>A spokeswoman said they enacted their own guidelines so “creators can offer well- balanced content on the platform” so that gaming “does not inhibit the sound growth and development” of young people. The spokeswoman declined to confirm when these guidelines were introduced, or to elaborate in further detail.
>Two key factors leading to Sony’s new internal crackdown on sexual content are reportedly the #MeToo movement in the United States, which Sony officials say pointed to the “dangers of being associated with content that some might see as demeaning to women.” The second factor is the rise of video channels on YouTube and Twitch, where gamers can stream explicit content from Japan, who traditionally have had lax standards on sexual content.
>Sony officials also noted executives at the company have become concerned their global reputation could be tarnished from sexually explicit content sold in a few markets. One of the biggest concerns is focused on content released in Japan that features near-nudity and “images of young women who might appear underage.”
>“You don’t know what they will say until you complete the work and submit it for review,” said the chief executive of a small game developer in Japan. “And if they are not happy, even if they allowed the same degree of sexuality a few days before, we need to take it back and ask our staff to make adjustments. That’s very costly.”
>The new policy has been forcing Japanese developers to censor their games even for release in Japan, as the new policies have been affecting their home market, not just western markets. The new policies at Sony have even forced the huge boob producer himself, Kenichiro Takaki, to leave his beloved Senran Kagura series and focus on games that fit inside these new ratings.
This is why you never headquarter your business in California.
>can't let parents do the parenting >can't let companies make what they want to make Sony having no competition killed it. Why on earth did they move the headquarters out of japan?
Henry Gonzalez
>butts and boobs are bad >gratuitous violence is fine
So Sony instead of just using the ESRB and either labeling M Rated games then having a switch like how games let you turn off blood or having AO ratings on their digtal storefront then adding a "safe mode" to the OS like my fucking cable box can. Instead Sony thinks it has the right to program my children? Congrats Billy you'll be inheriting my steam account and I'll just make sure he's staying away front adult filth like a parent should
Jason Butler
>>A spokeswoman said they enacted their own guidelines so “creators can offer well- balanced content on the platform” so that gaming “does not inhibit the sound growth and development” of young people. Playstation officially THE platform for children now?
Teenage lesbian kiss corrupting the minds of millions of children @ e3. Yeah, they really care about kids.
Eli Ross
Fucking hell, just move to PC or Switch.
Carson Richardson
>Wanting to make sure you don't get sued is the same thing as being on their side
What's it like, being retarded?
Nathan Powell
Why? I hate Nintendo and PC fags and I don't play weeb games so this doesn't affect me
Benjamin Harris
You are egregiously more retarded for believing their story about worrying about lawsuits.
Nicholas Kelly
They will. This literally marks the rebirth of eroge. Wouldn't be surprised if people like Takaki that don't just want to work on shitty mobage under Cygames decided to self fund mid-budget /u/ ero action games to test the market out.
Austin Kelly
Why do they care so much? I don’t get it, sjw don’t buy games.
Colton Hill
Based Takaki taking a stand to uphold his creative vision.
Less retarded than believing your baseless assumptions that have no evidence or facts behind them. I'm more inclined to believe a company enacted a policy because they don't legal or social trouble over believing they did out of some moral high ground. If you want to be stupid, feel free, but don't pretend you're right
William Turner
What? Do you like having to pay for online? Having no games? Playing on a children's toy? Even Nintendo games will have more boob now, V/irgin. Bet you like wedgies too nerd.
Matthew Nguyen
How did the japanese react to this?
Gabriel Baker
they already have by putting their games on steam and nintendo
Isaiah Gray
It's clear he wanted to port EV to Switch, but was under contract. So all he had was test demo and a pinball game.
Charles Morris
Sony was already being called a western company, now this only confirms their beliefs
Dominic Murphy
If you're this obsessed with animated tits in your games with animated tits I'm more inclined to think you're the virgin and I play mostly single player games so online means nothing to me
Julian Powell
>Company caters to the market where most of their revenue comes from
Whoulda thunk?
Asher Scott
Why are all the leftists so afraid of letting people have artistic freedom?
Oh right, that's freedom of expression and that's a bad thing!
Julian Scott
It's been totally cool and straight to think lesbians are hot since before your parents were born. What are you on about.
Daniel Cook
>implying censorship is limited to the left saudi arabia is laughing in their dishadashas right now
>so that gaming “does not inhibit the sound growth and development” of young people remember kids GORE GOOD SEX BAD
Evan Murphy
>muh tits Censorship is, always has been, and always will be a slippery slope. Get fucked corporate cock sucker
William Wilson
you should revise it to why does everyone hate freedom of expression. far left and far right both hate your videogames
John Sanders
>All fighting games being treated as e-sports are dead, then. >More than half of all the female characters in those are way too lewd >sony's deadw
Nicholas Price
It has nothing to do with real fear of lawsuits you twat.
People get shaped by those around them. Sony execs and their advisors are not autists who are glued to Yea Forums everyday. They're affected by the people they interact with. Sony went to California because its a wealthy state, many companies do so as well.
Stop being a whore for corporations who couldn't care less about you.
Luis Evans
Classic argument, just because you have no friends doesn't mean the normal people who buy a playstation wanting to play a game online (like at least a 3rd of all PS4 games) and forcing them to use a pay wall is wrong. I'm old enough to use Google, it's not just Tits its shit like taking cigarettes out of games because "cigarettes are so bad" yeah and indoctrinating youth into faggy psuedoreligion is so much better, but it is important because this PC culture is just like the establishment that made werid laws back in the 60s of America, the same establishment that tried to put Jim Morrison into prison for being too much of a rockstar. Any American advocating for censorship should just go back to the eastern hemisphere with their old world ideas. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS ABSLOUTE MOTHERFUCKER. Sony can legally do this tho but Xfinity could do this same shit but I can see boobs in movies and if was a loser I could buy porn, TV is cooler than Playstation now
Jason Clark
Saudi Arabia isn't Western, it's neither left nor right.
Xavier Jackson
Japs just play Switch, Vita and mobile games. Sony gets it's real revenue from sports games and western AAA-releases.
Xavier Cook
To reiterate, Saudi Arabia has never been Westernized. There are non Western countries that have been influenced by the West enough to be classified in the left v right spectrum. You're retarded for bringing up Saudi Arabia.
Hudson Green
>dangers of being associated with content that some might see as demeaning to women.
Envy is sin, a retarded sin plagued in every woman who needs fucking attention. Any hint of competition is "demeaning" to them. Men, majority of Sony fanbase, is going to find Sony demeaning regardless for catering to this pointless, small and dumb bullshit of the minority of women who barely play games.
It's not even whataboutism. The idiot has no understanding over the left v right dichotomy by bringing a non Western country with no cultural or philosophical ties to the West.
Dominic Ward
Which Senran is that? which picture?
Benjamin Ross
in the end the Japanese have ended up having a healthier sexuality than Westerners lmao The West is a living joke right now
Carson Collins
Huge untapped market. The largest consumer base in the world is the millenial crowd now. And almost all of them are SJWs. They'd be crazy not to attempt to tap into them.
Ryan Hill
You 2 pal, bitches hate men who take up the ass for corporations, buy some guns and a jeep if you wanna get some road head (:
Anthony Robinson
An user made a good point about that. Apparently it's so you're still encouraged to join the military and fight for our greatest ally.
Once again retard, I'm taking the word of the official statement over your autistic fantasy and projection. Leftists aren't afraid of telling people they have enacted a policy for moral reasons and wouldn't abstain from doing so just to throw a retard like you off, if anything, they'd revel in it.
