Touhou 17 announced same day as Smash update announced

>Touhou 17 announced same day as Smash update announced.




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Of course, nobody doubted that.

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No Way, Fag.

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Fag, No Way.

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Why do people want characters in that game so much


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confirmed echo fighter

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>trying to understand smashfag autism

Damn I'm psyched.

Cute dork

She's fucking IN

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Reimu is a zombie

So Orin and Shou will be boss stages instead of playable characters? (Animal theme)

She's also PCB.

Here's your final boss for the evening

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I want to throw beans at her.

No bully pls

>Touhou 17 is announced
>instead of making a touhou thread you make a smashnigger thread
Kill yourself.

Lighten up you dip

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Post more yukari

titty or spooky one?

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Is this the biggest plot twist the Touhou series had to date?

It doesn't matter, after everything is said and done, retarded Reimu will still not realize that Kazen is an oni.

ZUN managed to make Reimu look cool again.

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> Reimu

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Why is her skirt flying forwards? It can't be wind since her hair isn't fluttering so she must have a boner

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I’m a little confused, are Reimufags being ironic? Or is this actual retardation

But that's Youmu, not Reimu.

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Can't you see the paws on her skirt?
There's a invisible monster under her it.

We need the user who draws red lines on 2hus to prove us that it's her pelvis

