Which boss is the most difficult in all of From's modern games? Is it Orphan of Kos, or has any Sekiro boss outdone him?
Hardest From boss
The official top 3 hardest FromSoft bosses are as follows:
3. Orphan of Kos
2. Sister Friede
1. Sword Saint Isshin
The rest of the placements are up for debate.
If you want to consider unfair-hard then probably midir
otherways I'd say orphan is the hardest
I was already experienced with the combat system by the time I got to him (beat all dark souls and bb) yet he still took me a couple of days
Sekiro's Isshin was though but considering I was pretty new to the combat system I dont think he's as hard given how it only took me a few hours to beat
ruin sentinels
How's Midir unfair?
Very Hard:
Orphan of Kos
Sister Friede
Sword Saint Isshin
Owl 2
Fume Knight
Nameless King
Darkeater Midir
Guardian Ape
Corrupted Monk
a. provided you don't abuse poise or shields
parry is the biggest crutch though
1. Orphan
2. Isshin
3. Laurence
4. M'anus
5. Fume K***ht
The 5 horsemen.
>corrupted monk
Swap that with something else. I honestly found her really easy.
Manus is completely trivialized with a shield tho. Fume Knight is a cancer fight even if you turtle up
Isshin is easier than Friede though. He's also easier than Gael and Midir, and maybe Nameless King and Pontiff too.
What about hardest mini boss?
fume non fire stuff is all in a cone its trivialized by unlocking and i mean noticeably
Either that bitch or Seven Spears.
Hardest NPCs/Sekiro minibosses. I'll start off with Bloody Crow and Seven Spears.
>He's also easier than Gael and Midir, and maybe Nameless King and Pontiff too.
pffffff nice joke
That's not a joke, that has been the experience for me as I played the games.
you casuals
Ok you're shit at rolling in roll souls 3.what's your point?
Or maybe you're shit at deflecting in Sekiro?
Orphan is tough but I had way more trouble beating Laurence, mainly due to the small arena
No From boss is truly hard, but Friede is the clear winner thanks to having 3 forms in a game where your healing is tied to how much exploration you did.
Kos is O MY 20 VIALS
Fume Knight is O MY 4 STAKES
not even one of them is as fast as isshin
I know isshin is note even hard but still you need to pay more attention vs him
He has follow ups that can fuck you up. Not everyone is amazing at Sekiro, no need to be elitist.
Orphan is fucking easy though, why do you people insist on this meme about him being hard?
It's his multiple attacks that can go into sweeps that fuck people up.
Second time round I puppeteered the dude next to him because I could not be fucked.
>animation cancelling
>some attacks are almost unreadable
>massive health pool
>combos that fuck you over with the wrong dodge
There's a lot of reasons.
I sucked dick vs him too, but when i get gut at mikiri i literally destroyed him
>Not everyone is amazing at Sekiro, no need to be elitist.
he is not hard thats the point just dont panic
honest to god his only cheap move is when he jumps back and sweeps
I pissed all over Isshin but orphan fucked me up for a long time.
The worst bit about sword saint isshin is the ball ache to go through 4 phases again if you die.
got a PS4 for Bloodborne but never killed orphan
I'm pretty dogshit at Souls but with Sekiro I felt the game actually being built to fucking work for a start helped a lot.
Smoother animations made everything so much more bearable.
Return Orphan to the ocean, user. Do it.
>>animation cancelling
I'm actually fighting Orphan on my first play. fuck this shit really. He's always doing this around 55%, just when I'm starting to get my hope up, just for the sake of crushing them.
I killed orphan secodn try for first time on ng+2 no parry
isshin fucked me up 20 times because im a greedy cunt
the snake bitches are some of the easiest
Orphan is both parryable and backstabable. Anyone who thinks he's the hardest is legitimately retarded.
last boss in sekiro
4 phases?
There hasnt been anything this bullshit in from history.
Do what says, you'll feel much better afterwards. I'm not ashamed to admit that i almost dropped the game over Orphan cause he was kicking my ass for almost a whole day. but in the end i just got good. Laurence was a cakewalk after fighting Orphan desu, maybe i should've gone for him first.
I haven't played BB but DS3 is definitely harder than Sekiro overall.
>bloody crow
I'm about to fuck you up entirely.
When you jump and grapple down, the snipers spot you. When you grapple to the plateau right before this boss, just fall to your death instead.
Doing this makes all the enemies go into "Caution" yellow awareness instead of "I FUCKING SEE YOU CUNT" red awareness.
It also causes Shirafuji to look to the right, which allows you to get a free backstab deathblow if you sneak up on her.
Then it's just staying close, spamming R1, and dodging the delayed grab.
The NPC in the Cathedral when you do Eileen's quest.
I swear her grab has a 1-2 ft magic invisible extendo hook.
Kalameet if try to get his tale, motherfucker is impossible.
Oh I thought you're talking about Sekiro.
I beat orphan second try NG+ (did DLC first on that level) because I was using the buzzsaw's dashing attack which moves you inward. I bet everyone who had massive trouble was doing alot of backing up or trying to parry - just dodge into him.
You sound like a child
>counting jobichiro as a phase
if you take any damage vs him at all then you weren't going to beat Isshin either.