Dick's stopped stocking firearms for liberal brownie points. Sony enacted their policy to ensure they don't get complaints and lawsuits from retards
Camden White
And Fate Grand Order
Brandon Campbell
Now all the fan service games will come to PC. actually based
Daniel Adams
>萌豚は怒ってスイッチに逃げていいよ >Upset moebuta should just run off to the Switch >ポリコレガイジは死ね >SJW gaijin just fucking die >エ口なしじゃもう買う必要も無いな。PCに移行しよう。 >No need to buy the all ages versions anymore, then. Time to move to PC. >フェミガイジとポリコレガイジはヒトモドキ >社会の癌 >人類の敵 >Feminist SJW gaijin aren't people >They're the cancer of society >The enemy of all humanity >人殺しゲーはいいの?w >But killing people is fine? w >。。SONY。。 >日本はエ、ロもグロも規制だなw >In Japan's case I guess both lewd and gore are banned rightw >文句言われることを恐れてとりあえず受け入れる日本人のごめんなさい気質よ >The sad state of japanese that bitch and moan about everything but at the end of the day end up accepting it without fight
Now that the knowledge is out in the open any case of censoship in a non VN game will get the outrage bigger and bigger.
a game like Catherine will be the breaking point while days gone has confirmed attempted rape (esrb discription) mark my words
That difference between the two will show how hypocritical sony is being.
Benjamin Powell
thank you kikestianity for these great morals
Jacob Murphy
>no source
Hudson Martin
So how do we fight this?
Joshua Ortiz
>文句言われることを恐れてとりあえず受け入れる日本人のごめんなさい気質よ >The sad state of japanese that bitch and moan about everything but at the end of the day end up accepting it without fight
Ever considered subtitling for CR? You'd fit right in.
Don't buy the PS5. Stop paying for PS+. And if you want to go the extra step. Buy Evenicle and Funbag Fantasy on Steam.
Isaac Allen
Probably more important for an entertainment company: >can't let customers buy what they want
Hudson Campbell
We don't. The culture was is over. Find a new hobby that hasn't been corrupted or that's more creative so you can do what you want instead of consuming what they give you.
Brayden Reed
sexual content in western games is ok, because "it's more mature" game of thrones is full of sex shit, with rape and guys getting their dicks cut off, and all the normalfaggots love it but seeing a girls panties in a japanese game or anime is destroying our core values
Josiah Campbell
>funbag fantasy Better than the usual long ass titles.
Luis Perry
Considering Sony gave her any kind of power user, we should care. We should care that they let a stupid commiefornia bitch in.
Ethan Young
>Sony gets it's real revenue from sports games and western AAA-releases
except Fate animu tiddies is making them billions
Joshua Sullivan
lol fuck Takaki, this wouldnt be a problem if he actually released real SK games on Nintendo, too bad his mindless Sony loyalty got in the way of his business sense and now SK is dead
>And almost all of them are SJWs you are absolutely fucking retarded
Daniel Reed
Not actually that great. The PC market is nowhere as big as the PS market is, especially for nip only games. Things are going to be very rough for a while.
Anthony Ramirez
Gaming can't make you violent, just sexist, racist, homophobic, and a child molester.
Fuck I hate these people.
Jose Ortiz
SJWs don't actually buy games user. If that was the case the comic industry would be dying a slower death right now.
Samuel Martin
FGO isn't under SIE so they're not beholden to the policy. Its entirely all SIE
Ryan Clark
>expecting sane decisions from people who chop of their knobs
William Russell
Link me the source
Benjamin Robinson
Whoa everything I predicted happened...its almost as if ironic weebs normalfags truly are ruining the culture but oh well xD i will continue to watch my anime on base crunchyroll and netflix while wearing my epic ahegao shirt!
David Young
you just summed up america in 9 words
Logan Ward
go back to /djt/
Gabriel Martinez
the argument was that Sony is cutting off the weeb audience because they aren't making them money despite the fact they are directly profiting off massively
Nathaniel Diaz
>butts and boobs are bad
only if they are from moonland and animated. then you can they are pedophile bait.
They censored Hellboy's cigarettes and cigars. Still mad about that
Christopher Morris
>women were a mistake I'd never thought I'd see the day I'd agree with that statement.
Tyler Bennett
Sony isn't doing shit, people are laying their blame incorrectly which isn't a surprise because the average gamer is a barely out of highschool retard
Cameron Morris
Ad hom doesn't give you an argument and calling me soi is projection. Not everyone is a loser obsessed with drawn tits like yoy
Joshua Hernandez
looks like PC is the last bastion of hope for the creative video game designer
Charles Cox
>sunny is in California and have made it abundantly clear that those in higher chairs of authority hate japanese games and anime tiddies >SONY ISN'T DOING ANYTHING
Jacob Hall
>can't now make echi porn games with 0 personalities and waifu fap bait >developers now forced to give their female characters a personality and purpose >wow, fuck sony, fuck muh censorship all porn games literally have garbage gameplay and echi games are literally fap bait for losers.
>muh fanservice cringe garbage for losers.
>muh feminism I rather have average female characters with something more than being eye candy for porn doujins.
>but you hate hot women No, I hate waifu BS where the girls have no personality and rellies on fapbait garbage to sell.
They were always dumber than conservatives. Conservatives were warning you about all this over a decade ago. You were just too busy huffing your own farts to take them seriously. Now you see.
Jaxson Scott
Are you forgetting that japan has been jerking it to mosaics for decades?
Except all the PC releases are getting sony brand censorship, mostly because of ports.
PC releases can be uncensored. >I hate waifus Know how I know you're a loser?
Josiah Walker
> Sony isn't doing shit So. Nintendo releases have anime tiddies, Sony releases don't. And Sony isn't to blame? Please.
William Adams
>pretending to care about shitty games you never played or even heard about First of all if you play VN on console you are a fucking moron braindead and second the only thing getting censored are literally neptunia tier trash games if you were playing those in the first place please kill yourself for having shit taste.
Games like SC6 is not getting censored.
Wyatt Flores
>pretending to care about shitty games you never played or even heard about I still don't care about those games. I care about freedom, my young friend.
Bentley Nelson
>he thinks this won't affect everything in the long run
Sebastian Brown
>can't now make echi porn games with 0 personalities and waifu fap bait >developers now forced to give their female characters a personality and purpose
you don't play many VNs do you? not saying they are super deep or anything but as a genre fans come for the tiddies but stay for the plot.
Wyatt Wilson
>oh wow, this waifu character is so cute and shit, I can now google some porn doujins and fap to her >oh now you hate good looking titties, how can u hate titties and ass >muh wifus, muh waifes, I love her, here, look how much weeb I am and see me buy my wifi figurine, muh dakimakura >hehe, I don't care about anything else beyond my dick >muh onahole >you hate good looking women, you must be a normalfag, SJW, redditor
can't wait until porn garbage is banned in japan and child pornography is made illegal in japan.
Look at samus, a good looking character with some interesting design is now made into a latex dumb bimbo.
I rather have some lame ugly women if that keeps away weebs and waifufags.
how come japs write some good story and not cringe garbage?
Even twilight and Shades of gray have better plot than VN.
Jackson Phillips
SIE runs the PlayStation division, not Sony, SIE is to blame. Fate Grand Order still carries on without a peep
Easton Davis
This. Butts and boobs are fine on square manjaw 40 year olds. Any girls that express youthful traits are pedobait.
>Resetera Discord blown wid eopen >Nintendo fags at Discord trying to astro turf anti-censorship movements just to better Nintendo's standing >treehouse staff are directly posting at resetera discord saying once Nintendo is in charge they're going to censor shit at nintendo >Resetera Nintenfags only like nintendo because of memorabilia and merchandise and have not played a Nintendo game in years
Gee I was wondering why these thread kept getting made
It's not about the games they censor, but the censorship itself. These liberal California faggots are gonna try and make video games as PC as possible for the sake of it, and nothing else. You're gonna start seeing this shit in YOUR favorite games, and by then when you do care, it will be too late.
Liam Robinson
>he thinks The Dick can be stopped You fucking faggots have no idea the shit you're starting.
Samuel Gonzalez
>my favorite games I don't play Neptunia tier garbage.
Dylan Walker
>Not making your own uncensored game
Landon Diaz
You’d think they learned from Betamax vs VHS. I guess their arrogance really does know no bounds.
Ayden Perez
you have the taste of an underage who discovered anime shit.
