Remember that time they used comic sans in Silent Hill 2?

Remember that time they used comic sans in Silent Hill 2?

Silent Hill thread

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Oh, I remember.

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Is it the worst remaster of all time?

Konami is wasting fucking money everyday by not making a good SH collection with the first 4 games. How can one company be so retarded?

what the fuck is wrong with comic sans?
what is this meme


easily, even though the fact that it exists at all is impressive because that shit had to be reverse engineered

Unrelated to the image, but why does everybody hate on comic sans? It's good with the proper context, lots of fonts can look shitty used in the wrong way


>inexperienced devs sent an old beta copy of the game to work with
>they didn't have the reverse engineering expertise on hand to just disassemble a master copy like Bluepoint did with their ports

I'm with this guy.
And what the fuck is wrong with cargo shorts?

I heard they also lost the source code for all first 3 SH games
thus, bad HD collection
does that font work properly for SH context ?

>what seems like an anime avatar
>fellow white people,
>taking video games seriously

I bet Veronica wouldn't date him.

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Not even close.

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You do know Silent Hill is not a hugely successful franchise and never has been, right? Konami couldn't afford to spend money on a good remaster of the first four games. That would just be a flat out loss for the company.

I swear, the SH fanbase is so fucking deluded about their franchise. They believe it's one of the most popular things in the world when in reality it's basically just limped along. For reference, the best selling SH game sold less than the worst selling RE game.

its actually a silent hill thread with a related image but whatever you say you fucking moron

It's very ugly, doesn't fit what's used for 95% of the time, and is super recognizable so it distracts from whatever it's trying say. On top of that, it's used incredibly frequently so people are constantly exposed to it and grow to hate it.

No. It had all the stages present in the original game and most of the changes are a question of aesthetics, which do not matter.

I suppose whatever font on the left was licensed and that license ran out by the time the HD collection was released. Still, even Times New Roman would've worked a lot better than Comic Sans, but I guess whoever was in charge of replacing the font didn't really give two shits.

>which do not matter
I know you typed this just to anger people.

That font would have (probably) cost a fortune. I understand and accept why they didn't want to purchase it. How dare any of you blame them for anything. Look at all the great achievements they have. That's REAL experience. Many fond memories of Touchmaster.

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>but I guess whoever was in charge of replacing the font didn't really give two shits

I'd guess what is more likely the situation is it's placeholder and to make it obvious it's placeholder they used comic sans but then it was forgotten about and just slipped through the cracks.

This thread has nothing to do with the twitter user or anything they had to say. This is a thread about video games unrelated to anything on twitter. Use your fucking brain.

Why did it upset autists so much? Its just text.

had it just been that I don't think anyone would have really cared. Its that everything else got fucked in the ass, thus it makes the comic sans thing a bit of a dick slap to the face

Comic Sans is such a meme font that using it for your product is basically an indirect insult to the consumers.

>based in California
No for real though can someone name a single good thing that comes from that hellhole?

Go to school, underage.

The SH fanboy is a special kind of autist. They believe the original games are literally perfect. That there are no flaws or mistakes, everything is by design. The shit voice acting? By design. The fuck awful combat? By design. The banal "evil cult awakens an ancient evil" story? By design and it's not banal, it's GENIUS! Lazy copy and paste from American films? By design.

>based in California

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(in California)

Do you guys seriously think that hand painted text on wooden signs is normally done in comic sans?

That's why I said unrelated to the image

I never said it is normal. Funny how you say that considering the game is extremely abnormal but whatever.

I said why does it piss you autistic people off so much. Has nothing to do with me thinking its normal you autist.

It's never used in the proper context, and even when it is in the right context, there are other fonts that serve the same purpose and look better.

Ah so you dont care about consistency within a game's story and artstyle.

Well, let me apologize for making the grave mistake of assuming you were not retarded.

the amount of effort and money it would take to reverse engineer the games is too much, they likely wouldn't make that kind of money back.

Personally, I prefer Hidden Valley.

Does anybody else like Homecoming as much as I do? I only ever see people bash it and/or talk ill about the game. To the people who don't like it would you care to explain why?

Its not that fans think its "super popular". It has a cult following, and one of the bigger ones in gaming. And regardless of how many sales it will make outside its niche, it WILL sell shitloads because of said cult following. They're sitting on ez money, and maybe the series could gain traction again

At least there are PC versions who are better ports of Silent Hill 2,3 and 4 than "HD collection".
Someone usually posts the links and tutorial image here on Yea Forums to grab them for free.
Also, opinions on: Homecoming, Origins, Shattered Memories, Downpour? Excluding the horrible Book of Memories cause that is... I dunno what that is, to be honest.

