Xbox One S All Digital Edition

They finally did it. Microsoft released a disc-less edition of the Xbox One S, for $249.

I'm an Xbox fan, but what a terrible fucking product. It costs MORE than a normal Xbox One S, and a normal one can play discs and second-hand discs (which can have significant discounts), AND the normal one can play Ultra HD Blu Rays. A standalone player for those costs at least £100 ($130 USD) here in the UK, so it's a significant thing.

As for digital only games, Red Dead Redemption 2 currently costs £45 on the online Microsoft store, but that's only a temporary discount (6 days left) from its usual £60. Meanwhile, you can buy the disc brand new from Amazon for £35. Or you could buy the game second-hand for £25, and sometimes as low as £20.

Another example. Halo 3. Backwards compatible on the Xbox One, of course. You can get a second-hand disc for just 50p. Or if you buy it online as a download, it's £15. That's THIRTY TIMES the price.

Who the fuck would buy this piece of garbage?

Attached: xboxonesalldigital.jpg (2200x1700, 361K)

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Oh yeah, source by the way:
And first-hand source:

1TB Xbox One S cost $300. $250 when on sale. And with them saying that the all digital edition will always be $50 cheaper than the S new

>sea of thieves

this really should have been 199.

>You can get a second-hand disc for just 50p
uh excuse me you literal pirate, didn't you know used games are LITERALLY KILLING gaming????? you must not want games new so much you are an idiot

Xbox One SAD

Also apparently you need Xbox Live Gold to play Sea of Thieves in any game mode. So you literally can't play one of the games that comes with the console unless you buy a Gold subscription.

Yeah true. I guess it probably will be that much, or even less, on Amazon. But still. I just think it's a shit product even at $50 less than the normal one. Like I said in the OP, standalone Ultra HD Blu-Ray players are at least £100 ($130 USD) here in the UK, and that's for the very cheapest ones. Plus of course the drive gives you the option of second-hand discs which can give you massive savings. So $50 less for a console with no drive is just not worth it.

Buying second-hand games isn't piracy you fucking moron.

To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I bought a physical game.

I don’t think it’s a terrible idea


Why the FUCK are used things so cheap in the UK?

Cars are the biggest example. In the US even shitboxes with 200k miles go for $1.5-3k

And you'll pretty much never find any used videogame for sale, even on Craigslist or marketplace apps, under $8-10 unless its no name shovelware or part of a bundle with a console.

We got Cash Converters and mostly CEX having a monoply on second hand games.
I'm still pissed I didn't buy an N64 from Cash Converters that had Snowboard Kids 2 with it.

Almost all of my games are second-hand physical games because they're so much cheaper. I did pay for and download GTA IV and GTA SA when they were on sale and they were only a couple of quid each. But almost always I just buy second-hand discs because they're so much cheaper.

>you'll pretty much never find any used videogame for sale, even on Craigslist or marketplace apps, under $8-10 [in the US]
Really? There's this company here in the UK called CEX and they sell second-hand games really cheap - that's where you can get Halo 3 for 50p. And I recently bought Halo CE and Halo 2, for Xbox, for 75p each. They have tons of games for very cheap prices. But they're not the only ones. There's also this thing called Music Magpie who are online only and they sell second-hand games pretty cheap too. And there's a shop called Game that does second-hand games pretty cheap too.

>not taking the digital-pill
Why are you not liberating your shelf of all those pesky game cases yet?

>Ever buying digital on console

>Xbox one. SAD!
>Yes batman

What's the point of this? Next gen is coming next year

microdose valley faggot culture

>CONSTANT INNOVATION, NEXT GEN, DIFFERENT, DISC-LESS! Just what the people wanted, discless! We're so in touch with reality and satan's corporate cock up our asshole

Discs are almost always cheaper especially if you buy second-hand. You can make gigantic savings over buying from the Xbox online store.

To be fair it's costing them basically nothing since it's almost exactly the same as a normal Xbox One S, just without a drive, and with an ever-so-slightly different outside casing. So there are no tooling costs or anything. And of course if they sell one of these, then that customer is locked into being able to buy games from only the Xbox online store exclusively. And MS charges stupid prices on that thing. And of course you don't have to pay manufacturing costs with digital sales. Nor does MS need to give a cut of the game's price to the retailer, since they are retailing it themselves.

So it's sort of a no-brainer. Very little cost to MS, with much bigger margins, particularly on the software.

Of course from a consumer perspective it's terrible. This is a horrible product and you should never purchase it. You're only saving $50 over the normal one with an Ultra HD Blu Ray player, and standalone UHD BD players are at least $130 - and actually you're not even saving that much because you can already get normal Xbox One Ss for cheaper than $250. Plus of course having the disc drive enables you to buy second-hand discs for a massive price reduction over what MS charges on the Xbox online store.

But for MS it makes sense because the cost to them is basically nothing and the margins on the product (particularly for the software sales) are much bigger.

/ctt/ needs to draw a depressed fat titted goth xbone



except its always on sale and has always been less than 250

Five years on and MS have still learned fuck all about pricing. Watch the Cucklett be $599 with no games and the meme goes full circle.

Xbox One S was the cheapest blu-ray 4k player by far for a long while and even now, vs shit like the basline LG and Sony stuff the xbone was normally slightly cheaper or the same price.
The only damn reason to buy a One S was for the 4K blu ray player and now it doesn't even have that. Who in the everloving fuck is going to buy a xbone S without its main functionality?

it costs MORE? wtf

just yesterday i thought i wouldn't mind a console that had no disc drive, because i only buy digital and don't use it for movies, but i would expect a discount.