Is ok to enjoy echi shit like love hinna if you're like 15, not over 25.
those books are written by some female womanchild for other womanchild.
just fap to porn faggot.
like I said, maybe faggot japs will be forced to write something that doesn't relly on fapbait garbage.
Kevin Wood
>Enjoy some fanservice once in a while >Either have to chose between terribly designed sexless WOKE shit or Giga cringe OwO tier nu-anime garbage. >Anything else is shoved into the previous two categories by resetera trannies and porn addicted retards This is why we can't have nice things.
Ethan Wilson
I'm so glad I decided to never buy another Sony product Absolute garbage company at this point
They went from pretty based to complete trash over the past 2 years ago
Logan Butler
I seriously doubt it, notice how nothing with any significant following was touched.
People kept saying months ago that everything was going to be censored to hell and back 8 months later nothing has changed and all the big games remain untouched. Atlus is still making games for PS4 and eventually PS5, Kojima's game is getting released this year, Crash nitro Kart is coming, New Spyro game announced, Kingdom hearts 3 was released and nothing was touched.
This censorship stuff is incredibly minor and sony has far more positives going for it than both Nintendo and Microsoft. PS5 being fully PS4 backwards compatible is very good and if PS 1-3 are also included that's going to shift everything in Sony's favor just from a consumer standpoint.
That money goes to Aniplex, a division from Sony Music, not Sony Interactive.
Dylan Hughes
love hina is garbage even by harem standards user. you seem like you are projecting your own cringe filled past being a weeb and now you think everything nowadays is exactly as bad as it was back then.
Alexander Rivera
Nathan Perez
This is exactly what im talking about. Not even fucking Cold Steel 3 is going to get censored.
Yea Forums is just so fucking retarded because some VN games got censored which anyway all fucking VNs that have lewd contents in them are censored on every fucking consoles be it switch or ps4.
Elijah Lewis
> >muh fanservice > cringe garbage for losers. You play videogames, though.
Hey remember all those people who boycotted smash brothers over censorship and Xenoblade Chronicles X ensuring that neither game would sell and that the series would be death within a generation?
now we just need to wait for Three Houses to be a smash hit
Dominic Robinson
lets also not forget Catherine which had nothing removed from the US release and that was supposed to be the big ol censorship armageddon and the game was supposed to have massive amounts of content removed.
Nothing is changing for the US release the game has everything the Japanese release has.
Yeah but what if my new interest gets infested with this cancer? I don't think anything is safe anymore, which is ironic
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Excuse me?
David Baker
>Yea Forums is just so fucking retarded because some VN games got censored which anyway all fucking VNs that have lewd contents in them are censored on every fucking consoles be it switch or ps4.
Explains why the switch versions went largely uncensored. Meanwhile Sony implementing a haphazard policy for japanese devs to submit content overviews in English and approving or denying them based on arbitrary guidelines.
Jose Taylor
Post moar of this derpina animal.
Easton Barnes
Japs can't write good stories unless they literally copy western books.
Liking weeb echi waifubait is cringe as fuck.
>oneechan, ochichin wo daisuki, abusukashi, omanko, oneesan, hajimemashite All japs stories are cringeworthy as fuck and japs should be nuked.
There's like 5 animes I enjoy now and I was a weeb back then in 2009, until I growed up from anime and started to enjoy western superior storytelling.
get fucked weebs.
>muh dakimakura >muh onahole >muh japanese virtual gf >muh summer days >muh robotic waifu and artificial wombs
you're pedophiles, get fucked.
At least read some real pedo shit filled with fanservice with artistic value like pic related.
>and child pornography is made illegal in japan. It already is illegal?
Chase Thomas
Christopher Cruz
>went largely uncensored >can't see any of the girls naked like the original version on pc ?????
Ryder Perez
Translation: "Our birthrate is declining and people aren't fucking. Instead of trying to address the elephant in the room and making huge social reforms to work culture, attitudes towards the changed traditional roles of females in the workforce, and actually enforcing laws that require mandatory overtime pay, we will target something unrelated and hope it does something."
People aren't forgoing sex because waifus are better than 3DPD, Japan.
Christopher Cruz
not really, you can find underage girls modelling swimsuit softcore in japan.
>retarded fat Tumblr whale sues sony for making the women too hot Boy I sure do love people who don't play games dictating how I get to enjoy them.
Isaiah Flores
>Visual novels lose all value without ass and titties >Bro it's not porn I swear
Anthony Price
I don't see conservatives up in arms about misogyny and women's exploitation right now. And even in the Jack Thompson era, no one really gave a fuck
David Peterson
Samus was an underwear/swimsuit pin-up from day 1. But yes she is cool. Funny how things aren't mutually exclusive.
Andrew Young
that chad looks he would fit right in a Mother game
Charles Wilson
>your mind is sexualizing Pretty sure the mother pimping those kids out are doing that.
Gabriel Wood
>nu-Yea Forums and the rest of the internet >FUCK CENSORSHIP I WANT ANIME BOOBIES! >also nu-Yea Forums and the of the internet >UUUUUGH FUCKING LOLI SHIT PEDO GARBAGE DISGUSTING REMOVE THIS! I love me some double standard from normalfags '''''''''''''''weebs''''''''''''''''
Your point is retarded because eroge VNs aren't being published on consoles in the first place. We're talking about japanese games with any sexual suggestive imagry which are getting censored on PS4 unlike Switch or PC.
Connor Garcia
False advertising or removing some kind of promised feature as usual.
Hudson Carter
I'm not for it but it's hard to be on board with faggots whining about drawn tits
Nicholas Allen
>growed up haha (You) faggot
Henry Rogers
This "anti-censorship" movement has been co-opted by Resetera and Actual Pedophiles
So people are skeptical about all these doom and gloom scenarios that these degenerates are proclaiming will happen.
Discord logs leaked the RE Discord is all run by treehouse people who want to make Nintendo #1 so they can do the same shit.
Sony is a media company, not just gaming. They were just covering their bases in the wake of the Weinstein autism
Luis Howard
*hits pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a snoyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, subscribing, playing and defending a game console corporation solely so they can go and get your games censored by Californians. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful anime girls - sculpting their bodies, making them wear sports clothes, making sure their breasts jiggle, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for the men that will buy it on another system. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with a Snoy console, who just buys the game on Steam. He gets to virtually pet the anime girl's head every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way the nip devs intended. As a "man" who has a Playstation, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 7 years of your life simply to support games for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
>eroge VNs aren't being published on consoles in the first place Some of them are and all of them remove nudity contents. >We're talking about japanese games with any sexual suggestive imagry which are getting censored on PS4 What games? Neptunia tier garbage? Oh no what a big loss. What about Catherine? That didn't get censored. What about Soul Calibur 6? That didn't get censored.
Wyatt Lee
Sony fans have shitposted so hard about Sony being the best for years there is no way out for them at this point They'll have to defend everything Sony does from hereon out no matter what it is.
Jack Ward
ironic weebs and modern anime fans hate anime tiddies and anything involving actual sexual contact
Jacob Brown
The original example was whataboutism in the first place. Still not the same as CP, as gross as it is. At least its no more CP than little girl agents or jailbait forums online, neither of which are illegal in the west.
Ethan Ortiz
Some of the most mainstream.
I consider good like, what Yea Forums plebs think is good. Eva, berserk, your name is good, madoka is algo good, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, most of watanabe shit is good, satoshi khon shit is algo good like paprika, studio glibli, panty and stocking.
LoTGH is like the peak of anime storywise.
At least japan tries to make good shit with animation, unlike the west. The lowest shit from japan is still better than anything the west makes.
Nathan Taylor
No, that's just a cunt who wants to live through her children
Isaiah Myers
They don't have power and as large of a voice right now, but they are just as afraid of sex and tiddies as crazy libs. This is why censorship and sanitizing shit will always receive little pushback.
Logan Rogers
I guess PS5 will be sony's last console. They comited suicide by selling themself to the SJW west.
The weebs is what kept their consoles alive and otaku's.
