Assassins Creed Unity FREE

Claim it on Uplay now user

Attached: notre-dame-ac-unity_348284.jpg (960x540, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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How does giving away a game for free equate to solidarity? It’s basically just advertising their franchise.

no thank you. free trash is still trash.

Why not on the PS4? Or X1?
Like, I don't get it, why is it always the PC?

It is.


After updates its not bad at all. It's the last ACTUAL Assassins creed game.

Nice try ubisoft but I'm not falling for that one.

Good I still have that trash installed from playing Anno beta. Good job fire.

Because Sony and micro gets a cut of sales, if it's free it means no money for them, uplay is from ubisoft so they can just say whatever.

I think they need to pay microsoft and sony for each game so you don't see this with consoles.

because they don't lose sales by giving it away to pirate master race

Because the PC code is literally worth nothing

you have to pay for everything on consoles
they literally charge for everything

Free or not Sony/MS require a cut of any sale. Meaning giving it away for free would cost them money, Uplay is owned by them so it's no issue.

Because you don't have a choice, paypig.

That's pretty nice of them actually.

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>need to create a Uplay account

>Have to download 20+ gigabytes

That's more bother than I'd ever pay for one of those games.

gonna need a source on that claim

This user really makes me think. Why do people still shill for consoles on this board when the value of steam sales/free games has been demonstrated time and time again?

I was expecting this

So since it's free, it's morally acceptable to pirate it, right?

uplay and their website especially is probably the shittiest site and launcher along with bethesda's and the epic's store
I don't understand these faggots saying it's fine
there is absolutely not one thing that is okay with it

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it was moral to pirate in the first place

Because there's no middleman you have to pay on PC.

Cool, gives me something new to play over the long weekend.

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Nope, piratefags need to die.

thats a lot of ass

It's morally acceptable to pirate rushed out buggy mess from big corporation any day of the week. It's not like the devs aren't wage slaves and will get royalties from the sales.

For how long. I wont be at my computer for few days.

Why do you have duplicates and why don't you have Origins since you have all that?

Get a load of this loser

The game is free though.
Pirating it let's me not download their botnet and/or bitcoin miner.

You only have to log in on this page
And it will be added to your uplay library

there was a pricing error on uplay in my region once and the whole animus collection, which doesn't include origin, was like 30 cent
the dupes are the games I was actually foolish enough to buy

Hint hint, that's what literally everybody does when a tragedy happens. Whether it's monetary or social, the only reason anybody talks about tragedies that they aren't a part of is that they want to show everybody how nice they are. I'll bet you any amount of money 90% of the USA thought the Notre Dame cathedral was "from that Disney movie"

>Sony and Microsoft charge a fee for distributing on their platform
how hard is this to understand? do you really need a source?

>playing asscreed
i'd rather eat my own shit than play asscreed

>Not already having a uplay account
>Having shite internet
Imagine being a third world shitter

so if the pyramids blew up they would give out Origins and if something happened in Athen they would give out Odyssey?


Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

so you're eating your own shit

mustardrace wiuns once again baybay

yeah and ubisoft paid already for that. i have doubts that they would have to give sony money for each "sale" if they decide to make the game free

Good luck trying to destroy the pyramids user, they're the most stable human creation of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Is the game fun? Literally never played an AC but I'm kinda tempted.

The fee is charged for every sale. A sale counts for everyone who purchases the game regardless of its price.

eh, you might as well try
it's not quite like the old games
the first step towards a new direction, so to speak
but since you have no prior knowledge in the series, it shouldn't be too jarring if you do decide to try it out

ubisoft is a French company user.
they wouldnt care about the rest of the world.

Not fun enough to download STDs to your computer.

Go for it.At least you'll enjoy the sights, the game is gorgeous.

This and Based, the series is now a failure and even this blatant marketing scam wont save it

Did you skip the part about donations? And because, as the picture implies, you can climb all over the Notre Dame and gain a better appreciation of it. No shit it's a marketing stunt but at least that sounds like fun. Problem is I'm sure you have to play through however many hours of their slog of a story before they let you do that.

