Which one of you faggots was this?

Which one of you faggots was this?

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probably me, I told a widowmaker player last night that something very very bad will happen to her if she doesn't switch, I even put a :) at the end, its 100% their fault for playing snipers in a game that is centered around staying in a circle/on a payload

I contributed

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To be fair, Blizzard does ban you if your team mates don’t like what you’re playing as.

>Playing sniper in an online non-coop shooter
He deserved it and worse. Snipers actively drain fun from everyone else and do nothing for the team/game.

Not sure if something changed since I last played, but a good sniper is usually the best thing a person can have on the team.

That game needs role preselection badly, I remember when League had the same issue and it fixed that glaring issue. Blizz also needs to stop messing around and enforce 2-2-2 as the official meta, at least in memeladder.

>Not sure if something changed since I last played, but a good sniper is usually the best thing a person can have on the team.
this was literally never the case, any other dps played by a decent player is way more usefull than a widowmaker, they even reworked hanzo so that he plays less than a sniper now and they added ashe which is basically a better widowmaker

Blizzard could fix this by removing all sniper characters. Suddenly all toxicity gone forever.

>I like playing competitive
>but I don't want to play as a team

>Blizzard could fix this by removing all sniper characters.
so just widowmaker?

>but a good sniper is usually the best thing a person can have on the team

This is the issue. I guarantee you less than 5% of Snipers would actually be any good. Widow and Hanzo are scrub autopicks because they get to stay out of the fight so they don't take damage and they can just throw infinite shots at the opponent without needing technical skill to actually aim when you have infinite time and easy escape options.

Widowmaker, Ana and Hanzo.

I like playing competitive but I don't like being a supportcuck healslut that doesn't even need to aim in a shooter game.

Just fucking disable all chat from video games, problem solved

Hanzo isn't a sniper, you metalbabs.

play ana if you want to aim

>Disable all communication in a team based game
that's actually pretty retarded

Why do faggots have to live their lives through video games

what the fuck is wrong with ana? you can actually get in there and nade some motherfucker or sleep some motherfucker, also hanzo is not a sniper

>Ana switch
>Pick moira

mercy and lucio to some extent are the only healsluts, every other healer has something else to do besides healing

You need to anticipate where the cucks that use widowmakers would go next and remove them too. Probably should remove McCree also just to be sure.

>stays far away and good escape options
>does fairly strong damage
>Storm Arrow has the widow HS multiplier
>has a skill which allows him to get wallhax
>has charged shots

Literally sounds like Widow with wasabi spice on it, my dude.

Hanzo isn't a fucking sniper, snipers are hitscan. Hanzo is best at mid to close range.

t. +700h master hanzo OTP

>lives at home
>witch mercy icon
>over 1k forum posts
yep, checks out

you are right for the most part except hanzo can actually get on the objective if needed, snipers cant do that

>dear diary

>if it isn't hitscan it isn't a sniper

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>camper noob crying
Nothing new

>crying over getting shittalked on overwatch
>crying over new star wars movie
>crying over sexualized 17-year old anime girl

is there something these fucks don't cry over besides notre dame

If anybody bitches at you for doing what you wanna do, just call the motherfucker an ass hat and move on with your life. Why did the internet's explosion of popularity bring about so many goddamn spineless babies who have a fucking breakdown over even the slightest bit of adversity?

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Arbitrary distinction for the most part. If you play the same as a Sniper in every significant way and your skills accommodate that then you're more sniper than you aren't.

While he "can" get on the point. When was the last time you saw Hanzo actually get on the point?


When you play against competent players you can't consistently hit projectiles from too far, but since you're a metalshitter you don't understand.

Nothing disabling voice chat and a good sticky note can't fix.

>playing esport game
>any year
cringed and zoomerpilled

>playing Overwatch

Attached: ovw.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

>t. shitter who also thinks that k/d doesnt matter

>playing SJWatch

>Hahahaha like Nigga,
>mute the speakers,
>put the headphones down,
>find a different match,
>quit the game,
>just walk away
She's just attention whoring at this point

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k/d doesn't matter until high elo because people don't know how to take advantage of a good pick, until then objective kills are the only thing that matters

>Waaaah, why are people mad at me for ruining the game for them
>My fun is more important than the other 9 people i'm playing with
We should start banning the fucks all this "toxicity" is hurtled at instead.

Honestly, DSP dying by lethal injection would be the funniest shit from start to end.
>Phil, time to get out of your cell. You're about to take your last walk. You can't just ignore us, Phil. We'll drag you out of your cell if we have to.

>join competitive game
>be the reason your team is losing
>they get mad at you
wooow I was I supposed to know that

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I don't play OW anymore but saying someone isn't a sniper because they don't have hitscan is pretty fucking stupid

As much as I like Overwatch and find it profoundly more skill-demanding than other class based shooters, the community is outright autistic.

To the shit pub kiddies that should never touch competitive mode in their life to the people who shit on you despite having gold elims, TF2 hatfaggotry and try harding is arguably less insufferable.

