

Attached: 519D2F77-8347-40E2-82DD-3F789DC0A812.jpg (1495x596, 378K)

It hurts

Attached: 7ED03D7E-72BF-4919-B504-0DD9FA6C3A0B.jpg (1450x2047, 510K)

2 minutes

>wanting to feel loved
Man the fuck up.

>Surprised to see a black guy competent enough to actually program a game.
Do you ever feel like you might be the victim of cognitive dissonance?

I like vanilla. I also like skanks. Brooke is an amazing total fucking skank and I love her for it.

Because hell exists.

no one cares


Is she Audrey's mom?


>you will never give an aging trophy wife the love and affection she didnt even know she was starving for
Also does not hurt that I have been thinking of her like the older woman from this.

It literally answers the question in the OP, you illiterate chimp

Fourth post is the best post.