Game is on life support and has only 2 active devs

>game is on life support and has only 2 active devs

Why is Valve intent on killing every single game it has created?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't worry, smash bros will indirectly revive TF2.

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>life support
TF2 died in 2009.

Valve cancelled the Adult Swim TF2 cartoon. Do you really think they'd bother with trying to get into Smash?

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

why does a 10 year old game need active development

>Valve cancelled the Adult Swim TF2 cartoon.
This sounded like such a good idea, why the hell did they scrap it?

Theres already experienced animators, the SFM engine is already there, insane amounts of models and the fanbase is just dying for something new.

The only issue they have i can think of is just the voice actors among other things.

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retards think a game should last over 50 years before development ceases rather than let it age like wine

If you want to end support then make a sequel to replace it. It still has an active community that wants dev attention, but they're sitting around doing nothing.

Developing a game takes effort, and they can already make shit cash without any effort.

I don't think you know what active development means.

Al you have to do is give people the server software and the game will live forever.

>but they're sitting around doing nothing.
This glaring stupidity of a statement is just amazing.

You sound American, are you American?

i'm tired of this mentality that software needs to be developed in perpetuity

Nah game is dead, that's why i stopped using stairs, because it's not perpetually developed.

Dumbasses are stupid for making a second floor that requires ancient technology like stairs to access lololol

That game came out 12 years ago, what other multiplayer games even live that long?

tf2 would be better if matchmaking was reverted
also please no more major updates, I'm tired of out of touch valve interns fucking tf2 up
just patch the usual bugs that pop up and don't do anything else



Valve was really fucking lazy with it, they only got done one of the shorts which eventually became expiration date, blame it all on valve's insanely retarded work structure.

McVicker already said he misreported it. A valve employee said they had two devs on Team Fortress (Classic not 2) and people misunderstood. TFC just got a small update for its anniversary.

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There are between 12 and 16 people working on TF2 right now for the next major patch which will come out sometime this year. Anyone who says "THE GAME IS DEAD" or w/e is a big tard

Reminder: NEVER EVER

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Game is dead

Infinite jumping mad milk scout glitch was super fun, shame they fixed it so quickly

it feels ironic considering that one episode alone is quoted 24/7 as a meme to this day.

they have the potential to sway the people with their content but they just keep sucking fat fucking dick at every opportunity. fuck sakes

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I don't know, user. I'm going to bed.

>look up stats
>TF2 always has 50-100k people playing since the first year those stats were available

>there is a timeline where Valve takes action and capitalizes on the fact that people would still rather play TF2 than the other team shooters and grind on actual content like revamped matchmaking so community and casual is first, more weapons/shorts, and FINISHING THE FUCKING COMIC instead of devoting time into a project every two years then scraping it for a different one.

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>CS:GO and DotA are eternal cash cows thanks to digital sports
>TF2 on maintenance
>Artifact crashed so hard they publicly admitted the only way to fix it is to not say anything at all
>Left 4 Dead was left for dead so hard Turtle Rock is making a game without them
On the bright side after Evolve I have no faith in Turtle Rock to do good.


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Is this detailed anywhere? First I'm hearing of it.

>There's a timeline where Arena isn't the ONLY mode in the entire fucking game to not have dedicated servers and matchmaking

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Arena is trash, user.

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TF2 died precisely because they couldn't leave well enough alone and raped the minimalistically perfect game with unbalanced garbage (medic update onwards) and then korean cash shop shit

if only...

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Fuck off
A better question is, why does it need ANY devs?
team based shooters are better off when left alone as a whole package, balance patches should happen for no more than a few years after release, after which maybe more maps should happen.

TF2 fucked up because it tried so hard to keep up with the times without realising that the times are cancer, the TF2 playerbase doesnt want AMM or competitive mode, we want our fun lan p2p game without retarded gun skins and hat trading holy shit every motherfucking year the game feels like it's trying to capitalise on the ineptitude of children instead of just being a fun game we can cherish forever

>Fake latency spy has joined the server

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>Heavy with speedhacks and no bullet spread has joined the server

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>dude vr lmao

I liked tf2 the day it came out, and I still like it. Stop bitching and just have fun with it.
Also fuck the comp fags, the game was never ment to be competative its a casual game

Wanna see a magic trick?

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that's what I like to read. game is still the same at its core regardless of patches and added cosmetics

>staircase analogy

There's a timeline where Cactus Canyon got released

>game is on life support
>12 year old game

Being a brainlet must be a wild roollercoaster ride.

it's not a casual game and works fine as an esport with a competitive ruleset
just look at highlander and 6v6

Except for tha fact that the competative meta never change, with 90% of the weapons banned which makes it somewhat boring to watch, and for new players and casuals watching a tournement is just fucked considering so much shit is banned so nothing makes sense and on top of that streams uses custom huds, viewmodels and more, which just makes new players even more lost. The competative side of tf2 will never grow as long as the entire thing is just a massive hugbox of faggots that cant accept change and ban every new item instead of adapting.
To be honest, just allow everything and make item bans a team decision like they ban heroes in dota.

nothing about this means that it's a casual game

might as well delete your post

It was designed as a casual game, prove me wrong.

TF2 started going to shit with the Heavy update. By the Spy/Sniper update they were actively ruining the game. By the demo/soldier update they had completely given up and decided to fill the game with memes.