However, the game gets profoundly better when you overcome the “casual plateau” of shit team mates and mediocre matches in diamond league.

Literally everybody I’ve ever met who shits on the game, like the average TF2 player, never played a serious competitive match.

>he plays overwatch
>he plays overwatch competitively

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Competitive overwatch is a multi million dollar business tho

even sucking dicks is a multi million dollar business, what's your point?

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>Can i play *insert sniper*
>Sure, but if it doesn't work please switch
>They don't switch, we lose the game and they blame the rest of the team

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blizz should probably look into that account match history and permaban all other players in the game from all bnet products, to be sure to cleanse all the toxicity

>Hanzo isn't a fucking sniper, snipers are hitscan.
So real life snipers aren't snipers?

very nice analogy to real life user I bet you thought that was real smart, next up you're gonna tell me that hitscan weapons should be removed from video games and we should all use gun remotes to play shooters because otherwise its not real life-like

Post more TF2 desu, Ill send a pep your way.

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In side by side comparisons, competitive overwatch is of far more merit than anything TF2 currently has to offer.

There’s literally more of an economy for sucking dicks than there is to play Tf2

I would unironically play Overwatch if Blizzard made coop-mode where one person is playing the game while another controls chat.

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You realize that everything you said there only supports his position, right?

this is for you
>muh "competitive"
confirmed zoomer, nobody cares about "competitive" mode but zoomers and players good enough to make money out of it

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I only ever saw one decent widow maker.

If you enjoy co-op games where one player controls one aspect I suggest you check out HOI4 multiplayer, you can get all your mates to control just the naval combat, its pretty good.

I don’t play Overwatch. Is there not a mute button of some kind? If I notice people roasting me for something retarded I just mute them and move along with the game

These snowflakes don't have that sort of initiative. Instead of working around their environment, the environment has to work around them. They have no sense of responsibility of their own. It's up to other people to control their sensory intake, not themselves.

but does blizzard really ban people for picking not meta characters? that would be really pathetic for the drones


You’re pointing that out on the premise what he said necessarily dismissed anything.

Overwatch IS profoundly more profitable and held at a higher regard in the competitive gaming scene than TF2, irrelevant, random references to sucking cock aside.

Not true, a good widow could quickly kill 90% of the game's cast

they would say like "i can handle it but the point is that the fact these ASSHOLES are so toxic begs the question of why they are allowed to play the game at all? free speech isn't freedom from consequences"

I chuckled

its not even bait at this point user stop

haha I saw those epic jojo references on reddit too

Becasue for the first time in their life they're not getting padded on their back for every fuck up they make but the honest truth that they sudck at what they're doing. And egos who never tasted defeat crumble away at the first moment of resistance.

>Overwatch IS profoundly more profitable
but why would you, as a consumer, care about that aspect, you fucking zoomer?
>held at a higher regard in the competitive gaming scene
dude it's just a shooter for retards, this ain't no counter strike or street fighter, nobody take overwatch "pro" seriously

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I think it's time to put the controller down for good and find a new hobby. If you're crying like that, than this isn't for you.

glad you liked them

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not him but you did literally nothing to counter his point, you just went off on a tangent that had no relation to the conversation

He thinks it being more profitable makes the game innately better. That or he thinks he's going to make a living playing Overwatch some day. Which is hilarious; under that same logic sucking dick is innately higher in quality because it's more profitable than playing tf2.
It is but profitability literally has nothing to do with it

TF2 sniper has a sniper rifle and a bow and arrow

Because they're entitled to play it just like everyone else? What kind of stupid question is that?

Blizzard should just do everyone a favor and ban 100% of overwatch players.

uhm, sweatie, google WHAT IS A EULA ;) your toxic ass break the rules so BANNED

>dude it's just a shooter for retards,
And yet it’s played by Koreans, some of the highest IQ people in the world.

They don’t even know what TF2 is in Korea. It’s literally below them.

this tbqh famalams

this, nobody can hurt eachother feelings if nobody can play at all

>He thinks it being more profitable makes the game innately better

What dimension are you from where people don’t willingly give money to shit they don’t like?

Overwatch is as profitable as it is because... people do think it’s good and invest money into it as a result?

>shitter who isn't in high elo and thinks he matters

so far all your reply summarize to "looks what these guys (consumers, koreans) thinks of overwatch, they can't be wrong"
you are incapable to form your own opinion, not that I was expecting something better from someone that likes to play a game with an "I win" button

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1. >sales mean quality
2. That has nothing to do with your reasons for playing it
3. I live in this one, where long time fgc pros play street fighter 5 professionally for hundreds of thousands of strictly because it's profitable despite hating the game itself mechanically and design-wise. All the while having their tournament checks paid for by waifufags. It's interesting that you don't live in this same universe. Or maybe you just don't know it.

Overwatch comp is a money laundering joke. They keep cutting more staff because they can barely keep it floating, and the only reason it makes any money is because Jeff outright lied about how much ad spots were selling for. I'ts legitimately illegal and if anybody decides to dig into it blizzard would actually be in serious trouble.

