This is why Sekiro needs an easy mode

This is why Sekiro needs an easy mode.

Attached: 1555400382349.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>let me just face away from the boss and heal
>oh wow he attacked when i wasn't looking that's totally unfair!

Rofl his dinner ran away

>easy mode
Or you could
You know
Get good

lel that cat

i was afraid he'd smack the cat or something

Dear lord, why you Fromfags defend every single garbage ass thing from these games?

Yeah, you know this guy was mentally ill because he chooses to have a cat as a pet. Nothing to see here.

poor kitty :(

>eats a pellet at 1 HP
>expects not to die

Dude's a fucking scrub

he couldn't see behind him due to his slanty eyes user...

This exact same thing has been happening since Demon's Souls (2009) and only now are people screaming

Imagine getting mad at video games and smashing peripherals or household items.

>Simple video game logic is now Fanboyism
Okay, kiddo.

>assassin's creed odyssey figure in the backgroud
there you are yuo filthy normie cunt, it's not a game for your kin

>some fuckhead can't control his rages so we need to coddle him and those like him
No. Do something useful with that rage and rid us of censorfags.

>cat be like, "what the fuck is this insect doing"

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underrated post

Imagine thinking the use of basic logic is being defensive

Me in the background


He is mentally ill because he is a gook.

That fucking cat lulz
>calm down bro
>jesus christ man
>dude hold off
>dude no, no dude just wait
>aw man, you did that
>you're gonna regret that later
>shit bro
>dude just stop hold on
>goddamnit, get his meds

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>die if you turn your back on the enemy
>hurdurrdurrdurr how can you defend this GARBAGE mechanic you filthy fanboys ?
Imagine being as retarded as you

Lel casual shitters need to git gud

that cat is based and deserves better

Imagine being this bad and this fucking childish, total disgust

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Will there ever be a better rage video than this?

I've had a surprisingly hard time with that dude. Tried luring him out and the game dropped to single digits loading two areas at the same time

You tried.

I thought you were showing me a webm of some guy killing his cat for a minute.

my fucking sides that cat

Said the mentally deficient yboi

Dumb decision in the clip, but every characteristic of item use in this game is dated and shit



Nice try, user, but Dunkey does it better.



That poor cat didnt need to see any of that

Reminded me of pic related

Why do asians chimp out like this?

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>muh heckin woofer pupper furbaby


You guys notice that the moment they remove co-op and you HAVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO GAME people start to bitch about everything? Dark Souls games had some shit articles written but it wasn't this idiotic, because you could summon someone to play for you.

In Sekiro people are playing the game and blaming their shit skills on the game. Turning their back on enemies, healing in front of enemies at point blank range, not reading the fucking pop-up tutorials that explain crucial things, not understanding the gameplay which is basic as fuck, etc.

The gameplay, by the way, is super simplistic, I assume because they wanted to make it retard-proof, but it clearly didn't work because modern players are such zoomer meme garbage that they legitimately don't know how to play video games at all. God damn based Miyazaki and From making games for people that actually enjoy video games.

>dont hurt the cat please dont


Because retards can't control their frustration?

T. 동성애자

>if I turn away boss won't hit me
It's not your mom, dumbass.


>WTF why didn't the enemy let me heal two inches away from him!?

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Are you retarded?

>posts a webm of somebody playing the game less than optimally
>proposes that it's proof the game is too hard
>everyone procedes to argues that it's mediocre play
>the trolls respond "LMAO FROM FAGS"

there i did the whole thread now the mods can just delete it

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You are but a little baby.

"I wish I was Dunkey."


lol if you’re an anglomutt you’re probably more Asian that me. That said, being Asian is still better than you both.

Can Sekiro, and Souls/Borne just get their own board already? Yea Forums had multiple DS threads on the front page everyday for years when DS came out. Now this shit is constantly there too. When one franchise or one game gets more threads than an entire platform, it's time for mods to do their fucking jobs and send them to /vg/ or give them a board. I'm so sick of people acting like pushing buttons in a air conditioned room is some kind of skill or great feat. the best video game player is still someone who sits in a comfy chair all day. it's like bragging about being a professional TV watcher. and then spamming Yea Forums with "dude i watched 9000 channels today" over and over

This isn't casual ass bayonetta. This is a real gamer's game.

said the gook

>star wars quotes

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ybois attack!

