PlayStation 5

>Ray Tracing
>Solid slate drive
>PS4 BC and possibly more systems
>3D surround audio
>FromSoftware, Square Enix, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Guerrilla Games, etc confirmed to be creating games exclusively for it
>Cerny confirmed that PlayStation 5 price will be accessible and appealing to gamers
>Stole MS momentum by giving details earlier

I'm sold

Attached: IMG_20190416_085426.png (480x645, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sony's censorship policies

Nah, wouldn't touch it with an 80 foot pole if it cost $20 and came with 3 hookers and a really good hamburger thrown in.


Why not wait until you can see what you can play on it before declaring you're buying it?


Yes? Censorship is an issue more important to me than any of the system's technical aspects.

>Ray Tracing
That'll be $800 plus tip sir

>FromSoftware, Square Enix, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Guerrilla Games, etc confirmed to be creating games exclusively for it
source? it's not in the article

You can't just say muh in front of something and expect it to stop being an issue.

>FromSoftware, Square Enix, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Guerrilla Games, etc confirmed to be creating games exclusively for it
Nice, i just finished horizon zero dawn last week + the dlc.
With the companies that will make games on the system you can already kinda guess what sort of games you can expect

I work for Sega, our dev kits are nothing like this. Such a dick you lying nigger. Also it isn't even confirmed for a 2020 release date. Expect a new ps4 model out next year that has a much larger storage and better materials for the casing.

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>muh animu tiddays
how fucking pathetic

What are the odds developers will start targeting 60fps next gen?

>no ape escape 4

>Not caring about video games
Oh shit I forgot this was Yea Forums

0. They're going to go even more on graphics and 4K.

>exclusive games
usually means exclusive to Playstation and PC
>censorship push
I'm not that bothered by the censorship but it is a slippery slope to more censorship. Sony has already censored games for having rude comments said to transvestites/sexuals. Hint of lewd imagery has been censored. What else will they censor in future?

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No, fuck that.

>censoring games to hell and back
I'd rather buy that digital only bone and that's fucking retarded too.

>Solid slate drive

>>Not caring about video games
no I dont care about your cartoon nudity that's a different thing entirely and because you're a stupid weeb you conflate the two

Didn't the PS4 have this huge buzz of being amazing in hardware, then it turned out to be an underpowered piece of shit?

Bloodborne 2, Spiderman 2, and 3rd person cinematic experiences. I'm asking because I got a PS4 at launch and got bored with it because I should have waited for more games.

why is ray tracing suddenly a big deal? it's been around since the 90's. is it just because it sounds cool?

>no I dont care about your cartoon nudity
This is about video games though boyo

>the PS5 is just a little bit better in specs than the Xbox One X
Microsoft will probably release something that blows the PS5 out of the water in terms of specs.

Attached: smug dog.jpg (275x183, 5K)

Naw, they are going with Navi.

I don't want a shitty censorship station. Fuck Sony.

no it isnt you are trying to make it seem bigger than it is because of how pathetic you are

>Japanese Sales

>Famitsu Sales: Week 15, 2019 (Apr 08 - Apr 14)
>NSW - 54.101
>PS4 - 6.662
>PS4 Pro - 5.131

>LTD NSW (2~ years): 7.959.720
>LTD PS4 (includes PS4 Pro, 5~ years): 8.022.224

You just can't hype normies with 4k as you used to.

Stop posting your own article here you faggot, you don't even know what an SSD is.

ye i dont give a fuck. when they manage to get a stable 60fps in every game let me know.

>defending any censorship, ever when it prevents certain games from existing, even if you won’t play them/have no interest
You sound like your diet entirely consists of eating onions. There’s a place for you over at Resetera.

so it's not real RT
it's just gonna be more pseudo RT
enjoy your 60fps capped in the year 2020+n

playstation 5 more like playstation fivenogames

Attached: kazhirai.jpg (262x174, 12K)

Didnt you even read the linked article. Cerny explicitly confirmed that the PS5 will have uncensored loli and rape-fetish exclusives and that Sony is 100% committed to subtly redpill the normie masses right up to the point where they will pay money for the privilege of joining the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

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>reeee if you dont care about my animu sex you hate vidya
lmao stay mad weeb

Most people are sheep. They see a new console, they buy without thinking first

Cards are almost able to do it real time now.

Reminds me of the PS4 announcement

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>more console war threads shitting up the board for the next few months
>b-but muh smash threa-
This board somehow gets worse every day it's actually astonishing.

>Video games being censored, with factual proof
>no they aren't
Is this what happens to the brain on onions?

somebody now needs to edit in a full 5 fingers on that iconic image

btw this is one of my favorite photographs of all time.

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who are you quoting? It seems the anime is rotting your brain.

Imagine being this gormless.

Why would it not be real?

Also, seriously doubt you will see 60fps very often.

>another weeb crying about cartoon nudity

if you need to vent your sexual frustrations in a video game you are most likely an incel
get a hair cut, take a shower, and show some self respect and just have sex

>who are you quoting?
You dipshit, but because you have no argument you run away.

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>stroke of genius
>its already been 6 years since ps4 came
No fucking shit Sony was gonna release data at some point, they sure as fuck werent gonna do it at E3

The great sony censorship experience.

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Look.. I really don't care.. I used to laugh and poke fun at my friends who had Nintendo systems because they were strict on dirty shit..

I'm a huge pervert and I need my pervy games and I feel like a fucking idiot having to buy a switch to get my rocks Off and concede to my man children friends how they're getting everything and all we can do is fellate each other over what's in the OP? Jesus christ

I raped a woman back when I was visiting US in 2014. Didn't changed my views on anything.

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I'm still here, how about you actually look at what I wrote. I'm not arguing the censorship isnt happening like you say I am. I'm saying I dont care because I dont jerk off to cartoons like you stupid weebs. Again the anime is rotting your brain.


based and, dare I say, redpilled?

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Keep replying onionsboy, maybe that girl you’ve been friendzoned by will let you drop her off at her boyfriend’s place tonight if you get extra brownie points!




>weeb reeing on Yea Forums about anime nudity is also a rapist
honestly I'm not surprised

I swear to god I saw that censorship on PC, or I'm losing my mind?

Hopefully this is good enough

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you will when they take away your grown up dark and mature violent content for big boys

NOT buying on release again. Waiting for PS5 pro.

Lady has the same lens flair on all versions.

lol is that all you got some pathetic projection? fucking sad probably should kys.


weebs absolutely fuming right now

>impressive specs and great devs making games for it
>but I can't see anime tiddies so it's garbage :(

i shidded and farded

Did they hurt you? Why are you seething at them?

this will never happen because they need to keep trying to jingle-keys you with meme effects. i'd rather have stable framerate, smooth gameplay, long draw distances, and good controls over improved graphics.

whatever you have to tell yourself to soothe the asspain

They keep falling for it.

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>get better specs on my PC
>and no content is censored either

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Day one buy for me.

>who needs 60 fps
>who needs gameplay
>who needs free multiplayer
>who needs exclusives
>who needs anime tiddies
In a couple gens Snoygoys will just buy empty boxes without a console in it.

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Imagine not buying a console this strong because they don't want women in skimpy outfits in all the games.

You can tell who still has yet to have sex.

