So why exactly is the Creation Engine bad for Starfield/TES now...

So why exactly is the Creation Engine bad for Starfield/TES now? It's like nobody can explain in detail besides just "muh gamebryo"

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the creation engine isn't bad but its being handled by todd troglydtes of a team

Is Starfield gonna be a space sim or is it going to be a shitty Elder Scrolls in Space?

I love this meme. This is a good meme. 10/10 meme.

I've heard that, and that they have bad programmers, but what exactly are the underlying problems?

which one do you think sonny jim

>but what exactly are the underlying problems?
Fallout 4 literally can't run at a stable framerate in cities on even the highest end rigs.

You're asking people that have never made a game in their lives or even know how to pick their noses without subconsciously eating their boogers.

I think they’re gonna at least try a space sim unless Todd says otherwise. Hopefully he won’t

muh gamebryo

They know that modders will fix all their shitty mistakes week one and so they don't give a fuck.
And they will keep that up for as long as retards buy their shitty games, going as far to double or triple dip with different editions.
Do you have any idea how many editions Skyrim has?

The biggest issue for me is their message, AI, inventory, cell-based areas, and physics APIs for the Creation Engine.

>1. The message system that sends messages to relevant game objects when game events happen is VERY CLUNKY (inefficient due to roundabout mechanisms put in place from old system designs/usages), LIMITED (I believe there is a hard limit on 128 LINKS of a message- where interactions will get "lost" if they affect more than 128 objects), and VERY SLOW (their algorithm does a breadth first search of events/messages instead of a priority queue with a memorized table lookup).

>2. AI is limited to only a handful of states (scripted "actors") and reloading/saving them isn't very straight-forward (which is why AI can be wonky when it transitions to a new cell). AI's also have limited decision trees, and must traverse their ENTIRE TREE of information, rather than having a state machine.

>3. Inventory is managed PER AI, PER INSTANCE, and is very convoluted in how it's stored. It's not a simple 2D array of object ID's... For every item in its inventory, it has to scan all of them to determine if the item changes its decisions (instead of having an "onAdd" / "onRemove" event that attaches a delegate function to have that item modify decisions).


Imagine if you had this same VW beetle for 30 years, and it was already quite beat down when you got it, but now it is an amalgam of kludges, hot glue, paper clips and ice cream sticks
And you decide that this car should go at 200MPH so you put an aggressive turbocompressor on the thing.

>4. The cell based areas are NOT OPTIMIZED, and are VERY SMALL. This is a CORE LIMITATION of the engine... So many hard-coded lengths and sizes of things... Frequent loading of entities in/out of cells. Also, it's very taxing to process events in a cell that is not actively being visited by the player, which adds to inefficiencies.

>5. The physics... Oh god. They really need to simply allocate more threads to physics, add more precision (and more calculus passes in calculations) to avoid very large impulses when objects collide at any speed (or just calculate a non-overlapping boundary and modify velocities based on normals of collision), and the oddities when saving/loading are atrocious. Try moving an object in a house in Skyrim, and then saving/loading- it will likely bounce around when you re-enter that cell. You have to empty the item from your inventory, save, reload, place the item, leave the cell, save,reload, and THEN enter the area and the item will stay (50% of the time). It's shit.

Just so many things that haven't been updated/fixed in a LONG time but merely "band-aided". They need to redo a lot of these to account for more powerful hardware and less forgiveness from users. It was fine for an Xbox 360 game, but for a modern game? No.

the problem is that they are literal idiots. in fallout 76 you can run faster if you look at the ground, which is a clear indicator of complete incompetence. last time something like this was a big deal was when autists speedran goldeneye

one step above a food analogy

I think you're being very optimistic

speed tied to fps

Most games have stuff (animation, ragdolls, whatever) tied to framerate, this is nothing new or bad by itself.

they already fixed this

not him, but car analogies have been part of programming culture for decades, asshole

How about not making the analogies but instead actually saying what's wrong with the engine like requested, you bumbling fool

>They know that modders will fix all their shitty mistakes week one and so they don't give a fuck.

That's not the fault of gamebryo/CE, that's the fault of shitty game design decisions and being too lazy to bug squash. This would be a problem with literally any engine Bethesda chose for their game.

It's 20 years old and virtually unchanged since Morrowind.

>virtually unchanged since Morrowind.
shut up

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Just because it's gotten prettier doesn't mean it's been improved upon in stability and performance. Skyrim still runs like ass no matter what you're running it on.

fallout 4 still has references to morrowind spells in the files

also stop proving that 90% of Yea Forums has no idea what a game engine actually is. graphics are not a game engine.

I'm ready for TES: WE WUZ Edition

>Skyrim still runs like ass
because it's 32bit, SE is better in every way

Because you probably never had the experience of having to deal with an old code that is so messy and glitchy you have no option but pile shit on top of it instead of trying to fix the core issues.

>SE is better in every way

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a 64bit system is better, and Todd the God gave it to me for free

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Great that they fixed this now, but the fact that it existed in a released product shows the age of the system its built on.

>instead of detailing what aspects of the game engine everyone on Yea Forums has played and modded extensively are not suited for future games, let's make a comedic car analogy :^)

Is it a bug when a mod can give you better graphics with better performance?

>shows the age of the system its built on.
Unreal and Gamebryo are the same age

A fair point, but it's still the same game no matter how you try to paint it. It's only as good as its mod library and Bethesda's insistence on pushing Creation Club certainly fumbles things a bit.

>It's only as good as its mod library
yes, too bad beth hasn't learned that a strong modding community keeps their games alive

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The names are but the stable releases are not

Bethesda doesn't use gamebryo anymore?
Is creation engine changed or just a new name on the same cow?

>Bethesda doesn't use gamebryo anymore?
Just like how the RE Engine is a modified version of Mtm Framework, the Creation Engine is a modified Gamebryo Engine.

>a new name on the same cow?