Link? Also I dont have a skin in the game I just dont want censorship to be a trend. It's incredibly demoralizing. I thought nintendo said they werent going to censor?
Matthew Rogers
I assure that Japanese eroge of underaged girls would be classified as cp in the US and it has been in cases
Dominic Rodriguez
>Sexual innuendos and sexuality in already rated games bad >Violence and gore good >Teenage lesbians GREAT A clown company for a clown world.
Lucas Thomas
Luis Parker
>FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS ABSLOUTE MOTHERFUCKER I'm against corporate censorship too, but you should probably learn what the 1st Amendment actually says. And how to spell.
Carter Jenkins
Their content policy is specific to their gaming division though. Also who the fuck is getting sued over anime tits?
Michael Gomez
I rather have good fanservice that makes sense in a good story.
like Evangelion, that shit is filled with fanservice, but the good type.
Jaxon Phillips
>he forgot about Other OS and the Vita If I remember right they were also sued for attempting to take away the rights of their users because they were successfully suing Sony too much.
This is not a smart company.
Christopher Foster
Hey faggot
real otaku don't buy trash like Senran kagura and neptunia.
We want shit like Ys9 and Sen 4, you know actual fucking games. Atlus is making more Persona games for Playstation that alone is a big factor.
it's a cunt who wants to make money by selling her kids to jewish pedos
Chase Howard
You're confusing evangelicals with conservatives as a whole. I can assure you that we don't give a fuck, I'm more worried about the socialist retards in government right now than drawn tits
Tyler Ward
>conservatives telling you internet porn and video games were going to destroy the masses and were tools of satan to make children murderers, rapists, etc. >accurate to what is occurring now Yeah, you're totally not the one with your head up your ass.
Parker Moore
Lolifags are being lumped in with the fetishfags with shit taste, as they should. Flat is justice, but loli is SHIT.
Samuel Collins
[citation needed]
Hunter Perry
This isn't about games, at least for me. Sony (or SIE for that pedant) turns into a western MS tier company. If Jap devs put something in their games, it reflects their culture, even forced fanservice reflects certain parts of it. Right now Sony strangles their own culture to appeal to those who nuked them once and cucks them to this day.
Easton Carter
>such as? Nekopara to name one. >"It doesn't count because I say so". Please name those amazing and formidable games if they are such good games like you seem to claim surely they are still going to be good even if you can't see anime boobies right?
Kevin Harris
What are you even talking about?
Julian King
>I thought nintendo said they werent going to censor?
The wii-u was only a few years ago and Nintendo censored smash brothers for the switch.
Nintendo isn't against censorship, it's just dilluded faggots thinking they are
Because this place is full of right wingers who get overly defensive about puritan Christians who were doing the same thing two decades ago but totally didn't mean it. As if soccer moms of today suddenly support lewd anime titties and the right hasn't historically been far more censor happy (and will gladly jump at the chance to censor more now that the left doesn't like free expression anymore).
Christian Jones
So Sony hates weebs now, the most staunch defenders of their consoles for the last decade. What's gonna happen to Japanese game development, is it time to move to the Switch?
Jackson Jones
>real otaku don't buy trash like Senran kagura and neptunia. You have a very narrow definition of what "otaku" means.
James Morris
Violence can be sanitized far.more easily than sexuality. When retards make try to make that equivalency it really shows how little they know
Most based poster in this thread. I want good anime games not gacha tier garbage for twitch streamers.
Luis Wright
Their movie division has been editing shit too
Adam Gonzalez
>Caring about girls That's fucking gay I hope Nintendo does the same thing and gets rid of all female characters from Smash Girls are for homos
Easton Reyes
Because they don't fucking care how explicit the text is. Just the images.
Ryan Hughes
I rather see japs do something that isn't otaku fapbait.
Some years ago I wanted to write a harem loli shota story about some sci fi survivors of a colony ship, as like some kind of challenge to write something in that genre that was beyond otaku pandering garbage.
not the same guy but the only court cases about this were regarding finding actual CP and maybe some anime strewn about. user can only make correlation with corroboration.
Lucas Garcia
Look its one of those nu-Yea Forums ironic weeb subhuman im talking about.
as opposed to people who want to make money by selling kids to jap pedos?
Mason Fisher
But it never fucking is tho? How is the violence in Mk11 gonna be "sanitized" for kids? It's a double standard and you're blind if you're not realizing it
Jeremiah Sanchez
Jordan Lee
the only conservatives that gave a fuck about sexuality were fundamentalists and bible belters.
Brayden Martinez
People have told stories about great violence ever since the dawn of man. What they don't say is YEAH AND THEN I FUCKED THIS BITCH HER TITS WERE SO BIG
Oversexualization is unnatural. Life is (usually) about violence and breeding, sure, but twisting youth's perception of sex has much greater ramifications than introducing them to violence. Unless you seriously think violence makes kids into school shooters or something, lol. What porn and waifubait like this does is turn kids into shutin incels who don't try to get sex, and we have evidence for that.
Man that fucking sucks, I'm pretty meh on the switch and I wanted to get it once I was sold on it after giving Nintendo a few years to get their shit together, didn't wanna be forced over because Sony became awful
Josiah Martin
Negro, anime and videogame otaku in fucking Japan are associated with waifu stuff since the 80's, if not before.
Eli Perez
>Uncensored on Switch. Oh so you're telling me the sex scenes are in the switch version? You're telling me the switch version is showing all the girls naked body even the loli one? Hm hm sure you fucking dumbass. >Strawmaning and moving goalposts to an entirely new stadium isn't doing much for your argument. >Not citing any games at all lel
Adrian Moore
So basically he's conflating actual CP with skeevy jailbait shit. Got it.
Joshua Bailey
>What they don't say is YEAH AND THEN I FUCKED THIS BITCH HER TITS WERE SO BIG I'd like to point you to the American President and literally every defense about that story.
Julian Gutierrez
I don’t give a fuck. My Vita is hacked and I have PC for everything else.
Daniel Hill
>Bitch I have anime on VHS that's older than your mother
yeah and I have your mom getting fucked on VHS. what's your point?
Gavin Anderson
Evan Bailey
>company makes decisions focused on making more money >people shocked niche audiences get thrown under the bus
Look I don't like it, but you need to accept the place it's coming from. It's not some vague regressive leftist concept. It's M O N E Y, specifically, the money of parents.
Jack Morgan
>butts and boobs are bad >but this is okay
What's the thought process behind people who believe this?
Okay one, how is this even relevant to the conversation? Two, you're still speaking absolute nonsense.
Gabriel Gomez
Just go for it, Switch is basically Vita 2.0 but good
Anthony Morgan
Jace Powell
>I don't play this game so I'm okay with censorship No you dumb nigger, they get away with censoring one game, they'll do it again and again and again and eventually your precious cinematic experience AAA games will get the censorship hammer taken to it as well, and it will be too late because it's a fucking slippery slope. They get the ball rolling on this they'll never stop until all games are SJW PC Shit approved by some rainbow haired kikes in commiefornia
Logan Rivera
>they don't say is YEAH AND THEN I FUCKED THIS BITCH HER TITS WERE SO BIG Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh user, do you live in the states?
Jaxson Cox
You're comparing a game not intended to be sold to children with violence found in loony tunes.
Owen Hall
This doesn't need censoring but tits and ass do for some stupid reason.
Not him. But the irony is that the Nekopara has a regular "all-ages" version. That's uncensored on the Switch. But it somehow wasn't enough for Sony and they censored it even further.
Jose Turner
So DMC5 was meant to be sold to kids then? Because that was censored for bootyholes
Jayden Green
>and it will be too late because it's a fucking slippery slope
It's a consistent standard, the issue is that now we live in a global digital economy, things that passed in Europe don't pass because companies can save money by not having large scale regional differences.