I sorta like it even though it was kinda low effort to make it so heavily inspired by the movies.

>This horror game is filled with abnormal happenings, so it doesn't matter if Big Bird comes around to plunge a giant dildo in your nostril
Sure bud

Do you ever wish you could just have a Silent Hill experience where your problems manifested to confront you instead of you having to confront your demons within yourself?

Should've went with based jokerman font.

>James, honey... Did something happened to our vidiya? After Team Silent got separated in that horrible company? Are you confusing our vidiya with something else?

Yes, the plot twist of who Alex really was and the fate of his brother was great, the levels had 100% better classic SH atmosphere than DP and its one of the better SH titles for everything to sorta "come together" and make sense

Newmon's Own Shattered Memories

It was okay. I didn't really care for them following the torture porn fad but that's just me not liking torture porn.

They tried replicating the gameplay of previous titles and succeeded mostly, lots of unlockables gives an incentive to play the game multiple times, Yamaoka's soundtrack.
No tank controls, shouldn't have been a prequel, gave actual dates to events, PS2 version is ridiculously dark.

If you want a classic Silent Hill feel and can ignore the plot it's ok. They did the best they could IIRC the game was rushed and they did it in a year or so.

Fucking Arial would have been better than Comic Sans

Unless you're making invitations for a child's birthday, you don't seriously use CS

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Ironically, the AR-15. ArmaLite was founded & operated out of California at the time.

So whats the deal with Silent Hill? What makes it a paranormal town?

layer of ancient indian spirit energy causes nightmares from people to be projected onto the town in a physical manifestation.

genital mutilation. not kidding.

Does it matter?

>Aesthetics not mattering in a Silent Hill game

Congratulations, your bait is the first I've seen this year to make me physically react. Here's your (You)

why is it so farfetched that a redneck town sign would use comic sans?

Silent Hill 2 HD was based on an old build of the game because Konami lost the release version. The comic same text was likely placeholder text put in by Team Silent themselves and that the remaster team didn't notice

A deity thats been playing a county of idiots for a millennia, blood sacrifice and some mumbo jumbo about the town sits on a few burial grounds and is a pathway to the "otherworld"

Wasn't there some documentary recently trying to make excuses for the retarded western dev who fucked it all up?

yeah it's basically them getting mad at Twinperfect for blaming the team and Tom because TP's fans cyberbullied Tom afterwards.

>People still defend the HD collection

Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 had to be remastered and they ended up being one of the greatest remastered collection ever released, no excuse.
The real reason it turned out shit was cause Konami outsourced to Hijinx studio, a studio that had never made a big game nor ever done a remaster before. Genius business move.

Its summative. The new anime voices, the new jarring sound effects, the pristine new textures for the streets. Everything in the remaster shows they didn't understand even the basics of Silent Hill.
No where is that more apparent than randonly replacing the font on the ranch sign from worn and creepy to fucking comic sans.

No one gives a shit about gun facts

Like guitars?

Remember when Troy Baker voiced James?

yeah it has to be, both most high-profile (everyone brings it up in 'bad remasters' threads) and also it is objectively shamefully bad

It was full of actual American horror tropes rather than being a Japanese interpretation of American horror. The "plot twist" could be seen from a mile off, the plot and the location didn't mesh properly, it was a lazy rehashing of "lol SH means rust!", the combat was made more of a focus which was bad because they were STILL shit at combat, except now you were expected to do something about it. It was buggy as fuck, don't even think about playing the PC version. I could keep going but to be honest I'd have to struggle to remember that far back about something I'd rather forget about.

KH1 and 2 didn't need to be reverse engineered because the source code was lost you idiot. Proof of this is the fact that the FF9 ports turned out like shit with lots of missing assets, because surprise surprise, they lost the source code and the game had to be RE'd, by the bravely default team no less, unless they are incompetent now by w/e contrarian standard Yea Forums is using.

Look it up, they didnt have the SC for KH

Absolutely. Take a beta copy of the game, gut everything, slap it into an "HD collection" and hope you get your paycheck before someone notices.

He said the asset masters were lost so they had to recreate them using a copy of the game for reference. He didn't say the source code was lost.

No, that would have been the Master Chief Collection. At least the HD collection did technically work.

Comic Sans font actually fits the goofy voice acting and dialogue better.

>b-b-but the dialogue and voice acting is supposed to be shit on purpose, to convey how unhinged the characters are
Imagine being this rearded.

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There are loads of suitable free fonts. I almost believe that Comic Sans was a placeholder that they just forgot to remove. Almost.


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Chill out, sperg.

Put more than zero effort into your posts, and make them video games, faggot.

If I wanted to be told what to post I'd go to fucking R*ddit.

