Is it GOTY?
Is it GOTY?
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Nah. I preferred Res 2 remake.
Probably is for me. Combat is good I really enjoyed it but I hope From don’t continue to make single player action games. After plat, it’s boring. 60 hours for plat. Soulsborne 60hours is nothing.
How do I kill madam butterfly?
First ever souls formula game it didnt feel like a slog to me, at least its good enough
I've played RE2, DMCV and KH3 this year and so far it is my personal GOTY.
RE2 comes pretty close though.
That's cheesing to me
Too early to tell, but for now, definatly. I have yet to play RE2, but i always preferred action games.
So much this, i was completely burnt out by the time i finished DS3, but i gave this one a try because i had nothing better to do.It hooked me in completely, from start to finish.
Yes but re2make was also good
Using intended game mechanics is cheesing?
If you want a less cheesy strat, as soon as she jumps off in the air on her invisible threads, charge up a shuriken and it'll knock her down.
Sekiro and DMC5 are GotY for me
certainly for me
For people with taste? Yes. For the masses and mainstream media who blatantly cheats and proudly yells about it and asks for a button to skip boss battles? No.
Gaming journalists and e-ecelebs value cinematic games more than proper games.
If a game feels more like a game and less like a movie, than it is a failure.
The least you play, and the more you are forced to watch, the better for journalists.
The Last of Us 2 will fill that quota of a game that is more a movie than game. Perfect for journalists sensibilities.
Is the game really that hard? I was considering getting it tomorrow but if it's crazy hard untill I can't complete it than I want to save my cash for something else instead
>Is the game really that hard?
It's about as hard as the Souls games, which is to say not very.
just like all from games its a trial and error game
you're going to die alot but once you learn how to counter bosses it becomes easy
It is hard because it expects you to take full advantage of the parry system and to be aggressive. It can get challenging if you play it like Souls. But once the game clicks, once you finally get into the game flow, it because fairly easy.
Currently doing my first new game (not new game +) and it is a walk in the park. I still have issues playing Souls games on repeating playthroughs, but Sekiro is fairly easy on my second run simply because now I know what the game is expecting from me
>once you finally get into the game flow, it BECOMES fairly easy.
Sorry for the typo. I'm a bit drunk
A souls game for casuals? GOTY for sure.
Same experience here. I might come back in a year for another no-charm run but I've flogged this shit to death and there's really nothing left for me. It was a great experience, but there's nothing left to do, see, or try.
Every Souls game is for casuals.
They literally tell you to dodge and counter when you walk into her arena
No, DMC5 is.
This just reminds DS how retarded posture was for DS1. You can cheese everything easily with Havels
Should be fine then , since I could finish the other souls games. Parry is the only thing I have to get used to it seems since dodging is apparently useless. Does the game become stake as it goes on since there isn't much customization
nope, this is
It only gets stale once you go for the platinum
Did you do that run with bell demon too? I started one now with both modifiers. NG+ was a complete fucking waste of my time.
no it never goes stale especially not on the first run
There was zero creativity in RE2make. Sekiro is a new game.
I've done them both separately, but i was starting to get sick of the game and just wanted to crank out the last ending. I'll probably do both whenever i pick it back up, but the only way it'll be a challenge is if i have a chance to forget all the enemy movesets
Not to mention it has less content than the PS1 game.
It was better
Yeah, that sounds like a good call for you to take, especially if it gets DLC. I'll do the same once I'm done with this run.
Yes, both from a hardcore gamer perspective and also a casual normie perspective.
If it doesn’t win GOTY, it’s absolute proof of journalists being paid and also being shitters.
This but unironically.
The only reason I can see to play NG+ is to experiment with the tools and combat arts, and fight the Shura ending bosses. I could order break and kill Monk as the second boss, but that would be more worthwhile on NG. A dragon mask run on NG could be fun too.
It could be, but it's not as certain as something like RE4 was.
KH3 is?
It's a contender but not my GOTY.
It's tied for second with RE2 for me, DMC5 is my GOTY by a fair margin
>this braindead enemies and bosses
b-but muh comboses!!!
