He used Kuro's Charm

>He used Kuro's Charm
>He didn't ring the Demon Bell
>He used his arm prosthetics

If you did any of that, then congratulations, you never beat the game, you let it play itself.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>He consumed memories
>He consumed prayer beads
>He backstabbed minibosses for the first bar
>He used healing gourds
>He used combat arts

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git gud

>He played the game
That's a yikes from me dawg

>He used Kuro's Charm
>He didn't ring the Demon Bell
Yes, i played Sekiro on easy mode
I'm not ashamed tho.

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demon bell only increases the damage taken by like 10% over plain Kuro's charm

OP is a wimp that needs his TV plugged in to play Sekiro. Look at him and laugh!

>he used a controller to play it
>he used M+KB

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I haven’t played the game the item description for the charm is “Blocking attacks now causes Sekiro to take chip damage unless he perfectly deflects”. Why would that make it easier?

Is Owl 2 harder than Sword Saint?

the charm protects you from chip damage, but at the start of the game you can return it to kuro, thus making the game more difficult

My mates have 1 shotted Isshin, but they said they had a lot of trouble on Owl, meanwhile I 1 shotted Owl and it took me forever to beat Isshin. Suppose it all depends on playstyle/skill

No they didn’t

I had to force myself to play through it second time, really disappointing.

Why does everybody think Owl 2 is hard? It's the exact same as Owl 1 except his stupid bird gets in the way of your view.
Isshin is difficult but only took me about 6 tries.
Now Demon of Hatred.. that's what I'm talking about

>It's the exact same as Owl 1 except his stupid bird gets in the way of your view
Objectively wrong. His entire moveset is different and he is about three times faster.
>Now Demon of Hatred.. that's what I'm talking about
Oh no, it's retarded.
Demon is easy as hell if you just circle strafe.

I didn't read anything i just pressed yes to all lol

His moveset is still piss easy jesus christ. He's not in any way "three times faster". It's a minor upgrade to speed
>Oh no, it's retarded
Says the guy who struggled with one of the easier bosses in the game

>Demon of Hatred
literally a braindead DS boss, just roll and jump like a moron

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>Have nothing left but Isshin
>Can't get myself to play anymore
Its a good game but I know its gonna take me hours if not days to beat this asshole, and I just can't be bothered.

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Top 3 bosses:
Sword Saint
Owl 2
Guardian Ape

Bottom 3 bosses:
Guardian Ape rematch
Demon of Hatred
Blazing Bull

>unlocking skills like mikiri
Lol, come back when you actually beat the game, kid.

Honourable mention for bottom bosses goes to Genichiro's faze before Sword Saint.

Guardian Ape is kind of fine but he really is too easy to be in top 3. I'd rank Butterfly at third place. Otherwise an objectively correct list.

He's really not that hard

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lol @ this cope
Your games so easy DSP 3 shot the last boss, deal with it FROMfaggots

>He played Sekiro
Congratulations you went full retard

hmm i saw the credits roll, i think that means i beat it

It's the only boss I have left to beat for the plat and I'm genuinely wondering if I'll even be able to do it after my attempts last night.

>no bell, using charm
no shit its not hard?

I'm sure I could beat him with enough time/effort, but I just don't care anymore. All I'm gonna get out of it is maybe an hour's worth of gratification, and nothing else.

Do have bell but that's first playthrough so no charm anyway

Honestly you'll get it done in half an hour if you don't just spam like a retard. All of his moves are pretty telegraphed

Can this be played with mouse and keyboard

Using Prosthetic tools is harder than not using them. It's more things to think about. And most of them barely do anything and don't even stagger or give you armor so you have to know specific timings and uses for exactly when you can use them. They don't make the game easier at all. Except maybe flame vent with the fire-sword talent but that takes literally all game to get.

>Honestly you'll get it done in half an hour
I already spent like an hour on him the other day and the best I managed was to get him to phase 3.

