Outward Classes

Before I buy this game, tell me one thing Anons:
Can I build either a spellsword or arcane-trickster like characters?

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Don't buy it.

Ok, so is it bad or just unfinished?
The blend of exploration / difficult combat / survival kind of gets me hard, but not to the point I will buy it based just on the hypetrain and not pirate before.

>Can I be a speshul snowflake?
You already are.

The game mechanics are not the problem. It's the empty world that kills it. Writing and lore is pretty bad too.

Uninstall Wizard is the best class aside of Pirate

This game looks boring as fuck. The combat looks like the only thing it has going for it. I only watched streams to see how it's though. So what does my brainlet know?

its harder to not. pure non magic is crap compared to

ive got about 75 hours in it, it was fun kind of but its honestly really badly balanced. You will either find a playstyle you are comfortable with and be fine, or just be frustrated that so much of what you should be able to do is just gimped.

>You will either find a playstyle you are comfortable with and be fine, or just be frustrated that so much of what you should be able to do is just gimped.

So, to avoid this I kind of have to self-spoiler about skills and know what is gimped before trying it?

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Not really. The only hard thing about the game is the lack of skills and low impact weapons in the beginning.

Good is:
-pure mage using rune magic, other magic is bad
-spellsword type melee. The idea is to pick a good magic weapon then get the elemental infuse that goes along with it and focus on buffing that elements damage as much as you can. Alternatively for some weapon types using wind infuse to give you faster attack is also optimal.

ALso keep in mind even though you can do good damage this way, unlocking magic at all gives you access to rune trap which is arguably the strongest skill in the game and totaly negates the need to do more in most situations

Pure rune mage is probably the only playstyle i feel is comfortable and can have synergies working for it with no downsides.

Things like dagger fighter are useless, the highest dagger damage output still end sup just being basic attack level with a properly buffed elemental melee weapon.

Most of my enjoyment came from figuring this all out. Once i realized how hopeless it was to want to do anything but one of the few optimal builds and how this meant i couldn't play any of the kinds of characters i wanted to with out being unnecessarily weak i just didnt feel like playing anymore.

Decent info, thank You dear sir.
>Once i realized how hopeless it was to want to do anything but one of the few optimal builds and how this meant i couldn't play any of the kinds of characters i wanted to with out being unnecessarily weak i just didnt feel like playing anymore.
Thankfully I was always sucker for spell and meele using nimble fighters, and it would seem it is good way to go.

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Is dagger really that bad? I noticed the regular dagger attack is pretty shit but what about skills opportunistic strike and backstab? Don't really need infusions since those don't stack with varnishes and rags anyway.

Better than anything released in years.

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This is currently a 6/10 game at best and it's not worth $40. It needs more content and balancing.

Yes. you can go through the effort of getting 4x damage multiplier and end up still doing about the same as a normal swing of say skycrown mace buffed with the apropriate ice memes

The realization hits even harder when you try to do something clever like use this mace or brand in a full ice setup with a dagger offhand and realize even though you have set up the mulipliers for dagger you are better off just continuing to use mainhand

Dagger is one of the examples of fully fleshed out mechanics in this game that just have no reason to exist because even using them properly requires you to already have the skills and abilities unlocked to do better with something else.

All melee is like this to an extent since runic trap is so strong, but you can get rediculously high damage on melee so even though its safer/more efficient to just cast a few traps you could at least try to justify it as wanting to get the big numbers


lol no.

Full physical would have probably worked better if Tsar weapons didn't have that dogshit 0.8 attack speed. They seriously would have been better off if they were just a straight upgrade to marble weapons and more inline with artifact weapons instead of the meme stats they currently have.

The game is good overall. My only real complaint is that the devs REALLY want you to prepare ahead of any and all fighting, no matter what classes you take. Get your food buff rolling and take a swig of water, or you'll run out of stamina mid-fight. If you're a mage or spellsword, cast a fuckton of boons and convert one to an infusion. If you're pure melee, you better not forget Rage or Discipline boons, because 90% of your abilities won't work unless they're active.

Fuck me, buffing is not fun. I get what they were going for, but I don't want to stand around for ten seconds fiddling with my menus and buffing up before every encounter. It wouldn't be quite so bad if you weren't limited to 8 quickslots, meaning anything not used mid-fight won't be quickslotted. Thus you ALWAYS have to bring up your full spellbook menu to buff up.

My biggest complaint is devs being unable to patch their fucking shit for almost month. What a disaster launch
Also disappointed with how the magic was hyped up being """ritualistic""" and cool but in effect it turned out you just need to press two buttons instead of one to throw a fireball or put a magic light out.