Daniel Perry
>Arrogant Sony is back Cant wait for how awesome the PS6 will be, since we are doing this cycle again
Brody Nguyen
Shit like Surge Concerto or Ar tonelico literally wouldn't be the same without tiddies yet at the same time they're more than just moe trash. You're a retard unable to see things in anything that isn't a false dichotomy though so I won't bother anymore, from your dependance on binary separations in order to understand a topic I'm guessing you're just another cucked burger that when confronted with real arguments will default into either fallacies or insults to save face, so have fun baiting other retards into your stupidity instead and living in your decadent society
>"In keeping with Sony's new policy of toning down visual novels - and other heavily sexualised content, alterations have been made to the PS4 port of Nekopara Vol. 1. This includes the removal of a slider that increases... well... "bounciness", as well as censoring the "Bathing" images, achieved by adding extra steam to the scenes deemed seemingly too steamy. >"PS4 Nekopara fans are unhappy with the changes, particularly since the Nintendo Switch release passed without cut." Straight from the article
So not only was your example self-defeating, but now you're a fucking dumbass who has resorted to moving goalposts. We're done here.
Ryan Ramirez
The west doesn't deserve anime and its culture. Anime should not and never become a normalfags thing.
Jackson Collins
>>developers now forced to give their female characters a personality and purpose So pandering for brownie points and fisting propaganda through the mouths of players is a purpouse. >I rather have average female characters with something more than being eye candy for porn doujins. >Implying most of the latest females are EVEN average >No, I hate waifu BS where the girls have no personality and rellies on fapbait garbage to sell. But stronk womyn BS with no personality besides "me woman, me good" or "She is a lesbian but also a zombie apocalypse survivour, btw did we tell you she is a lesbian?" that rellies on dykes and soilent elementals clapping and crying for YT like they are making history to sell is?
Do you understand that some games like the GoW series, previously released by Sony as exclusives would have NEVER passed this filter because too much flesh shown?
Owen Murphy
Anime culture is fucking hot trash, the only part of it that isn't is Gunota.
Brandon Morris
then people will put those games on other platform?
Parker Powell
>gore in mortal combat >violence found in loony tunes.
Choose one.
Jonathan Nelson
nigga, most of this board wouldn't have been exposed to anime had it not been mainstream in the first place.
Camden Brown
Jesus fucking christ, how chapped are your lips from all that mouth breathing?
Hunter Murphy
> I rather see japs do something that isn't otaku fapbait. It already poisons the rest of games, take Yakuza, for example. gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/691087-playstation-4/77500490 Yakuza 3 was released in ~2010, being part parody, part reflection of 2010 Japan, it is unjust to cut parts off that reflection just because somebody took offence. But it already happens. While the original Western release had cabaret clubs cut out due to the Sega decision, I'd blame Sony on this one, it coincides too well.
Jonathan Baker
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Anthony Nguyen
It's not because kids are the people that buy it.
Kids love violence, I mean they kinda dig tits too, but their parents freak out way more about the tits. And a lot of them go "lol that's gay" anyway when it comes to anime tits.
One is using the courts and social pressure to get their way. The other isn't and I'll let you guess which one it is
Adam Parker
Unironically this
Grayson Morgan
>but seeing a girls panties in a japanese game or anime is destroying our core values But user, haven't you heard? Video games are for children.
Justin Reed
>Vita had far more games of this type 2 years in and the switch is already snowballing into similar numbers. At least I can actually build a physical collection because everyone was afraid to print flash carts for vita.
fuck you bamco for making Cyber Sleuth for Vita digital only
Henry Harris
>Vita had far more games of this type user, you do realise that the vita at this point of its life barely had any of these games right?
>yfw snoy censorship causes a mass exodus of japanese devs and playerbase to PC >PC becomes the most popular platform >we enter the golden age of PC gaming
yes user the majority of americans regardless of political creed are christian. there is a world of difference between fundies and those who think jesus is a cool dude with good ideas.
Kevin Bell
All weebs deserve a bullet
Isaac Moore
You didn't answer me. Are the sex scenes in Nekopara also in the switch version? If they are not its censoring. I bet you don't even know the fucking VN had sex scenes and you're just another fucking moron spewing shit he doesn't understand.
if those games already rated T-M, how are kids even going to see it? i thought ratings were supposed to keep kids away from sexual-content and violence. woops, lets start censoring! Sony deserves to burn
Do YOU understand that if GoW had to have been made with slightly less shitty polygon titty showing, it would have been made anyway and literally nothing of value would have been lost?
Isaiah Jones
They can be both easily sanitized, in GoW3 remaster or in some versions Aphrodite has her breasts covered meanwhile you can still see Cronus or the centaurs getting disemboweled.
Do you think "Big Boobie waifu simulator" and other similar content is meant to be sold to children? Do you think rating systems don't already take that in account?
Brayden Carter
It's not a crime to have shit taste, I just don't like loli and insufferable lolifags. Anyone with half a brain knows 2D and 3D ain't the same. But the legit pedos that spam cute and funny whenever there's a picture of an IRL child and they need to be shot. Regular lolifags are annoying but harmless, but that doesn't just make the legit pedos not exist.
Mason Nguyen
He's being arrogant as fuck by pretending that those ex-pats mattered, Japan's push for social equality has been building for a long time. The biggest hinderance was that the party that was slightly more on the side of social progress were garbage. Edano's success in 2017 was a huge boost because for the first time in like 15? years someone managed to get a proper coalition with the Communists.
Grayson Parker
>I needed social media and netflix to discover anime! If that is your case consider suicide.
Isaac Sullivan
epic needs to die before any golden age can happen. I think we're headed for a real dark age with tons of exclusives and other bullshit real soon.
Sony needs to get the black pill and realize that these people that complain about sexual content and violence and shit, and even game hour is, aren’t people that play video games. That’s it. Once they do they’ll understand that everything they’ve been doing is complete waste of time and money (localizing requires money).
Gavin Cox
Now point out where it says private entities are expected to follow this, I'll wait.
The 1st applies to government. Not private companies and places. If a resteraunt doesn't like what you have to say, its not censorship if they kick you out because it's their establishment. Sony owns their platform, they have the right to dictate what can and can't be on it
Josiah Roberts
Reminder that loli was the third board created on Yea Forums so if you don't like loli you don't belong here and should go back to r*ddit.
Charles Baker
One side has power now, but he end result wouldn't be different if the other side had it. That's the point. Why do people pretend censorship in media has only started being a thing in this specific political climate?
>it was patched so it takes away the fact that they did it in the first place
they brought back the ass because enough people complained about it
Kayden Baker
Sony have taken the "money pill" in which they realise that markets they've already tapped can't be tapped a second and third time, the core will buy shit, they know that. They want to get to markets that are not tapped.
It works, they'll make lots of money.
Ethan Bell
Jesus fucking christ that is insidious as fuck, it's like an international sect at this point
This Fuck puritanical shit it's literally satanic Ofc it's an American ex jap company pushing this shit. Fucking moral arbiters forcing dumb dated anti women anti masculine shit down each other's tranny fucking dilated holes
>does not inhibit the sound growth and development” of young people Yeah I'm sure these Cali fucks knows what a healthy growth and development for children is.
You didn't read my post. Do you have any examples of games localized for both PS4 and Switch that were also censored in both versions? Or are you cherrypicking scenes from games that were never localized on consoles in the first place because you're just another fucking moron spewing shit he doesn't understand.
Show your work.
Logan Diaz
Kill yourself zoomer
Kevin Lopez
>lesbians are hot Not todays version of them
Alexander Williams
You can't simultaneously say
>Cali is trying to hide NIPPLES from CHILDREN and >Cali are letting CHILDREN see NIPPLES
Adam Torres
PC is uncucked because we don't need permission from corporate masters using their locked down hardware, and platform exclusives will just be pirated, nobody can stop the master race.
Wyatt Anderson
nobody's ever been sued for putting fat cleavage in a video game you're a retard
Gabriel Ramirez
Not a zoomer How else do we fix this? Yea Forums skipping ps5 isn't gunna hurt them
Angel White
Kill yourself zoomer
Gavin Morris
>the only console manufacturer doing VR has no interest in pursuing porn
why do i keep seeing this bitch literally everywhere
Isaiah Perry
Don't you low IQ manchildren ever get tired of parroting the same fallacy? There's much better analogies to make. Monkey see, monkey do, I guess.