Not everyone is as good at videogames as you are, user.

lul gatekeeping
youre very good, good job user!
is that what was missing from your life?

>didnt mention not learning passive skills crutches like mikiri
fucking casual
I will be revoking your gamer license now

Damn son. Well I saw someone in another thread who was struggling say something about the firecrackers. Haven't tried myself but will probably get a hit in for you at least.
Otherwise that sucks user. Wasn't trying to be condescending

>he beat the game using the sword.


Sad that people here like to deny the creator's vision.

I don't feel like fighting a samurai for ten minutes because posture damage does fuck all

For real though. If I wanted to challenge myself. What would differentiate the men from the bois. I was thinking ng charmless (it's possible according to the wiki), demon bell (as soon as possible), no health/posture upgrade.
Any other restriction would, in my opinion, enter the artificial difficulty territory.
Using arm prosthetics is not that usefull and if anything they're only used for fun and variety. There's not one situation where I said "gee I wish I add X prosthetic, it would make this fight so much easier", not one (except maybe the guardian ape)
Without memories, the end game bosses become almost impossible, unless you're Faraaz or lobosjr I guess or you have the patience of a saint.
Prayer beads are okay if you have base health it won't help you when you get one-shotted.
Not backstabbing minibosses could be argued, though I have seen playthroughs of people doing challenge runs like this and they usually just skip non-mandatory minibosses so I would say as long as you at least fight them it's fine.
Combat arts are a meme, everyone knows this. They barely help aside from the ichimonji and even that is pretty neglectable.

>do have bell
not in that webm you dont

yes it's piss easy after you die 100 times and you basically know him in and out. but he's definitely the toughest boss, you can't have mistakes in that fight because he 1 or 2 shots you and he has insane amount of health.

Every From game on PC can easily be played with mouse and keyboard. Sekiro is the best for it though.

he only 2 shots you with his fire attacks which shouldnt be hitting you if you're close to him.

literally half of his moveset will not hit you if you are attacking his crotch.

well shit you're right now I have to do it again

Reminder that DSP beat Isshin in 3 tried.


This is the man you all make fun for being bad a game? How many try did it take you cucks to beat Isshin? 2 days? lmao

You're actually not wrong, but seething whiners who can't get good will cry about this.

How many times did he die to Owl?

Less times than you.

>he beat the game without tying one hand behind his back

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And firecrackers. I forgot about firecrackers. They stagger everything and are pretty easy to use. I guess it could be argued that they make the game significantly easier.

Seriously, give me a number. If he died less times than me, I'll own up to it.

Anyone here who can fight 2-3 enemies at the same time? I can't see myself being able to do that.

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>He beat the game using both hands

Mob enemies are tough in this game but I was able to manage it pretty well. Biggest thrills of the game bar the bosses were holding off 4-5 enemies

I feel like he definitely watched tutorials on how to do this just so he could look badass to his viewers.

If you disagree with me, you were filtered by ogre.


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when he does the firecrackers dodge back then dodge forward and hit him. That's basically most of it.

or he just dropped the act? This guy used to be a professional fighting gamer, you think he's actually that bad at video games?


you'll have to, they put you in those situations a lot in the second half of the game.

that was 5 tries, faggot, along with 3 resses and fully upgraded axe cheese

Dude barely defeated genichiro, and them he merely tanked through isshin. He only "won" because of his massive health bar, his 10 estus, his revives, the chat's help/guides and his lanuzite axe. That's it. He got hit like 40 times and tanked every attack isshin had until he beat him by the skin of his teeth by spamming the axe. There's no merit in that victory. He didn't learn the game.

Cope harder, casuals.

It actually took me 2 days.

Blow me faggot

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There's isn't a single area in the game where you're forced to fight multiple enemies, except one boss fight. Every single area can be tackled with stealth. Any place where there's 2 or more enemies you can usually stealth kill one guy and quickly take out a second, or pull them separately with ceramic shards. If you ever pull too many you can always run away and reset them. But the way you deal with multiple mobs is just backing away while fighting them. Keep spacing them and always target the easier one to kill first, obviously. You also have Ninjutsu techniques made specificly for dealing with multiple enemies once you get a 3rd of the way through the game.

if you don't have 10 gourd charges at isshin, you suck at these games. The seeds aren't even really hidden.