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They'll cut corners or make a huge loss selling that shit. That's too much given current prices.
May actually be the first PS I buy if that's legit.

You mean patriarchal toxic masculinity games? The best thing about the "slippery slope" fallacy is that it's an amazing defense for the ones actually doing it.

>you said all this stuff you didnt actually say
is this all weebs on Yea Forums can do, make shit up to justify their collective butthurt?

Reminder the PS4 was also "impressive specs"
Wait till shit actually starts to release for it.

Imagine buying japanese videogames in 2019+
Imagine enjoying their eye cancer graphics after playing an american masterpiece like God of War or Ghost of Fukushima.
Get back to switch you fucking faggots. This is where old gen nip garbage belong. We don't want you on PS5. Only gamers will be accepted.

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Damn, PS4 domination really broke Yea Forums, PS5 hasn’t even released and you can already see Nincels and Pcmutts seething as fuck.

One tweet broke Yea Forums

>masterpiece like God of War

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Sounds more like casuals. Enjoy your QTEs and SJW muh equality games

weak bait

This. Plus my pc is already more powerful than the ps5 and gets all the tiddy anime games anyways

Weebs are delusional. See you in another five years when PS5 eclipses 90M. You are a minority.

>Ray Tracing
Been on PC for a while now but whatever at least devs will use this now that consoles got it
You're going to get the cheapest
>Stole MS momentum by giving details earlier
All MS has to do is say their next gen will also have "native 8k"


The way they've talked about backwards compatibility is concerning, it sounds like it's going to be the Xbone system that only releases certain games at a time

SSD will be 19 times faster than the SD on your PC because the whole system and games will be built around it, unlike your soulless hardware.

>raytraced silky smooth 30fps shit for another decade
Have a rtx 2080 ti couldn't give too farts I'd rather just leave it turned off for normal game play unless I'm taking photos and have 4k 100fps

It's more so the devil May Cry titties
And the Cyberpunk titties when that comes out
it's not anime shit I care about. That's all trash anyway and mobileshit is closer to actual games than VNs.


When sol psvr get gen 2? I tired the first one with doom but it was judt too low res and uncomfortable

Bro can you bring over Yakuza Kenzan to the PC that game looks so badass

Because it's too demanding. PS5 will get some sound reflections and glass reflections, that's all.

>didn't confirm PS1-3 back compat, only PS4
Sony was *this* close to getting me to pick up my first ever playstation product alongside my switch and next gen xbox and they fucking blew it. I don't give a damn about VR or raytracing (surround sound is fine though), they should focus more on building an extensive library of games

Cool story Xcuck, nobody gives a shit.

But u missin out on dah gawd of vore! Best game ever!

Guys, if It sounds too good to be true, it's because it's a lie.

I'll pass

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>I'm sold
>trying to be your parent despite you being a fucking adult
I'm not sold, no thanks. Don't care if it outperformed a pc by 10x for the same price, my money will not ever be spent on spineless cunts who won't actually offer me the products I want

You know he never denied PS1, PS2, or even PS3 back compat. He gave a preliminary outline of what you should expect for the next PlayStation. Could be more surprises down the line, especially if there's an upcoming reveal.

>I'm sold
Of course you are, sonyfag.
You would have been sold even if the cpu was literally made out of mud.

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None of that is going to be less than FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE U.S. DOLLARS. Anyone that thinks so is delusional.

i translate in a more simple language:
>overpriced console
>no games

but user, the only pathetic thing here is you defending censorship for the sake of brand loyality.
guess you dont have issues with lightfilters since your brains allready used to snoys cumstain.

Even that is a loss leader.


What the fuck is a solid slate drive?

>All these seething Xcucks


Even if PS1/2/3 compatibility weren't just a rumor, they would probably hold on to that information until the official announcement event, not reveal it in a "leak".

>God of War
>Ghosts of Tsushima

Attached: 1510078922897.png (390x470, 19K)

Can I play updated TF2 on it? I don't give a shit about garbage flavor of the month shooters, weeb shit, Sony Movie Studios QTEs, why would I ever get this fucking locked down, overpriced computer?

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Silly Billy, the PS4 has a 5400rpm drive that reads around 50mbs, shit isn't magic that faster harddrive in the example is 25x slower than this 960pro (not even the "best" on the market)

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>Supporting censorship
Kill yourself you pathetic retard.

Good point, I'll hope for the best I guess. If Sony is shameless enough to use an open source emulator in the psclassic I wouldn't put it past them to slap a fork of mednafen/pcsx2/rpcs3 on PS5
>owning an xbox makes you an xbox fanboy
No (You) this time

PS5 can also cure cancer, do the dishes, mow the lawn, go to the Moon, be your girlfriend, brain surgery, Doritos and Mountain Dew dispenser, heal all your psychological wounds, make you happy.

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Why do the shill pastas consistently have this typo without fixing it? How little are you getting paid?

>And the Cyberpunk titties when that comes out
>He's actually gonna buy 2077 on PS4 in the first place

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Wait for the pro version

Neat, I regret not shilling out for an ssd when I built my pc.
Now stop censoring and start making some decent games and maybe I will buy the ps6

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M.2 is an interface, NVMe is what your picture should say.

user freedom of expression is pretty fucking important for an industry designed around creativity. This shit cannot be allowed to happen. They'll start censoring shit you like if you let them

>PlayStation 5 price will be accessible and appealing to gamers
yea right, lul

I do hope you weebs know that you're in the minority right? And I say this as someone who plays ecchi games

Some gimped ray tracing, an SSD, BC and fucking surround sound aren't going to get me to buy a console that's currently censoring butts. They're censoring butts, my man. Fuckin butts.

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May grab one years later used for cheap to play the 1 or 2 good exclusives it might have. Learned my lesson with the PS4. Also, fuck censorship, Sony won't see my money ever again.

>Playstation is the platform to go because it has success in Japan!
>Who cares about weeb stuff just have sex lmao

Sony was a mistake

Seriously though this console gen was fucking horrid, I don't see how can anyone even try to justify wanting a PS5 at this point

Nice. Have a (you).

>Being anti-censorship necessitates being a weeb


Well they better because if this generation is anything to go off of, they're certainly not stifling the competition with video games.

>ray tracing
Oh boy more 30fps capped games just for some meme graphic


My point being that the games you're up in arms about being altered are mostly niche and had a small audience, even in moonland. I'm not saying being against it is bad but that you're funny if you think your anger will have a discernable impact.

When I want a game with porn I play modded skyrim on my toaster, otherwise why care? If you actually play the games actually affected by this censorship then you're pathetic.

>not a single argument defending its faults or criticisms
I used to think this was just really bad ironic shitposting, but I think that just invited actual retards that believe the shit they spew and are on some sort of crusade for their favorite ass fucking corporation.

So all this reveal did was
1. Slow sales for ps4 because everyone will wait for next gen now despite it being 1.5 years away
2. Give Microsoft the upper hand to make a big reveal themselves at the biggest gaming conference on the planet because Sony aren't turning up
3. Confirm arrogant Sony are back with a $500+ console because of irrelevant meme tech like RT and some super expensive custom SSD

I think it's safe to say they're pulling out the console market after this.

Backwards compatibility with ps1-4 would be an instabuy I think, if not confirmed I'll wait for the pro model and buy it at the end of its life cycle this time around.

i was in the minority aswell, back in the days when css and quake was illegal due to exact same kind of censorship.
not going to support that shit.