Aaron Perez
Nekopara is literally censored both on ps4 and the switch.
Nathan Hughes
Jacob Scott
why would anybody buy a dilationstation5, especially after how fucking trash the 4 was?
Parker Cooper
I guess you missed the point or are just doubling down on your stupidity. Bringing up MK, a game that can't be sold to.minors, in no way detracts my original point that violence can be sanitized in a way that sexuality can't
Brody Gomez
why don't get a switch and play her fucking game? it's actually very good.
Nathan Brooks
Do you understand that maybe Jaffe and Balrog didn't fucking want to not show Athens Oracle and Lahkesis in less skimpy outfits because in the end that's their fucking choice and nobody should police what they are doing in a PG18 game? Ffs even Jaffe wanted to give the Cyclops visible genitalia but was later discarded
John Jackson
No shit they're not going to put a literal AO "game" on consoles...
Joseph Robinson
>there's much better analogies >doesn't give any
Dylan Gutierrez
>Implying a corporation can violate your rights No it's only when you sign the EULA when you boot up the system. Even tho the children cannot legally consent to the contract. Then they do have the right, but I have the right to refuse their service, and I will be bullying anyone dumb enough to sacrifice individual liberty just like those who use Google products
Jeremiah King
Yeah lets go ask the king of hate /ourguy/ DSP. He literally BTFO everyone so he can surely BTFO sony too.
She's a character from blaster master zero 2 that everyone was surprised by when it was shown in the nindies direct. After that a lot of fanart was made and discussion of the game was had. Now however its being used by a sonyfag trying to derail discussion about Sony's censorship policies.
Owen Howard
Again who cares? It's always shovelware trash. In the rare exception of DMC5 being censored, it's always trash shit being affected by this...
Dylan Sullivan
Reminder that most of the people who support censorship are in fact actual pedophiles. They will project their sick fantasies onto others and try to atone for the fact that they jack off to real child abuse by defending any kind of censorship but it won't matter when the law finally catches up to them.
So is Destructoid lying? Are you going to keep pretending the h-scenes are from the same version of the game that was released on consoles for the sake of argument? Give it up already.
Joseph Bell
>It's always shovelware trash Yeah, and that's how it always starts.
Ian Campbell
>In the rare exception of DMC5 being censored
snowball effect user
Gabriel Scott
Hudson Fisher
literally none of what you said makes sense, retard.
Adrian Brooks
Because Capcom did it in house, Sony had nothing to do with it
Xavier Brown
>ugggh its not the same version so its not censored! Its still the same game with contents cut (censoring). Don't tell you're going to play the its ok when Nintendo does it card now?
Jason Wilson
>People have told stories about great violence ever since the dawn of man. What they don't say is YEAH AND THEN I FUCKED THIS BITCH HER TITS WERE SO BIG Fuck you my mums tits are huge it rather fuck tits then risk my life fighting some aggressive turbo chadlet extreme druggie every 5 seconds irl like a fucking random pokemon encounter >Oversexualization is unnatural. No it's not your unnatural the literal means and purpose of life is more life Having sex to plop out kids >Life is (usually) about violence and breeding, sure, but twisting youth's perception of sex has much greater ramifications than introducing them to violence. Horse shit I am violent because I am frustrated from 30 years of no sex ever not the other way around >Unless you seriously think violence makes kids into school shooters or something, lol. What a stupid fucking comment those kids are violent because they see a future as a menial wage slave and or drug addicted degenerate with their neighbourhoods families and lives going to complete shit thanks to endless corporations ass fucking the working class into debt pro immigrants anti white rhetoric We are not a happy society we are dying and cornered wild animals lash out no matter how ((civilized)) we are meant to be. Mouse utopia + low birth rates + record em/immigration = Western world over mate >What porn and waifubait like this does is turn kids into shutin incels who don't try to get sex, and we have evidence for that. I use giant anime titties just to cope with my shit life You sound like a dumb seething Titlet Yea Forumss new waifu Unironically better than bowsette trannie shit too
>I mean I know they nuked Snake's godly ass, Eh, technically they didn't. Snake's toned ass was a texture trick.
Jaxon Hughes
Nice goalpost moving
Ryder Ramirez
Good to see no one even trying to deny the fact that sony are only doing this to try and achieve more consistent market share growth amongst the untapped demographics.
Parents care. Especially American ones, where they make a significant portion of their money.
Grayson Smith
I refused to support ps4 after its garbage console design and paid an then they drop this clanger and lose all their gen 8 exclusives to epic store and steam... Lol Glad I got out early best thing gen 8 had was the xbox one gamepad This. Look at how gamer gate started out now it's gonna ruin a literal 2nd generation of games for 8+ years running.
Ryan Gutierrez
I understood him perfectly Maybe you're the retard Or An actual pedo
Kayden Thomas
Imagine if someone told you you couldn't write a story or paint a picture because it would offend someone.
Isaiah Hill
So what's a hobby these people actually can't touch? They already pozzed comics and cartoons and now vidya is going to go that way since they've managed to infect Japan. I'm struggling to think of a way they could ruin motorcycles since that's about the one hobby I have that no one has managed to ruin yet.
Jackson White
>nobody should police what they are doing in a PG18 game? They're not policed. If they want to make a game that has naked tits and genitals they can do it on their own dime, not funded by any publisher, and release it on their own platform where there are no rules. Video games aren't art they're fucking consumer products.
Jonathan Moore
Thing is, if he's trying to go with that angle then it just makes it worse because now companies are preemptively censoring games for Sony systems just so they don't have to incur their wrath.
Lucas Perez
>Good to see no one even trying to deny the fact that sony are only doing this to try and achieve more consistent market share growth amongst the untapped demographics.
Why the fuck do I want normalfags to play games? Everything normalfags touch becomes instantly ruined, transformed into soulless garbage for the lowest common denominator.
William Ross
I think the issue was when they allowed Sony US (that is in commiefornia) to have the last say into what is released on the platform even in FUCKING JAPAN.
Fucking cucks.
Cameron Long
>imagine if someone told you they didn't want you risking their multi-million dollar investment to please a market share which is already tapped.
Alexander Brooks
>PC is uncucked because we don't need permission from corporate masters using their locked down hardware If the fucking Linus Torvalds gave in to them, then you normal gamers will get cucked sooner or later.
Christopher Roberts
thanks for the (You)s
Angel Peterson
>Again who cares? It's always shovelware trash. That "software trash" have a massive fanbase enough for 500 posts debates. If they censor Call of Duty or GTA, nobody should give a shit.
James Phillips
Well whatever the case, I'll always miss it.
Jeremiah Hall
And you're still wrong because conservatives did nothing outside of talk back in the 80s and 90s when they still had sway and all complaints died after gaming companies created ESRB to self regulate. Whereas the left very.much want laws and have no problem being vocal on twatter and facejew when things don't go their way
Again no one cared about petty shit like that when it comes to Smash. Are you living in a different world of what? You really think the casuals care about titty shit in a casual party game like Smash?
William Thomas
Then you're criticising the wrong thing, you have ONE avenue of critique if you're legitimately mad that things are getting dumbed down. The fact that the corporate machine cares about profit above all else. Any other critique is simply a deflection.
And nobody fucking care in the case of DMC5 because its a good game unlike all the other shovelware trash getting censored.
Landon Hill
Jace Moore
Diehard otaku are the only ones autistic enough to spend $200 on plastic and $60 for blu-ray disc of two episodes.
Evan Sullivan
Because that's where Sony's entire gaming division is now retard so of course everything has to go through them
Michael Parker
So, anime cleavage is bad for women and children but actual nudity and depictions of rape and incest featuring actual human beings is A-ok? California, everyone.
You'll probably be able to mod it back in sometime in the future if it makes you feel better.
Landon Peterson
It's a part of the artist's vision.