You climb on things and try your best to avoid the god awful combat by getting close go your target and stabbing them quickly.

fuck off

>open Uplay launcher
>no way to claim the game there
>go on their website
>store is slow as fuck
>get 504d
Everybody having their own store and launcher sure is a benefit for the consumer! :^)

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they give sony 30% of every sale. i don't believe that they need to pay sony money for every download when the game is free unless you show me some proof

>try to download it
>cant make sense of uplay
is it actually possible or they tricking me?

I claimed it in Uplay just fine. It was a picture on the front page.

it's a page on the news page user

Black Flag was the last time I actually had fun with this series, it was a good game

you bought watch dogs and siege
that's some ultra shit taste you got there pardner

Worst parts in Black Flag were the assassin parts.

whatever you say dude

FUCK what's my password? Does anyone know?

cool, haven't played an AC game since Brotherhood.
I'll be forced to download uplay either way if I want to play Anno

>you still have to type in all the credit card info

I pirated it and deleted it after 2 hours of playing

What makes you think I'm interested?


Really? I loved Black Flag but I'm also loving Odyssey, and it was the same team that made Black Flag.

well i dont really give a shit if you believe me or not but thats the way it is. do all sony dick riders like you really believe sony is some ethical company that wont take money off a game dev whos putting out a game for free in light of a historic tragedy?

see it censors it

so you have no proof, ok then

How the fuck do you use uPlay? Where even is the store? WHAT THE FUCK

Seems appropiate.
Both game and the fire were a disaster

you see the store button up top?
yeah, that's the store


I'm not sure how you could have trouble with this UI

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why didnt we get anything for 911

Well I mean its generally accepted that Sony and Microsoft take a cut for all sales, regardless of their pricing (which is set at a fixed price). If you're really in denial about this there's nothing that will make you change your mind.

What's wrong with my launcher?? There is no store.

>They didn't redone spire into minaret
Oy vey


It's such a shame the story and side content is shit, everything else is solid, assassinations are fun as fuck.

did you actually launch the launcher?
or did you launch a game on steam
cause the launcher that launches when you launch a Ubisoft game on steam is different

>No dlc
Pirate version still better


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I didn't have the store tab either, a restart fixed it though

Strange, no idea why it's like that. I've never even bought anything from uplay, all my games on it were free or from steam.

thanks ubisoft employee, that actually worked.

There's a store button? Since fucking when?

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No they thought the University of Notre Dame was on fire

that's fucking retarded, but even when I open it separate from a game I get the same shit

What's bad about the game? I only see bad optimization but that's fixed apparently

>plot is shitty
>really bad voice acting
>combat is clumsy
>maybe just a personal issue, but I feel like every AC title since AC Brotherhood has given the player less and less control when freerunning due to longer animations and weird ledge magnetism

Does this have Brotherhood multiplayer?

Nothing. It was pretty buggy on release.

>ANNO 1800 Open Beta a few days ago
>Now AAA AssCreed game for free
Ubitrash is on fire lately.

PC version has uplay.
That's reason enough to avoid it like the plague.

did you close the launcher fully before launching it again?

name one thing wrong with it

they give out free games all the time user, its part of their marketing on 4channel.

I'm not in denial i just don't believe that sony for example charges epic games every time someone downloads fortnite. at least without some proof because this sounds retarded.

the reason unity is only free on PC is because ubisoft wants people to download uplay and to be liked by pc players. pc autists are basically the only people who really care about publishers anyways so no reason to give the game away on consoles

>ac unity is a GAME
>the GAME is being given away for free
>want to obtain the free GAME
>Doesn't click 'Game', just stays in 'News'
user, why the fuck are you like this? This shit is so obvious and I haven't used uplay in over 2 years when I claimed AC black flag for free and immediately logged out

fortnite is a free game
not a game given away for free

I did, doing the exact same thing again got it working though, although now I'm being told the store is down

Nah, last game that had multiplayer was Black Flag.This one has co-op though

There's a reason the DLC for Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 was free on PC but cost money on console.

i also don't believe that they would charge ubisoft for every download of unity if unity were made free

Honestly what's wrong with it? I for one love how it tracks how many people you killed outside of the game so I can feel more of a sociopath.

just click that you stupid

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user ubisoft will have to pay me before I play their trash.

