Plays TF2

>plays TF2
>someone says nigger in the chat
>someone asks to votekick him
>he gets votekicked

what the fuck happened?

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You witnessed a fringe case. Valve games are some of the last few multiplayer games where you can type whatever you want.

Called the french a bunch of niggers for burning Notre Dame and got hit with a 3 day ban.


Hurr why can't I be casually racist anymore

Social norms changed outside of the formerly small, primarily white, male bubble you inhabited 10 years ago. Get over it.

>t. Actual nigger

The good old days are over now.


>mfw I'm the one who initiated the kickvote
Now, it's not like I'll do it to anyone who says "nigger". I'll consider context. But if you're just being a /pol/tard yeah you can fuck off from my 2fort.

If you're going to try and troll libtards epic style, don't he surprised when there is a reaction.

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times have changed....

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Why though

No they haven't. I remember back when I used to play multiplayer, which is probably before most of you were even born, it wasn't unusual for someone to be kicked for being obnoxiously offensive.

>But if you're just being a /pol/tard yeah you can fuck off from my 2fort.
>If you're going to try and troll libtards epic style, don't he surprised when there is a reaction.

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>Hehehe if I say "nigger" people will get triggered!
>WTF why was there a negative reaction to what I did?

>dont say nigger or i will kick you

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Play insurgency, you can say nigger all you want there. By the way, has Sandstorm become playable yet?

furry and ponyfags took over, same people are also attracted to SJW agendas

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Maybe they just aren't fat incel teenagers? Tf2 is over 15 years old the playerbase has gotten older

You have to remember that Yea Forums is distinct from the outside world.

reddit happened

Why can't incels just let stop saying bigger when it means they're toys are going to get taken away? Like just stop being an edgelord in multiplayer and then you can keep playing the video games.

>Tf2 is over 15 years old the playerbase has gotten older
That is correct and the older they get the harder they push their indoctrinated agendas. Younger players don't give a damn about what's happening or think of casual insults as a joke or continue to mock.

It's the old farts that start banning and kicking because they have nothing going on in their lifes other than fictional crap and their high maintenance TF2 server.

Nope literally everyone is either a virulent racist and hates stinky 3dpd piggu women or a sjw restera discord tranny there is no inbetween

>if you don't indulge my obsessive racism you're pushing an agenda
lol I'm so glad society has flat out rejected and ostracised you freaks

calling someone a nigger isnt "being obnoxiously offensive" and you never got kicked for something like that back in the day

Boomer faggot who has called people niggers before, on this very site.

>written words in an online game are flat out racism and should be prosecuted
Hit the nail on the head, huh. You SJW fags are such drama queens.

>casually call a person a nigger (without even knowing their race) in a video game
>obsessive racism

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it was just an isolated case user

This. I was playing the other and there was a little kid on mic. He was actually just playing the game and most people were enjoying his enthusiasm. This guy kept being a cunt to him. The same dude then said nigger in chat afterwards and so I votekicked him. It's not like the server was full of soft cunts either. I was doing the badwater tele glitch and someone initiated a votekick but everyone called him a retard and voted no.

You could call him an asshole or a cunt or a fag or a shitter or a filthy casual, but you choose to say nigger. You're both obsessed and deluded.

what if he loves having a diversified vocabulary you fucking nigger poofter fairy tranny faggot asshole cunt shit eater and just happened to use nigger in that one occasion?

aww are you mad that you got votekicked for your shitty behavior?

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