>but I don't want to stand around for ten seconds fiddling with my menus and buffing up before every encounter
What are you doing that you have to do that? Most of the buffs last for several minutes and you don't even need to cast all of them for trash mobs.

I didn't really encounter a lot of problems bug wise. I did play solo and majority of the complaints seem to come from coop players. They were there but nothing game breaking.
Though I do agree that a lot of the mechanics feel half assed, especially the survival aspect of the game. The devs going silent does worry me.

>Can I build either a spellsword or arcane-trickster like characters?

There's 8 "classes" you can take 2-4 starter skills from all 8 classes. You can take 2-3 advanced skills from ONLY 3 of them.

But, 7 of the trainers are scattered amongst the 4 cities with 1 of them hiding in the NE of the first area. So in addition to having to find the money to pay for all these skills, you will also have to survive long enough to go get them.

there a few ways to do a spell sword, theres not too much arcane-trickster type things, but you can learn traps/daggers from one trainer and the magic from the magic guys.

I really like the game. I like the survival aspect which, while being always present, isn't fucking annoying. I like there is no saving, no savescumming for people like me who would abuse the mechanic; when you fuck up, you fuck up. When you take a bad decision -combat wise or quest wise, you live with it. I like exploring, watching at weird fucking creatures and wondering if you could take them on or get assraped, since there is no scaling and leveling.

What I don't like is that the game doesn't want you to use goddamn heavy armours. Fucking hell I want to be a wandering knight, but if you choose to wear plate you're going to end up with significant negative traits on movement speed and stamina, in a game where all you do is basically travel around on foot and dodge enemies in combat - since tanking hits, even in heavy armor, is always a big no-no when fighting anything more dangerous than a stray dog or toothless brigand.

I wish they'd either add some extra bonus to the armours or give the player a way to balance the maluses.

Oh, and put some more stuff in the empty lands.

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Spellsword yes, there's a Sword Shield hybrid style that works with magically enhancing your weapon and using your shield as an eolemental gong that explodes. You can also unlock the ability to use rune magic without a book in the offhand.
>Arcane trickster
Not really desu. Daggers and Mage tools both land in the offhand. Again, there's a rune magic skill that lets you use magic without the book, so maybe?
There are arcane guns though.

That said combat is kinda unsatisfying in general. It always feels like you're cheesing the game but that's just how it is in the end.

As for the game itself, I recommend playing with a friend, then it's significantly more fun. By yourself it's frankly kinda boring, the long stretches of walking empty landscapes and running into the same pairs of bandits is tiresome.
Also, boy you do not want to join the Blue Chamber faction. Go with Levant or Elatt, Blue Chambers' campaign is comparably utter trash.

>What I don't like is that the game doesn't want you to use goddamn heavy armours

Just keep a set of master trader gear in your backpack for getting around. As for combat, movement speed isn't that important, stamina is much more useful with heavy armor. Just take a weaker piece of head armor to offset the negative stamina bonus. There are some pieces of head armor protection (albeit less) that don't have any negative bonuses and have a positive stamina bonus. Take the elite hood for instance which has -10% stamina usage yet still have 1 protection.

I was actually thinking of using master trader boots with heavy head and chest piece. It looks good on paper.

Personally recommend just getting Master Trader Chest and boots as well as a pearlbird mask. The parts only weigh 1 each so it's not much of a burden.

Broken mage build
>Do the intro
>Make immunity potion using shrimp, oil, powder, and occult remain (first 3 is buyable in shop)
>Go to swamp, then to the spire
>Run around skipping enemies till you get to the top
>Drink the immunity potion before interacting with the altar
>Curb the shit out of the boss since he can only deal elemental damage
>90% mana usage reduction per cast from the armor set that you get from beating him
>You can get it to 100% mana usage reduction by joining the swamp jesus cult or special backpack

Judging from the steam page trailer and screenshots, this looks like an actual kid's game, like Mario. Is it, or is there something deeper to it?

>i suggest my friend to play Dark Souls
>he ends up buying Ark, Atlas and this excuse of a game instead and then he complains how bad those games are

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>immunity potion
Why does this even exist? I recently found a potion like this today and was baffled that something this straightforwardly broken exists. I mean there are plenty of ways to get OP but this thing is 100% elemental damage immunity and it's craftable to boot. It's just bizarre for something like to exist let alone be easily obtainable in a game that prides itself on difficulty.

I wonder if the devs just forgot to put hard caps on stuff like resistances or stamina/mana reduction. Put hard caps or make them multiplicative instead of additive.

Buy dragon dogma instead

Tell him he is a retard.