So was user right?

So was user right?

Attached: the day Grim Matchstick went nuclear on the Smashbros.png (1346x282, 74K)

user is always right.

hes right, smashbabies need their own board

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Based. Give them a sticky and let it be the end of it. Every other thread is some Smash shit.
>"looks like x is in guys, he made it"
>"how mad would you be if x got in?"
>"latest smash hotfix discussion, they changed the cursor speed"
Never though Yea Forums would fall victim to such casual trash.

Smash is the most overhyped game in existence, and that's a fact

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Is this the holy trinity?

Go to army.

>Look mom! I replied to everyone! Do I fit in yet?

Imagine being so mad at people talking about video games that you save images of other people being mad talking about video games.
This is now a Smash roster thread, post your picks

>Ryu from Streets
>Duck Hunt but just the guy with the Zapper
>Mario again

Attached: 1446886407502.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Discord is, arguably, another deathblow to this "gaming culture" scene. It enables the zoomiest of meme-spewing zoomers to indulge in more ironic shitposting (which is just shitposting) and to spread their retardation everywhere.

Kids will be kids, and I get that, but none of us were on the level of zoomer retardation when we were kids. Discord is just a tool they and many other retards use to spread their mental virus everywhere with shitty facebook memes.

U mad?

Are you gonna post this on every thread In the catalog?

Fuck off. There's currently 15 threads on the catalogue discussing s*ash, go join your autistic brethren over in one of them.

Keep getting mad about people liking a video game you dumb bitch

While I do agree with the daffyduck poster, I’m not gonna be a retard and save the images. They said it, and that’s that. Why save it. That being said...
>Travis touchdown

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So was user right?

Attached: btfo.png (762x1083, 697K)

Rosterfags need to be dragged out into the streets.

>like autistic game
Fair enough
>have to force it down everybody's throat in every unrelated thread and create new threads to do so
Thanks for contributing to the death of Yea Forums through your zoomer nintendy game

Yes. Serve your country.

I say we kill all discord trannies just in case. Disgusting faggot freaks!

It's called hide thread you smoothbrained retard. If you're seriously so autistic that you can't handle video game discussion on the video game board then go slam your head on a knife.

Then my catalogue is smaller. I would rather they weren't made in the first place.
>slam your head on a knife
Imagine having Nintendo so far up your ass you encourage suicide because somebody was mean about your favourite game :(

fuck off retard

Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss

>upset zoomer

fuck off retard

>is here being mean rather than playing Smash
You're missing out chief, I've heard its super fun.

definitely not

Travis T,
Wonder Red,
Monster Hunter,
Chosen Undead

I couldn´t even care less about anything else

/vp/ here, we don't want them.

Was user right?

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Attached: this kills the steve fag.png (1203x603, 720K)

Yea Forums has always been a smash board, stay mad.

He's not wrong

The entire point of this board is voicing your opinion without resetera trannies blocking you

Is he in?

>People are upset a VIDEO GAME CROSSOVER about actual VIDEO GAMES is getting attention

Are you guys retarded

No, your upset because your favorite company isnt part of the fun.
Microsoft will eventually leaving Sony and the others to continue to shout REEEE at smash

We need a separate board for consolecucks and pc gamers.

nothing stays the same

>my company is better than yours!
A complimentary Amiibo has been dispatched to your address


If it was Sony that was having the partnership with Nintendo over Microsoft, people's tone wouldnt be as aggressive.

That being said Roster Fags and actual Smash fags are 2 different things

Nice, i didn't say that.

I said people are upset because they arent part of the VIDEO GAME CROSSOVER that is Smash


Pretty sure it's because people don't like seeing dozens of Smash threads up constantly and other unrelated threads getting hijacked.
>people aren't invloved
Considering every video game character seems to be a possible candidate at this point (proven by the likes of Simon Belmont and Doomguy), saying people are mad because they aren't involved is bs.
You can have another Amiibo tho, you can choose it this time.

Why is it that everyone we don't like coincidentally is either a Discord fag or a tranny?
Seems like a boogeyman to me.

he's right.

Smashfags are literal cancer that's making good threads die, and then they have the audacity to go into different threads and say "Smash thread died for this". Ironically or not, they are fucking faggots of the highest caliber.
Just make a reservation for those shitstains and be done with it. I'd even tolerate dozens of Nintendo Direct threads that pop up during the day when it happens, but only so that smashfags would finally leave this place.

Attached: RU3zfEV.png (557x385, 338K)

There’s a literal Steve discord, it’s not a boogeyman

Could you link it for us?


The one link I had expired, but it’s definitely real

Attached: 47A25676-F8A9-4F93-A5CD-318E2E2012A7.jpg (1440x1136, 120K)

And Erdrickfags wonder why they're universally despised.

Why do they think doombros are associated with these chucklefucks

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