Free is not good enough.

GAMES just takes me to my library you fucking nigger, don't think I didn't try that shit first?

You ready for the new Minaret to be built in place of the old spire anons?
It's good their willing to change it, they have the original design after all, since it will be a great celebration of the new vibrant face of France.

Consider giving a blowjob to a Beretta, please.

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Clearly you didn't, you stupid nigger

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Is it better or worse than Syndicate, cause that one was the last one I played and I wasn't a big fan of it. I know it was completely shit at launch but I heard to got kinda better after a few patches.

just click on the news nigar

>assassinations are fun as fuck
This. Unity's and Syndicate's assassinations are the best in the series. No idea why they changed them to be just like every other mission in Origins.

Oh he finna boutta do it!

>less and less control in free running
Due to all the fancy animations there's very little time for player input. Climbing needs to be more rewarding than "hold up and X to auto climb"

>Another fucking launcher
>Eats ram like candy. Almost as bad as steam
>Retarded interface
>You need to have it running to play ubisoft games
>If you're not retarded and don't care about ubisoft points, it adds nothing.

>Haven't used my Ubishit account in years.
>Log into website to claim this (((Free))) game because why not
>Doesn't work
>Change PW
>Check Security
>Apparently someone (((Hacked))) my account recently

Fuck Ubisoft, I would never install Uplay on my machine, especially after this.

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>how many people you killed outside of the game

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And consider doing an hero with a KSG on a livestream.

Attached: 1531654387479.png (1892x1039, 757K)

>doesn't enable 2FA

>502 Bad Gateway
Thank you based Ubisoft

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literally the first place I checked, it wasn't there until I restarted the client twice, but at that point the store was there anyway

so basically like every launcher

More games with Notre Dame in it?? I can only remember KH 3D

its not in the games tab you retarded mongoloid, its for games you already own.

With Antichrist YOU WIN

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but then I'd have to download unity

One launcher is already too much.

use this fucking link you retards


you're wrong, and a dipshit

point to me where it is

Attached: where.png (1883x832, 1.71M)

I had the same problem just a few minutes ago, something's going on with the launcher


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Works on my machine Not my fault your version is retarded


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are you from the UK?

>donating 500K when BIG DICK WHALES are donating 100 million
Nice try Ubisoft

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kill yourself


>some unrelated washed up has been should have a monopoly on their games instead of the fucking developer/publisher himself
good goy

No thanks, probably skipping out on this month's Humble Monthly too since all they're showing is a fucking Uplay Key for a shitty asscreed game

Attached: hate.jpg (279x259, 31K)

ayy, that worked, thanks

You do realize that even if you got it on Steam you would still have to use uPlay

>try to "buy" the game through to the store instead
>fill the "payment" options
>everything is green and good to go
>confirmation options are still greyed out
Good lord, Uplay is fucking trash. I guess I'll download the actual launcher because the one who comes with games bought from Steam just doesn't work even if you launch it separately.

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can someone burn something in london i need syndicate as well

I don't see the option anywhere, there isn't a link in the news article and for some reason they don't even have a store tab.

>tfw you're so jaded you won't even take games for free
if i wanted to play it i'll just pirate it.

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you have a defect launcher
close it and launch it again

>everybody is doing fine in traffic
Yes. the problem is most likely you, you fucking dipshit.


DLCs worth buying?

>unironically trying to say uPlay isn't an inconsistent fucking shitheap of a program that will just break whenever the fuck it wants
maybe jump from a high place

Well that worked, thanks.
What a great launcher, thank you Ubisoft.