>I'm sold
>buying the censorstation 5

It's literally just 1 guy.

Ray tracing is a fucking meme, the only utility is to save work to the artists nothing for the consumer

Yu Wan Praystashun?

I can't wait until it's worth buying 2-3 years after launch.

>pushing (((raytracing))) as a selling point

It's going to be DOA if its above $399 just like the ps3 and xbox were. Also it will have no games that can compete with the big hitters of the competition. Switch will be getting Metroid in 2020 and xbox will get halo in 2020 which have massive pull for each brand. What will Sony have? Tlou2? I very much doubt TLOU2 will have more appeal to casuals than games like halo or Metroid because fps shooters sell way better than cinematic action games. Sony tried to release with killzone last gen but no one bought it.

It's real time reflections, I'm not gonna say it isnt possible for a better dev to make mirrors work properly but the cool thing is they can make light rays bounce off at every angle possible just like in real life, same with water reflections and reflections off of metal armor. Unnecessary for a game? Probably lol, very cool technology? Yes, it's proabably gonna be like PhysX tho, a cool peice of tech devs ignore for whatever reasons. The consoles will be shit at it because the 350$ RTX 2060 Barely does the job at 1080p Ultra to hit like 30fps, the consoles are gonna be bad at if especially if AMD doesn't have extra hardware to Raytrace like RTX cards do

Cool story, Xniggie.

Nobody cares.

>PS4 BC and possibly more systems

I'll need confirmation of those systems before i even consider it, plus confirmation that the DS5 wont have that nsa spy cam xbox tried to force on people with the kinect at launch of the xb1

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>PS4 BC and possibly more systems
Call me when I can run PS3 and maybe PS2.
This isn't selling me on this shit.

That will be 480p upscaled to 1080p at 40 fps plus tip

Currently less relevant than The Last of Us.

>It's going to be DOA if its above $399
judging by the speccs it has, theres no way it will cost less than 500

>Ray Tracing

You live in a echo chamber, only Sony fanboys like Modern Naughty Games, Insomniac and Suckerpunch was the best thing Sony ever had

>Currently less relevant than The Last of Us

Nobody wants or is going near Carpet Eater 2

>halo threads here every day
>metroid less relevant than tlou

Nigga when Metroid is announced it will be the biggest thing in the world. Everyone knows Metroid.

Who? What did I say that isn't accurate

Yeah by the power of magic, rainbows and no games. Your shitbox will have the fastest SSD drive and cheap too. Snoys are retarded and autistic.


>oh no muh loli


Soccer moms said that about mortal kombat 1 and quake only they used the word twisted not pathetic.

>Nigga when Metroid is announced it will be the biggest thing in the world
Zzz... It'll be forgotten faster than Samus Returns.

Imagine actually defending censorship because you've been so brainwashed into being loyal to a corporation that you think ANYTHING they do is okay because you bought a 500 dollar product from them plus 10 dollars a month to use their online services.

I mean god, there is hardly anything more PATHETIC than that. And I hate weebs and anime with a passion

I already have one too many "family friendly" platforms, I really don't need another. Especially not for $300+ dollars. Senran Kagura doesn't seem any racier to me than fucking miranda in ME2 so I don't expect their line to stop there.

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gotta agree

>backwards compatibility , physical and digital
>VR forward compatibility
>Death Stranding as a launch title
>enchaced modes for all PS4 games
>Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU2 2019 and more PS4 games to be announced with State of Play

Is PS2 about to be surpassed?

Would the SSD and better CPU actually allow PS4 games to load and run faster? I don't see why not, kind of like a PS4 Pro

Is this going to be another DVD? I want to play games...not watch a movie/cinema.

No because PS5 don't got Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution

From what I read, Spiderman on PS5 controls completely different without the speed cap on. Fully rendered worlds not constantly loading in the background sounds amazing.

>says Epic VP
>says "Just Cause" developer
>Jonathan Blow
Literally none of those is a Sony employee you fucking retard

Imagine being stupid enough that angry weebs boycotting g will have any significant impact on the PlayStation brand when their best selling ecchi game sold less than a million

Imagine thinking that pissing of all of the Japanese devs won't have an effect on your console library

Cope. Japanese devs will never stop supporting PlayStation no matter how many weebs commit suicide.

Time will tell.

Spiderman's movement problems were deeper than a speed cap. It would still feel like shit even with it off, the problems would probably be even more apparent. And an SSD doesn't help with LOD, you'll still have pop in and all that shit just shorter load times.

>people actually thinking they'll do full bc with ps1-3.
They half assed ps classic
Adding bc for those consoles would basically shoot themselves in the foot when thats the biggest draw for psnoslw
Why does anyone think they'll do this when they've done a lousy effort on this front? Atleast MS has years of experience to show they can make emulator for the old consoles.where is sonys?
Expect ps4 bc and nothing more

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>Ace Combat 7
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Monster Hunter
Oh yeah. Jap devs are so pissed that they're games are selling 3>1 on PlayStation.

kek I bet you're the type of dumb Xniggie who thinks they'll flock to Xbox right

>All of the seething
Fuck man the meme is real

oh my fucking god is this gonna be every single ps5 thread for the next 5 years? get a room

just buy your weeb titty games on PC or Xbox, user. problem solved.


You don't have to buy those on the BasedStation you know :), also casuals are definitely over half the PS4s install base and their favorite game is Netflix, games sell about the same rate unless it's some Mario or Halo tier shit and depending on the systems lack of popularity then owners are more likely to be looking for something to play, I never met a person with a Gamecube back in the day that didn't have Melee and the Gamecube was a flop

Why buy a PS5 then? Xbox is gonna have the same if not better specs, and nearly the same library and PC always wins cause worse case mod the tits back in

Shower, stinky.

have sex

First they will come for the anime tiddies, then they will come for the game difficulty (at a point from software will probably abandon ship), then they will come for any game that don't have a far left political message.

all the people joking about the censorship surely must realize that even stuff like yakuza will be affected. We are dealing with people here that close their eyes when kiyru watches a softcore porn vid in zero

Wow sounds like vita

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>Interactive cinematic experiences made exclusively for the PS5
Yeah no thanks. Sony can go eat a metric ton of dicks

You foolishly talk as if every japanese developer makes ecchi games.

lmao all these threads are doing is making people hate sony even more. hilarious. their whole marketing stunt backfired hard.

I couldn't give two fucks about getting to see anime tiddies, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let a multi billion dollar corporation tell me that I'm not allowed to look at them.

Hope so
Maybe they'll get the picture if we don't shutup

You have no idea the situation which Sony is putting their Japanese devs in now right? You do know the whole "forced to speak English" and all that shit, right? Japan is pretty pissed at Sony already and this is just adding more fuel to the fire.


The only companies complaining are the smaller ones with games they never planned on localizing

Real time ray tracing implementations currently use machine learning techniques to decide on a select few things in a scene to actually perform ray tracing on, since ray tracing an entire scene is still pretty intensive.

They're not telling you anything retard.

That was already censored and wow, you sure concerned about some light weight porn over the actual gameplay


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Fuck off, retard.

lol is that all you got some pathetic projection? fucking sad probably should kys.