Xavier Miller
What the fuck does metoo have to do with video games? That's all on fucking hollywood
Easton Evans
>People have told stories about great violence ever since the dawn of man. And of sex, just a look at several mythologies show that sex is also a main part of some of its stories. And not just vanilla sex but outright fetishistic scenarios like women getting fucked by swans and bulls,deities transforming into mares to get the big horse cock or gay incest.
>What porn and waifubait like this does is turn kids into shutin incels who don't try to get sex, and we have evidence for that. Yeah, blame porn and not the current climate of dating.
Jace Russell
Or just >Buy everything used >Buy PS+ off cd key sellers because they are assloads cheaper
Luis Barnes
Try bringing up something that Sony actually had a hand in and wasn't in house
Aaron Moore
Video games is an easy attack vector for SJWs to attack entertainment mediums.
Old school conservatives already think its a tool of the devil and normies still largely think they are for children or neckbeards.
So no one gives a flying fuck when we say "But they are taking away my vidyahs"
Now the SJW hoard owns the space and has the important management positions within the companies making them.
And thanks to media consolidation, this means it can spread further into other media. All because video games were deemed indefensible.
Bentley Turner
>Its still the same game with contents cut (censoring It's literally not though. Consoles got a different version of the game which was STILL censored on PS4 despite lacking h-scenes you're desperately clinging to. >Don't tell you're going to play the its ok when Nintendo does it card now? Nintendo aren't the ones who censored the all-ages version of the game. Now you're just getting desperate.
Eli Morgan
Hey, remember that time Nintendo removed legitimate content from third party games and blocked localisation. Wait, that didn't happen?
Jordan Wright
GoT is popular so it's okay. They can also make pop culture references with it which makes it very important to them.
Lincoln Allen
Rate games with sexual content as M. Call it a day.
if not one cared then there would have been zero backlash to bring back the ass
Isaiah Edwards
Omega Labyrinth Senran Kagura
Brayden Howard
>he doesn't know about nu-GoT
Cersei is a mastermind genius superior to Tywin in politics and war Sansa is genius tactician who rules over the unga bunga huwh*te males of the northern houses Dany is a YAAAAS QUEEEEEN
Samuel Walker
Since this is the new kanna thread is there a honkler kanna for maximum cancer? Funny how vidya sidestepped ultra violence to this day but games literally self censorship removing ass boob thigh and any sort of sexual jiggle is insane to me. Not that I care since vidya/3dcporn is animated like dogshit so either 2d or real porn for me (amature bbws only) Japs will just dump playstation and go to pc like the rest of their Asian bros already have Imagine all the kino jap mmo porn just waiting to be made Based and kanna pilled Melon men rise up fuck seething Titlet tranny Breastlet booblet milkless niplets stooge trannies
>Parents care. Bet nobody would know these things existed before pointing them out, if the average dudebro consumer is unaware of this shit imagine the parents who could care less about all of this.
Leo Lewis
Same could be said of these niche anime games. It's irrelavent seeing as these companies are already conceding to the demands of people who don't buy their products.
Hunter Edwards
>the ps4 version is more censored than the switch version so that make the switch version good! Nah you stupid fucking dumb nigger. You're still a fucking braindead moron for playing censored VNs on console.
Xavier Cook
desu I just like how you legitimately think that corporations with more money than god are gonna let some, rabid leftist horde spread their influence using their media.
Because multi-billion dollar companies are always in the habit of promoting ideologies that want to destroy them!
Landon Watson
Yeah well It's like Steam (with the whole Rape Day controversy), the PlayStation Store is a private property. They can do whatever the fuck they want with what they're selling. If those devs are so annoyed by this, they could sell those games somewhere else like PC and whatnot
Jason Walker
whoms'te are these panties from?
Levi Powell
They would be found, and it would cause a shitstorm. Do you not remember hot coffee? a thing which required modified console to find causing a fucking panic?
Thomas Reyes
>Exposing teenagers/adults to tits and ass is harmful >Exposing children to naked trannies is completely fine Makes you think.
Sebastian Watson
Ausfag here it kills sales and parents nope out. Fucking morons what 12-15 year old doesn't want giant boobs in their face be it virtual or otherwise Stupid puritanical fucks it's like we are back in the 1600-1900s again except with vidya only because in tv or movies it's basically encouraged. Same with the dying music industry.
Adam Scott
Playstation players are all children so they need to be protected
Adults play games on PC so no need for censoring on PC
John Harris
god imagine if nier automata released in 2019
Jaxson Powell
>so that make the switch version good! Another strawman. You're deseprate.
This. I don't give a fuck about what happens to good goy console peasants, just give me uncensored on PC.
Nolan Lopez
Looks like Kiss x Sis.
Owen Watson
That only blew up because GTA is popular. Nobody gives a shit about games that sell 100k copies at best
Robert Turner
I want Kanna to take a seed filled watermelon dump on my chest
Nathaniel Torres
I just want to play video games targeted at me in peace. Why can't they just ignore things they don't like?
Aaron King
>I want good anime games not gacha tier garbage Then don't buy them? Why go out of your way to to obstruct other people's hobby?
Landon Hill
How about you stop being a fucking loser incel and go outside?
Ethan Young
Fuck it this thread is nuts here have a censorsed Sony approved honkette Jugggalos back baby we icp 202x revival I don't find rape hot desu I like gentle femdom. Now hate fucking is a different thing... T. Virgin Based compost bros
That's what already happens. It isn't enough for them, they don't want these games to exist in the first place. >it kills sales and parents nope out. Actually it has the exact opposite effect. See:Halo. Of course if you live in a shithole with a cucked ratings board then it's a whole nother story.
Aiden Morgan
When the fuck will they finally admit that they only want to censor heterosexuality?
Jose Kelly
This but ironically.
Evan Robinson
Sony is a pretty small fish in the corporate world, they WILL let this dumbass ideology destroy them
Lucas Turner
Why don't you mind your own fucking business slag?
Colton Scott
I work a 9-5 user. that anime paraphernalia doesn't pay for itself. that said I'd rather spend several hundred dollars on a plastic mold of my waifu then to let some washed up roastie suck my dick.
Jonathan Ramirez
>its over for sony ps5 will bomb!!!!! When has this board ever being right?
Brandon Kelly
A corporation does not think. A corporation is an entity made up of people that even when they make bad decisions for the company can easily use their job as a stepping stone to move on, and continue the process elsewhere.
And if the people making these decisions fit into some sort of protected class as well, they will be rewarded for their shit decision by making out with bonuses or financial parachutes on the way out.
Benjamin Hall
>It's been totally cool and straight to think lesbians are hot since before your parents were born
Its funny.. THe Cuck Capital of the world. Being California. Claiming this and that about women being allowed to be free and shit. THen somehow a the same time. OMg.. Think of the way sexualising women in VIDEO GAMES... is bad. But do it in movies,music, tv shows *cough* Game of Thrones*cough* And you will be cheered by cucks that are borderline rapists. 1 step away from being actual rapists.
Michael Ortiz
Don't give up bros just ditch Sony build a pc and join xbox crossplay master race Lots of incels coming soon which means lots of vidya kino Let these crazy sjws ruin mainstream shit and watch it burn just like Hollywood and tv/music Get vr and get in on the ground floor before they ruin that too Because of lowest common denominators like sjws and disgruntled people online/society This Fuck this uprooting morons Go find another hobby to ruin like vr or something We got the r rating years ago but nothing changed
We need to convince SJWs that Sony is evil like /pol/ did for the okay symbol.
Austin Edwards
Dude cmon, you have to stop doing that. My wife and I play Senran Kagura together and we're bummed about this shit. The people who like these games aren't all basement dwelling neckbeards.
Jason Carter
based. I want her fertilizer.
Joshua Scott
Please don't kill innocent people, incel
Kayden Peterson
At much as I dislike the idea of Communism at least they're culturally Japanese, rather some malign foreign influence seeking to pervert the soul of the country.
Chase Ward
The only game with actual child pornography wasn't made by japan or censored by western console owners.
>Playing this shit on consoles You only got yourself to blame here.
