Persona 5: The Royal

Persona 5: The Royal
>Is an enhanced version of the original game with new content
>There’s a “very lengthy new epilogue”
>New characters integral to the story, including the girl seen in the previous trailer
>There will be a Female MC (who is not the girl from the trailer)
>New Personas and Social Links
>The source claimed the game will have “a ton of new content”
>PS4 Exclusive
>Atlus wanted a (simultaneous) worldwide release but that won’t be possible due to the sheer amount of new content.

Persona 5 S
>The source has heard that Atlus has been working on a direct Persona 5 port for the Switch, which will not feature the enhancements of Persona 5: The Royal
>There is however talk of some Nintendo exclusive content.

Attached: persona5.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

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Never ever.

This seems pretty legit. I just cant wait for the "never ever" faggots to be btfo

Now say this without crying

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>Atlus putting exclusive content in different versions of the same game
that sounds exactly like something Atlus WOULD do.

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I'm just going to emulate it. Looks better on PC right now than the PS4.

>snoys get exclusive content
>switch gets a port
>snoys still seething

>he doesn't own a Switch and a PS4
Never ever.

Cope harder nincel.

God, I want the S to be a switch port and the R to be the definitive Vita version just to see fifa machine fags seethe for months

Who's ready for "NEVER EVER" to turn into "port machine"?

so basically persona 5 s is gonna be like persona 3 p, a lot of gutted content

You fags are so insecure about your console that you beg for ports of old games

The circle of shitposting.

Still waiting for Persona 5 to be a Wii U exclusive nincel.

Persona 5 is a PS3 game and the Switch can handle PS3 games.

Ehh, from reputable sources on this they're saying P5S is not the switch version of P5 and is apparently a different genre altogether.

Which makes sense since Atlus has been putting Persona in practically every genre they can.

what reputable source, I haven't heard a single source say that

I do though. I just want a reason to play persona 5 again.
Also I havent touched my ps4 ever since red dead. It's just an anime machine now.

It was a reset era fag who apparently has a bit of "inside info"

>There will be a Female MC
hahahahaha nope

yeah no

So P5R will be the game we should always had? Like the P5 that wasn't rushed?

It had a ludicrous development time with multiple delays.

>trusting anything that resetrannies say instead of writing it off as ramblings caused by aids, brain rot and lack of attention
shame on you user

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And everything past Kamoshida is rushed and undeveloped still.

>game is 90 hours
>it's rushed
I haven't finished it but holy shit that sounds awful.

>catherine classic all over again

guess i'll wait to buy DQXI S instead

>>There is however talk of some Nintendo exclusive content.

it's probably Nintendo-themed accesories

are Nintendo ports contractually obligated to do this?

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>There will be a Female MC (who is not the girl from the trailer)
uh oh bros

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I dont belive it. I'm just telling you what they said.

its not

Imagine not owning a switch, a ps4, and a PC lmao

The last 5 hours dragged on and on for me. Other than that It was amazing.
I beat it in 50 hours though.

So did FFXV and most of the work was done two years before release and three years after release. Don't be a retard user.

The PC emulation of Persona 5 is based on the Playstation 3 version. Persona 5 was delayed by one year for the PS4 port, the 2D accepts made the bulk of the delay work from 720p to 1080p. You're still stuck to PS3 720p visuals be it in 4K or not, the PS4 version has better assets.

It's still a PS3 era game and as such this feverish foaming at the mouth for Persona 5 (PS3/PS4) is rather unhealthy for PC and Swich/3DS/WiiU portbeggers for so many years. I would also argue its not even as good as Atlus' last releases on the 3DS/DS but whatever, Persona 5 has the same battle music on repeat and WOW COOL VISUALS so it goes over your millennial portbegging (basically console wars and should be bannable) temper tantrum mind.

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>Nintendo exclusive content.
It's going to be costumes like always but I really hope we get Nintendo Personas
>Mario (Sun)
>Luigi (Moon)
>Princess Peach (Empress)
>Yoshi (Chariot)
>Bowser (Emperor)
>Toad (Temperance)
>Boo (Hanged Man)


What are their sources? their ass?
It's not coming, cunts. Enjoy your dlc and shut up

I actually fucking believe this is what will happen. It's exactly what they did with Catherine. They gave the old game to PC before the release of the updated version inside of just giving it to everyone. Eventually they'll double dip on both and give the updated version of both games to those platforms.

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I wang more milfs.

>>The source has heard that Atlus has been working on a direct Persona 5 port for the Switch, which will not feature the enhancements of Persona 5: The Royal
This is retarded, but knowing Atlus I 100% believe it.

its believable because atlus literally did it with catherine

they released that new cathering game with the trap and catherine "classic" on pc

if they do that shit i just wont buy it

Yeah same. There's no reason why they shouldn't just port persona 5 and Catherine Full Body to everything, but I guess they have a hate boner for Westerners.

Scalebound is coming to Switch, I swear!

Why are you still listing sources when nobody got yesterdays update drop correct