This reveal is a bigger twist than Iron Man dying in Endgame.

>anime tiddy simulator
10/10 gameplay, how can western games even compete

Attached: images.jpg (200x200, 5K)

The retro-compatibility will be quite rough
>Try to play GTA Vice city
>Error, unable to run game due protagonist being too white
>Try to play GTA: SA
>Error, unable to run game due the sexual content
>Try to play dark souls, being sure to make a dark character
>Error, unable to run game due being too ableist
>Try to run tetris
>Error, unable to run game because it contains no political message

Yes this happens every time.

Notice no actual specs were given on the CPU or GPU. Just vague talk about core counts and architectures.

>>who needs 60 fps
>>who needs anime tiddies
these are the only 2 legit points.

There are people trying to control what you have the right to see or not, and you fuckers are okay with that.

The appeal of yakuza is at least 50% wacky japan simulator and that includes minigames and side contents that give the whole thing flavor. Its a red light district, there will be porn and prostitutes.


A flat pizza should stay asleep if it knows what's good for it.

Based on leaks it's gonna have a Zen 2 based 8 core at around 3.06ghz and the GPU is a gonna have something between a Vega 56 and 64 in terms of GPU

holy shits bros ITS ALREADY FOCKING HAPPENING ~!~!!!!!

because he's advertising it. It's not his job to tell you to wait

Ok but will it have games instead of movies and Bloodborne

Gamers, rise up!

seriously? Another PS4 model?

Don't bother bruh Sony fangirls don't care about good jap games they only play BB, GoW, TLoU, and HZD that's all they ever use as a selling point of the system. I'm just glad Sega and Capcom realized they don't have to have their art raped by Sony

>Solid Slate Drive


I am an American first, and this goes against everything my forefathers fought and died for.

I don't play ecchi games. The policy has just about no impact on the Japanese games I like to play and the impact it might have amounts to covered up pixels which I don't really care about.

Pretty graphics that's it, normalfags just want a fucking movie with some repetitive and easy gameplay

But giving the SJW the power to censor will end landing on the games you like.
Next on the table if you didn't noticed is the game difficulty.

If you like hard games, too bad for you.

And no game has been forced to remove any such content. All you're talking about is slippery slope. A lot of the shit that has been done to the games recently was done in house with no demands from Sony

Normalfags play minecraft.
The ones you're thinking about are the graphical consolefag audience, the gaming forum rodents, the fanboys, the small but very dedicate public that get offended if the game is not having its frame rate raped because the game is not "pushing the console to it's limits".

>>FromSoftware, Square Enix, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Guerrilla Games, etc confirmed to be creating games exclusively for it
Gonna need a source on that one chief

>Stole MS momentum by giving details earlier
lol okay, except that MS actually confirmed and launched a new SKU yesterday

Based as fuck first post. Never change Yea Forums. You're the only board with any sort of decency left.

You know the next PlayStation will be a major threat when you notice Yea Forums going in full blown panic mode.
>inb4 shitposting
No one shitposts this hard about nothing.

Slippery slope fallacy

Are the games M rated? Because there's no need to censor them of they are marketed to adults, putting your tail between your legs and accepting policies like this is helping the Nazis win

I know it is. We've been through this before with PS4 and PS4 Pro.

>PlayStation game
>third person, unsatisfying and repetitive combat, usually a beat-em-up
>”platforming” and “movement” is just climbing on specifically designated spots or just pressing a button on the right spot
>uncreative color palettes, writing, storytelling, and characters I usually can’t remember unless shown a picture of
>if it isn’t like that it’s just some shitty anime bullshit that looks like everything or a game made by Atlus, Bandai Namco, or Sega that might not be shit

Fix all these problems with your games and I’ll buy it

>reality doesn't count I can namedrops fallacies I don't understand and still defend my side of history

>3D surround audio
Wow, so it's better than my dacamp HD 800S.

You're probably right or people are so bored they are already expecting games of the future to blow their minds

No buy

Generally it is indeed just a fallacy, but if you pay the slightest attention to the far left, you will see that they never get satisfied and keep pushing more until it get to retarded levels such as a bunch of white people attacking a black woman because she don't conform to the right way to think for black women.


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That’s what they said about gays, and now we have states mandating kids undergo sex changes. So yeah, the slopes getting slippery.

Imagine being a beta orbiter for a company

>meme shit
Can it run at a stable 60 FPS?

>PS5 soft reveal blows away expectations
>Just hours later an MS shilling newspaper spreads some FUD
Really makes me think

Half of them don't even know what they're getting

Attached: literal cumguzzler.jpg (1080x596, 99K)

slippery slope is an argument, and as history shown MULTIPLE TIMES its real.
remember: at some point it will hit something you like, you will come here and complain about it, and i will be in the same thread just to tell you: told you so.

The dumbass Christians on Facebook in 2013 were totally right when they cried slippery slope, they Libs really are pushing for Pedo rights, I wished someone with the power to stop it would've listened

If the PS5 launches with GTA 6 it's fucking over. This alone is all that's needed to seure the win right out of the gate.

Gay and trans are not on the same lefty group or the same thing.
Gays are mostly just a generic power grabbing group.
Now the "trans support group" is a bunch of insane authoritarian people that want to literally warp reality to make the "trans people" be treated exactly how they want, even if this means a 1984 esque government that enforces thought.
All to protect the trans feelings.

twitter users are stupid, news at 11

>Sony fans are stupid, news at 11


No, because gays lead to people defending drags, which leads to people defending trans, which leads to people defending pedos. That’s how it works. I’ve been following this shit. I’m not even against gay eights, but I believe it should end at right to be married and not be harassed. The majority should always come before the minority, and not the other way around where everyone who isn’t gay has to placate the small minority that is.

Another console to buy to play the from software exclusive and then sell right away. Great.

>3D audio
What the is that supposed to mean? Reminds of of HD rumble or whatever Nintendo was talking about when they introduced the switch.


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I bought a ps4 ( normal ) , seemed like a good idea at the time

I will never ever ever ever buy anything Sony again

I don't care how much much I get fucked buying gpu's , at least its my choice.

This, but also I bought a PS4 for two exclusive in the end, God of war and BB.
If PS5 is the same, i.e a shit console with 2 worthwhile exclusive then I see no reason to not play on PC or xbox this gen.

That's not exactly how this works.
They're individual groups that sometimes try to join forces but end up in horrible fights.

Just check out TERFs to see when the cookie crumbles.

>more cinematic "wow dude that's so deep" heavily scripted movie games

who cares lmao

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>the cult of sony

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You're not getting any BC besides PS4 and those $15 PS2 upscaled trophy-enabled ports you have to rebuy even if you own the original digitally on PS3.

>Asylum demon

No fucking way that's real...

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painfully thicc

Anyone accusing anyone of being part of a cult on this board is falling for some hard irony. We get nintendo shit spammed everyday but fags only whine about Sony

bu..but we just got 3d sound

Onion Wokak tier arguement.

>we want the snoy

Attached: 189.jpg (600x545, 43K)

>Who cares about platformers?
>Who cares about indies?
>Who cares about japanese games?
>Who cares about FPS games?
>Who cares about fighting games?
>Who cares about RPGs?