>slower than dmc4
dmcfags are worse than soulsfags
its a lot harder. people telling you it's not are garbage at the game trying to play it off as nothing since they think they are good
SHould I bother buying the mask from the hand vendor, or should I just by lazulite from him to get end upgrades? I'm 1 scale from the second piece.
The problem is that the balance is fucked and it's just dull.
keep saying it
>not as certain as something like RE4 was.
Go away, zoomer, the adults are talking.
Lazulite shuriken is the only good one, but you'll never use the mask
Games journo spotted.
You really should get both, unless you have no intention of doing NG+, then get just the ore
It's a contender along with DMC5 and some other good shit like Ace Combat 7 and RE2 Remake but we all know that GOTY is going to be either a shitch/snoy exclusive and fanboys are going to be shitposting about it for a few months. Personally dmc5 would be mine followed by Sekiro, then Ace Combat 7.
>Hand it over.
Sekiro is better than DMC5 in every way. DMC5 also panders to games journos by including difficulty settings.
> DMC5 also panders to games journos by including difficulty settings.
you're a bad troll
Why, it'll be Days Gone or Last of Us 2 of course! Only a bigot who hates minorities and LGBT would hate such masterpieces after all!
>also being shitters
But we already knew that user. Not our fault they can't beat SS Isshin legitimately
Fuck off falseflagging nigger.
Game really needed alternative playstyles other than block strike block. Darksouls shits all over it when it comes to gameplay.
This is probably true. Fantastic year for games and they'll give it to whatever flavor of the month movie game comes along.
Can't complain too much because this year has been so good.
dmc5 is just lebit combos xD vs braindead enemies
Yea Forums cant beat chained ogre but DMD in DMC5 is easy for anyone kek
I honestly didn't expect to love Sekiro as much as i did. I waited for DMC5 for 10 years and it left me with a big-ass smile on my face because it's a game of genuinely high quality but Miyazaki proves time and time again that he is the best director of this decade, too.
But we all know that lesbian shit from naughty dog will sweep all goty.
Imagine defending games with an easy mode.
Is that you Barry?
It's "Ikuzo", dumb eop.
Imagine trying this hard to make a fanbase look bad.
I don't give a shit what you think.
Where do I farm 4500 sen the quickest? I need that for the last two shuriken upgrades.
The place outside Chained Ogre, kill all the red guys.
In Sekiro you basically have a 100% physical result shield with like 80 END from the get go.
NG Sekiro without bell and with kuro’s charm really ain’t shit until Isshin
I just beat Sword Saint after 5 days of trying.
I found out today that I have been playing through the entire game not knowing how the fucking Mikiri Counter works.
I thought deflecting it was the Mikiri Counter. First couple times I did it I figured "huh, I thought you were supposed to stomp on the blade? Oh well".
Then a couple times I'd actually get it by mistake by dodging into an attack, and figured "maybe I just can't get the timing down, oh well, guess I'll never be able to master it"
Then on my 2Xth try at Sword Saint I get a tool tip.
"Mikiri Counter (LS Forward + B)
I beat him in 3 tries.
I feel so fucking stupid.
Why is Fountainhead/Divine Realm so goodamn gorgeous anons?
No one even cares about DMC anymore other than gay incest roleplay
Why are all the fun fights easy? Is it because all the difficult fights are badly designed?
I havent come that far yet. I know they appear after divine dragon, but I havent killed him yet
don't matter. this game is hard for everybody since you have to actually get good at perfect timing, something every other game doesn't have.
Well, that's your best bet, so just keep playing until you get there.
As opposed to the shotafags wanting to fuck the boy in Sekiro?
FUCKING THIS! Trying to get the plat now and I feel it’s ruining the game for me. Probably gonna give up on it desu.
Might be so far.
What else has there been? RE2make, I guess.
You don’t though, without chip damage you can just mash deflect
DMC and Ace Combat.
Yes her being locked into doing that jumping animation and exploiting that is cheesing
It was good but my bias from playing the Soulsborne series is really holding me back from liking it more. The entire time I wanted more customisation and shit but I know it isn't supposed to be a Souls game.
no, you still have to think. you don't just mash it the whole time.
You can farm the monks for easy cash. The divine abduction one shots them
DMC5 would be my pick, but Sekiro would be second.
