How often do you still play Minecraft?

How often do you still play Minecraft?

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Perhaps I play often maybe me no play often who know? Not you maybe?

Never really, which is a shame because straight up survival in a single biome world with no hunger bar or crafting guides was really cool.

You wouldn't actually fap to a pile of blocks, right?

Only when family comes to visit and I want my little cousins to leave me alone, I boot up Minecraft and they shut up.

As opposed to what?

tits not blocky enough, trash

A real, actual woman

Newfags lmao lol

I like 2D women and "men"

>that guy who fapped to this because it reminded him of his dead mom

Attached: WHAT IN THE GODDAMN.gif (500x283, 1.54M)

We all would do the same in his situation

I would rather fap to minecraft autism than 3d pigs

Post more

never. game got boring and now it's just mods.

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>that guy thought he had 4 arms playing Minecraft

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This guy's characters aren't even that awful, he could make decent patreon bucks if he got someone to rig real models for him instead of minecraft garbage.

>in Minecraft

Been playing it quite a bit recently, both vanilla and mods.

Usually I end up playing it a month or two around the time of a new update, then getting bored and stopping until the next

post the GOOD stuff already

That's what makes him BASED though. He doesn't shill out in favor of his niche fetish. He's a committed man with a passion that will not jew out.

I boot it up once every couple months, play for like 2-3 days/nights ingame time, then turn it off with the intention of coming back an hour or two later, then I never do.

Terraria is a lot better for bite sized gameplay, I find.

I can fap to this guy's stuff no problem but sometimes the extremo bulge turns me off.

>founds some new friends on discord
>pretty cool people
>see that they have a minecraft server they all play on
>realised that i havent played minecraft in years
>try and find my old account
>see date of game purchased
>last time i played it was around 2015
>join the server and start playing with my friends
>server is set on an old version of minecraft that im familiar with
>fall in love with the game again
>play it for hours and hours
>feel like a kid again
>try and get up to date with the community again
>alot of my old favorite youtubers left
>relive some memories and watch old vids dating back to 2011
i remember playing on skitscapes massive server and spend hours playing hunger games and spleef
thanks minecraft

I don't think it's even his fetish, his twitter bio says he got the models for free and I think he just kind of fell into the role of being "the minecraft guy".

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>he got the models for free
Disregard this part, I'm retarded and it doesn't actually say that.

>jannies deleted the other thread
ffs, that was golden

kids a few years younger than me enjoyed it, i was too heavily into WoW and other things at the time, had i been born in 98 i would have definitely had it as my main game, i mean i loved legos and shit

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what in the unholy

god i wish that were me

Never because I can't find a decent server. They're all heavily modded garbage or shit run by 16 year olds and their buddies who are all mods and spawn shit in and teleport around the world.

Now I am beggining to understand blockfuckers

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Not often since my mother passed


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>now im gonna blow up your prostate

You now what, this guy porn is not that bad
>changes poses often
>fat pussy
>cute tummy
>animated in the most half ass program yet looks ok

He is a little better that your run of the mill 3d porn animator who shills pantreon

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what is wrong with some people

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Simplex seems legit aside from things you can't avoid anymore like claims/tpa/vote incentives. I can't stand public servers so I don't have any other suggestions than "that one I tried once 5 months ago".

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>this was some kid's first fap

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>last thread was chubby girl posting
>now it's this
Take me back

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Im absolutely sure theres some social engineer shit going on with youtube and kids. I doubt its just about views at this point.

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pretty often, i got a realm a while ago and play with a few people i met on discord. having a lot of fun with it
i'd recommend playing with friends way more over playing on random servers, it's a better experience overall, especially with close friends


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When did this board get so fucking normie?

lurk more

When did this board get so fucking normie?

Moderately often, trying to round out the last 3 achievements I haven't gotten then gonna start a fairly long-term world and wait out the 2 or 3 years until they release an update that makes mining relevant again

It's actually oldfag culture that encourages everyone to spam reaction images in hopes they'll get into the screencap, it started with dubs

I haven't touched Minecraft in years, mostly because I used Minecraft as a digital outlet for creativity.

Since learning 3D modeling and making a career out of that, I haven't gone back to Minecraft. Though the exploring and comfiness of Minecraft does occasionally beckon for me.

Pic related is one of my more recent models.

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That thread from yesterday was weird, especially that fucking post i just stopped eating my sandwich

Do they have a name?

Guarantee this poster is an asshurt furfag

that's pretty cool user, do you work in gayming developement aswell?

>hammer hits top cylinder
>barrel is connected to bottom cylinder

>top break future revolver
I'm adding this to my folder
thank you user

State your year.

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hot desu

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Thank you, and no, but I would love to. My skills at making game ready assets needs to improve first. Just making game ready assets alone is something I can do, but I can't do any animating or programing yet plus I still need to further develop my understanding of rigging and weight painting character models.