>playing ovwhorewatch
lmao imagine being this much of a tasteless retard with 20 years of the Internet behind the myg0t days

>looks what these guys (consumers, koreans) thinks of overwatch, they can't be wrong"

VS the unpopular opinion of a few Yea Forumsirgins? What do you expect me to do?

Stop liking things that you don’t like?

Reminder that all female Overwatch characters are literally whores. Every character was literally designed for sex.

They were all literally designed to be as attractive to the human male as possible.
And this isn't just "oh she's just pretty", it's at a god damn mathematical level. The perfect bodies, faces with perky lips, large eyes, and zero imperfections...

It all adds up to a powerful form of social engineering that preys on the sexuality of men. It awakens something primal in the minds of young men, and keeps older men horny.

This is why, if you EVER see an "Overwatch cosplayer", they are actually a free prostitute in disguise. This woman has knowingly presented herself as a whore, and knowingly accepts that it is now her job to have sex with as many men as possible.
You cannot rape an Overwatch cosplayer because she was LITERALLY ASKING FOR IT. The simple act of dressing up as "Hot Mommy Mercy" or "The Chinese Titcow" is literally the act of giving men consent to have sex with you.

Thanks Blizzard, for making this possible.
I love this video game.

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VS your own fucking opinion, retard

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k/d not mattering is the biggest lie told by shitters. Taking an objective is easier when the enemy team is dead.

Please don't tease me with alluring visions of Blizzard crumbling

lol what a fag

How can anyone be that sensitive and still be alive?

>teammate being an annoying faggot
>mute them
>enjoy game again

Snipers have always been op like magic in any game and nothing of value would be lost if they would be removed instead.

Koreans are literal soulless biorobots who can't into critical and creative thinking. They only play games that can be deconstructed to spreadsheets showing you what button you must press at what exact moments.
They can't into creative strategies, outstanding mechanical performance and mind games with opponent. Only clicks per second and timings.
That's why they play only LoL, Blizzard cookie clickers and skinner box MMOs.

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unironically based and redpilled

So going to some con and grabbing random Overwatch cosplayer's butt is guaranteed way to get laid?

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mei is fat

That is correct. Only Overwatch cosplayers give consent by default and does not count as rape.
Doing this to a cosplayer for other games still counts as rape.

only if you are a chad and if you are at a con there's good chances you are not one, so no don't grab that ass

No, the Chad method applies for any woman.
This is exclusively the Overwatch clause which means any Overwatch cosplayer is up for grabs.

those cosplayers just want your money, not your dirty fat hands on her butt

I mean is it supposed to make me feel anything but low grade disgust that people get so worked up over a shitty game that they insist on coming back and crying over it? I don't feel anything for these people but disdain and imagine how shitty it must be to interact with that kind of emotional hysterical person.

Who cares what they want, basedboy?

>They keep cutting more staff because they can barely keep it floating,
What in the hell are you talking about? Besides Fortnite, overwatch league is the second most watched stream on Twitch when it’s on; 100,000 viewers at a time. And they’re just watching. Total multi platform player base is probably way higher.

Sales not being indicative of quality only applies when a newly released hyped game flops and doesn’t live up to potential, like Anthem or Fallout 76

Overwatch makes a grand portion of money post release in merchandise, sponsorships, tournaments etc.

TL;DR people invest profoundly into the game beyond initially buying it because they... like it lol.

what did you call me, you double nigger?

>source: twitch viewers

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I'll start doing shit like this: pretend I'm one of the sensitive retarded snowflakes and keep pushing censorship and bans until everybody leaves because the game is unbearable and the game fails. It's vidya accelerationism.


If that's the case then why didn't they just become prostitutes or strippers?
Overwatch whores = FREE for ANY TO USE.

I called you a basedboy, you onions guzzling basedboy.

because prostitutes have do deal with the scum of earth, overwatch whores can filter this filth, still get their money, fuck the chad and if she's lucky marry some asian millionaire

Dressing in skimpy clothes is consent.

Sure wasn't me lol since I don't play overwatch, I never played overwatch, and I'm never going to play overwatch.

> 100 000 viewers only
> When even a small tournament in LoL/Dota/CS:GO bring in 400k

lol imagine being this delusional, especially since using your own twitch example, the view have actually been decreasing over time, and recently I've seen it dip below the 90k lines a lot because of how boring it is
that is your "top of the line" tournament btw when it's not the world cup

world cup of LoL goes above millions in twitch

>not telling people "switch to a different character or I will stalk and kill you and yes this is a written threat"
Step your game up

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you'd be arrested in england

Widow mains are not based as fu-


I live in Florida. No laws here to bind me. Everyone else is just a bootlicker.

That is one massive YIKES!
Game is ass competitively but it is mindless fun in QP or Arcade

The internet is full of these people now, just look at Yea Forums

sounds like someone who watches cuck porn

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>I'd rather hear my team cry about everything!!
Yeah no, if you or any of the shitters on my team is gonna act like a fag I'd rather lose tbqh :)

oh you should play league, you'd fit right in