Not that either will officially win the award because journos will cum over TLOU 2.
Even if TLoU2 doesn't come out this year, there's still Day's Gone. Anything that's a switch or snoystation exclusive is guaranteed too get GOTY.
>doesn't read the description of skills on the skill trees
Are you serious?
Strong candidate for sure. We'll see if it's better than Cyberpunk 2077, DOOM Eternal or Monster Hunter World: Iceborne in due time.
No, you really don’t. Sekiro blocking is far stronger than any shield in Souls (with kuro’s charm). Even getting your posture broken isn’t awful depending on when it happens
uh, yes you do. you cannot mash your way through everything, and you would have to have the reflexes and timing to back it up if you do. not to mention it instills bad practice, because enemies can easily overwhelm you. it doesn't matter how strong it is, you have to use it correctly. getting your posture broken is awful and you should never let that happen.
>you cannot mash your way through everything
>getting your posture broken is awful
Not even Owl who has a deathblow instant kill can properly punish getting your posture broken except on his kick
The only real consistent punish in the game is isshin’s long combo that ends in a thrust
>instant kill
You need more beads. I always survive with a shred
lol nope. try mashing through just basic ninjas with poison you fucking idiot.
it does not matter. your posture being broken stuns you and leaves you open. you shouldn't be getting to that point since blocking is always your normal stance and decreases your posture gauge really fast
This guy was a bitch without Kuro’s Charm.
This game is built for NG+ runs
I don’t get hit because I roll it I just assumed it was a deathblow just like Sekiro because you know Shinobi
And bro, you don’t get any more beads on NG+. If you haven’t done numerous runs on NG+ without charm with bell come on
You haven't truly played Sekiro, until you've done a run without Kuro's charm and with the Demon Bell activated.
no dont fall for the meme
the only reason people here say its good is because they feel great when they beat the game and see others who are angry because they can't beat it
>inb4 seething
>you shouldn’t be at that point
Play. NG+.
You can deflect everything and be posture capped, this is where kuro’s charm comes into play. If you get posture broken on the last hit of a combo with it, you are straight up not punished.
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
>feeling great about beating a boss is now a bad thing
I hope not because i didn't really like it.
Games journo spotted.
That’s what I’m doing!
I think its Miyazaki's hardest game to be honest but not in a good way. Combat is really tight but everything elae has suffered. World is not as interesting and it doesn't have a lot of enemy variety like his other games.
>it doesn't have a lot of enemy variety like his other games.
Every area has multiple unique enemy types.
like clockwork
I beat it, but it the difficulty didn't make me feel like it added to the game. Maybe i would have likes it better if everything around it was better, combat is great but everything else is worse. Enemies are boring, world is even more linear than DS3, way less interesting locations. Japanese mythos has a lot of unique stuff and it feels like they barely even used it.
I just did that today on NG++. Not gonna start NG+++ until all the DLC comes out though.
>world is even more linear than DS3
You have 100% not played the game.
Most enemies are similar looking guys with katanas that fight similar to each other. It's because everything has to fit around the block/attack gameplay.
nah man, its the weakest nu-from game and in spite of having a story set in real time, its got the most laughably poor writing out of all the games
>even more linear
You're full of shit
World is way linear, up until the castle it's almost a straight line. And then the worls breaks out into various similar lines. It's not clever in the interconnection of the world.
The worst part is that it doesn't properly use it's setting, there are a lot of unique japanese mythos but the game rarely gets weird with them like other Miyazaki games. Mibu village and FountainHead palace were the most interesting areas.
The purple ninjas fight differently from the monks in Senpou who fight differently from the enemies in Mibu Village who fight differently from the Ashina guards and so on. The enemy variety is fine.
Nah, he's just a bit annoying
Mist Raven is great for this fight, lets you get the fuck out and regain some posture
The path to the castle is almost one straight line.
It is to me
>the weakest nu-from game
So one path is representative of the entire game?
Nah, you're gonna get shat on for that defense. Soulsfags and honestly just Yea Forums in general just wanna fight an infinite number of bestial monstrosities. It's never enough. It wasn't enough in BotW, it wasn't enough in Nioh and now it's not enough in Sekiro. They're insatiable.
