Play Fable 2

Play Fable 2

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Where did you get a 4k screenshot of a 720p Xbox 360 exclusive?

Bring it to pc and I definitely will.

Just don't play it on it's original hardware it fucking runs and looks like garbage

I would if it were on PC. Pretty retarded to have 1 and 3 on it but not 2.


this except fable 1


Microsoft enhanced (4K) all the Fable games on Xbox one.

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Anniversary or Lost Chapters?

What was the appeal of this game?

>Want to replay Fable 2
>Boot up the ol' 360
>Game is a blurry mess
I loved it the first time I played it and I'll play it again with the eventual PC re-release but god damn were our standards low when it comes to graphics and performance in that gen.

>No PC port

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Maximum comfy. It's Goldshire the video game.

Oh look! It's a "Female character image with Play X text" post! How utterly crappy!


Same as Fable 1 really. It's a fun Adventure game with some RPG mechanics and choices to make. The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three, but I disagree. I think Fable 3 was the worst one.

> the eventual PC re-release
It's been over a decade since the game came out user. It's not happening.

What's the difference?

>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three
Nigga what I don't believe anyone things 2 is the worst one

Fable 2 was always one of if not the best one, only problem was it was very very easy and thus short but it made everything better compared to Fable 1.

Fable 3 was just a shitshow

>It's not happening.

nigga we got ace attorneys toooooooooooooooooooo

based niggamind

Fable 2 was awful, PC fags really don't know because it never got ported. It's almost as bad as 3, it suffers all the same problems. It's nothing like 1. I still to this day can't understand how they fucked this series up so bad after getting the formula perfect in Fable 1. Anyone else just occasionally still play through Fable 1 for the coziness?

I bought an xbox 360 for fable 2 back in the day and played the shit out of it for 2 months before my xbox red ringed.
PC version would be nice.

Just look at all the games that got ported even though we never thought they would. Fucking Halo 3 is getting ported. Plus this is a Microsoft IP.

Much more content like quests and equipment, bug fixes. A new explorable land and story after main story finishes. The ability to actually become Jack of Blades yourself.

I like Fable 2 a lot too, but it was very heavily shit on when it came out. All Fable threads are the same, where people praise 1, shit on 2, and don't even acknowledge 3.

I want to believe, but what does Fable have to do with Ace Attorney? They're both old games?



>man i hope they release fable 2 on the pc
>i can't find anything about it though
>ooh, fable 1 is getting a re-release! they haven't given up on the franchise at least. maybe we'll see fable 2 on the pc soon?
>wow, fable 3! there's still hope for the franchise, i hope they release fable 2 on pc now!
>ooh, fable 3 is out on pc. will fable 2 be too soon?
>wow they're, uh, remastering fable 1 again? guess fable is still alive. maybe they'll release 2 on pc soon?
>oh, fable 4 is coming to xbox. neat. fable 2 soon?
>they're enhancing all the fable games for xbox? neat. i'm sure fable 2 it's about to be released on pc. any day now.

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whats this game about
im getting the comfy oldschool vibe from this

not much and what it does have sucks like the new spell which is ridiculously overpowered and a shitty post game which ruins the originals solid ending. id say get the original

yep, old games, just wait for nightdive or someone to get em

>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three

In what fucking world. Fable 3 was so horrible it killed the series.

It's not oldschool, it's everything wrong with modern gaming. Most of the game is literally following a golden line on the ground that leads to quests. You literally can't even die in the game and someone else kills the last boss for you. It's an unfinished mess.

Ou didnt know that welp time to undust my xbone

That's some nice 4k resolution.

Is it on pc at all?

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fable lost chapters is still the best fable game and it isnt even close

you make it sound way better than it is

>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three
Literally nobody thinks that.
Everyone agrees that the Fable series is an exponential curve of shit.
The first one is good, the second is not as good but it's alright, the third one is garbage.

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Fable 2 isn't even slightly good so yeah. I don't even need to bring up 3 kek.

It's finished. It's just put together badly. Like everything Molyneux makes.

fable 2 fucked up a lot from the original like the "meatiness" of the combat. not to mention the terrible hazy desaturated look of 2

I make it sound better by telling it exactly how it is? It's literally so much better that there's absolutely no point in playing the original. Extended story, bunch of new weapons, new armors, new dark and light colored variations for every piece of clothing and armor in the game. New enemies. New land with different aesthetic (snow) , get to fight a dragon, fixes all major bugs, new spells, new music etc

Nothing new meshes, ultra textures and ENB wouldn't fix.

>Play Fable 3
>lmao remember how in Fable 1 and 2 you had a bunch of magic to choose from?
>Like a wide variety of spells you could power up and use?
>Well here is a magic glove

Thanks but no thanks.

The final boss is only killed by Reaver if you listen to his monologue long enough. You can kill him yourself if you shoot him right away.
It'd be cool as fuck if Fable 2 PC port got some quality mods for it to improve the game, but that seems even more unlikely than the PC port itself.

I remember people here actually liking Fable 3 when it came out. They said Fable 2 left such a bad taste in their mouth that Fable 3 was a breath of fresh air, but nowhere near as good as Fable 1.

Here's a fun tip.

>work as a forger until you make enough gold to buy a couple houses/businesses
>buy them
>save and close game
>set date on Xbox to a couple years in the future
>buy rest of houses and businesses
>set Xbox date 5 years in future
>have enough gold to never have to quest again
>can buy anything

No I remember that even in 2 they removed literally 80% of the spells and left us with like 4 shitty ones. Everything wrong with 3 exists in 2 as well.