>uninstall the old launcher
>install the one from the website
>still no store tab
Wew lad.

Pc always wins.

Uplay has two different modes
a stripped down version, usually launched when the game is launched in other launchers
and the full version

You're not jaded, you're a realist. I pirated this game and deleted it a few hours after, purely out of boredom. I'd probably have to be mentally disabled to even care that it's free now. It was always free for me, and I still don't want to play it.

works fine for me

>open launcher
>wait 5 seconds for it to update
>click on game
>wait 5 minutes for it to download
>click on play
>game launches

Yes, fuck off, if the game doesn't show up in my Steam library and I don't see my hours go up on it in MY STEAM LIBRARY then I'm not getting it, even if it's free.

admins delet this

They are all free I think, since the game was shit at launch.

>unironically too braindead retarded to operate a video game launcher properly
>thinks he's some kind of tragic hero for that

use the link in this post if you have trouble.

quick is there anyone in Italy?

Don't be mean to ubishills, they're the nicest shills we get on the board.

That's poor taste op.

I'm going to pirate it anyways because I won't download another fucking launcher

>buy games through Steam first
>get labelled as a Steam user and can't access the store
Can we just fucking nuke Montreal already?

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Who wants to see 9/11 2?

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Hey guys, did you know that if you save up your Uplay Points, you can exchange it for a 20% off coupon?
pretty great deal if you ask me :)

I've never seen a countershill this obvious, who do you work for?

Nah user, Syndicate is not worth it.

Nice, I'm going to bomb Egypt next and see if I can get Origins free

>buying a plane ticket to Egypt and Greece just to destroy millennia old buildings in order to get 2 shitty games for free

Nice, I already got it on PS4 because my PC couldn't handle it at the time but now it can. Think I'll finish it in PS4Pro since there's no way to transfer save file and DLC even if I use the same uPlay account for both. I'll definitely replay it on PC if I ever get around to it though.

With all these people and companies donating to the restoration effort I wonder if the Vatican themselves will actually donate seeing as how it's theirs, probably not since the Church is one big money and tax scheme to profit from poor old lonely people they can trick into gifting their inheritances ala Blackadder/Monty Python and Vatican City and its mafia bankers exist solely to launder money. See the Vatican banker found dead hanging under a bridge with bricks in his pockets:
>Calvi, dubbed "God's banker" because of his work with the Vatican, was found hanging from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars bridge in London on 18 June 1982. Bricks had been stuffed in his pockets and he had more than £10,000 in cash on him. In the months before his death he had been accused of stealing millions being laundered on behalf of the mafia. His death was originally ruled a suicide but later judged to be murder.

>originally ruled a suicide
>hanging under a bridge above the water where someone hung him from a boat

Notre Dame was another false flag, the fire was started with a high energy weapon (google California Fires high energy weapon)

The reason for it was for both as an attack on Christian Culture (there was 10 Catholic Churches attacked this year alone in France) and as tactic to keep Macron in charge as he was about to be removed as President

why the fuck you want Syndicate

oh yes, and I've heard that these coupons sometime even stack on top of pre-existing sales!
pretty great deal if you ask me :)

Somebody bomb the white house so we get 3 for free

thats probably a stipulation from valve, in all likelyhood.
whatever, the workaround is easy enough.

you know those started to expire since this month

lmao stores are down
who did it
russians or chinks

oh no, you better spend them fast then!
great deals like these don't just exist forever you know :)

You really think someone would do that? Just come on here to lower the opinion the board has of its competitors?


Speak for yourself, I've been getting Bad Getaways at checkout for nearly half an hour. Never worked so hard to "buy" a game in my life.

>i have crippling autism and don't know how to clink a link therefore the problem is the publisher
Someone literally posted a direct link in this very thread, retard-kun.

calm down
the 3rd worlders are probably rushing in to grab their free shit
the Uplay store doesn't see much action and is getting gang raped by 3rd world monkeys

Based and redpilled

Attached: 1500713734109.jpg (960x912, 173K)

>haven't touch uPlay in years
Still got 7 games on my library all from giveways but still haven't played any of them, thanks based Ubi

Attached: Dfcs2gHX0AADj8- (1).jpg (680x544, 40K)

>open link
>takes me to online store
>405 again
gee, thanks :)

I wouldn't install uplay if you paid me

but then I'd have to download uplay...