Jesus fucking christ I have heard these sentences many times in the past and it makes me mad. Sonyfags are really so willing to defend this corporation's current lack of third party variety that they'll literally defend every single story-based game that comes out on it simply because "muh exclusive". Hell they don't even play those games. All they do is use them for shitposting material. I have never seen a fanbase bend over backwards this much.

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Sony will eventually start to censor more popular games, I guarantee the next big thing that will cause controversy will be CDPR Cyberpunk censorship.

>Xcucks doing their usual projecting
Into the trash you go.

The sad part is that they're always been like that. The ps3 had some solid titles that they completely ignored for games like uncharted or TLoU.

Do you play those kind of games, user? Do you?

Fuck off Eric, can't you come up with a single defense that isn't
>b-but this fanbase hurt my feefees!

>Who cares about platformers?
>Who cares about indies?
>Who cares about japanese games?
>Who cares about FPS games?
>Who cares about fighting games?
>Who cares about RPGs?

Xbox is even more lacking in these genres than Playstation, with the possible exception of shitty console FPS like Halo, so I don't even know what you're saying here.

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>muh Eric
Kill yourself already

>Xbox is even more lacking in these genres than Playstation
The difference is that they aren't saying no one cares about them.

Delete this right now! Uncle Phil makes my tiny ween feel good!

You fags keep claiming Sony says they don't care about these games but I see no quotes anywhere stating such

When have you ever seen an xbot say that those genres don't matter to defend a company?

>The difference is that they aren't saying no one cares about them.
Yeah, they just cancel them in favor of yet another generic Forza/Gears/Halo game. Actions speak louder than words.

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>"Cerny confirmed that PlayStation 5 price will be accessible and appealing to gamers"
>Ray Tracing
>3D surround audio
>"Accessable price"
Enjoy your games at 24fps.

i didnt even buy any consoles after the ps3 gen; but, how could anyone try to defend any of the big 3's libraries that past 5 years.

Nintendo only has its core franchises and a few meme games like splatoon that nobody but autismos cared for.
Microsoft has nothing memorable whatsoever.
Sony had more of their shitty TLOUS/dude raider/remaster garbage and some sprinklings of third party stuff like persona.

Literally none of them have good third party. If you buy consoles for third party I think you have to be an idiot.

No way in fuck navi is more powerful and 1/10th the price of a 2080ti that can barely handle 4k 60 minimum with high settings
Raytracing will be 4k 30 max and most games will still use up scaling except it will be similar to nvidias dlss just more mature

>Microsoft cancels scalebound
>fans complain
>Sony cancels omega Labyrinth localisation and removes content from senran
>fans rejoice and call fans of those series pedos
You're right actions do speak louder than words as shown by this thread.

I like anime titties they are comfy and remind me of my irl mummy
Not your fault you can't stand real women I feel sorry for you but not sorry for booblets fuck Sony fuck censorship and fuck mods and fuck Jannies rip kanna master blaster thread imma go wank in your honour

Attached: 3023611 - Blaster_Master Blaster_Master_Zero_2 Elfdrago Kanna.jpg (2600x2200, 559K)

The raytrace itself will be sub 1080p, but then mixed in with 4k raster.
As in expect 0 games using "full raytrace" like that Quake 2 demo, and all of em using raytrace mostly to make development easier rather than delivering better visuals.

Wow, sonyfags really are this pathetic.

>PS5 may have some features PC had for years

Attached: wow.gif (487x344, 3.27M)

Doesn't furmark lighthouse use real dxr/rt only and no raster?
Pretty sure that's the future but waaaaay too expensive for 1st gen rt based nvidia and amd gpus in terms of render time not just to produce.
I'm guessing there will be hybrid raster dlss ai upscaled crap for 4-8k resolution but internally it's probably 3k with 720-1080p half res single pass per pixel rt like we have now
No way in fuck a console could handle full rt graphics engines maybe gen 10 or 8.5 in 5-10 years if stuff hasn't gone to the cloud by then

Sony's trying real hard to steal Steam's spotlight and it ain't working.

I'm a pc gamer.
Last and only ps I had was ps3 and emulated ps2/ps1
Sony can fuck off with their censorship same with epic store

Raster do most things well to be quite honest.
It just sucks at reflections and shadow casting and those you can get away with on lower resolutions.

The only thing that should be censored and removed from the world is cp.

>I'm a pc gamer
Yeah sure you are. Every single one of you says this when you get caught out.

It's guaranteed to have less if the ps4 is anything to go on.

$20 for three hookers and a burger sounds like a good deal to me

Caught out how?
Nah once u see what real gi/ao can do it's a game changer.
Shadows are meh but reflections are a huge improvement just not done yet even in rt from what I've seen they are too shiny
Shadows are too stuble to be noticed and aren't even global yet just for spesifiic light sources
Hence why tomb rider metro and bfv all look like poo it's all partial and not fully integrated into the graphics pipeline of the game engine.
Latest Ue4 is even the same I saw a demo and it couldn't even manage 1440p 30fps with that shit all turned on in the subway demo

>ray tracing
Bullshit buzzword that doesn't mean shit
Proven to wear out much faster than standard HDDs and isn't that much faster in actual use, only in skewed benchmarks
For the what, two PS4 games that were actually good?
>3d surround
Garbage, you're not playing a game in actual 3d, why do you want surround audio? Same with fucking movies, it's fucking pointless.
>modern AAA "game" developer garbage
Bunch of Yea Forums shit.
>accessible and appealing
That is meaningless and just used for marketing bullshit.
>MS momentum
What MS momentum? MS could announce a fucking console that sucks your dick and still no one would care because no one wants Microsoft AIDS and no one in their right mind gives a shit about consoles any more except for little fucking children who are too young to own a PC.

>mfw it took until fucking 2020 for consoles to get an SSD.

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I bet you can get away with a VERY low resolution realtime GI/AO.

Sony just going to back down on there censorship when they start to lose JP dev support.


Metro can't even do 1440p 60hz
4k rt won't be a thing this generation or possibly even next considering raster still isn't there even with extremely well optimised low level api like vulkan rt and dx12 dxr

You're on crack, SSDs are a bit more prone to failure than an HDD but HDDs are subject to death by drop meaning the portable "device" that consoles claim they can be are at risk of death with a HDD, and they are blazingly faster than a mechanical drive in load times and things like the OS run faster with an SSD

Not big surprise. Same thing happened with memory. They only started having actual decent amounts of it once it became dirt cheap.

Then the SJWs will attack them. Remember, the PS HQ is smack bang in the heart of their territory now and these people have destroyed shit for less.

Would you guys buy TPP that is actually finished with Kojima and Hayter somehow comes back?

>portable console
This won't be the fucking childish Nintendo frankenconsole. HDD just fucking works.

And no, read what I said, they are NOT "blazingly faster", it's all in the lying fucking benchmarks. The only time you see improvement with OS loading times is when someone has some 4 year old Microsoft Windows crusted-up pile of shit install on an HDD because Windows is such shit that it fucks itself over the longer it's installed, and installing fresh on ANYTHING, even a new HDD, will make it faster. It's not the SSD.