Man I loved fable 1 a lot. Its a shame they fucked the series up so bad.

>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of three
It's overwhelmingly 3. Fable 2 is good

That sounds like the exact opposite of fun. Sounds like tedium to boot up the game 3 times and adjust date and time. Having infinite gold also makes the game boring.

Devil's Advocate: Only a handful of anyone of those spells were worth a damn, but I get what you're saying.
>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three, but I disagree.
Not even fucking close, dude. It's 3. In fact, I have never seen someone hold your opinion until right now.

Play Albion Online

Attached: 2355328-trailer_albiononline_introduction_20131024.jpg (1214x933, 612K)

2 has a couple saving graces over 3.
>no voiced protag
>has an actual menu and not that weird ass pocket dimension menu
>feels somewhat like a Fable instead of the American Revolution
>combat isn't nearly as fucked as in Fable 3 but still pretty fucked.
>2 doesn't have the shitty gold grind of 3

Anniversary is fucking terrible. It loses so much of the charm of the original. Pic doesn't even show the faces which are by far the worst aspect. The worst hd remake I ever played thank fuck I got refunded though

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I might have to get a Xbone after all for playing SSX 3 in 4k.

>The general consensus is that Fable 2 is the worst of the three, but I disagree.
Not even fucking close, dude. It's 3. In fact, I have never seen someone hold your opinion until right now.

I like the idea of "interactive" menus, but Fable 3 went way fucking overboard with it.

the menu for DragonBall FighterZ is pretty nice for example. You get a nice little hubworld to walk around.

Nobody listen to this absolutely retarded little faggot, he is wrong.

is that what albion looks like? looks pretty cool

That game gets shilled all the time in ads.

well imo what was added was needless padding like the new spell which was so unbalanced that it made the rest useless and the extended ending which lacked the satisfaction of the original's.

fuckup shithead you know nothing

You want me to puke or what ?

Just admit you were too poor at the time to buy the game again

No it's bugged to shit.

Found the dumbass who eats up GOTY editions

found the sad poor boy

>using your second controller to sign in as guest then leaving so all the exp points the second player is given to match your level are refunded to you
>doing this until your maxed
>buying a property and renting it out
>exit game change date on xbox to 20 years later come back to millions of dollars

Best part of the game, though what was up with maxing out strength making you a fattie?

It was made when a lot of people were still playing on crt screens so it hid how shit it looked to a pretty great extent.

>late 2008
only if you were a mega poorfag

Who else picked the objectively best choice and married zombie waifu?

god fucking damn is it hard to find a good image of Lady Grey in Fable II

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Fucking seriously?

>though what was up with maxing out strength making you a fattie?
Is it even possible to make a qt grill character in Fable II because of this?
Last I remembered they all eventually become butch dykes by the end of the game.

Can you gimp yourself and not level strength so your appearance doesn't change?

>want to make a normal looking cutie
>end up with a shehulk instead

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>he didn't strain the fuck out of his eyes trying to read the text in Dead Rising on a CRT screen

It was a different time user. Widescreen HD LCD screens weren't the standard yet. Not everyone is an early adapter.

Kek, I have the exact same memory.

he can be right but it doesnt apply to this. persona 4 golden is a good example of extra shoehorned content completely ruining a good game


2 years ago i did a playthrough and was severely disappointed. there’s relatively few cosmetics, the combat is weak and overall its just easy asf. i was hoping to get some challenge out of it but nothing.

also i hate the way the game forces you to stay away from your shit for like 10 years. such a shitty mechanic and the whole scarring concept is trash too. in order to not receive scars during that 10 year stint you have to essentially abuse prisoners. its like wow what a trash game.

It's one of the few things zoomers will never experience.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-17 Capcom to Dead Rising customers if you can't read the text, you're j (1198x1092, 146K)

This game only had to do one thing fucking right to be great

that was over 2 years before fable 2

Those were the days. I genuinely thought my 360 borked itself

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>not putting up with the developers bullshit
If this article was written today people would defend Capcom in the comments and call him an ungrateful entitled shitlord.

I remember reading an article in a gaming magazine where the guy was talking about how much he loved the switch to HD and how he could now finally see that the little blurry dots next to his stats in crackdown were actually stars etc. Also remember people losing their shit when they spent $300 on a 20 inch hdtv to find out their pc monitor of the same size was perfectly capable of doing that.

If i do i'm gonna have to unlock all the achievements and the one about collecting all the dolls is near impossible.

What the fuck, Fable 3 is on pc?
I always assumed it wasn't since Fable 2 never got ported unlike the first one.
I'm a fucking idiot.

I don't get char customization in Fable 2, it's almost as if your character slowly molds into something different each time you do something evil/good, change clothes, etc

user don' do it, you will be so disappointed no matter what you expect. The simplified 3 so much that armors aren't even armor in the game, it's just cosmetic

lol, i played it years ago when it came out on PC, i liked it, finished it 4 times

I would but my 360's HDD shat the bed and I'm not gonna spend 70k to get a replacement

3 is still fun enough, i don't know why people hate it so much.

Fable 2 has aged unbelievably poorly.

The UI is the worst shit I have ever experienced in a video game. The character movement is catastrophically bad. I really wish I could replay it and relive my memories of it, but it's just awful to play.

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I couldn't find one single thing to like about it. Nothing about it is as good as Fable 1's equivalent mechanics

Now I have to play it.
Plus the world seems fun to explore. I like the aesthetic.