Also wasn't this the one with the enormous amount of bugs? More than usual I mean.

Fuck off ubishill.

I don't know what that dingus' problem is, but he's basing his entire argument off this SINGLE instance of it ever happening.
It happened TEN years ago, and it's not because they charge every time someone downloads a game, it's because Microsoft literally did not comprehend why they would want to give the DLC away for free, not that microsoft wouldn't let them do so, but that they seriously and genuinely could not comprehend why someone would give game content away for free and endlessly insisted that Valve charge for it, so after constant berating from microsoft they set the price.

From this ONE example (I could not locate any others), he is assuming that this practice still exists today and they would be being charged for it, regardless of how they have the game set cost wise. All of that aside, that practice IS normal because they typically pay Sony/Microsoft to host the gamefiles and the handle the networking, and that cost is included in the publishing fees the pay them, not on a per download cost.

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Does it still run like a fermented asshole?

Anyone want the Ezio trilogy for free?

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nah, just requires a strong CPU

don't listen to that retard user.

watch dogs is a good game

Works on my machine :^)

>open uplay
>get game
>all these kekolds having trouble redeeming a game
It's that easy

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Beggers can't be choosers

At launch it was like dog shit, but now it plays well.

>ubishills itt

Revelations is in Constantinople, you'd need to target the Hagia Sophia

>buying games through Uplay in the first place
Imagine being this much of a nigger.

I mean yeah, free shit is always nice. giving it away yourself or is there some other promo going on

>buying games

>muh ubishills
It's a free game you mongs, more than anything this shit is costing ubisoft bandwidth because gorillions of third worlders who redeems this shit won't buy anything ever from uplay.

>hairline suddenly changes

siege is pretty good though

>console peasant asking why he doesn't receive the same treatment as the pc mustard race
You thought that the memes about console cucks being nigger-tier were just memes? Enjoy your 30 fps

It's literally just not appearing in uplay for people because ubisoft is incompetent

Watch Dogs is going to be treated as an underrated gem in 30 years you just wait

It's unfornately one of the worst one, plot goes nowhere, it's peak ubi-cluttered-map and the game had a fair share of technical problems at launch. They're apparently kind of resolved but to the detriment to the lightning quality which was dope at release.
Still, the game was gorgeous, Paris was great to rediscover, the protag is very nimble (probably the best parkour of the entire frachise). There's also some cool things they've done with the animus I enjoyed at the time.
All in all, for free, you should enjoy it.

I got the free game, and I didn't even have to open Uplay because I'm not fucking retarded

just don't be stressed and eat healthy

>all these people who are too incompetent to click a link
>all these people who are out of the region where they're giving the game away and cannot read
>all these people getting genuinely assdestroyed because they can't play a bottom-barrel single player yearly rehash shitpile
I wasn't expecting so many laughs in this thread, but thanks for the game I'll never play and the salty tears

Attached: 1547185405531.gif (339x278, 2.95M)

>have haircut
>get thicker hair

wow why did no one tell me this

It's not treated as such, but it really is underrated. It's a good game, it's just that Ubisoft fucked up the marketing and overhyped it, so the people were misled into thinking that it was going to be something it's not. Marketers are the ones to blame, but objectively, Watch Dogs is decent at worst. There's some repetitive gameplay, but overall it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

>Playing on consoles
Get cucked, pleb.

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>ubicucks unironically coming out of nowhere to convince people to play this trash

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>free game

You have to go back.

what's a good fps then?

Thank Valve for saying "If they download from us, then you can't have the store on it"

Even buzz cut would look better than whatever that gay is rocking so yes haircut helps.

