Imagine being a console player...

Imagine being a console player. Imagine being excited for your new console to have hardware/software that has been available to PC players for YEARS. Imagine being excited to buy the super powerful PS5 only for it's hardware to be obsolete in 8 months. Imagine having to pay extra money per month to use their online services on top of your internet bill. Imagine playing shooters on a controller. Imagine being a console player.

Attached: 65581_05_sony-announces-ps5-support-8k-ray-tracing-navi_full.jpg (1300x730, 57K)

Imagine buy a 8k monitor just for the graphic that ps5 promise, IMAGINE 8k mode goes less then 15 fps

This is the biggest kek of all for me. Everyone is still trying to move to the 4k market, and PS5 is trying to seem so cool and 'NEXT-GEN' by supporting 8k, and all the technical illiterate zoomers are going to shit themselves in awe, when they probably mean 8k for streaming or upscaled 4k. It's pathetic. Imagine being a console player.

Imagine having a high end PC with no games like Last of Us or Bloodborne

Imagine TLOU and Bloodborne being the pinnacle achievements of your "gaming" console


>buying a ps5
This isn't ResetEra
No one here is that cucked

what could be a possible lineup?

knack 3
infamous third world son
jacket and racket 6
ridge racer I forgot milk
fortnite 8k remaster
uncharted drake's retirement
little big package
sam the froggy 2
tlou 2 8k remaster
bullshot racing on fire 2

Imagine not having a single exclusive game that makes PC more favorable than a console. Face it. It's not about the specs. It's about the games. I have a pretty solid PC that's leagues better than any of my consoles and literally the only game I ever actually utilize it for is Planet Coaster. Otherwise, the bulk of my game time is spent on my PS4 or my Switch because that's where the games I want to play are.

As if emulation didn't exist

You're literally the most cucked faggot ever. I always see liars like you, "haha i have an epic gaming PC but I never play it i just play my basedstation 5". You're full of shit, quit lying. If you spent 800+ on a gaming PC you wouldn't only play 'Planet Coaster' you dumb retard.

PC does have good exclusives, you just don't like them. But on PC, it's not about exclusives, it's about what you can do on PC that you can't do on consoles. You have better graphics across the board, you have mods (that you don't have to pay for like a cucked faggot on console), zoomers and retards are shitting themselves over the fact that the PS5 is backwards compatible, as if that's even a fucking selling point, everything should be backwards compatible by default. On my PC, I can play the games I got all the way back in 2003 without issue, and hey what do you know, there's probably an HD texture pack made by some modder and now you can play the game in HD and 1080p resolution. You put in a PS2 disc and it says not readable.

So yeah you're a fucking retard. Enjoy jerking off to the MOST AMAZING EXCLUSIVE EVER....THE LAST OF US....2!!! OMG CANT WAIT :DDDD

pic related its you whenever someone mentions the last of us or bloodborne. inb4 seething, mad, cope, incel, or any meme argument you use to try to justify your absolute retarded faggotry

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lmao, ps4 generation is about to end and ps4 emulator is barebones

PS3 emulation isn't even perfect yet.

this truly cuts PC gamers deep down, theyre just too assblasted to admit it

Backwards compatiblity is terrible on consoles. At best all you get is a steady framerate of 30 and a resolution bump, nothing more

literally no one outside of you faggots cares about your interactive movie and your demon souls clone. like you guys are the kind of crowd that things a game like heavy rain is some pinnacle achievement which is exactly why that company only makes games for the PeeS4

>having Zen 2 for years

>paying 5x the price for a pc
Only redditors like PC

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>no one
>TLOU sold 17 million units

Back to your early access survival multiplayer battle royal games LOL

If you want to play PC games, don't spend more than 1000$ on a PC. It's not just worth it. All the good games in the PC only requires a high mid tier rig. I built my new PC a year ago and only really played Mount and Blade: Warband, Open TTD, and Prison Architect.

Though, I won't stop you if you wanna spend more than 1000$ play AAA games but with better graphics, since that's still a completely valid reason, but personally, it's just not for me.

>a lot of people bought thats good!!!!!

shouldn't you be catching up on your marvel movies for the epic new avengers movie this weekend, basedboy?

Attached: soy boy.jpg (1511x2015, 176K)

You must really like indies huh

Attached: 2019-03-30 16.54.05.jpg (198x224, 40K)

TLOU is ok but I can live without it. Bloodborne is great but it runs like shit like every console From title. I really wish I could play it at locked 60fps and 1440p or higher.

Who still watches marvel movies?

nice goalpost moving

You know PS4s aren’t that expensive right? Anyone who wants to play those games can pick one up and play it while also playing the majority of games on PC. That’s what I do.

>I really wish I could play it at locked 60fps and 1440p or higher.
Well since PS5 is backwards compatibility you can play it on there at 60fps :)

>the order 1886 LMFAO

you console fags and your movie games, i swear. the most hilarious thing about this post is you cherrypick games in alpha yet your example of an epic new PS4 game is literally a playable teaser of a game that got cancelled and never released, lmfao. playing on consoles really rots your brain

Back to your spreadsheet simulators or what you call grand strategy ""games""

Lol imagine being this fucking dull

More like, I'll play the exact same games as you but only in a higher framerate, better resolution, and with better graphics. Something you'll NEVER, EVER experience.

But don't worry user. Maybe in the year 2020, you'll FINALLY play a game that isn't upscaled 1080p and locked at 30fps. LMAO