>Owl 2
>5 tries on NG++ no charm bell
>an hour and a half
Fuck no

>ITT: People admit to being worse than DSP, a former professional fighting gamer.

Absolutely pathetic, Isshin didn't take more than 3 trys for you guys....did it?

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Sure, i'm coping hard about some actual casual shitter that can barely defeat isshin on ng with no bell and using cheesy tactics.

You're pathetic dude

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Owl 2 is unironically easier than Owl 1 in subsequent playthroughs
Much easier to damage his vitality

Took me 2 days as well. About 4 hours each day. I don't make fun of DSP though. He's annoying and negative and always blames the games instead of himself but I don't think he's bad at games like Yea Forums. I only ever saw him play third strike like 10 years ago though. So maybe he's somehow worse now.

>2 days
Thats fucking pathetic jesus christ.

It's not about having them all or not. It's about having to heal 10 fucking times and use 2 revives to beat a boss. He didn't learn the boss. He just tanked him.

God, reflecting his lightning attack was so satisfying.

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>he beat the game without solely using eyetracking controls

Owl 2 is easier than 1 because he leaves himself open for vitality damage while also having super telegraphed thrusts and sweeps.

The only thing that is legitimately dangerous in Owl 2 is when he does shuriken follow up at close range (which is rare). All of his new attacks in phase 2 are also free damage opportunities.
>t. NG+8 bell no charm

Yeah, I'm sure you beat him first try with demon bell debuff active and no gourds used. Suck my dick, dude. No one's impressed by your bullshit or your e-peen. Your humble brag/lying is the only pathetic thing here. I was just being honest.

It's always interesting to see how everyone finds different bosses more difficult than others.

In your case the fact you're even on NG+8 with bell and no charm means your experience is probably not relevant to most of us scrublords.

I have far less trouble with Isshin (although I sucked at fighting him for a while too) than I'm having with Owl 2 now, maybe it'll click when I try again but I've only gotten to the second phase twice despite dying enough to get two levels of dragonrot.

I think Isshin Sword Saint has the reputation for being the hardest because he's the hardest boss most people who get to the end of the game ever fight.

If you complete any ending you're already in a minority, the people who then go onto do the other endings are an even smaller minority.

>mfw ripped through all those nerds before Juzou the Drunk

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>tfw I'm on NG+ Isshin after destroying Owl 2 and Demon this run
Hell I barely even remember fighting Ape/2Ape, drinking mixes too well with this game.

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a boy in a dress is still a boy

? No?
Name a single area in the game where you're FORCED to fight multiple enemies. It literally doesn't exist. You can always sneak past, run by, ninjutsu them down or pull each one separately. The ONLY place where you're FORCED to fight more than 1 enemy is the double ape fight and that fight is optional if you go that way before the guardian ape fight.


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>he triggers From sòyboys

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Demon of Hatred might be the worst boss fight in these series of games ever that isn't some gimmick fight.

there is an area where two of those phantom tengu enemies literally spawn as you enter and you aggro them. there is also another which is on the way down to guardian ape where a group of tengu engage you as well. You might be able to sneak past the latter, but you wouldn't unless you already knew it was going to happen.

>Now Demon of Hatred.. that's what I'm talking about
Kek, just jump on the rooftop and he literally kills himself by chaasing you and jumping off the cliff

I fucking love this method, so simple and satisfying

>he used mid-combat revives
lmao do you even think you've said the name of the game right you fucking casual shit

Well I guess I was wrong. Went back to it, beat him after about another hour of trying. Can't say I got much gratification out of it, but I'm glad its over.