>it's because Microsoft literally did not comprehend why they would want to give the DLC away for free
No. It has more to do with Microsoft's major-patch policy. They only allow 2 major patches for free, because they think that will make devs test/retest their patches before rollout. To prevent devs from saying "It's just free DLC bro, totally not a patch" they have that in place.

I'd say it's pretty deserving of its rating. In a few years, people would look back and see that it had a lot of wasted potential. Just like every other Ubisoft IP

Lmao that cope he still looks like shit

>can pirate it for free since launch
>it's shit anyway so who gives a fuck
>b-but ubisoft is now letting me have it for free without having to feel bad!!!! Fucking pirate loser download the game it's free!!!!!
I don't care, Ubisoft makes shit games, stay assblasted shit eater.

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>AC games are good again

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huh? this game was always free on utorrent platform

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lmao you'd have to pay me to play this shit

dude mastered the squint irl by the way


Who said that?

Thx for the heads up Opie, and thx based mudslimes for burning that shit down.

At least it's not 3 or Syndicate.

It doesn't. They're dropping fat stacks onto the restoration project and shilling their game as a side project.

My plan has succeeded.

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LMAO seethe harder

what the fuck actually a nice move from ubisoft?

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why would anyone want EA's grubby dirty money? Didn't the Notre Dame get like 700mil already? that's like a hundred times as much as needed? maybe 200? what will happen with excess money in these situations?

why does it look like Anor Londo?

it's easy to tell that you are american

>ass creed

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I'm sure he's really seething, because XBone and PS4 have gotten like 6 free AssCreed games in the last 3 years.

well they're french niggas
montreal, but you know what I mean

>assassin's creed unity is now the only game where you can see the 700 years old cathedral as the real one has chunks of it completely lost forever

see in this case I can appreciate asscreed for the simulated anime history it is

Reminder they are a French company. So don't try chat shit about them being kikes

Is the game any good? abandoned the series after Revelations
Ezioa >>>> everyone else

Thanks for the heads up OP/Ubisoft Shill

Attached: Varg Notre Dame.png (1079x974, 644K)

No one cares about your nigger infested, third world country Pìerre.

My bad, I looked it up. Thank you for that picture.

Notre Dame < Catacombs. Paris Catacombs are very comfy, and that's not me being edgy, the bones scare off most people thus it's comfy there.

I'll pass. Unity is commonly regarded as the worst AC. They completely dropped the ball with this game considering how hyped up the fanbase was about a French Revolution game.

not very self aware are we?

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On xbox alone we've had:
>AC4 (360/ONE)
>AC Chronicles (3 games)

just downloaded it but I can't run it

You should play Ghost Recon wildlands that game is pretty good, on extreme and ghostmode.

why does 100% look so troubled? his, atleast, grows back.

I can max out this game at 1440p 60fps now and it is far far uglier than I remember. Fog and pop in everywhere, it's hideous. (cutscenes) are still good)

once again, american
arabs are the real issue. Niggers are what 5% of the population including places like Martinique and such?

the tragedy does not end quite yet

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How's the multi? only played the pirated version a few years back

but the first assassination mission took place in notre dame tho

Wow convincing counter argument


Not the same user fags. We should have let the Reich burn your pisspot country to the ground.

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>We are saddened by the Notre Dame fires and want people to go into our game and look at it. But only if you download our turd launcher and give it your credit card number. Want to look at Notre Dame on Steam? Fuck you!

I'd pirate it if I didn't already do so and find out the game is buggy unfun shit.

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memery and wether a race is superior to another aside, would total racemixed Entropy (everyone being the same mutt) end racism actually? I got told people will just use Nationalism to hate on others.

>and give it your credit card number
wait what

I might have tried it but I'm not giving them my payment info

"x is good" is not an argument either btw

but you'd be stupidly naive if you think that getting rid of racism means people will stop finding ways to think they're superior to others

doubtful, if class hierarchies and languages are still different

user is stupid

>if you don't like this shitty game you don't like FPS at all

he simply asked for your opinion user
what do you consider a good fps

all I did was ask you to name a fps you like

This. The only reason I appreciated these games were for the real intent to recreate the aesthetic and architecture of the time where the games are taking place.

