You HAVE done a playthrough of every Souls game and Bloodborne using this as your main weapon, right?
You HAVE done a playthrough of every Souls game and Bloodborne using this as your main weapon, right?
No but that idea does sound like a treat.
>no king's field moonlight greatsword
Casuals, please
Doing a sorc co op playthrough with a mate with ir rn
No, for some reason I couldn't find it in the latest souls game.
>DeS with MLGS
>DS2 with post-nerf MLGS
Fuck no.
How stupid are you to not know where to find it in DaS3?
It’s not in Sekiro.
Did you not check the feeble old man every time you killed a boss for what goodies he may hold?
>Bloodborne's looks the best
Feels good to be a winner. DS1's is a close second, though.
It was pretty lame in DS1
>gets worse in every game besides BB
I hate how they have to balance PvE and nerf magic builds hard because of PvP
Only did it on Bloodborne. Sorcery runs on the souls games are so trivial.
Best weapon for an INT build that's not pure sorcery, pretty fun to use especially if you have the repair weapon spell.
I don't really like Moonlight Greatsword in any of the Souls games. Too much stat investment for little return.
Only in Bloodborne, they're pretty lame in the other games
Untricked HMS is my main weapon.
Why wasn't the 2nd mortal blade like this? Way to fuck up From
I dont get the hype surrounding it. Personally I'd rather have Northern Regalia in every From game instead of MLGS.
Makes bloodborne play like it's on easy mode
That stat investment made you versatile
Wrong latest souls game, friends.
my nigga
I would have if DeS ine didn't suck so much ass. I realize it's a Faith weapon in DeS, but I got it on my Sorcerer, grinded faith to like 50, and it sucks.
no ng+ and you get it late
Cutting off seath's tail is too hard for me to bother.
It's from Kings Field
I only ever got it in DeS and DaS, but I never ended up using it.
Best Moonlight coming through
The DeS one is literally the same design as KFs, mainly because DeS was KF5 before being almost shitcanned and then repurposed into a new IP
I only ever found it mildly usefull in Bloodborne. But to be fair i never really liked INT builds in Dark Souls.
>Best weapon for an INT build that's not pure sorcery
No it's not, the best weapon for INT builds is a rapier with CMW.
Are you kidding? Large Sword of Moonlight is fun in DeS. It ignores shields, not as chip damage, it just passes through them like DaS1 Shotel R2s with its basic attacks. No requirements other than a shitload of faith, is the lightest greatsword in the game.
Only real bitch is getting it, but that's not hard if you know how to play with World Tendency.
>didn't play wizard in 3
when all the bosses fights like anime bullshit, you have zero constitution and spell are slow as snail you regret playing as a wand waving faggot.
>"bro this boss fight is really hard"
>he wins in the fourth try becuse he can take a hit and deal good damage without standing still jerking off to cast blue ball
>"it wasn't that dificult"
well made video
>DeS, get it in slug's nest
>DS1, cutting the tail of a mad dragon
>DS2, boss souls trade
>DS3, boss souls trade
>BB, beating a powerful mad hunter
Wich one was better Yea Forums It's BB
the only correct posts in this thread
It's just Int/Str and a bit of dex.
No, I'm not gay.
It's ridiculously good in BB if you build for it. Un-transformed it is insanely good with it's stab move.
So this was the Moonlight sword, right?
Obviously BB, it was part of the main narrative there. And it's the sexiest and most fun iteration of it as well. The BB one is simply the best in every category.
In my das3 sorc run i just backpedaled and cast whatever strongest arrow/spear attack i had and hardly ever got hit. That goes for gael and nameless and every other anime fight. Just don't play like a drooling retard and it really is way easier
it's fun in bloodborne but having to build for it is a pain in the ass, I don't usually futz with arcane.
I don't think pure sorcery was even possible in 3 without it being super tedious because aldrich took almost no spell damage
The moment I saw that, I was thinking, "some faggot is going to call this the Moonlight Sword."
It was the Seven Branched Sword, which is its own thing and not a Fromsoft trademark.
DS2 is a NG+ boss soul. Getting it on NG with a Bonfire Acsetic from Freja is the coolest.
Hardly, that was based off a historical Japanese tribute blade (handle not included)
How do you even cut the tail of that Albino fuck?
Post-nerf DaS2 MLGS is still absurd.
I've never even used the MLGS, except in Armored Core.
>It ignores shields
It also has 300 AR.
It's shit.
>2H moveset takes the WORST move out of a fucking UGS class despite the weapon having GS damage output
>1H moveset was heavily nerfed in terms of speed
>beams cannot be aimed by using camera as well as in 1, BB or even 3
>they also deal a pathetic damage and still take durability
>also cannot be buffed
DS2 post-nerf MLGS is a fucking abortion. You want a good magic greatsword for a mage? You go for a Watcher's Sword. Or infuse a fucking Claymore.
Shit, i'd rather use a fake version than this garbage.
No, they said in an interview that they didn't want to create a situation where they felt like they had to put certain references in every game they make and since the moonlight sword and Patches don't fit Sekiro they aren't in it.
>seven-pronged sword
>has only six prongs
What did they mean by this? Do they not know how to count in Japan?
It winds up being my main weapon in all games except demon's souls and dark 1.
Not the shape but moonlight texture and ability to shoot projectiles is still there.
The funny thing is that Sekiro learns Dragon Flash too by defeating the prime Isshin.
The tip is the seventh prong.
>he doesn't know about the HMLS glitch
For DS1, on Solo it requires you to do it in 1 run. You wait for Seath to get as close as possible to the crystal and then you break it. Then run behind and DPS it
If you can’t do it, restart and look to buff your shit. Literally not worth it if you miss that window
>He hasn't done posterboy plathrough of the entire Souls series
It's some satisfying shit. Doing DaS1 with the Astora Straight Sword was fuck hard though.
I don't bother with the MLGS when I already have the best sword in the game.
Yikes. May as well just get a Faith Longsword
Would’ve save you a headache
not saying I'm the best around, but I remember the first half of the game spells are shit and pyromancy was way better and stronger.
I played full magician, couldn't equip a real armor until I killed dancer and used her armor, one mistake and I had to heal and in this game healing was nerfed to shit.
if im not wrong he was weak to fire, I killed him pretty easy with chaos bed vestige.
Astora Straightsword isn't in 2
Bloodborne not only has the best looking one, but also the most fun one.
Just as well that it's not the poster set weapon for 2, then.
>no Armored Core LS-MOONLIGHT
Who is the true casual here?
Oh right I see what you mean, I thought you meant doing an all Oscar run of the trilogy
half the time you have to fuck up majorly to get access to it don't you?
It's my favorite weapon in Bloodborne but I don't like doing INT builds in Souls games so I never use it it in them
>no armored core's MOONLIGHT
Nigga please
What's so special about the swords again?
they're pretty
And they shoot pretty beams.
You're probably thinking of Human Plus upgrades. The Moonlight pre-4th gen was usually hidden deep in levels on a stone altar.
heck yeah
Why would you add bad games to the playthrough?
>You go for a Watcher's Sword. Or infuse a fucking Claymore.
More Swordfu for me then.