>go to prison
>drop soap in the shower
>get fucked in the ass
wow great prison mechanics, defend this irl fags

complimentary git gud faggot



>Gay quote from a gay series
This is literally a Reeeddit post

Have some self control or don't play the game. Why make yourself into a fool in front of the world?

I liked it user

I am swedish. I am not mentally ill faggot like you.

nothin personnel...

here comes the fucking DIDF. Yeah i'm sorry i shit on your fucking boy but just because you say "LE SPAGETTO AND MEETBAL" in a fake fucking retarded accent while hyperventilating doesn't make him funny. Fuck him. And FUCK you. He should have been fucking hanged for giving RDR2 a 3 and you fucking know it. Cocksuckers. actually who am i kidding you're probably just him

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wtf is kanker

what big fat baby man

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being swedish is even worse. you allowed your country to turn into little africa.

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Fucking Dutch cunts.

means cancer in his backwoods ass language

What would you do in that situation if you were the cat?

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It's how they say 'cancer' in the Hollandish provinces. Apparently, cancer is a major swear word over there.

That is a pretty low bait and it should imply that you have a dog but you probably don't because you are allergic or something

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lol so you’re an even bigger cuck

Ok let me laugh even harder

shit under his bed

are people really this bad at dark souls?

me in the back

Eat his PC cables like my old cat used to.

what the hell, this guy plays like a moron

Better than having sex with your animals user.

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>unironically has a cat
well of course he's a fucking idiot

You know I can see you are samefagging right? 4chanX settings. Dumb gook you wish you were swedish.

Cat says get gud oh and stop throwing temper tantrum don't make me get my belt son I will beat that ass

Are you playing on console?
Because otherwise you lure him outside, as you did, and he's just a regular shitty ninja. You can even backstab him in the beginning for the fight to be shorter.

>open vid
>kanker within 10 seconds

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Shut up Chang Wong

fuck those slopes

>I am swedish. I am not mentally ill faggot like you.

sure thing bro, whatever you say about 4chanX.

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I you think/thought P5, BOTW, and Smash all need new boards too huh. Newer games get threads if you dont like it don't go to the thread.

Project harder you unfunny, talentless cunt.

I'll admit that fighting him inside is harder because of classical From problems from camera in an enclosed space and enemies hitting through pillars (fuck Owl 2.0 fight because of this, by the way).

For Games Journalists or the Cats?

what difficulty lets me play with my pets before engaging bosses?

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>killing and eating them is better than sexually pleasuring them

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>a dog gets more action then I ever did

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lmao sorry for offending you, fatty. Hey? Has it been 4 hours? You should make another video of you saying "SPAGETTI AND MEETBALL RAVIOLI XD" again. It'll be a hit and totally never get old for your 6 year old audience, you fat fuck.

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Why do Dutch people randomly speak English?

god i wish that were me

I wouldn’t wish for anyone to be Swedish. Not even my worst enemies.

>typing this up

Please post videos of you smashing things you angry, guinea cunt.

we even have a word for it ''engelse ziekte'' (english disease)

>dude he's typing XD so angry
lol dunkey go plan your gastric bypass you fat fuck

Because they're sufficiently based enough to know when a second language will be useful to them.

You have talents, I'm sure. It's just not what you posted.

I'll bet you're even fatter than Dunkey you meatball fucker of a guinea.

A smash thread died for this!

all eurofags do it.
watch literally any stream highlight video.
it's super fucking jarring.


It's interesting that this is from the director of God of War, my go to example for poorly done difficulty levels.