I bet you could dam up the Nile river and flood all the pyramids.

just have a Uplay account and click the giveaway link
not sure what user is lying about

just name a game that you think is better, so we can all have a laugh


makes perfect sense, and then there is religion. How about a homogenous space colony (same religion, race, political leanings)? will humans even then find a way to fuck it up? I'm asuming the colony is isolated from Earth due black hole magic or something.

>bought it two weeks ago
What the fuck is up with this bullshit, I also bought ACIII one month before it was given for free access.

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from how handsome you look, how tall you are, how you smell, how much hair you have, how neat are your teeth, how does your voice sound, the color of your eyes
the list never stops
if ending inequality is your goal, then becoming clones is the only way to achieve this

nice. I got black flag, odyssey, and now unity for free. based ubi

Is it free for life or just some weekend bullshit?

It's just cause we're better than you

Free for life, my niggah.

bootlickers like you belong on a cross

the fuck are you on about nigger? Unity was never good this is literally just a big publicity stun, kill yourself

Machine race led by AI basicly?

>got a free game that I can't even run on my shitty Pre-Installed PC and can't even afford a budget or even save money to build a better PC since I'm unfit for work due to mental illness and depression even though I live in a 1st world country

It's all just a fucking joke these days.

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Rising Storm
Red Orchestra
>inb4 assblasted ubishill cope trying to pretend as if their shitty hero shooter is better than any of these just because Ubisoft basically told them to by giving it away for free

shouldn't you be getting goverment gibs user?

In my defense I thought it was from the school. Didn't know the Disney movie was real

>election tourists can't spoiler

See, I like most of these games. I never played Call of Duty after 2, any of the halo games or Titanfall 2. But I also like Siege. Don't get me wrong, I hate ubisoft and what they did to open world games like any other guy, but Siege isn't one of them and it's really good. Granted, I've only been playing for a few months and supposedly it wasn't so good at launch but who cares, right now it's one of the best modern fps games IN MY OPINION
thanks for reading my blog

>actually "playing" the game that is, 20 seconds of gameplay interrupted with 2 minutes of cut scenes
I didn't expect anything and I'm still disappointed. Boggles my mind that people are actually giving their money for this shit.

Because everyone pirates on PC so it's literally zero loss to promote their franchise.

Fuck this takes me back I though in 2014 man this game has bugs but fuck its gorgeous! Cant imagine how will future ac games look like ...
5 years later and the graphics havent still improved kek thanks PS4 and Xbox one

Thank you based muslim arsonist

>right now it's one of the best modern fps games IN MY OPINION
That just means you have shit taste.

game is gorgeous on pc
it's a tourism game

you realize they already have to hand out free games for PS+? although I'm not sure if there was an AC game for that

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oh and also I admitted I like most of the games you like so you must have shit taste too eh?

Is it get it free now and have it forever?


No way fag

Not since the argument of taste was specifically in regards to Siege, which I and someone else already said was shit. Nice coping mechanism, dumb ass.

Does Ubisoft have a price matching policy? You might be in luck then since it's still under 30 days.

>needs to pay subscription

560 a month. Rent is over 500.

Oh no some fag on 4channel told me I have shit taste for liking a video game, brb got to kill myself

I see you, newfag.

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fuck no



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I personally didn't like how hand holdy and almost on rails the parkour felt. I felt I had more freedom in the Ezio games.

You've always been able to get the 360 games with gold for free without gold or even a console by redeeming them on your phone or pc through the ms website.

>getting this assblasted over this
Just admit you have shit taste and go away already. You're the only one here trying to defend ubisofts garbage games and you're getting mad when people call you dumb for being a shit eater.

