He STILL thinks western shit has a chance in smash HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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haha great thread and ohhhhh
fuck THE MODS!!!!


Fuck off retarded rosterfag
This is now a thread to discuss the announcement of Touhou 17

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I still haven't beaten a single one of these fucking games. I get to the final boss and choke every time fucking kill me dude

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You should do the first 3 stages perfectly before attempting what I consider the actual game
If you still have problems just beat the last stage with continues and practice it

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in stages 5 and 6 just fucking bomb my dude. You gain resources in stages 1-3 so you can bomb the everliving fuck out of any pattern that looks at you funny. Then you game over because the final spellcard is immune to bombs

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Hi, how's it going?

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look fun, like every other touhou.

It looks really dark for a 2hu game. Will it beat SA as the "darkest" touhou game?

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That little blue fuckwad ruined my faith in Sakurai's judgment.

Why did it have to be fucking Youmu. I would have prefered Reisen, Sakuya, Sanae, Aya, or even fucking Cirno again over the dumb dork.

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why? Shovel's a good boy. he dindu nothing

Youmu bros, dab on this nigger.

Why is backdoor lady sad

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dumb dork is my wife

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fuck off secondary
leave touhou out of this

wrong cuz the last 5 touhous arent good

lolk was fun

>the only way to have Touhou threads is to piggyback off the Smash autism that's never moderated by the jannies

That's so sad.


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>he didn't know about when we used to hijack every thread on Yea Forums pre-/jp/

I just want playable Orin once

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I've never played smash and I've never owned a Nintendo console. Hopefully it stays that way a kiddie machine and nothing actually good comes out on it.

fuck off with your toddler bing bing wahoo games, where's the thread talking about the new touhou?

>still forcing this meme

Se already had 3-4 of them bro
Both hit bump limit

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What is this an rpg maker game?

>spell practice

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We just had one, dingus.
No continuous threads until the nips stream the game.

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I wonder if ZUN will release the game on steam early on this time or if we'll have to wait for ages

Dude it's a stable since IN

>affording rice

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fuckkk i cant find them

no? IN, TD, and HSiFS are the only ones with Spell practice

Snake got in tho...


nice shit graphics
was this drawn by a 12 year old lol

Is there gonna be a steam release

Didn't take long for pictures to start coming up

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They were drawn by god himself
You are just a blashemous demon

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