Visually they aren't that interesting. And yes most enemies are just "dude with a katana". Most minobosses are also just a random looking dude, we needed more stuff like RinOwater that had an aura of mystery to her.
You can do the rest of the game in any order you want, once you get to the castle and you can even choose to go to Hirata Estate before you go to the castle. It's their most open game since Dark Souls 1.
It's almost half the game.
Visually, sure, but they all play differently which is what's important when it comes to enemy variety.
>ashina outskirts is half of the game
the flavor
Nope nope nope. It's not enough. I wanted atleast 2 dozen kinds of different Yokai in the game and it's criminal that they didn't have atleast 6 variants per basic human enemy type.
It's obvious B Team horseshit. Did you even play Dark Souls 1 you fag?
So how many gourd sips do you have to have at the end of normal gameplay, I am currently at 8
It's nowhere near as interconnected or cleaver with its map design. And Hirata State suffered as an area because it was just another castle under siege.
For as much as the grand themes the game tries to tackle it never shows much interesting visuals.
only people that played DaS3 first disagree.
This but unironically. Remember when From had cool enemy designs?
I really like it, I just wish enemies didn't track you as much as they do, the dodge only worked against butterfly girl and everything else I have to jump away from if I don't want to deflect, it gets tiresome
That's less than DS3 and you fucking know it.
It wasn’t enough in Nioh though
>it never shows much interesting visuals.
>up until the castle it's almost a straight line
What about Hirata Estates?
I don't understand how so many people on here could feel so positive about a flight sim of all games
Yes. It was. Especially if you own the DLC.
Ashina outskirts leads to the snake path, leads to the destroyed castle leads to the horse fight leads to path to the castle, leads to actual castle. All in pretty much one straight line.
dark souls 3 is right there close man, and its weak, not shit but weak. even then, the game at least takes a while to play, Sekiro has like 6 bosses and three of them play the exact same way.
>it never shows much interesting visuals
Souls games aren't hard, they are time intensive. So yeah it is a "casual" souls as in that I don't need to spend 10 minutes on a boss to get to a new stage but only 2. Thats good game design user. BB is also ok
RE2R so far is taking it, Sekiro has a honourable second place followed by DMC5
>the only interesting area in the game
>it's about as close as you can get to Dark Souls
>Ashina outskirts leads to the snake path, leads to the destroyed castle leads to the horse fight leads to path to the castle
Yeah, that's all Ashina outskirts, dummy
At best 20% of the game, and that's a generous estimate
The game has 15 bosses, but nice try.
Sekiro is more grounded in reality with the strange aspects being exceptions and acting as nice surprises. Miyazaki stated early on that he wanted to tackle a more traditional setting with their own idiosyncrasies thrown in where appropriate. I think it balances the two nicely. I'm more a fan of the weirder stuff myself, but I think they did a good enough job overall. I just hope there's some DLC that maybe delves into more of the mysticism and fantastical aspects.
I just want Miyazaki to drop the difficulty meme and make an actual interesting videogame. Demons Souls wasn't good because of the difficulty. Demons Souls was good because the difficulty added to ambience of the world, it was one piece of the puzzle amd people have treated it as the main thing in Miyazaki games.
With the exception of the poison giver(Who was identical to the one in Mibu Village), the Lone Shadow minibosses all functioned the exact same.
>same guy who posts his bloated map instead of the general layout like I asked him in the last thread
Get to it, retard.
i beat it quicker than that cuz
>nice try
lmao fuck off fag
>More grounded setting
>Immortal centipedes as a major plot point
ditching kuro's charm for a meager exp and money bonus is not worth the hassle, the game is stupid enough without getting chipped as you block, you and your masochistic fetish can haul
There is also the one with the dogs
The fact that you clearly don't remember what it was like when re4 came out indicates that you are the zoomer
>t. shitter
15 bosses but some of them can only be fought on certain endings.
Had that with genichiro and the lightning.
Stomp him through first 2 phases and then get my ass handed to me the moment a lighting comes.
"WTf I jumped and pressed L1 but nothing happened" Took me 5 extra fights with him before I realized you are supposed to press R1
I liked Supraland better. Kinda sad one guy blew the fuck out of anything Nintendo has made in years.