It's an anime gun. Look up "AGL Long colt". I loved Trigun growing up and did my best to make the revolver and make sense of the design.

Thank you! Always feels nice when people like my work.

Pic related is another project I have been working on recently to try and help teach myself more about animation. I loved Megas XLR growing up and I feel using this as a basis for learning animation will help given how fun it would be to recreate scenes from Megas XLR or just in general playing with the silly themes of Megas XLR. I just finished a short animation with this too. Let me see if I can convert it to WEBM and post it.

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Chocolate lever

Waitin' for Hytale, looks pretty neat.

Hi Adrian

That's fucking cool, dude.
I recently rewatched Megas XLR, and it still holds up.

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Unironically the scenario is hot enough that the things doing it barely matter. I think porn has destroyed my brain.

Silly japs and their /noguns/

fuck off block fucker, killyourself.

He's cute

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Of course the fucking Joker and Elsa fucking appear, whats with this shit

Care to give me a hint of who you are? lol

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He probably just reverse searched your image. I did the same just now.

Look I’m not OP, but I’ll tell you what, I’ve been rejected twelve times, TWELVE TIMES by girls. Every time we are seemingly getting along well having good conversations and sharing jokes but then whenever I try to deepen the relationship and ask them out they ALL indirectly revealed to me that they were just being nice and playing along, treating me like a flesh eating alien afterwards.

I’m so sick of this shit. The most recent time was looking so good, even better than all the previous tries and the end result was the exact same. I’m not even that bad looking nor am I an autismo.

I’m not even looking to get laid before marriage, I just want a nice WHOLESOME companionship with a woman, but that’s just not possible in NUmerica. All women here are psychologically conditioned to be callous bitches that treat even the most slightly socially awkward people as closet serial killers. So yea. Blocks.

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Be we actually do. Pixels are tiny blocks and we fap to drawings presented with pixels

MGTOW / volcel for a bit

I only ever played a demo.
Wasn't that interesting, I never really liked those make your own fun kinda games.

please do not scare 3d modeling user

If you search "AGL long colt" yours is like the 4th one that pops up on google images. Leads to one of your pages.

>t.creeper fucker

>treating me like a flesh eating alien afterwards

You got it all wrong, NUmerican women would be all over a Mexican border crossing cannibal!

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Anyone who watched porn on dial up already has.

Are you looking for a boyfriend-free girl?

Don’t even.

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>I just want a nice WHOLESOME companionship with a woman, but that’s just not possible in NUmerica.
That's not possible anywhere. Women just naturally have no urge for companionship.

Dont worry man, soon you will get a sweetheart from the ground-up

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I always found it boring and just wanted to humor my friend by playing it. Only big explosions and bang bang guns can keep my adhd at bay

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any good minecraft porn?

i get the thing about hunger being dumb, but why do people insist that old minecraft with literally nothing in it was more fun than what we have now? it's unironically nostalgia goggles, there is so much to do in modern survival minecraft now compared to alpha.

t. played alpha

Oh ok, that is comforting. I am not worried about you guys finding me, I am pretty easy to get a hold of. I am worried about relatives and friends seeing me here.

So without fear, thank you for the compliment!

That's pretty much me multiplayer-wise. I can't stand playing slow, reading games like Original Sin or even slower games like Civ; however, as single player games, I've sunk much of my life into them.

>on blocks
do it like Lara or don't do it at all

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hol up

O shit
Today I learned something. Thanks user

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reminds me of my dead mom

I would play it, but my friend kicked me cos i dig into his shelter

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you should really be a better friend, user.

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>I’m not even that bad looking nor am I an autismo
Doubt it

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im so glad this is a daily thing

holy shit this nigga's brain is huge

What`s the best way to start ?

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be courteous and polite. Politely ask before you touch his personal property. Make soft playful jokes to relieve any tension between yourselves

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is the Yea Forums FLAOT server at memesystem still active? how many players does it get? i just remembered i downloaded a folder for it a few months ago but back then i didnt have multimc installed so i couldn't play then

i'll take that as a no
if anyone's interested i could upload the modpacks to mega or something


Put me in the cap pls b0ss

how do i get into minecraft?

do i have to pay actual money?

you can use pirated versions, you'll just need an alternative launcher like multiMC or one of the others. i personally bought it back when Notch still had the rights and shotbow was still fresh. now the right are owned by (and the money from your purchase will go to) microsoft, who imho you should not support but you do you my man.

base game minectaft is rather easy and lackluster but it's enough for some. at the same time, there is enough mods for you to be able to do basically anything, so once you're bored of vanilla you can go wild. wanna play factorio in minecraft? tech mods like the ones in FTB packs. want magick and wizzerdery? thaumcraft, botanica, and fuckloads more. want to date and romance enemy mobs as if this was a japanese dating sim? there even is a mod for that too, but i forgot the name.

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>12 times
>still doesnt realize he is a beta

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Apparently it's pretty common among zoomers. Makes sense since they grew up with this game.