Dutch and English are probably the closest euro languages other than Frisian, so when they're exposed to the English speaking internet for so long they probably use English unintentionally. Idk I could be talking bullshit any Dutch niggers can correct me

>Two nukes weren't enough

You fucking idiot that's Korean on the screen not japanese

>dark souls on switch yesterday
>die a bunch
>get invaded several times
>lose every fight
>get to the archers
>die 10 times
>get through all of anor londo
>about to open the doors
>outta flasks
>pop a humanity for a much needed heal
>move in for the last fight before cleared
>internet drops and game exits
>all smiles
You guys need to relax. Try some bosa nova.

the game auto saves a lot

>says fuck every 14 seconds

Useless guinea cunt.

it's also because the Dutch have been anglo oriented throughout history, as well similarities between our languages both nations have had similar focuses (seafaring nations etc.)

>getting so mad at a challenging game that you lose your ability to act rationally
>getting so mad that you start blaming the game for your own stupid mistakes
>getting so mad for being bad that you break shit and threaten the well being of other living creatures in your vicinity
Only subhuman monkeys do this
Anyone who honestly gets so mad at a game that they feel the need to relieve stress by physically flailing around in their room, should honestly get professional help or just stop playing games

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This is actually really interesting, thanks Dutch user.

it's an allusion to Rickets which we called engelse ziekte since it came from the UK

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Yeah, I'm sure that's genuine and not an act to gain some popularity at the cost of some outdated goods.


You attempted a Chinese accent in a French voice for some reason and randomly posted a vocaroo describing the video. Please kill yourself you talentless sack of shit. You are the one posting absolutely awful vocaroo clips unsolicited and getting angry people are calling you a hack.

Then they had 10 fucking years to learn not to turn their back on a boss yet still do it and lose their shit about it. Almost as if they've the mental level of a toddler and shouldn't play anything that requires an absolute minimum of effort.

my sides

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>allusion to Rickets

Holy fuck this is hilarious. I knew there was a reason I have always admired the Dutch.

>I am swedish. I am not mentally ill faggot
fuck chinks, but you swedes* are the top gay of the world
(* or what's left of you)

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>update drivers
>Sekiro crashes on start up
Anyway to fix this?

do you know where the fuck you are, son?


reinstall older drivers.

No, that's because they don't produce dubs on their anglo tv programs but rather use subtitles including children cartoons, moreover they are a small country which always relied on international trade so there always has been an emphasis on English and German in their education. 9/10 Dutch people can speak English. In France our English level is abysmal because all our american tv programs are dubbed and France is a sufficiently large country that not a whole lot of us look beyond our own borders for their careers. That and English is hard for us to pronounce correctly, while Dutch is more similar to English in that regard.

You don't even really lose anything besides time when you die in this game. What could he possibly be so angry about

Streaming so he has to play things up

Also he's a streamer which means his ego has to be huge otherwise you don't make it

I wasn't feeling 100% health-wise at the time of fighting this guy, but this encounter actually made me feel ill. Beat the bastard, went to bed early feeling terrible, then woke up three hours later feeling brilliant. Most bosses or sub-bosses were something to overcome, but this guy was a BITCH. No satisfaction afterwards, just a sense of relief that he was gone. The retard in the webm deserves to be mauled to death by his cat, though

Absolutely ridiculous

>This is why Dank Soul-like games are all fucking goddamn garbage and this fucking "lol easy mode" discussion is just a distraction from the fact that every single one of these goddamn "games" are style-over-substance artificial difficulty bullshit that needs to be wiped out of existence
Fixed that for you, kids.

this quin69 retard has been on the dancer for like 2 hours. Acting like a retard to bait donations is very lucrative.

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I thought the joke was that they ate dogs not cats. Is it both?

Both. Domesticated animals.


>I am swedish.
just dug yourself deeper lmao

they eat everything

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Your feelings are really hurt, huh?
I didnt even listen to this one

Here's a solution: don't be an autist?

>game is hard
>people get angry they can't finish it
>game is easy
>there's no reason to finish it

Now let's face the truth, fucking retards want to claim they finished a hard game without going through the hard shit. That's all they want.