Where did you send him anons?
I though it was a little too much. Senpou temple on the other hand, beautiful.
>DS game with cut down combat mechanics
>DS game with cut down equipment list
At what point is removing features qualification for GOTY?
On my second playthrough I'm really realizing how shallow this combat is
It's literally just a rhythm game, once you learn the enemy rhythm there is no depth or variation to it, just PARRY ATTACK
>95% of the combat arts are useless and don't do much more than standard attacks
>Prostethics are way too situational
>Enemy designs are way too repetetive
The core gameplay is just... stale
Souls/Bloodborne at least had different builds, damage types, variations you could play with, Sekiro is way more shallow and gets old quick
This game is a 6/10, better than DS2, but weaker than everything else
Well Miyazaki isn't good at that. Let's take the ending for example, all endings are this little short 2 minute clips that barely even close the game. This approach is good in games covered in vagueness like Dark Souls but not in a game trying to tell a more straighforward story like Sekiro. Sekiro keep many of the Dark Souls aspects and tried to cram them into a type of game where it didn't fit. If Miyazaki games a more straightforward action game then make one but having a half measure only highlights his weaknesses as a director.
Anayama the peddler, pure kino ending of the quest
Removing things isn't inherently worse than adding things, this is a very basic tenant of all design including videogame design
To the surgeon.
Mikiri was one of the first skills I picked up and only started reading them after I picked up some active skill and couldn't figure out how to use it.
Yeh I know already, I'm an idiot.
No. It wasn’t.
What's the ending if you sent Kotaro to Ayama?
Japan Souls is the first Souls I finished. Didn't feel as slow and empty as DS1 did but I lost some motivation somewhere after genichiro and picked it back up after the divine dragon. Sword Saint is great and demon of hatred felt amazing since I got attached to the Sculptor. Definitly one of the better AAA games I played in a while so we will see if Cyberpunk doesn't grab the AAA AOTY this year (obviously it will with the journos but talking about us).
The one that summons adds that don't make a meaningful change to his moveset? Great example.
The only ending that isn't conclusive is the Return ending. The rest of them do a good job of ending the story. In the Shura ending, you find out that Sekiro just rampaged through Ashina killing everyone. In the Immortal Severance ending, Sekiro follows in the footsteps of the Sculptor, and in the Purification ending Kuro goes on to live his life as a normal person. Actually, I'd go as far to say that the Immortal Severance and Purification endings are pretty great.
>but weaker than everything else
You're forgetting that Dark Souls 3 exists.
That’s not Apex Legends lol
Kotaro is happy to be giving proper burial to the dead and Anayama gets wealthy.
Nope. That belongs to Fallout 76
Sekiro needs a hard mode to appeal to gamers like me who cant get any enjoyment out of this overly simple game. I should be able to get the same equal experience for my money.
2 Ninjas/ashina Samurai/Assasin Monks at the same time are harder then any boss
f2p shit cant be goty
>Sekiro needs a hard mode
Too bad it flopped
>the same as another game, but less depth and features
>this is not bad
Okay dude.
cringe and basement incel-pilled
Sekiro has far more depth to it than any Souls game. You just need to git gud.
Yup, dodging and hitting is definitely cheesing. Good luck beating the endgame bosses without doing what you consider to be cheesing, i.e. moving around and dodging hits.
thats not hard enough
Surgeon because i didn't know
Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna be a broken piece of garbage
What does this actually do? Didn't find it until my second playthrough, but then used it all the way up to the final boss and I couldn't notice any obvious differences.
Help thread?
I gave the giant carp the bait and the Carp-Bro turned into pic related. I went back to the feeding grounds and the noble NPC was calling out to the giant carp. I assume the carp is dead? I tried looking for it and I didn't see its carcass, so where is it?
Makes enemies more difficult, while increasing item drop rates.
>getting your posture broken is awful
Literally the only time you get punished for having your posture broken is the end. Don't try to talk about the game when you haven't even beat Lady Butterfly yet.
Bell Demon did hardly anything noticeable to me, and I don't even think it works on bosses. I never bothered trying out the Charm because I lost interest after the first NG+ run.