>(While the next-gen console will support 8K graphics, TVs that deliver it are few and far between, so we’re using a 4K TV.)
Oh joy.
No way in fuck a 14tflop navi could beat a 2080ti that struggled to get to 4k 60-100
They might get 8k 30 in a couple of games but who the fuck wants 30-60fps in 202x+?
60hz is hilariously outdated this year.
Only good thing is that the ssd is super fast in the Ps5 so those dumb load times and capped car swing run etc speed in gta and other sandbox games will be essentially gone.
Eh ssds are perfectly reliable now

free multiplayer is not a legit point? bitch please!
I can play Sega Dreamcast Quake 3 online for free still.
I can still play PS3 online for free as well.
All of nintendo's previous consoles had free multiplayer too.
Don't forget that not a single PC service charges for online multiplayer.
This is just a shitty trend that console fag manufacturers are pushing.

Good, fuck off. I already got Peach Beach Splash, the last uncensored goodness on PS4. Don't need anything else.

Xbox Wive and PSBus are good because they keep the servers up, prevent hackers and give me free games

I wouldn't be surprise, sony released the super slim ps3 about one year before it released the ps4


Into the trash it goes.

You think this dump has any relevance? lol

I miss Kaz.

ray tracing is a meme as far as tech in a gpu, any gpu can do ray tracing its just expensive. Even the 2080ti does it with the gpu not the tensor cores, the RT /tensor cores are just for denoising which you don't need alot of if its low resolution ray tracing which the ps5 will have

In your case I'm sure it'd be some 80% naked loli virtual hooker since that's the only audience that actually gives any fuck about game censorship

Go back to Europe mong. Fuck all the fat nerds who have wifaus to fight for. I'm here to help my fellow humans and gamers, any form of censorship is unjust and Orwellian and those who tolerate it deserve the gallows

wow Japan is really relevant in console sales

>backwards-compatible with a console where every game for the first few years was from the previous console and every game after was "Uncharted but with ___"

Bluepoint isn't confirmed to make any exclusives for it, in fact it's looking like they are making Resident Evil 3 remake

PS5 isn't getting ray tracing & Mark Cerny didn't even say it would, he said ray traced audio

Where are the gaems, Sony.

Lisa Su said Navi won't have hardware accelerated ray tracing, but game journalists & fanboys keep saying it will because why not

It's ray tracing will be done via compute & will run quite poorly because of it, so you won't see it on PS5 or Xbox 4

Bloodborne 2 isn't happening, their next game is some open world game written by GRRM

seriouly, what games will the ps5 even have?
no news of atlus releasing a new game, also atlus allready startss to get more and more friendly with pc/nintendo, triace went mobile, tales games port their games imediatly without waiting for years, cold teel will be finished through ps4 and all the weebgames will be censored.
also snoy announced that they will bring less indie games.
so will it basicly be
>more expensive
>less games

This, the sad thing is all the retards defending censorship.

>It can play PS4 games
>Has PS2 been surpassed?

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It's ogre, all others will fall and sony will reign supreme

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Plenty of games, it's your dogshit taste that's the problem, just hang yourself because you will die alone and miserable

Atlus has an exclusive JRPG for PS5 called Project Re Fantasy

>Solid slate drive
So have i been saying this wrong all along, or this writer who is a dummy?

Navi isn't going to have ray tracing like 2000 series & it won't be "more mature" Navi is just a modified Vega

Post yfw Demon's Souls 2

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>the PS5 is just a little bit better in specs than the Xbox One X

The CPU upgrade alone should make it a substantial upgrade. PS4/Pro/XB1/XB1X use the same CPU that's essentially 2 netbook CPU's glued together where power efficiency had a higher priority than performance. PS5 is supposed to be based on Ryzen.

I don't think my post said that at all.
If anything, i was saying that they would fucking cheat and use low resolution gaytrace.

>Paying for online
>Paying for 30 fps
>Paying for censorship


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damn, i hope it will be shit. (or gets a port)

>Micropenis is in the process of liquidating their vidya division to go full windows live
>shitendo continuing to make trash hardware for kiddos and autistic manchildren
>pc distribution platforms in complete disarray
>Googles streaming service DoA

The future is bright Sonybros

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The 8k support is due to HDMI 2.1, it's not running games at 8K

You didn't learned with this generation what happens when a corporation rule alone without competition?

>they keep the servers up
Wow, additional service provides basic functionality that game should have out of the box. Brilliant.
Many games don't even have servers at all and are p2p.

>prevent hackers
Consoles themselves prevent hackers by being anally sealed shit.

>give me free games
You paid for them. They aren't free.

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No thing no one wants to talk about is how the CPU will be useless since at 4K the GPU is the main bottleneck, this is why Sony & Microsoft were very comfortable using weak CPU's this gen

>Another manlet controller

and it's ruined

what means that?

You fell for it lol and the sad part is I've seen hackers on consoles even if they aren't "open source" and it's amazing how many people unironically use the "free games" in defense of paid online occasionally saying "I'd pay for it even it they didn't include the games, they are so nice"

>tfw if ps2 came out today I'd still complain about no gaems.

I dont know anymore anons. Guess its time to move on

>Stole MS momentum by giving details earlier
All that momentum will be gone in a few weeks though SINCE THEY ARENT ATTENDING E3!

Lose weight, fatty.

what a fucking gyp the PS4 has been all this time


Ray tracing is a dead meme calling it now

We forget about Iron Man VR so quickly...

I have big strong man hands bitch I'm not some 5'8" jap man with baby hands

censorship aside, its mostly lie and false promise akin to the CELL POWER and EMOTION IN YOUR PS2 GAMES

Censorship sucks, but weebshit is shit. Fuck off with VNs, gacha and dumb RPGs like XC.

Nothing of value was lost.

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I thought they used path tracing which is sped up if you have the cores for it? No reason a typical CUDA core couldn't process path tracing?


I never knew DMCV was a game for pedos

Yea Forums is based and sneedpilled

>who needs 60 fps

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>Getting excited for what the PS5 will supposedly be this early on

I own every single generation of Playstation but you have to remember that Sony exaggerates the performance of their upcoming consoles to such absurd levels. I'll probably get a PS5 in a year or two after it launches but whatever they're claiming now it won't be this beyond the most generous of technicalities.

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>establishing the precedent is fine if i dont care about the particular thing being affected
end yourself

Reminder to all the Snoyboys unironcially defending censorship that it includes games like DMCV as well, not just "pedo" games

kanker op ui neger

Price drop for Ps4 when?

Imagine being such a corporate bootlicker you'd buy products no matter how shitty their policies are.

I just bought the Playstation 5 Pro. See you later nerds.

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I didn't know DMCV was niche.

Seeing all the paid shills in this thread, absolutely.

based very sad


Nope, buying the next Xbox instead, well the next X model, not a first gen of course

slippery slope, motherfucker

PIS5 players really will defend anything sony does.

Is anyone not gonna bring up the fact that an SSD has a finite number of rewrites, and that everytime you delete something then rewrite the slots, it wears it down even more.
Console gamers eat up space like crazy and are constantly having to delete and redownload games cause of their limited space.

Now why would sony, a company known for putting bullshit proprietary items in their machines, possibly be worried about a part that will probably go bad multiple times over the consoles life?

yep, gotta stand for principles otherwise they'll walk all over you

And no games.

I haven't used a Sony product since the fat PS3. What the fuck did I miss with the PS4 generation?