It does, only thing i found that worked was dodging forward and to the right just before it comes all the way out. Bitch cant spin around that far. Also Isshin shouldnt even be in this convo hes easier than even gehrman
Maybe you're just shit at Sekiro.
I'm on like day 6 of not beating isshin. By he time I get to his 3rd phase I've made too many mistakes and have no estus. I can fuckup geni and his first form tho
NG+ Blue Smelter Demon is the hardest boss by far desu.
Not that user, but you sound like a fag
> I bet everyone who had massive trouble was doing alot of backing up or trying to parry
Not really, from the get go, Ludwig tell you how big a mistake it is. Dodging into bosses is a reflex once you reach Orphan.
I regularly speedrun the games and I still struggle so much with Ornstein and Smough. It takes me a minimum of three tries every time. All the other bosses in their games I can solo first try.
Isshin kensei is hands down THE most satisfying boss fight in from history
from what history
Ludwig was only hard on ng+.
I can't figure out why people think Isshin is hard. Is it a console thing? I think I only died to him fourish times. The fight's basically a reaction speed test and I've heard there's input lag on the ps4. I died to the orphan around 15 times in comparison but I died to lady butterfly 20 times
the dlc for sekiro will be an easy mode
>Not that user
I doubt it
How the fuck does anybody have trouble with Friede
Phase 1 is a punching bag
Phase 2 is a budget Ornstein + Smough
Phase 3 is a punching bag
Friede is a 3 phase grindfest/gank against a bloodborne boss in which you are stuck with dark souls movement. Isshin is on his own and can be taken down relatively quickly as long as you follow his own advice, and his 3rd phase is a joke with lightning reversal.
Deflect it
Orphan of Kos, Laurence and Manus
t. SL387 and 3 phantoms
I've only played Bloodborne and Sekiro and liked them a lot, will I enjoy Demon/Dark Souls? I'm by no means an expert player, but I beat both games with minimal struggle.
You probably got gud. Butterfly was my first boss, her and that Ministry Ninja guarding the feather each killed me like 30 times. I didn't breeze through Isshin, but I got him in maybe 10 tries.
7 Spears doing the thrust follow up is the absolute best that can happen to you, though. It has a fuck long animation and deflecting it stuns him for 2-3 easy hits to his back. Literally just realize that you shouldn't spam R1 right away after you mikiri'd him.
I swear, most of you faggots crying about how hard it is are just babbies spamming R1 constantly.
t. 30 yo with shit reactions and bad eyesight
I got her into an attack loop by just standing like 4 feet in front of her, stepping forward and backward and getting a wack in every time I stepped forward and she had end lag. Might have been a glitch, I didn't replay the game so idk.
The pace of combat is a hell of a lot slower. More focused on a dodge/block and poke pattern, and you generally get punished heavily for being super aggressive. DS3 tried to make combat more like bloodborne but it turned into a weird bastard child between the two, having all these crazy special weapon arts, but they were all mostly shit as to not unbalance the game. In the end the most effective weapon in the game was a basic longsword and spamming R1.
I've never leveled past 120 and I never summon on my initial playthroughs.
Phase 1, you just hit her a lot. She staggers super easily.
Phase 2, just focus on the big guy since he's easy to dodge. Pay attention to Friede too so she doesn't gank you or heal him.
Phase 3 is much like Phase 1, except you just wait for her to perform her stupidly long combos in the air, and punish her afterwards.
She's not the easiest boss, but I certainly wouldn't put her on a list of hardest bosses when shit like Lud and Zallen exist
orphan of kos has like 4 moves. isshin has like 10 per each of his 3 forms. idk how anyone can say kos is hard. sure theres some unga bunga rng due to his aggressive nature but no way hes the hardest soulsborne boss.
>People actually have trouble against fried
>People think ANY Casual Souls 3 boss was difficult
>shit like Lud and Zallen
1st try on NG++. They only have like three easily readable attacks. O&S were harder.
But then again I did Friede 1st try on NG++ too. But she was objectively harder.
I second this... Both the illusion and her real self were easy. Sonwas the guardian ape fight imo, both of them.
The second seven spears has a dood with him. Its a fuckin nightmare
not the guy but he means from fromsoft history (all the souls games)
Thought i was the only one that found her tough. It seemed like she hit so fucking hard.
Lud and Zallen are piss easy, the trek to them is harder by far.
Name a non-OnS boss from 1 that is more difficult than a 3 boss.
Bed of chaos
Isshin was a bit easier than Orphan but I think it's because I wasn't playing at 25fps.
I beat Isshin on twice now and I just exploited 4 certain moves he does over and over again what are you talking about?
Old Isshin has more moves than SS Isshin.
>fighting 2v1 is a nightmare
Lol just backstab the other dude, nigga
Mechanics wise BB is the best when it comes to bosses overall, DS & Sekiro bosses are near broken.
you can exploit parry on orphan. all bosses are easy if you use exploits
Or you could just run past wait for her to stop aggro and then get it without all that bullshit, why do people make shit harder than it need be?
SS Isshin gave me the biggest satisfaction so he's number 1 for me.
We should measure boss difficulty in terms of how many times one died to the boss since it's the only objective statement. Far too many times there are retards claiming something was easy right after they beat the boss even though they died like 20 times.
>Friede harder than Midir
Come on, dude