Guardian Ape's Watering Hole
where you beat the guardian ape
Bloodborne is still the best From game
I wanna go back to those kino temples in kyoto and nara already, those jizo statues and wolves are creepy af at times
So slightly more hp/damage? I did notice the item drop rate increasing.
shit wishes it was better than ds2
Better than Dark souls 2, equally as good as Dark Souls 3, worse than Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
Gotta bunch of cash and a bunch of time. Should I go to japan if I am 2 metres tall, not really into japanese culture and kinda shy?
t. puppy
This is what the Wiki says.
Honestly, I didn't notice much of a difference when using the bell.
BB is prettier but Sekiro has better combat.
Thanks. How the hell did it end up there though? It seems pretty far away from the Fountainhead, I think.
That's because you had Kuro's charm on.
Nah. BBs not even prettier. Sekiro all the way in style and mechanics. It’s the boomer’s game of choice.
>Sekiro has better comba-
From a technical standpoint both are pretty similiar but I prefer the gothic over the chink shit
lol that just looks like clunky dark souls with some goth paintjob
Muh 20 swords with the same moveset and slightly different stats.
>sekiro has better combat
>just spam your katana bro
>just spam your skill bro
>just spam your prosthetic bro
Looks nice, just doesn't plays as good as sekiro does.
where ape boss was
yah we know you’re a pleb angloboi
Nips are cool with burgers, some school children sometimes walk to you and ask questions to learn english (at least when im at hiroshima ground zero park)
Is there continuation if i send him to the surgeon? Or he just dies
I spirited him away to the Hall of Illusions where he could live in peace with rice loli and shingles monk
>How the hell did it end up there though?
The river from Fountainhead flows through Ashina Depths all the way to Sunken Valley. That being said, given its size, it does seem like a bit of a stretch that it'd end up at where the river terminates.
So then the real difficulty changer isn't the bell, you moron.
Rope bro picked him up
Forget that other clown - with an exception for Senpou Temple and Fountainhead Palace, BB is absolutely prettier and has a way more interesting story than Sekiro. I'd say BB is better than Sekiro in every way, even down to soundtrack - except for the combat.
Sekiro combat is, without question, the best combat in any From game by far. I hope no one denies this. It's just that Bloodborne's combat is still good enough (rally system will be missed) that, in combination with its excellent soundtrack, weapon customization, story, environments and bosses, it's the best From game overall.
I honestly never had a problem with enemy variety in Sekiro - sure many of them have the same visuals, but many use a variety of weapons in different ways to the point where I never saw a particular enemy as a chore to fight.
>beat lady butterfly yet
But I did and she was easy as shit. You're a fucking idiot if you think getting your posture broken isn't bad.
They both are difficulty changers, retard.
>It doesn't play as well as Sekir-
I agree with you 100% word-for-word. We all know the sony cinematic is going to win GOTY from the journalists, but Sekiro/RE2/DMCV/AceCombat deserved it more.
>another BBrony sperging out in a Sekiro thread
Can we give these fags their own board already? Or move them to vg?
Have fun with your paper armor and your 1000times folder 3inch pig iron katana ricechaser
Should I prioritise my 10th gourd seed or lazulite shuriken? How much of a game changer is the shuriken if Im nearing in on the end anyway? One extra gourd is huge
I like it but it's severely lacking in replay value. Also I feel like a lot of things in the game are rather half assed. Almost feels like another game got placed over top of an existing game mid to late in development.
Only if Bannerlord doesn't release this year. So yes.
Save Lazulite upgrades for NG+.
they do have a general in vg newfag. plus they are correct
Orphan is notorious for funky bad hitboxes you have to get used to though.
It would be like if you gave Isshin or Owl the ogre's hitboxes
I think Bloodborne has more replay value, a better OST, and better atmosphere but Sekiro's combat is much better and the normal humanoid bosses are more exciting to fight.
How do those two relate?
I’m confused as to why you would need to prioritize one over the other?
surprised this thread is still going desu
>the normal humanoid bosses are more exciting to fight.
Are we really pretending that Sekiro has a single fight as good as Logarius?
