Can I play this on PC?
How stable is the emulation?
I have a i7 8xxx and GTX 1060
Can I play this on PC?
How stable is the emulation?
I have a i7 8xxx and GTX 1060
I played it on my toaster and it was fine
are controls wonky at all?
just get a controller
pcsx3 does a great job at running it, especially with your setup, be sure to play it with a controller
I only have PS2 and Xbox controllers..
do they work
Yes you fucking moron, learn to use google
I have a i5-4460 and a GTX 750 TI and it works fine for me, im about 50 hours into the game and I love it
I used a 360 controller just fine
Yes, I hear they even have Youtube on phones these days.
I have worse and it runs fine
do people really care about the story? I just finished playing p3 and p4 and I don't remember the story at all
>asking if people care about the story in smt games
top tier brainlet posting
Only if you don't mind the game running at like 13 fps, but most pcpoors seem to be okay with it.
??? you play for the hot bitches and RPG
what are you? neckbeard?
user this isnt 2014 anymore you can emulate at decent speeds. you can emulate psp games on fucking phones nowdays, get with the time gramps
if you don't mind playing at 15 fps then it's fine.
It doesn't emulate well because the sprites bug out when upscaled.
720p is fine, but that's 720p.
Toaster fag.
why the fuck wouldn't they work, are you a fucking brainlet you retarded fuck
? I got 30 on the busiest street and 60 on palaces/small areas.
theres a fix for that user theres hacks for 60fps plus fixes for the movement and upscaled portraits
uhh because I dont play console games on PC?
The fix isn't perfect.
Where are Aigis’ controller ports?
Emulated it on a potato and looks fine.
I have an I5-4670 and a 1070TI and I can't go past 5 fps. Fucking why
I believe you user, but how much of a fucking beast is your PC?
are you using vulkan? I'm on a 2400g and running at 25 fps on the city and 30 fps for the rest
I have an I9 and a 2060 and I cant go past -1 fps. Fucking why
hehe so funny xD! 99% of pc owners will not be able to emulate this at any decent speeds, you can all stop pretending your toasters can run it as well as ps4
i5 8600k not overclocked
8GB ram
It would load much faster with more RAM for the shaders and I would get a couple more fps overclocking the i5 but I really don't care that much. Might upgrade RAM someday.
user persona 5 is also a ps3 game, and everyone emulates the ps3 version because pcsx3 has been a thing for a while now, who the fuck tries to emulate ps4
What kind of toaster?
I couldn't play it because the emulator just doesn't start. I open it and it shows in my manager but it doesn't show.
emulators rely more on cpu right?
I hope my i5-8400 can cut it
What cpu do you have you retarded tech illiterate?
read op
What is a i7 8xxx, what clock speed is it running at? For fuck's sake.
does it matter? OP already said it's above i7 8000 which means it's perfectly fine for emulating p5
I'm outta here, I legit can't believe this shit
neckbeard 16 year old lmaoing@urlif
Does it matter? People are saying it runs fine on i5.
this post was typed by a consolefag
ya PC masterrace!!!
it's true though
I'm assuming by 8xxx you mean 8th gen which means that at least 3GHz+ with 6 physical cores and 12 threads should be fine.
Pro tip: If you are asking for help be as specific as possible, no one in life will help you if you just expect to be fed and think its others job to do so.
Then again it could also mean a laptop CPU which are vastly underpowered.