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He STILL thinks western shit has a chance in smash HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Jaxon Perez
Carson Stewart
haha great thread and ohhhhh
fuck THE MODS!!!!
Brody Davis
Nolan Cox
Fuck off retarded rosterfag
This is now a thread to discuss the announcement of Touhou 17
Nolan Morgan
I still haven't beaten a single one of these fucking games. I get to the final boss and choke every time fucking kill me dude
Kevin Turner
You should do the first 3 stages perfectly before attempting what I consider the actual game
If you still have problems just beat the last stage with continues and practice it
Benjamin Wilson
in stages 5 and 6 just fucking bomb my dude. You gain resources in stages 1-3 so you can bomb the everliving fuck out of any pattern that looks at you funny. Then you game over because the final spellcard is immune to bombs
Kevin Morris
Hi, how's it going?
Jonathan Rogers
look fun, like every other touhou.
Christopher Fisher
It looks really dark for a 2hu game. Will it beat SA as the "darkest" touhou game?
Bentley Perez
That little blue fuckwad ruined my faith in Sakurai's judgment.
Luis Jackson
Why did it have to be fucking Youmu. I would have prefered Reisen, Sakuya, Sanae, Aya, or even fucking Cirno again over the dumb dork.
Adam James
why? Shovel's a good boy. he dindu nothing
Nicholas Foster
Youmu bros, dab on this nigger.
Jace Bennett
Why is backdoor lady sad
Leo Taylor
dumb dork is my wife
Blake Smith
fuck off secondary
leave touhou out of this
Jackson Harris
wrong cuz the last 5 touhous arent good
Lincoln Collins
lolk was fun
Jace Turner
>the only way to have Touhou threads is to piggyback off the Smash autism that's never moderated by the jannies
That's so sad.
Noah Green
Luis Powell
Jacob Lopez
>he didn't know about when we used to hijack every thread on Yea Forums pre-/jp/
Juan Miller
I just want playable Orin once
Ethan Johnson
Jace James
I've never played smash and I've never owned a Nintendo console. Hopefully it stays that way a kiddie machine and nothing actually good comes out on it.
Brody Cox
fuck off with your toddler bing bing wahoo games, where's the thread talking about the new touhou?
Nolan Lopez
>still forcing this meme
Mason Johnson
Se already had 3-4 of them bro
Both hit bump limit
Joshua Cook
What is this an rpg maker game?
Jose Lopez
>spell practice
Daniel Cox
We just had one, dingus.
No continuous threads until the nips stream the game.
Mason Murphy
I wonder if ZUN will release the game on steam early on this time or if we'll have to wait for ages
Xavier Russell
Dude it's a stable since IN
Sebastian Harris
>affording rice
Nolan Bailey
fuckkk i cant find them
David Cooper
no? IN, TD, and HSiFS are the only ones with Spell practice
William Garcia
Snake got in tho...
Christopher Jackson
Samuel Rogers
nice shit graphics
was this drawn by a 12 year old lol
Aiden Phillips
Is there gonna be a steam release
Owen Cook
Didn't take long for pictures to start coming up
Charles Richardson
They were drawn by god himself
You are just a blashemous demon
Aiden Campbell
James Mitchell