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only reason I would buy a PS5 at this point, is if it has full physical backwards compatibility with the previous systems. so I can ditch my ps2 and ps3 otherwise i'm not paying to rebuy old games i already have physically.

I feel like this could have been much better as a console if they ditched the 8K meme and just went for 4K because everything else sounds great

why the fuck anyone gonna still get ps5 and xbox and you can have a pc and nintendo only combo? fucking idiots

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I sure as shit would do it for the burger and hookers

youre an idiot

I didn't know you were too retarded to know the game is no longer censored

came to post this

I'm a sonyfag but they need to fix the censorship issue because its fucking stupid

>Solid slate drive
How is that not even taken for granted at this point? The real question is how much data it supports.

I can wait for the PS4 PRO 2(PS5) and then the slightly better edition PS4 PRO 3(PS5 PRO)

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That tech has indeed been around since the 90's, but no devs bother with it because most people play games from their shitty tv speakers, it's sad


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good lad

All the PS2 games ran at 60fps, where did they go wrong?

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Won't it be hard to store data on rock,though?

>metroid having "massive pull" for anything
imagine being this delusional. metroid can't even outsell yoshi and wario, let alone keep up with nintendo's real heavy hitters.

probably targeting headphones for virtual surround

What. Hardly half of them ran at steady 30 fps, only a few ran at 45+ FPS. Some (like crash games) had hard-coded FPS to not mess up with the loading times.

timeless classic

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>Who cares about platformers?
>Who cares about japanese games?
>Who cares about RPGs?
microsoft doesn't.
>Who cares about FPS games?
>Who cares about fighting games?
nintendo doesn't.

you mean the censorship that crapcom imposed on all platforms in a patch and then removed in another patch?

Attached: ok dude.png (241x209, 3K)

How so?
Cause if I recall correctly. I was taught that in my
Comp TI certification training. The UNIVERSAL certificate standard for the IT field.

To be entirely truthful, it's not like sony has games going for it either outside of maybe 2 or 3 titles. Microsoft would have probably stomped sony this gen if they didn't fuck up in the start.

>Bullshit buzzword that doesn't mean shit

>on all platforms
keep lying for your company, snoy

i mean id pay $20 dollars for a really good hamburger. the 3 hookers and ps5 are a bonus at that point

just because the censorship could technically be removed on pc by disabling an entire graphical setting for the whole game doesn't change the original intent.

>id pay $20 dollars for a really good hamburger

Attached: 1530303227118.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Microsoft hasn't delivered anything at all in terms of actual games. Not even since the One X launched. Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3; anything except Forza Horizon 4 has been straight trash. The only things they've done objectively better is backwards compatibility and game pass.

>>FromSoftware, Square Enix, Insomniac, Bluepoint, Guerrilla Games, etc confirmed to be creating games exclusively for it

Attached: NFqueEu.jpg (456x110, 9K)
>Resolution over frames per second
Into the trash

Not my call I just help test and do the custodial work.

>Sea of thieves trash
The game is actually great, especially considering its gradual updates. stop getting your opinions from Yea Forums. Definitely weak on games right now though, but they are 100% looking like they are going to be doing much better than Sony in the future in terms of games, studios, and hardware if their current trends are anything to go by.

Sony doesn't look promising with their titles to me at all, they have like ghost of japan and Last of us, both of which look rather boring. As for right now, they are borderline in the same boat as microsoft, with barely a little more of nothing worth playing when it comes to exclusives. They have what, Bloodborne and maybe GoW?

Found the woman

I'll only be interested if Bloodborne 2 gets released for it, or there's another From game of the same caliber, until then I just don't care.

I swear to god Square if you end up pushing FF7 back for PS5.
Might as well sell my pro now before its worth less.

>Thread over 7 hours old and still going over a console paid shills haven't stopped shilling for the last few months

Im sensing a very underwhelmed response here

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>Listing exclusives as a positive

Attached: It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Hol'up. Are you saying that this system doesn't have backwards compatibility back to ps1? I was gonna buy one but not anymore.

It's probably? a typo?
Should be solid state, not slate. But maybe slate is their trademarked gimmick?


Literally WHY are Sonybitches bragging about hardware when it's already outdated in the current year.


Based. Can't wait to take on the freaker hoard.

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Why is it outdated when PCunts can't even play RDR2 or Spider-Man on their $5k state of the art rigs?

I played Sea of Thieves myself from launch. It was practically devoid of any meaningful content. If it just starting being good a year later because of muh live service they should've delayed the release another year.

>the absolute state of console players

Attached: digitalfoundry.jpg (3840x1080, 2.02M)

You're retarded if you think bragging about having games available on other platforms is good business


or they will do it with the pre-RTed like they did with upscaled 4k. Of course, the owners of PS5 will never see the real-time ray-tracing.

But PS4s ARE better than 90% of PCs out there

Imagine actually being a brand loyalist

You know they just want your money right?

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You can turn it off on PC via the graphic setting. Poor console peasants can't do it.

Smoking more crack I see Sonyboy, no one in their right mind unless they use it for "real" work has a 5K PC, even people who have actual 4K Ultra Rigs proabably only spent 2K and that's if you bought the 2080ti a card that crushes even my 1080ti by about 30% my 1080ti system was about 1300$. Glad you like Spiderman but no one in their right mind would join an ecosystem for even 4 games

nothing. i only use this thing as a gran turismo machine.

I know it's nearly impossible for a mentally challenged PC cuck with shit taste to understand, but this is custom hardware backed up by technically very competent dev teams. It'll be a piece of unified hardware that devs will squeeze every last drop out of in the best exclusives. And it will still have physical media so gamers can actually own and collect their games. There is literally nothing like that on the PC platform anymore, where you just brute force some sloppy seconds multiplat port at higher framerates from a soulless launcher.

Your loss.

Deal with it, stupid goy

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why do niggers comment saying you don't want/wont get a ps5? good for you. now fuck off and let the chad gamers discuss games

Wait to see the pricetag first.

This will be a fun generation, because you will be able to buy pretty much the same hardware as the PS5 AND have the same performance due vulkan.

>solid slate

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>Solid Slate Drive
Gaming news are just for memes

Attached: ourgirl.jpg (1920x1075, 354K)

Yeah all that hard work for that semi custom chip DESIGNED FOR GAMING
Amazing my excel and paint machine is better in every way at gaming then your magic gaming box

Your PS5 games, madam.
The Sims 5
Kingdom Hearts IV
Dark Cloud III (2022)
Ape Escape 4
Resident Evil
Jak IV (2020)
Tomb Raider
Dragon Quest XII (2021)
Dragon Quest Heroes III
Ratchet & Clank (2020, launch title)
Playstation All-stars 2 (2020, launch title)
Gravity Rush 3
Tales of Futuria (2021)
WILD ARMS 6 (2021)
Crash Bandicoot

So will it play Bloodborne at 60fps?

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the same game they've been releasing for over a decade, a third person cover shooter

Theres nothing cool about the playstation 4 bruh, literally it's used primarily buy children and girl gamers you know the kind that only like fallout 4 and skyrim, Playstation is for women and are your a female good sir?

If they release a new motorstorm around launch time I will die a happy man

It will run bloodborne as well as PS4 runs Demon souls.

>Gravity Rush 3

They are fine with it because they are the best goyim.