Same as every fucking shit ever: complain the mountain is too high, shit on the people that climb it, and declare the new summit to be under your whale ass. There's no point listening to these retards, they'll never be happy.


was it ever confirmed what those things are?

also why the fuck is he eating his soup out of a bowl that's covered in a plastic bag?

what the fuck are those even?

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>still no audio
didn't even read this one LMAO


how terrible. can't they latch on to the inside of his body or some shit?

chinks need to be gassed


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>running away like a little shit to sip a la dark babyy 3 style
>turning your back to the kicky bois indoors

Lmao get rekt you fucking shitters. What a pathetic way to die, cant believe people actually soldier on through the game like this

How could you have not read it if you had to click to spoiler to copy what I said? You've now you're both dumb AND not funny!

Fucking pink pig, this is why we Asian Americans are angry.

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>this person was rude to me so now I'm going to blame an entire race
why people liek this

the fact that this "confession" has a non 0% chance to be true disgusts me to a level i didn't think possible

Wow had a stroke with that one. You've now confirmed*. See, user? That's called humility. Something you lack.

>I obstruct walkways while I play a game on my phone
>why are people being rude to me?!? could this be the lasting effect of colonialism?

>Autistic ricecel manchild literally stands still in the middle of a farmer's market playing basedtendo games
>Gets surprised when people ask him to move

He's lucky it wasn't China, he'd have just been bowled out of the way.

he is korean

>stand in the middle of road and get honked at
>WOW there's more than enough road to go around, fuck white people!

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aaaand fucked like 2 seconds in its already shit. You got a fucking obnoxious "joysey" accent and dont know what the fuck you're talking about. of COURSE people get that angry unironically, i mean what do you think leads people to fucking kill cheating spouses or people who wrong their loved ones? like come the fuck on you gutter dweller.

Why? So mentally inept shit rags can keep from sperging out?

i'm pretty sure that even with an easy mode if you heal with no hp while not being locked on and not looking the boss you would die

wtf is a model minority? a minority that works as a model or a standard minority?

model minority my ass. also he was playing pokemon go so its fault for being in that mess.

The ricecel subreddits are a comedy goldmine.

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>You fucking idiot that's Ching on the screen not Chong

who cares

Man what a faggot
>ass ass ins creed statue in the back ground
Yeah, sounds about right

who cares sekiro is dogshit game anyways when compared to souls games and bb

It's what Asians in the US used to be known as back when they were all Taiwanese Christian KMT members in the 60s, 70s and 80s. It's sort of anachronistic now as nobody I've ever met has referred to them as such and just knows them as "that whiny minority who are get aneurysms when white people fry noodles"

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Imagine getting upset about during your back to someone for a sippy in the middle of a duel.

>not understanding basic geography

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feels so fucking good to have a genuine loud laugh after months

the minority race in US that attempts at being civilized. Compare chinks to niggers and spics.

they start learning english when they're 5 or something, I was on a student exchange there (in Zwolle) and some hobo approached me when I was smoking a cigarette asking for one, and when I said I don't speak dutch he went "Oh, excuse me, can I have a cigarette"

>uncle krishna
>uncle chang
>white man cries out in pain as he strikes you

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I understand intermediate geography but who cares they're all gooks lmao

Is this a bait? How do i suppose to know what kind of gook he is?

Claw him in the ear

Streamers that do this are literal manchildren, imagine actually breaking shit from dying in a videogame? And I realize some of them are probably just pretending for more views but that's even more pathetic.


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By the Korean on the fucking screen? Did you even finish middle school?

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Pretty sure the Netherlands has the highest rate of English language proficiency of any European country (besides the UK and Ireland of course). Like 95% of them speak English, it's mental. Like this guy says - - they are a small country and therefore if they want to make it in international business then English is probably a good asset. And yes, there is also the fact that Dutch is probably the most similar national European language to English. Also like one of you said, there is Frisian as well (small regional Dutch language) which is the only other language in the Anglo-Frisian family along with English, which just further supports the ancestral link (and therefore similarity) between Dutch and English.