Post a pic of yourself and we will be the judge of that, or forever be branded a loser autismo

Hate to break it to you but that's not a lot. You need to up your volume of attempts. You'll get there eventually.

Shit son. Thats really good. Also patrician taste in chinese cartoons.

I load it up once every few months for an hour or two, typically whenever I need to really zone out and the other games I play just aren't doing the trick

user, I've fapped to a potted plant, female monsters, nightmarish creatures, and creepers. This is nothing more than another notch.

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lol only us oldfags will remember

Too dark to see shit.

I’m afraid to watch this, what happens exactly?

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Be glad you can't

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>afraid to watch a Minecraft animation
Are you 12?

steve-on-creeper intercourse with endermen watching, then the pair gets caught by another creeper and the creepers proceed to pin the steve down and get a mini-creeper with the implication of shoving the mini-creeper up the steve's bum
tags: interracial, voyeur, cheating, caught_cheating, male:implied_anal_object_insertion

Why does she have tits?

But if he was 12, he would've already watched it on PornHub.

It was only reaction images before, nobody tried to get into a screencap, that's a reddit invention.

>every day stray closer to trying to find someone through /soc/

Hytalechads rise up

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The faces are a bit weird, but I'm still real excited to see what they'll do with it and how it'll go.


well...I was looking for something different tonight, thanks lad.


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Once a month maybe

I've got even less but it still crushes me. I genuinely have an anxiety problem in regards to rejection, both in terms of women and just friendship with anyone. I've been in therapy for a while, worked with psychiatrists and while those helped me a lot in other ways they did basically nothing for this problem. What do I do, and not just talk to more women/people that's fucking obvious. I live in socal, and people here seem so averse to interaction with anyone they don't already know. I hate bars, where else can you go to meet new people?

That's why it's called If Goku hated Minecraft, dingus

I think they seem alright in some circumstances, But yeah sometimes the faces are la creatura nightmare tier.

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Pure Quality Animation

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that one looks nice yeah, but I suppose that's why they have such a robust sounding mod support to switch all that up if need be.

Really liking the ice area they were showing off in the latest post, myself.

You want me to go fap infront of actual people?

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>That fucking hair

never, because i am not a literal zoomer who plays meme let's player bait games

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I like you.

t. FuturisticHub

Never. Only interesting thing was redstone, and other games fill that niche better.
people get paid to make these

>I’ve been rejected twelve times
it sucks I know but 12 is not that high of a number
if you want some tips start chatting to random women on the streets and asking them out - ofc you are not rly trying to pick them up so no stress brother just observe their reactions and adjusting your behaviour patterns after each test run
soon you will git gud

and remember to always keep your shoulders back and your body straight

Like what? I was going to try it out soon because redstone seemed interesting.

post houses

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is it weird that playing minecraft sort of makes me feel like i have four arms? i know people usually play it because of the building/surviving/etc but i love playing minecraft because it makes me feel like i have four arms, for example two of my arms are controlling the character and the other two are in the game but they're also mine. i don't get this with ANY other first person game except for doom, which is weird because doomguy is an amputee.

every time i bring it up with someone nobody has any clue what the fuck i'm saying, but it's just how i feel. anyways yeah sorry OP just wanted to rant


>those ones where they just fucking murder someone for no reason
truly the makings of a serial killer

Is there a generation of kids now who can't masturbate to anything but roblox/minecraft lewds?

Factorio and Conway's Game of Life come to mind.

ive never played minecraft ask me anything

>I’m not even that bad looking nor am I an autismo.

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Daily. Found a nice niche MMO server with good combat and it's basically everything I wanted out of the game.

>not posting the kino where Yoshi sucks a dick

>minecraft sort of makes me feel like i have four arms

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Minecraft? More like Minecrap!

Fuck, it 404'd on me while I was doing groceries. At least I glimpsed at that shit show from yesterday.

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Here we go again, round the round'about!

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I prefer roblox tits.


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I haven't played since hunger was introduced.

>every minecraft intro involves the person killing 50 people for no apparent reason
>dubstep playing all the time
>use of ender pearls that make no sense because "muh cool ender pearl fighting combo"
>channels name pops up with cool zoom in on the beat of the music and shit

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>another notch

not anymore
but I used to make giant block titties full of water so I could jump inside the nipple and swim around

Is twelve times a lot of times to get rejected? I have been rejected so many times I haven't counted

Women will come when you read a better manga

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is this what kids watch these days?

i can no longer relate to the youth

it's pure degeneracy

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ok mister "wow look at this zelda flash cartoon on newgrounds"

fuck off, we were just as cringe

This makes me wonder what sort of fucked up shit I'll see from kids 40 years from now

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so custom faces or cash shop faces? I really hope there is an option for true custom skins rather than vbucks cosmetics




Pretty sure it's full on custom with modding tools, but they're being a bit cagey with pricing details in regards to F2P or paying things for now. So who knows.