Jayden Parker
You're just a cancerous ironic weeb normalfag. >my wife Yeah a disgusting fat 300 lbs hambeast.
Austin Martinez
>What porn and waifubait like this does is turn kids into shutin incels who don't try to get sex, and we have evidence for that. And where are the proofs?
John Fisher
those are adults
Jaxson Wright
Man you're the real incel here. I play the game with my wife and we try out some of the things you do in the dressing room for funsies. You need to take a xanax.
Justin Gutierrez
Sebastian Nguyen
But that would mean parents actually have to look at the ESRB and actually know what product their kids are playing! They should just ban it for everyone instead
Bentley Russell
>my wife Your fat hambeast disgusting fujoshi wife lmao
Nathan Wright
even if they were 17 or whatever, i highly doubt it would be considered "pornography"
Lincoln Jackson
Didn't you know? Being attracted to 18yo is pedophilia. The age of consent will soon be raised to 25, despite what the retards at /pol/ say.
Bentley Sanders
It's pointless user, normalniggers outnumbers us 10 to 1, and they go crazy for god of onions, or basedman
Caleb Parker
>Sony is a small fish
They're practically a small keiretsu in of themselves.
You're right, Sony make decisions from the... 8? I think it is major companies presidents that make up their group in weekly dinners.
Evan Lewis
My normal cute wife. Get some therapy please. I gotta get back to work, good luck with your frustration
Ethan Ortiz
2D and from Japan, it's okay if they are from western cartoons.
See my main problem with this is that you can't even opt out or opt in. It's just forced parental controls you can't turn off. It's not just about titties and sunrays they will start censorsing everything. How do you not get this its like net filters first it's p2p then porn then everything they don't like including fucking memes and the most inanane shit Hell 4ch is blocked through most of eu/asia/aus/nz and many us/Canadian isps or govt yet you all still come here anyway getting around said blocks Fuck you pro Sony hypocrites This. I found it very easy to abstain from basedny crap this gen the only exclusives I wanted to play are getting dumped on the epic store so I'll just pirate them Why you scared?
god bless america my fellow monotheistic god fearing Protestant christian brother. amen
Ethan Parker
There are no anime games on consoles that would be considered "pornography" either. They still get censored
Hudson Gonzalez
Im still gonna buy all my games on ps4 and you can't stop me :)
Jose Stewart
The ps division is hq in cali u mong They are gonna ruin the good fortune they built up with the late ps3 and early ps4 with this puritan shit
Connor Harris
They were topless.
Mason Nelson
it was a different time.
Mason Moore
Yeah they have the legal right to do so. But there's no reason to. Anime boobies don't hurt anyone, make people happy, and make companies money. Everyone wins except people who find it creepy, but who cares they should just ignore it.
Elijah Nguyen
The JCP is the second most consistent political force in Japan, behind only the LDP and that's even with the crackdowns that happened. Anyone that pretends Japan has never thought about social issues is a liar.
Landon Hall
Chio's school road
James Diaz
>white sjw dude is legit throwing up the blood sign
lmao must be nice being a white suburban college student who is being maintained by mommy and daddy and with no real sense of insecurity or threats
Xavier Reyes
Retards at pol are right tho peak female attraction is 15-19 and falls off extremely after 25 as does fertility
>English to Japanese Google TL then back to English That's some new sort of low
Daniel Jackson
Just ignore them.
Ian Robinson
>psychological qualities
What did they mean by this?
Jackson Ward
Shut up nigger
Jace Cruz
Thank Cero for that.
Oliver Murphy
all while posting a picture that isn't in cailforina lmao
Jordan Adams
Normalfags don't play these games anyway. All we need to do is convince the devs to release anime girl games on platforms that let them be lewd
Grayson Reyes
Didn't work with gamer gay didn't work with femenisn Didn't work with anything for hundreds - thousands or millions of years cunt we are doomed to repeat this shit over and over again Basically saying women get more unstable psych wise over time aka femcel cat ladies by 45+
Joshua Johnson
Jack Hughes
>One is using the courts and social pressure to get their way. Conservatives also did it this, you probably weren't even born when it was happening though lol
David Miller
Link the whole paper so people can see what it says.
Benjamin Harris
>nintendo has been allowing and even promoting a lot of "mature" games lately >sony is doing whatever the fuck this is huh
Joseph Lee
Well Resetera feels the same way About you when you cry about your underage school girls being censored then they will call you pedo and there is nothing that you cant do about it.
Jose Johnson
bro, there's always been one consistent train.
>American Capitalists.
Michael Murphy
Digital adult game store fronts are already a thing. And will be fucking huge once vr takes off Meanwhile they've ruined the pc gaming and modding community for decades Fuck them and literally don't fuck them Don't have that spesifiic one just google reverse image search But yeah once u look into the stat's not even the paper it's fucked mate honestly nobody white is having kids we are modern day ancient euro Egyptian atlanian neets
Eli Nelson
Conservatives such as Joe Lieberman Leland Yee and Hillary Clinton who were known for their staunchly conservative values.
Jack Evans
>Don't have that spesifiic one just google reverse image search
What you're saying is, you're posting graphs that you don't know what they actually say?
Adrian Butler
Both Hillary Clinton and Jack Thompson attacked GTA, it's not a partisan issue it's a moral issue, #usetheoldforbiomass
Elijah Morgan
“You don’t know what they will say until you complete the work and submit it for review. And if they are not happy, even if they allowed the same degree of sexuality a few days before, we need to take it back and ask our staff to make adjustments. That’s very costly.”
What the fuck is wrong with Sony? Why can't they just be clear instead of wasting the devs money?
Carter Diaz
That Japanese looks fine
Ethan Stewart
Doesn't matter how small a group is if they have the ability to suck dick to get into power.
The most scantily clad person there is a woman, but I thought sony hated scantily clad women?!
Ryan Sanchez
Jap yin-yang I guess. I honestly don't give a fuck since consoles that all use off the shedt hardware are always garbage even going so far back as gen 5 Exclusives are dead custom hardware is dead croasplatform play buy once play wherever on whatever is the new thing. Gen 9 will probably be the last hard copy non streaming shit. Stadia will shake alot of trees loose getting gamers who can't afford hardware to jump in and change the market even more than poorfags on mobiles mate >what they actually say Open the window go outside or better yet just read some unbiased news Reality is all the proof you will ever need without burying your head in the same study over and over when reality is slapping you in the face quite literally. Least I've sowed a seed go read the full paper and report back I come to my own conclusions
Samuel Smith
It depends on which SJW gets to review a game. Some of them get triggered easier than others
I'm not worried about the big picture, lewd Japanese games aren't going away. This is just Sony shooting themselves in the foot, alienating a significant part of their Japanese userbase and the western niche that likes lewd Japanese games.
What I am worried about is what this means for Senran Kagura. It's not right if they signed some contracts when Sony was fine with shinobi boobs and are still bound to Sony when it's basically a different company now.
Ethan Hill
>even promoting a lot of "mature" games lately Such as?
Mason Parker
>Least I've sowed a seed go read the full paper and report back I come to my own conclusions
It's not a paper, it's some none peer reviewed blogspot. Fuck, right off.
Tyler Rogers
What wrong with Censoring underage content?
Angel Scott
T. Seething city fags all graphs made up unless you read 1000 pages of thesis articles Gaming journalism is basically dead just like traditional print media and soon broadcast as well
Bitch okay Carmageddon and MK, Night Trap caused shit, hell poison from final fight could longer be a thing because beating up trannys is now WORSE than beating women
Brayden Bailey
>is a woman user...
Samuel Collins
Hope they all jump ship to xbox and make it the xbox og v2 Sega dreamcast 3.0 and flood a western system with jap games Fine I'll delete it. Happy?
Julian Stewart
>Hope they all jump ship to xbox and make it the xbox og v2 Sega dreamcast 3.0 and flood a western system with jap games That would require nips giving a fuck about the Xbox brand to begin with sadly.
Landon Morgan
You can't expect leftists to adhere to the same rules as everybody else.