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In the Monk temple is there anyway to go aftet getting the monk skills? I thought there would be a main boss but the area just loops around.
Also, I am guessing you can find a pure white flower for the dude right? I DONT have to lure him to the dungeon correct?

Go in the main temple with the centipede nuns, there's an inscense burner that teleports you

Which enemies are the tengu? If you mean the Nightjar Phantoms that spawn right outside the Ape's den, you can run past them. I've played through the game 4 times now. I'm telling you there's not single point in the game where you have to take on multiple mobs.

Forgot to mention its by the big gold statue in the middle of the room

O fuck dunno how I missed it, thanks.

>you can run away from enemies
I mean yeah, that's beside the point. You can just like, not play the game and you won't have to deal with anything too.

Btw, the invisible monkey is right in front of you, look for the paw prints

imagine not using mechanics the game has only to shitpost online, you might as well not jump nor parry bosses to have the perfect souls experience

No joke though, double redpill is the only way to enjoy the game in ng+

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the white pinwheel is on the path to the demon bell

what's the second besides kuro's charm removal?

demon bell

> tfw beat game 4 times
> started new game today from zero
> beat every boss/mini boss for first try
Granny, Juzo, Gen, Ape.. Holy shit. But you know what's great? It doesn't feel boring at all. I'm having a blast every fucking time I play Sekiro. Spit in the face of any cunt who says "Sekiro has no replayability".

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Okay, well don't put yourself in that situation and then complain and say that there's no other option when there clearly is. It's not like those 2 Nightjar Phantoms are hard anyway. You can quickly R1 spam one down before the other one even gets to you if you just rush him as soon as they spawn.

>and then complain and say that there's no other option when there clearly is
I haven't done this.

Leaving the game entirely is not the same thing as avoiding entirely optional encounters that give nothing of value.

You have enough mobility to generally be able to isolate enemies. A lot of minibosses have friends but you can stealth kill/puppet them and/or reset the encounter. The biggest exception I can think of the Dojo purple ninja, if you fuck up the stealth kill on his buddy I don't think you can leave the room.

Just don't be a shitter and learn how to fight 1v3.

I'm fine without having 2 ninjas trying to kick me in the face at the same time in a fairly small room

not all game mechanics are meant to be used

What? Why would they spend time and money into putting mechanics not meant to be used into the game? Are you retarded?

>he didn’t play with his cock and balls
Congrats on beating it on easy mode, faglord

I get OP used the R1/RB button. What a fucking tool. Really Shinobi's don't have to rely on as crude a weapon as a katana....

that's the most retarded statement I've seen all week, it even beats the girl that had a sleepover with her friends when she was 13 and they all fucked a dog as a rite of passage


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I'm sorry, what now?

Can you play NG+ without making the game more difficult? Can I just go through it as an overpowered demigod at least?

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>tfw beating NG+ with bell demon and no charm
It's really not all that more difficult, only your posture recovers slower and that's not even a problem as long as you are getting deflects. I'm not even bragging, besides the self imposed challenge there's no real reward except slightly more XP and more gold/item drops. It's hardly worth it when you have already unlocked all skills and upgraded all prosthetics. It just becomes a question of how long before you do even more challenging runs like that one guy who did NG simulated NG+ without charm, with bell demon and all bosses/mini bosses without dying. I think he missed one Sichimen Warrior though, but it was a very impressive run.

>he used Sculptor's Idols
>he used stealth kills
>probably even gourded at some point
>divine confetti lol
No op, you stop being a faggot and get gud.

>also if you parry
you didnt beat the game
start new save and gotta play

certain features are created as "casual bait", they exist to lure non-gamers and ruin the experience

sekiro is meant to be played with demon bell, no charm, no prosthetics and no revives to feel like you are an actual samurai

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Good job, this post made me remember the autist DMC and Nioh community
>If you don't play the game 5 times and then complete the game in DmD or HaH with S rank you haven't played the game
>If you haven't played until ng++++ and beated the super onryoki in layer 1500 inside the infinite dungeon, you've never played nioh

You can keep Kuro's Charm and that's about it. Enemies will still be a bit tougher and deal more damage to you but at least you won't suffer posture penalties and chip damage if you guard instead of deflect.