Attached: BLOODBONG.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

You're retarded if you think blackmailing consumers to buy your shitty hardware by holding software hostage is ethical business.

based Lacariposter

>muh frames
With Ryzen 3 it should be easier to offer 60 fps modes at 1080-1440p minimum where 4k 30 fps is the quality preset. CPU bottleneck should be much less of a concern. 4k native 60 fps is achievable in some graphically simpler games on X1X now, there's no reason to think 4k 60 fps will be off the table for games that make framerate a priority in next gen.


Attached: sony cult.webm (888x500, 297K)

Keeping in mind that Microsoft is basically getting a free ticket to get their new console into first place at the start of the next generation, I wonder if they will fuck it up. Well I mean, if they will fuck it up worse then Sony is going to. I wonder what will happen of both companies shit the bed, it would be a random toss up on which one will actually win the new generation then.

By 2021 (22 at latest), there will be no smaller devs creating games for the PS5. Niche japanese games will all be on PC and switch, big-name AAA games will be competing with PS5 on the xbox, and playstation will be lamenting the terrible censorship decision they made that killed their market share.

I‘m not, because Sony is being dumb and censoring lewds even more than Nintendo now!

Yes, but eventually things of value will be lost. You're just too short sighted to see that. Though it doesn't matter anyways I guess, because people are going to support them regardless of what they do. People will only do something about it when it ends up becoming a larger problem, but it'll be too late by that point.

That's some nice fanfiction.


Right because the PS4 totally has the best looking games on it right now

Attached: 1553632477585.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

Microsoft started the race with one leg and blindfolded. Ended up in a nice car and going a steady speed

Sony started by tripping Microsoft and bragging before face planting and shoving a dildo up their ass and calling themselves progressive.

Microsoft being dumb made them better. Sony will overstay their welcome which is partly due to fanboyism and MS being. That and ResetGender is pretty much all Sony cucks. Face it niggles. Sony is the least consumer/game friendly console this and next generation


don't care since I don't play anime games

Yes, it has the best looking games, it has the most games, what's your point?

>backwards compatible with ps4
oh yay i will able to play the only ps4 game bloodborne !

this for this reason i don't buy a ps4.

>shows off spiderman on super beefed up dev kit
>expecting all of this to be cheap

Man PS5 is gonna do the dumb shit again and make this stupidly expensive and try to sell it with goofy fucking movie games

im glad xbox scared them into backwards compat though, hopefully they allow for updated graphics and stuff

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Now I almost want Sony to perma ban seen porn games just to trigger turbo virgin autists like you

>this is the best looking game out on the market

Attached: 1523130730080.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

There are no porn games on PS4 nor have there ever been. Porn games are not the issue you lying fucking retarded piece of shit. Sony literally censors WOMEN IN BIKINIS.

Well yes, both are going to be in the opposite positions. Microsoft not being in a position to be risky. Likely to play it safe. Sony being in a position of power. Assuming their 80 million strong fanbase will follow them to the PS5 regardless of what it is or what the price will be. Sony will push their luck as far as they can, trying to exploit their own fanbase as much as possible, like always when you were the winner last gen. Then it will be up to those 80 million. How many of them just wanted revenge for the Xbox One scandal? How many of them were actually genuine players? And how many of them were mindless shills willing to buy whatever Sony puts out? Time will tell, but I do have a theory on it. Its that success feeds success. Plenty of people don't buy a console until it has a big enough fanbase to promise that it won't get dropped or abandoned later on. So it goes: console is greatly successful at launch, grows quickly, then just as it slows down, a bunch of people that waited for it to be safe jump on board, it experiences a second boost in sales speed, and once the second phase wears off, by that point it has caught on enough to where they no longer need to compete anymore. With anyone at all. For example, if the PS4 stopped at 50 million sales, nobody would really complain, that is already insanely successful. Besides spiteful console warriors of course, but they do not count.

For me, it boils down to if Sony actually has the nerve to bundle their PSVR with the PS5, like Microsoft tried to do with the Kinect. Do they?

>solid slate drive

is wales the new silicon valley?

This is pathetic.
Kill yourself already

>over saturation
It looks awful and so fake/unrealistic.

Wonder if FF7 Remake and Death Stranding will release directly for PS5.

>and on top of all every game is censored so hard for the lgbtretard community, that you will never see anything remotely normal again

At this point Sony is just a marketeer for this game

Sony can take their So(n)y station and just fuck off. I will never buy any Sony product again. Having 8k without big busty boobies is worse than having 240p with small boobs

All this and it'll still be a decade behind PC once again consoles hold back the master race

Imagine being a retard enough to be willing to give Sony money for digital product when there are piles of leftshit swines running around, waking one day and finding out that your account was cancelled and purchases erased because your name sounded just too russian or because of some made up bolshevik -ism.

I'll buy it if it has exclusives I want to play, simple as that. If not, I'll skip. Would enjoy Spider-Man 2 or a Bloodborne 2.

Never bought an xbone because lack of exclusives, and was rewarded by having them be ported. Buying consoles really is as simple as that if you have the money to spend.

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Pretty much dis.

spoken like a true snoyboy

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you are "held back" no matter what, with the shitty OS you play on, Denuvo anti tamper and games requiring driver updates to actually work

Why would any company ever make a console then? Why would anyone buy one of not for exclusives you fucking retard?

Paying for online then calling anyone who disagrees a poor like the hypocritical fags they are

>games requiring driver updates to actually work
Not all games.

so consoles are actually gonna make hardware that uses the pcie5.0 spec?
prediction 64gb flash soldiered onto the board

Cope harder having competent hardware I can customize to alleviate what ever "bog" the OS and DRM issues vs having a shitty console and it's bare bones OS it's no contest. The easiest way to deal with denuvo? Don't buy crappy AAA games from ubishit, even Sega stopped using it

fuck censorship and fuck SIE cali

>Blaming the os and not shitty PC ports and consoles being proprietary as they hold higher market share because consoletards will impulsively buy whatever is advertised to them on tv
Miss me with that retarded shit user try again

It’s nice that my PS4 library will work on ps5. Day one purchase just for that.

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>I haven't used a computer since xp
So you only use nigga technology?

>unironically buying a console in 2019

Windows 10 is worse

>Being so brain washed that you'll suck Sony's dick for allowing you to play games you already bought on top of Sony limiting backwards compatibility in the past for muh profits
Consolefags are literally brainlets

If pc would sell physical copies I would reconsider. But physical for pc nowadays is either a cardboard disc or a disc with the steam launcher data on it.

If it has good exclusives, and if you're not poor, why not?

I already own PlayStations 1-4.

Having an extra machine that can play ps4 games would be handy.

You don't need windows 10 to play on PC but yes windows 10 is spybloatware

Nice meme. The console is mainly responsible for holding back PC a lot. The games in PS1-PS2 era look a lot better on PC. Sony and its seething fanbois were not happy about this, so Sony forced the game devs to not give PC gamers a favor - making their games utilizing powerful PC resources, so the games on PC look vastly better than on the console.

Attached: PC vs consoles in 1997.png (913x479, 412K)

Bad news, physical is over so many good games are digital only now

That anti PC stance is why Ken Kutagari is gone, Sony doesn't hate PC, they want exclusives to compete with Nintendo. They had no trouble letting Insomniac and Quantic Dream do as they want on PC.