You should do that.


spotted the macaroni lol

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I'm still not sure which is preferable. insufferable retards screaming at eachother nonstop, or pretentious retards all agreeing with eachother
one is not clearly superior

>Still have Silent Hill 2/3 on ps2
>Want to play on newer systems
>Remaster is shite
Should I just get the pc versions and mod them?

How in the name of fuck is expecting people to make posts that mean literally anything, and aren't just random "ha ha, this is an unrelated thing from the news, remember that?" being pretentious?

Try using an emulator. Even the games with quirks like Jak or Ratchet and Clank have been fixed by now.

I have a ps2 as well. I can just plug and play but I was hoping that there would be a newer release polishing up textures/audio. Enhanced version of 2 on pc looks promising.

Is the source code even necessary? The guys behind the Metal Gear Solid collection never used source codes and worked from a ripped retail copy, or am I wrong? Sounds like the Silent Hill team was just retarded without quality control.

I would say for for PC. Modern fixes have brought it up to a point where there are only differences, not plusses and minuses.

People actually believe this. ITS INCOMPETENCE at best and total hate toward series at worst. Its more likely that Tom Hullet is just a fucking cunt who did this on purpose because fans were shitting on his games. Who the hell loses source code that sounds like a such a shitty excuse. Even trash bin hackers can reverse engineer pc games from 2003. Games had 2 fully functional pc releases. You dont even need the fucking source code. Thank god the living breading silent hill bible was there to save the series.

It's not absolutely necessary bit it does make things a fuckload smoother and faster. Productivity is more important than impressing people with your ability to read assembly.

>Sounds like the Silent Hill team was just retarded without quality control.
Konami paid bottom dollar and spent almost nothing on beta testing. That's almost guaranteed to result in a shit product. The reason MGS turned out so much better is because Konami spent much more on it and they spent more on it because MGS makes assloads of money while SH makes very little.

A lot of great games use Comic Sans though. Sonic Adventure 2, The Sims, Lollipop Chainsaw, Krater, etc.

>spent almost nothing on beta testing
How gullible are you? Game can be completed in less then 3 hours. Some of this issues are so fucking glaring and impossible to miss. Its so obvious that they were aware of every single issue this collection had and probably caused 100 more of them. The only reason why they never fixed them was because they literally didnt know how.

dont be retarded . Its about aesthetic and atmosphere. the point is that its hand written sign that some retard changed for some retarded reason into this shit. They were probably unable to recreate the sign in higher resolution so they resorted to CS instead of spending 2 minutes and drawing it with a fucking photoshop.

>Who the hell loses source code that sounds like a such a shitty excuse
It's exceptionally common, especially in games developed before future ports were a common concern. HDDs get reused, computers are turned over, servers replaced, it happens. Japanese devs in particular did it a LOT.
Reverse engineering isn't always possible or practical. Some ports based on reverse engineering pan out well, some don't. It's not as simple as 'just reverse engineer it lol'.

I'm wondering. The guy that did this faced any consequences?

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>The only reason why they never fixed them was because they literally didnt know how.

Are you same moron who also believes there was a deliberate plan to sabotage the port purely to spite the fanbase? You're a fucking retard.

>when the HD remaster is more frightening than the horror game it's based on

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It was a demented old woman and i'm fairly sure she got off lightly

Nice looking water there!

It was a good joke user, don't listen to the ass blasted frog.


It's babby's first "holy shit you can change how letters look in Word? Let's check them out, Matt comes here! Look at this comic sans thing!" font, so it generally evokes an infantile and inexperienced feeling.

Literal dumpster fire lmao

It was an old woman and apart from internet ridicule nothing happened to her. It wasn't like this was some amazing famous painting worth millions. It was a nothing painting in a nothing church that was going to shit so one of the parishioners asked the priest if she could attempt to fix it and he said "Yes". She didn't succeed. It's unfortunate but that's about it. She doesn't deserve any penalty.

>I don't know anything about game development or reverse engineering anything

Macron is the president you troglodyte

That's actually the original water texture. It's just obscured by the fog in the original release.

wait a few hours they'll release the new enhanced mod with HD fonts, PS2 flashlight and a lot of misc fixes

you dont need even mod sh3 on pc just upscale it to 1080p and it looks still better than some new games.

As is with most women

>didnt succeed. No shit, she failed miserably. You could hand the original over to a 5 year old child and his shit finger painting would still look better than this atrocity. She deserves the death penalty imo for being such a failure at life.

vandal hearts was ok

Yes but that guy didn't say Macron he said "macaroni", which is an Italian type of pasta
>inb4 I was only pretending

why not just hire some dude to make a custom jpeg of the sign? jesus

мaкe that a 70k retweets and 148k likes