But Samurais used plenty of tools available to them? Also if you don't restart from the beginning after you are killed you are doing it wrong than.

>to feel like you are an actual samurai
Why would you want to be one of those?
Swordsmen are better

You are only digging yourself deeper into the brainlet pit. Stop while you can.

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But you're not a Samurai, you're a Shinobi. Miyazaki literally tells you to use your ninja tricks to beat the game. No prosthetics is for those turbo autists who beat Half Life 2, a shooting game, without using a gun.


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>not amputating your left arm and replacing it with a prosthetic
>not spending years to learn and master swordsmanship and ninjutsu
If you seriously didn't do this, you never played the game.

>to feel like you are an actual samurai
Since when a shinobi is a fucking samurai?
And since when demon bell is such a deal for some retards when it doesn't affect the most important enemies in the game? It's not like it makes the bosses stronger

You already feel like an overpowered demigod when you start playing ng+ with all the lessons from your first playthrough anyway

>It's not like it makes the bosses stronger
It gives bosses more health and posture. What are you smoking?

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I played without kuro's charm until O'rin
that bitch just rapes your posture and deals insane damage through block when you don't get a perfect deflect

The chip damage is too punishing

No, that is not a thing. You're retarded. And sekiro is not a samurai.

you're forgetting one thing mr. shitposter

i can't speak for others but none of this is hard for me. in the end it's just TIME CONSUMING. i can do all of that, but WHY should i do it? do i get a new home? an achievement? anything?

no, then there's no reason to bother.

probably a dude pretending to be a girl

What about the personal satisfaction of overcoming a self-imposed challenge

Because you have nothing else to be proud of in life.

ayyy same reply twice

>No Demon Bell
I don't have to feel bad at all, in fact I didn't even realize how much more damage you take with the demon bell debuff until I saw this. Holy shit how is there so much outcry over how hard this game is?

aw, did i trigger you? are you now aware that video games are just a trivial, time consuming activity? wah wah.

If you thought that was actually making fun of you, then you didn't get the point of the post.

a shinobi is a samurai

a samurai is a person who uses a sword

>a shinobi is a samurai
No it isn't retard, a shinobi is much closer to a ninja. The difference between a samurai and a shinobi is the difference between US marines and tom clancy's splinter cell niggas.

>US marines and tom clancy's splinter cell niggas.
One thing is real the other some vidya game fantasy?

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Owl is a Great Shinobi and he uses all your Prosthetic tools and Shinobi arts.

Well as far as you'd know, if a shinobi did their job well you'd think they were fake too. The point is, one is a frontline warrior and the other is a covert op stealth fag.

I'm 57 hours in and still don't know what this Kuro's Charm everyone talks about.
Is that the item that gives you an extra resurrection symbol to use?

Guys I suck at this game and this Spear miniboss thats in the same area as that assassin miniboss I killed is really hard. Must have died to him like 20 times

It's an item you can only get in NG+ so I'm not sure why anyone would complain about it

You mean, there could be a Shinobi behind me RIGHT NOW?! Or would it be a Sam Fisher? Do i dare to turn around now or do i have to sleep on the keyboard?

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Mikiri counter him

>this gave me a bonner
>it was probably some faggot larping as a girl

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I agree that he isn't but posting a clip in which someone has clearly already died and used most of their healing gourds doesn't really help prove that.

Maybe they were both coming after you, but ended up fighting each other to death.

check second tab of your inventory. if you are ng.

it makes you take damage from blocking if you give it away. can't do on first playthrough. can be done after completing the game and going ng+ or restarting.

>only if it has a little text pop up reading 'epic achievement unlocked' it is worth doing
fucking sad my man

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I came to see the monky.