>In France our English level is abysmal because all our american tv programs are dubbed and France is a sufficiently large country that not a whole lot of us look beyond our own borders for their careers. That and English is hard for us to pronounce correctly
Brit here. I (and I think most Brits) have always had the impression that the French just don't want to learn English. But I think that's fair enough. Brits are notoriously bad for learning foreign languages, so why should the French learn ours? I bet there are lots of French people who think that way (particularly the older generation), but I think that's fine - in fact I respect the French for that. English skills do seem to be very good among the young French though; I have met quite a few young French people (e.g. at university) and they have all had very good English.

Also I just want to say, France is an awesome country. Picture related. Probably my favourite country to visit in Europe. I think I've been to France probably over 10 times in my life. The only other European country I've been to more than once would probably be Italy which I think I've been to maybe 3 times. Every other European country I've visited I've only been to once.

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dunno might be a spy


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sorry i have bad eyesight could not understand

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>5 years old raging at things not going his way

What the mother fuck is going on here.

these people are just total failures at life but instead of blaming themselves they scapegoat everything on their race
they wouldve been incels even if they were white

It's fine to be annoyed if someone's rude to you, but why the fuck does he think this is "white privilege"? The rude woman did not mention race. This guy is just looking at white and thinking that they UNIQUELY need to be blamed because they're white. That's just stupid. Rude people should be countered, yes. And racists should be countered (which do exist), yes. But you can't just assume that someone had racist motivations when there is no evidence for this whatsoever. And you can't just blame an entire race just because one lady was rude (which you're sort of doing when you imply that an entire race has "privilege", or ACTS "privileged").

>hitting the cat
hope he dies soon

I didn't attach my picture, dammit.

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Is there any awareness on your part of the irony of saying this on Yea Forums?

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this. Its the same as Yea Forumsirgins trying to blame their shitty lives on videogames when it just them being lazy and shitty people.

>picture related
>posts no picture at all

What did he mean by this?

Another fine day in Communist China. Nothing to see here.

fuck off discordtranny

Poor cat.

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The woman wasn't being rude, he was standing still in the middle of a public walkway at a fucking farmer's market. Those places are busy, people are crowding around stalls etc. It's far more civility than he'd receive in mainland China, Hong Kong or South Korea. So I don't know what he's complaining about.

Streamers do that shit for attention, dumbass.
So retards like you will make a video of it and post around, giving the streamer free marketing.

cats dont give 2 shits. That's why he kept sitting there until a keyboard flew close to him.


Do you know what irony is or are you just throwing out buzzwords you read on facebook? Who on Yea Forums blames their failures on racism?

Literally fake news but at least you tried

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>not trying to plucke his eyes out with the claw
wheres that webm when you need it with the retard whore

They have tampons for that because it's clear you're menstruating

>implying a Chinese American has any fucking idea what life is like overseas

They're just ignorant dipshits who feel like victims because of their race and appearance. 95% of American's brought up by foreign families feel this same way.

do you browse literally every board

>have group of swedish friends
>they all speak perfect english
>sometimes i get invited to join their all swedish group to play vidya even though i'm not swedish
>literally every person in this group speaks english
>they're constantly going from speaking english to swedish
>even mid conversation
>even mid sentence
>feels like i'm having an aneurysm

Attached: kill_me.jpg (2608x856, 240K)

I watched the video and don't have any fucking idea who this streamer is. I also have no interest in watching any sort of content that they decide to pump out in the future.

You'd have to be the dumbest fucker on planet Earth to assume that this is the type of marketing that helps anyone achieve fame.

Sekiro and the souls games should record your microphone audio and if there are sounds of smashing things it locks you out of playing the game until you email From Software proof of anger management classes

what if shit falls?

That's nice user, and you are correct about younger generations being much more proefficient in English. Most likely thanks to the internet, movies and tv shows being much more convenient to just watch subbed rather than wait for a French dubbed release. Older generations just never had an opportunity nor any reason to learn English, kinda like how much of the region I come from didn't speak French until the first world war had us all thrown into the same trenches.

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>having this saved
Are you lost?