Time, mostly. Farming money takes so long in this game.
He should at least make sure he gets 4-6 lazulite though in the first playthrough so he can get all upgrades the second time around
>severely lacking replay value
You are saying this just to sound intelligent
Go to your own thread on vg Jesus Christ you guys are pathetic
>walk right into obvious scream
Yes, Genchiro is a thousand times better. Log is a chump once you learn his patterns. Genchiro is too, but he's at least still fun to fight.
I don't even remember this guy so he can't be that good. The only truly memorable boss in BB is Orphan of Kos
Is Genichiro From's best fight?
I feel the exact opposite about the bosses. Love huge monsters and demons. Much more interesting than another human.
No, Isshin Ashina and O’Rin of the Water are the best fights
Farm the outskirts staircase
Sekiro being the inferior game doesn't mean it's not great. Sorry if this distinction breaks your retard brain.
Ashina Dojo->Ashina Antechamber->Ashina Castle->Ashina Reservoir path is objectively the best XP grind path.
For Sen I think that one or some other Fountainhead one could be.
> O’Rin of the Water
Why do you think that? She was extremely easy and I was generally surprised that that is a miniboss, not much harder then a ministry ninja with a big health bar.
first time through I didn't look anything up, gave him the white pinwheel, sent him to live with the monkeys
Ok bloodbrony thanks for the input
Spotted the dmc retard
Go back to your own thread wanking over S HaH rank while dodging the NG fanbase
>O’Rin of the Water
She literally has just 3 attacks lmao
Try her without Kuro’s Charm.
Also, Sakuza sama ~~~
Nice rebuttal. It is compared to souls games. No equipment, no additional weapons, no stat planning, combat arts and prosthetics are mostly trash with a few exceptions and barely perform better than simple regular attacking, skills are practically all fluff and barely make a difference, trash itemization which mind as well not exist which then follows into lack of exploration due to shit items not being worth it and most areas being extremely linear in design. Then you have prayer beads which once acquired there is longer any incentive to fight the minibosses on ng+. There is simply not enough variety in the game.
Look, user, I'm going to make this clear. Bloodborne is the single greatest achievement in vidya. Sekiro not being as good doesn't diminish the things it does well.
I don't take offense to being called a "bloodbrony", you internet-poisoned faggot. Go outside instead of trying to convince yourself Shitkiro is the better game.
Why'd ya come at him from that way, come back through the other end of the cave and shave off half his health while falling down on top of him
t. REEEEE why is it not a souls game?
She doesn't really get harder without the charm, she's pretty easy to deflect
Ok Bloodbronies
>No equipment, no additional weapons, no stat planning
These are all good things because Sekiro was able to fine tune the combat into From's best.
Shoe shoe back to Bloodborne gen and Vita gen you're both cut from the same autistic cloth
You'll be able to play it, one day. I promise.
his feet are VERY cute
I have no interest in playing it what so ever lol
Apparently those niggers are better than you at the game.
lmao cuck
its a very fun game and it was a nice 60 hour trip BUT i dont like that it has close to zero replay value despite it having 4 endings..the way to the endings is the same, just beat genchiro on first try but i dont even know if i wanna invest more time with it with days gone around the corner.
It’s nice that you sign your posts at the end, so that we know it’s you who wrote it.
this has to be a joke.
I think ghosts of tsushima will be praised into heavens, because of this difficulty debacle.
I already have, it's platinum'd
Stop trying to delude yourself into thinking the combat comes close to Sekiro
OST? Replay value? Atmosphere (at the highs, the lows are pretty eh) absolutely.
But combat or bosses? Lol no
ITT Sekiro players deluding themselves into thinking Sekiro is better than Bloodborne
GoT is going to destroy Sekiro.
I fucked up and didnt kill the lone shadow where the monkeys kill him in the endgame. I just need one more prayer bead for max posture.
I heard that there was a new ashina elite fight in the dojo, but all there is is the same old purple non-elite shadow. What do?
I've killed the new Seven spears boss.
OP mentions nothing about BB or the year it was released in, retard.
Go to Isshin’s tower. Red eye elite is there.
You being mad that Sekiro is worse than BB has nothing do with me or OP, my fellow retard
Ok, thanks Bloodbrony.