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why is demon of hatred so low? i enjoyed the fight and the music was good

>he actually played with a controller
>he didn't finish the game only using a keyboard while turning the camera with arrow keys only

you DIDN'T play the game

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The only essential thing you should try after finishing NG is a charmless run. Pretty fun

>Isshin took me more than 4 hours to beat
>Owl 2 only took me one try
What do people find hard about him?

It's pretty much Owl 1 except he mixes up some of his movesets, teleports around with a blue owl and does a massive lunge after throwing his fire owl/firecrackers

I think the only thing that caught me unaware was the lunge after his firecrackers and the part where he swaps to a 1-2-3 slash if you dodge his overhead smash

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This is the best prosthetic in the game.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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>He spammed parry
Every last one of you

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Its a legitimate strategy.

Hey Yea Forums, what should I do next?

>beat butterly, genichiro, three monkeys
>beat both snake eyes and both long-arm centipedes

I can basically:
>fight the ghost guy in the dungeon
>go down the snake cave in sunken valley
>explore that creepy hidden forest

What do you suggest I do next? I'm feeling paralyzed by indecision a bit.

>playing any soulslike on kb+m
Big yikes.

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>ends up making Genichiro and Isshin's final phases super easy
They really got fucked over by Tomoe. I'd be mad if I were them.

>but I don't think he's bad at games
You think wrong then, shitter.

Creepy Hidden forest so you can get the Dive ability earlier.

>He took damage
If you did any of that, then congratulations, you never beat the game, you let it play itself.

>tfw only beat Isshin because he went full retard and did 3 lightning sweeps in a row
Arigato, Tomoe-san.

copy that, will do

>no health/posture upgrade
I don't think you remember just how little health you start with. After the first few bosses you'd probably die to a single mistimed deflect just taking the chip damage.


>Have been smoothly progressing through the game ever since overcoming the wall that was Juzou
I beat Geinichiro in 3 tries and the monkey fuck didn't take much out of me either. Every miniboss except for Rain has been a chump too. Love how this game teaches you early how to play for the rest of the experience

>he doesn't like to have an advantage over the AI that is scripted the react to your locked on movement and gets completely demolished by mouse camera controls that let you spin 360 and block everything from every direction


Sounds like you're making excuses for not being able to afford a controller.

>batteries during the bridge corrupted monk fight 3rd stage

How do i beat Sekiro without batteries?

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>Not thinking people can do the final boss in one shot
Bet you're mad that dsp beat isshin in 3 tries aswell

Just beat O’Rin on NG+ without Kuros Charm and Bell Demon activated. I’m feeling pretty happy since I was failing a lot even by trying to cheese with ceramic shards and emblems. In the end I decided to try being perfect at deflecting and standing still and I managed it.

The game should be experienced like this.

>batteries died*

Am I retarded or something? I cannot find it. I am the Main Hall Idol and there is a huge buddah in the middle that had an item in the arms and a bunch of centipede nuns, I have looked all around and couldn't find jack shit to teleport much less an invisible fucker

You defeated Genichiro yet? You can only activate the Buddha after Genichiro.

Oh... I have only defeated Gyoubu and a bunch of mini bosses only

>game all about being a shinobi, who are supposed to be dirty fighters who exploit every advantage they can to win
>fanbase gets autistic about people using certain tools as "cheap"

but that's how the game dev wanted me to play?

>have both gold upgrades
>never have enough gold

From games are normalfag and aren't actually hard after the initial learning curve that relies on your uncertainty. The games even teach you through death, all the difficulty relies on you not knowing about the sucker punch that will inevitably kill you next, it's the definition of artificial. So these posers place down a bunch of restrictions meant to define what ACTUALLY counts as overcoming the game to make it seem harder than it is, rather than playing an actually hard game

t. filtered scrub

This sounds like gatekeeping elitism. Finishing the game with no cheats is now tooooo normie? Well I have job and bills to pay. I would rather keep those rather have more time but be welfare leech.

I'm literally soaring through the game dude. I even really love the game, it's just not a good metric if you plan to use it for internet dick contests.