>ubisoft being based

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oh fug

Attached: 1507517609329.gif (320x362, 1.99M)

>implying anyone will remember it even existed in 10 years

Fuck, I bought it recently too.

based sociopath retard

How is he a retard if he is 100% correct here?

how the fuck do you find a game on this awful store? this is more hassle than buying, even for a free game

I couldn't be more relaxed actually, I know it's cool to hate ubisoft games but I'm way past the stage of trying to fit in here and I can admit they actually made a good one. Try using your own experience to form opinions instead of parroting Yea Forums

If you only bought games through Steam previously, the store just doesn't show up at all.

Unity is the best asscreed btw, literally the only downside is the lack of French accents

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click the link in the thread you fuck
don't even need to open Uplay

clicked send before finishing, I meant to finish with you'll enjoy life a lot more :)

I was phoneposting sorry kek

I already have it on steam for ~$19. The game sucked compared to the previous game. It took away so many mechanics for shitty alternatives.

Imagine admitting that you are an election tourist.

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>maybe just a personal issue, but I feel like every AC title since AC Brotherhood has given the player less and less control when freerunning due to longer animations and weird ledge magnetism
Yes, finally. Someone that sees it.

I've never played any AC games, will I like this one? Or is the story of this one connected to the other games?.

>how many people you killed outside of the game
Oh shit.

Big cringe from me senpai
I’ll just pirate it instead

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eh, there are assassin's and templars
assassin's want chaos because they think it means freedom, templars want control because they think obedience is the true freedom
also there are ayylmaos

>Ubisoft also donated 500k for the restoration
Absolutely based!

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What is it with third worlders and this horrendous browser font rendering? Is it a linux thing? What gives?

good job guys
you broke Uplay

Your passive aggressive butthurt is visible through my computer screen. Cope more, shit eater.

Any way to link the Uplay and Steam accounts so I can run it from the latter? It will still use the Uplay launcher, of course, but it would be more convenient.

>they broke Notre Dame
>now they broke Uplay so you can't have virtual Notre Dame

Those beady still look creepy.
Wouldn't let this loser anywhere near my pussy

you can just buy the game on Uplay and use the add non-steam game function on steam

So you need to enter your address and CC info into the store in order to claim the game? Maybe ill pass.

did you use the fucking link?
you know
the one posted repeatedly in this very fucking thread?


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Yes sir

Attached: Untitled.png (640x480, 285K)

Do I have to download their shitty client to claim the game or just making an account is enough?

I forgot my password so I tried to get it on browser where it connects with psn account, then it asks for fucking credit card, but half way through it cancels cause too many attempts to login. Ask to change password and it won't send any email. It shouldn't be this fucking annoying just to get a free game.

At least Watch Doggers 2 does something mildly interesting with letting you approach levels through the use of drones, making you feel more like what a hacker would be even if it's still ripe with Hollywood hacking. The first one is just mediocre through and through.


Consider my advice, I'm going to stop replying now, I've read enough buzzwords for today

>OH NO MUH CHURCH that we don't even use since we're not really Christian
seriously Eurocucks? At least I can understand Murricans bitching about muh two towers because people died

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>like 6 free AssCreed games in the last 3 years.
Wait what

Keep coping, shit eater.

>Unity is commonly regarded as the worst AC.
But it's not Syndicate.

Absolutely false.

I think it's twice as old as your country, so I think people have a right to be upset

user, it doesn't matter how homogenous you make people. They will always find a way to hate their others.

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SEETHING fucking kekking my ass off at you consolefucks

>Grows his missing arm

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Shart in mart eternally btfo

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Same, are you a piratechad too by any chance?

This but unironically.

Is this gal trustworthy?

Attached: eaeq.gif (245x278, 1.99M)

>burn down some church buildings
>get free vidya

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Isn't Unity the worst asscreed though?

At launch it was, but not anymore.

it's free who cares

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Based muslim bros getting us free games.

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but Lizzie aren't you of French descent?

>turn on Uplay
>activate free game
>turn off Uplay
I'll probably never even play it.


you got me there
I'm not murrican

________ eternally btfo

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