Name ONE video game character that wears spats

Name ONE video game character that wears spats.

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Sayaka from Ape Escape


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Iris from FFXV


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Linne's so fucking good
Wish I could play her game


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You can

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Wish her game was more relevant. Not even bbtag is relevant.

Why are spats so cute and sexy at the same time?

My PS3 has been banned, I don't pay for PS+, so no PS4 too and the game is dead on PC.
I'm also really fucking bad at fighting games and I quickly get frustrated by them

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It's #4 at evo, more relevant that Dragon ball and MK
I think more people are playing on pc in the Yea Forums lobbies than on ps4.

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Miracles of the universe

Kabe Chie

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School uniform Metallia from one of the alternate dimensions you see in Witch and the Hundred Knight

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good thread

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That's the same powerful energy as navels

I want to give Metallia a big hug, God knows she could use one

ty user
have a blessed day

I'm going to give this game a try now

No problem

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Do it user

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>ITT: recommend me videogame-related fap material


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Wish it was true, love UNIST but decided to move on from animu fightans and now I'm having fun playing smash.

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I'll wait for sale then. Meanwhile, I'll train on my PS3.

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I've seen you post that before. And I appreciate you caring about her like that. She's deserves some good friends and a happy life.

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that's a dude tfw I thought it was a girl when I was a kid, and busted a nut to "her"

thinly veiled but I'm into this

Amane Suzuha from Sneeds;Gate

I have no nostrils and I must smell

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lolis with spats always smell good, not wrenched smel.

Go to your containtment board you bad odor fetishist.

how does loli in a spats smell bros

do novels count

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like flowers, now if we are talking to gorillas like then they smel like shit because all they do is train physically until extenuation

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Imagine Linne with no spats

There is a alt that doens't haved spats IIRC

Sweat and milk. All lolis smell like that unless they also use shampoo or soap with a strong essense.

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Imagine Linne with no shirt and no spats

like nothing, they're not old enough for body odor, well depends if your loli is old or not I guess


puffy penis??


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When is bridge coming back bros?

When is ggxrd coming back bros?


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I genuinely bought spats to wear around the house in the summer. Very comfy.


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jannies are up


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Why do people like theses again?

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The reason why I have a spats fetish. Man, I'd make a tea out of it.

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