Not enough busty ladies. 7/10
Be honest, did you know this was Isshin on your first playthrough?
you are joking, but critics will eat that shit up. and use it against sekiro.
why are you posting a webm of batman
Yes. Did you even talk to Isshin? He namedrops you and also has a Tengu mask and straw cape behind one of his screens in his room. Also if you talk to him at the Serpent Valley Temple after you learn the secret sword technique, he coughs when he’s talking to you, signifying it’s Isshin’s illness that’s about to get him.
when he called me sekiro in his room, only then.
Critics loved Sekiro, though.
If you are more into adventure and reactive combat, it is.
If you are more into active combat (in the sense the offense is way more important and complex than defense), DMC5 is.
best selling game in the franchise dummy
oh shit, apologies then. not keeping up with most of the news. I can see it getting nominated, but getting goty seems unlikely.
Get back to me at the end of the year.
What's with this game's obsession with monkeys?
Japan has lots of monkeys and monkeys are a big part of Japanese culture
I can understand not piecing it together on your own because there are definitely things I overlooked in my first run, but you have to admit that it was obvious in retrospect. Tengu and Isshin are the only two people in the entire game who title drop you, and when Isshin calls you Sekiro, Wolf even says something to the effect of "hey wait a minute"
Japan loves monkeys.
t. too shit to git gud
youve gotta be retarded to not realize
>drops Sabimaru autocombo for no good reason
I like the game but this is nonsense, the whole point to the prosthetic is that you can just mash R2 until you get a free poison because enemies try to block the whole thing
Sucks for you that this game is never going to come out and is just a tech demo
There's too many copy-pasted minibosses for it to be GotY.
>Like four lone shadows
>Two Ashina elites
>Two ape fights
>Two Ashina spear fights
>Probably more I forgot
Then deflect
It’s because it’s quicker than doing another swing of your katana after you jump back, and he was about to be hit by a perilous strike.
Shes a dodge tutorial. Dodge and she dies
>Two ape fights
Both ape fights play completely differently.
They would, if his girlfriend didn't die in like 4 hits.
I hope the DLC will have lesser Bloodborne bosses. DoH was a shitty fight.
>his girlfriend
Why do you retards keep saying it's his girlfriend? Did you even play the game? Ape's memory says his girlfriend is fucking dead.
The Ogre also gets reused as do the Headless and Shichimon Warriors. The shinobi hunter is a regular enemy later in some areas (with a different model, the monk looking guy near old grave is one) as are the ashina elites. Juzou get's reused a grand total of 4 times. Twice as himself, the glutton in the forest and then at the end there is the fire version which is at least slightly different. The Mist Nobel is a normal enemy but he barely counts as a mini boss.
Despite all that though the only ones that really bothers me is the forest glutton. The rest feel like there was good enough reason to reuse them and in some cases, like the Lone Shadows, there are small changes. Like I enjoy that the Lone Shadows all have a similar fighting style but different specialties, it makes them feel like they are part of the same elite squad of ninjas. Also the ape coming back because you didn't sever its immortality the first time is great I loved that.
The Headless Ape has a few more movesets than the Guardian Ape (headless) as well.
Because it also says he went to that underground cavern to look for a NEW mate you stupid fuck. His girlfriend died ages ago, he just found a new mate in that fight with you.
Great Shinobi Owl is the best fight in the game, along with the best track.
This game makes me want to go back to Japan so much, and I just got back from there a few weeks ago FUCK.
Why doesn't Sekiro have something similar to the chalice dungeons of bloodborne? I feel so empty now, having all achievements... It would add a lot of replay value. There isn't anything to do right now after finishing everything...
Because Chalice Dungeons are hot garbage.
It is my GOTYAY
But it at least adds some more content and some new Boss fights. More stuff to do after beating the game like 4-5 times.
>some new Boss fights
Who could forget such classics as 'Brainsucker with a health bar'?
I haven't finished the game, but "immortality" in this game is basically centipedes infesting you like a parasite? Kind of like a japanese goa'uld?
That's one form of the immortality that the monks in Senpou created. There's also the Dragon's Blood that Kuro has.