>literally nobody cares
>not the drivers
>not the police
>not the people passing by
Imagine actually living in a shithole like this
holy fuck, every day I'm thankful for being born in the western civilization

in awe at the size of that cat

My friend and I do this all the time but never if we're playing with someone who doesn't speak Swedish. It's just more comfortable to use English for vidya terminology a lot of the time

that would actually be pretty cool

Record webcam too for confirmation

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He should've pet catto to relax.
Also how can you be mad at a videogame past a certain age?

>this is why sekiro needs an easy mode
>t. weeb journos

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I posted the image here, apologies I forgot to attach it: >you are correct about younger generations being much more proefficient in English. Most likely thanks to the internet, movies and tv shows being much more convenient to just watch subbed rather than wait for a French dubbed release.
Yeah that's what I thought, exposure to American media and stuff.

>Older generations just never had an opportunity nor any reason to learn English
Yeah makes sense.

>kinda like how much of the region I come from didn't speak French until the first world war had us all thrown into the same trenches
Ah that's cool, didn't know there were parts of France that didn't speak French until WWI. Would that be Brittany, or maybe Alsace? Since Breton and Alsatian are spoken in those regions, right?

Also I was speaking to someone the other day about France and having holidays there, and we were talking about how the country is so vast and there are so many tiny rural villages in the middle of nowhere. France and the UK have nearly identical population sizes, yet France is over 2.5 times the size in terms of area (nearly twice the size of Germany too). Anyway, he was talking about a time he visited a tiny French village in the middle of nowhere because some friends of his had settled out there, and I was mentioning how one of my school friend's parents have a house in a tiny village in central/southern France. His dad had to drive us there from La Rochelle airport, it took like 1.5 hours or something. I think the nearest shop was an hour's walk away - I never made the walk but my friends did. So yeah, I think it's easy for us Brits to forget how big France is. Places can be much more remote in France than they can be in Britain.

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Yeah exactly. At my age I get annoyed at things like the lawnmower's power cable when I'm trying to mow the lawn. Wrapping around my fucking legs, having to move it over the lawnmower every single length of the lawn I do, having it get caught on some rock or something, etc. But I have to finish the lawn, I can't just leave it half-finished. But with video games, I just stop playing them if they start frustrating me. Not worth the hassle.

vacate the premises

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I was born in Brest, and indeed Brittany, especially the westernmost rural parts, was still speaking half a dozen variants of Breton rather than French before the war. After the war ended the survivors came back to their homes fluent in French, that's how the Breton languages died.

How do I beat the wolverine nigga in the monk temple, he's too agressive and damage posture a shit load

I don't care about niggers complaining about trainer

this single option has improved the game immensely for me, after 4 souls games I'm not going to pick up shit manually, eat a dick miyazoter

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Holy fucking based

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>pressing a button is beyond my capabilities
game journalist detected

Yeah, what the actual fuck?

>Start God of War
>See the hardest difficulty says "Give me God of War," implying that it's the proper vision of the game's difficulty and the fact that you can't change it from that implies that you wont need to
>Get excited and pick it
>It's an imbalanced mess because of its rpg and level based mechanics
>Enemy hp is bloated, their attacks do ridiculous damage compared to you, and they can level up mid-fight which means they can stagger less and have more unblockable attacks
>Everyone else is praising the fuck out of the game because it's meant to be played on the easy difficulties and chill through the "cinematic experience"

Still haven't beaten it because I'm tired of every encounter being a brick wall and I'm more than halfway done with it anyway.

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If it's the Centipede Giraffe guy you're talking about, yeah, the fighting area could be bigger. You just need to learn the parry timing, user. It's okay if you die, just try to learn how to react to what he does. His kanji attack is one you jump over

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by this point you should have learned to parry. holy shit.

What is this genetic type of cats called? I own one.

