What do you think of the 'looter coop' genre Yea Forums?

What do you think of the 'looter coop' genre Yea Forums?

Attached: lootrash.jpg (2864x1998, 1.85M)

formerly shlooter

>monster hunter

Enjoyable. Though MHW could use a whole lot more loot variety instead of reskinned weapons

Once you've played one, you've played them all


Warframe is the only game in that image that isn't shite.

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Freemiumfags shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums.

>one weapon type automatically makes it a shooter

Attached: 1539111809770.jpg (400x216, 43K)

>Beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances BioWare

>Warframe is the only game in that image that is shite

I rented borderlands 1 back in the day and me and a friend beat it over March break using a LAN connection or some shit.

It was kino as fuck.

>6 titles
>6 shitty games
Great "genre"

Then there wouldn't be anyone here. The majority of Yea Forums are underage poorfags.

the beginning of the end, as fps players get more and more spoiled by shiny gets and indulging in vain fantasies instead of experiencing good challenge and competition

Rather play an arpg for that brand of autism. Do wonder what other genres with the same loot farm core would look like though.

I wish they were around when I was in high school since they're only fun to play a) with friends and b) as a routine thing

Nioh had the right idea but lacks enemy variety.

Division 2, Borderlands and Mon Hun are as good if not better than Warframe
fuck you

Monster Hunter is, but World sure isn't

People need to go back to the RPG books and learn what makes those elements satisfying. TD and Anthem have absolutely no concept of it. Destiny might have had it if the studio hadn't fallen apart.

It will easily be with Iceborne

garbage and trash

borderlands 1 was interesting, back in 2009
and I liked the first division game's crime and griefing aspect

If World had a cinematic QTE equality-themed mobile spinoff it would still be better than warframe.

Every monster hunter is so much better than warframe it isn't even funny.
t. 500 hours in warframe

Why hate on World? It's very catering I get that, but the content was fine for a first game in it's generation since it was a graphical push, not just a copy/paste of previous games. Iceborne will add the G-rank it desperately needs and it'll be probably one of the better MH games.

The only decent one there is MH, and just maaaaaybe warframe.

>>implying guns automatically make it a shooter u guys


Possibly the most boring and soulless genre at the moment

The concept is good, however any worth it may have had has long since been utterly eclipsed by the cancer that is games as a service. In particular Destiny is a shitty FPS masquerading as a looter shooter despite all the gun mods being fucking boring or worthless and over three-quarters of their yellow items being useless or power creeped so hard they may as well be useless.

Where's Fallout 76?

crashed out of the picture

And yet most of them have completely different game play.

it can be fun if the combat is good and there's a shitload amount of content to unlock but still, they are extremely tedious and designed to leech money from people, I don't play them for a long time

I think one of those belongs to the hunting genre