>Accesibility has never and will never be a compromise to my vision
says the guy who never developed a game and only wrote the story for God of War on PS2, with 90% of it taken from greek mythology
then he became director for nu-GoW and we could see your "vision" as you just copied the arkham combat soullessly you fucking hack
you never had any vision to begin with because you're a fuckwit

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stop updating jewvidia drivers retard

>implying learning to parry is just one size fits all instance

>that little stagger when you hit them

that's pretty lame

Other drivers was also having issues.
I don't think it's the drivers now cause my other games are fine. But for some reason after a few minutes I get "no signal" and have to restart the pc.
Some how the game is crashing the GPU and it can't restart

Works fine for me

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so this is the famed "dutch education"

They understand that women are property.


lol cats man

So that autists who can't control their anger wouldn't break their belongings and scare their house pets?


i wanna rub my dick all over their tummies

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leave and never come back

another proof chinks and chongs are subhumans and needs to be wiped out. I want to adopt that poor cat btw.

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yes he is


I want to put my dick in that cat

Well I mean yeah, you dont lose your position in dark souls. If you reloaded you would just be right in the same spot lol

So why would anyone be mad.

I want to put my knife in your eye ball

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I want to put my eye ball in your knife

lmao wut

Poor thing its so confused

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Hejsan Kalle, how is it going in little-mozambik?

Run away before getting eaten

Backwater mongs don't want to wash dishes so they cover dishes in plastic bags. I shit you not.

Put me in the screenshot

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check this



you now should remember

Fuck off

But that one was made as a joke.
Man, the world sure is going to hell when what was once seen from the start as a joke can now pass as actual reality.

606 - funnies found

Sekiro should be harder imo

lol what seems to be the problem buddy?

Korean here. Fuck you for making me laugh.

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Sorry but, if you can't play a game on NORMAL difficulty, you are not ready nor skilled enough to play the game yet.
The problem isn't the game, but its players.

That's like saying they should change "I Wanna Be The Guy" to be easier.
The answer is no.
Either you go through the trial of grinding it enough to get better at playing it.
Or you don't play it.

That'd be like somebody short demanding that regulation basketball hoops should be 8' tall instead of 10'.
Or like somebody tall demanding that commercial airliners have more leg room.
The answer is no. These things are structured the way they are for a reason.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

>like somebody tall demanding that commercial airliners have more leg room.
you corporate cock sucker, they should ABSOLUTELY have more room, fuck you

Japan BTFOs Korea yet again

I'm only in this thread because people talked about dog fucking and I'm waiting for someone to post webms but, if you can't handle normal difficulty, you shouldn't be playing the game, it's clearly not for you.

This game looks good.

Cut your legs off idiot! You don't need that much length to be able to walk.

thats 2 words tho


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Literally hasn't happened in years

You can always hope.

German with Dutch gf here, it's true. Dutch people are so much better at English, it's ridiculous. They don't get any dubs (except for cartoons) so yeah, they are just natually better at understanding/speaking the language. Like my gfs dad doesn't speak English well but he understands it pretty well.

Germans however are so fucking lazy when it comes to English. Everything is translated - TV shows, movies, games. They almost never have to "bother" to consume anything in English (less you want to watch GoT or whatever the fuck earlier).
I'm always trying to watch movies in English because translations are often not entirely correct (you sometimes have to change the dialog for the lip sync) and the acting and sound quality is obviously lower in German. But almost none of my friends want to watch movies in English because "abloobloo I don't wanna read while watching that's too hard!!!"
Like shit nigger if you weren't a fucking lazy-ass moron you wouldn't need to read the goddamn subtitles. Fuck you.

What a nice policeman. He helped them safely cross the street.

I had heard of paleo-diet but i didn't know that paleo-dating was also athing.

and thanks to leftist immigration policy you will get replaced by these people eventually, thanks for your service

>easy mode

It's called Cheat Engine.

I played Sekiro for a bit with cheats. Quit right after the butterfly grandma. I loved all the Dork Souls games (played them with cheats as well) for their cool areas and bosses, but Sekiro is just boring as fuck in terms of world-building.

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that's not what I said butthurt console shitter, it's unnecessary to pick up shit with a SUCC move, you should just get shit as you kill shit, it's annoying

but keep seething knowing you will never be able to do it, lmfao!

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Stupid chink insect

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Because some korean kid has anger issues? Because he's mentally unstable?