Remember the commentary tracks? Remember how gaben talked about the importance of recognizable class silhouettes? Remember when he said that they decided that status affects which limit your control like TFC caltrops aren't fun?

Do you have a hard time seeing what class you are up against user? Sounds like a you problem

>Believing anything Tyler said.

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>game compromises core design philosophy the developers specifically highlighted as important in order to sell cosmetic items
>lol mad cuz bad
I haven't launched TF2 since 2011, so no, I don't have a hard time with this shit game.

Its the same gameplay, except there are more weapons and some dumb hats, why do it bother you this much?

Someone post that picture with silhouettes of every every class having every cosmetic on them to prove this guy wrong.

Maybe if you played the game before it went F2P, you would understand.

Fuck it was so good. Sure the last stretch on part one was hell but it was fun. Why valve, why forsake us?

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Jokes on you I started playing 2008 may 8 18:46.
I ask again, why does some virtual hats bother you this much? Its the same gameplay except afew new items

the clean and focused art direction was a deliberate design decision in TF2
they flushed it away for microtransactions

>futa Ash cumming on her own face

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Yes it was, you are correct, but things change and evolve, I would suggest you adapt and accept or just stop all tougheter. Posting this faggy ass rant on Yea Forums is just sad, move on dude, its fine

The microtransactions have nothing to do with it. As the team dwindled, more and more questionable items managed to slip in.
It doesn’t really bother me but I can see why it would bother you. There are mods for it, though, so it’s not really an issue.

the OP asks "why is valve killing TF2" I responded "TF2 died years ago"
you say "stop playing", I did.

This is a picture of the classes with all their cosmetics on at once.
I'm not going to pretend like I don't agree. A lot of the cosmetics break the art style, some break the time TF2 is meant to be in, some are just meme ones that Valve should've never accepted, but the classes can still be easily read. And this is with all the cosmetics at once, not just the three max. Plus I'm not sure if the Halloween ones are also added in this picture, which are the ones that tend to break the silhouette even further, but they're meant as just an occasional thing.

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Good on you user. Now stop posting about a game you dont even play anymore you come off as a loser that cant let go.

The desire to continue pushing more and more wacky "innovative' items contradicted the fundamentals that made the game fun. The Pyro update was the best, because the additions were significant, but not drastic. By the time they made "demoman with a sword", the whole thing had gone off the rails. They stopped caring about balance, and were just throwing shit at the game and maybe fixing it later.

It's my prerogative to give my opinion about a game which I once liked and don't like anymore in a thread explicitly about the decline of the game. It's not like I'm trolling a TF2 general.

it gives him an excuse to pretend he is hardcore or at least better than others and a reason not to play the game

>spy with butterknife or pyro starts rushing you down
>all of your hitscan shots miss at close range

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Honestly still impressive considering how many games it outlined over 2 gens.

IIRC, one of the reasons was as simple as, "We didn't realize how hard it would be"
But really, that's no excuse. All the VA's still work and I'm sure they'd be able to arrange a schedule. This is fully on Valve's work culture simply seemingly dismissing an amazing idea because...wish I knew.
One the one hand, their work culture got us TF2. On the other, I wish Valve were more proactive in actually marketing and getting their IP out there. There's a timeline where TF2 would be introduced in Smash simply by Gaben calling Nintendo and arranging a meeting. Where even if TF2 was introduced in Smash, the reaction would be crazy, not "who the fuck are these characters". Where TF2 had it's own successful TV show. Even with the Halo on Steam thing, it clearly was Xbox the ones making the first move. So unless Sakurai was actually some die hard TF2 fan, all it could potentially take was Gaben to actually give a shit.

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>ooohhhh nuuuuu y devs droppin a ded gaem I want dem to support it even when dey r in graves
Fuck off nigger.

>about the decline of the game
There is no decline? The game have had a stedy player base for years, its even increased since 2008-2009.
Stop being such a faggot user, its enough now.

Real answer, it's not dead, there's not just 2 people working on it, that was a mistake by the Valve news guy, the company is currently on vacation after a long year of nothing good, and TF2 will get its update.
Valve knows they can never stop updating TF2. The most they can do is space them out. The reason for this is that the player count would free fall and the market would crash in 5 minutes. Hopefully they do have a end of life plan for TF2, but hopefully, they still intend on getting cool updates out, not just getting workshop stuff in.

>game is on life support
>why is valve killing it?
you might not agree with OP, but OP is who I was responding to, not every errant TF2 fanboy who disagrees with OP.

Stop trying to invent reasons that people shouldn't criticize a game you like.

There is a lot you can criticize the game over, but that the "game is dying" is not one of them.

okay. I didn't say that. OP said that. I said the game had a decline, by which OP means death, but by which I mean a decline in quality.

Different user but I don't TF2 as being in life support. Blue Moon might not be considered by many as a "true" update but it was significant in a lot of ways. People still make workshop items, maps, whatever. People still make SFM's, comp has its own little community going. Valve itself might seem to not be working on much but considering the absurd amount of content the game has, I think it's good for them to try and balance everything out, find ways to make some of the more empty maps more playable again, all without breaking the player base across too many maps.

Why would you have to? It's a perfectly good game, aged incredibly well and is still fun to play with tons of content. There's no need to change or update it.

Oh, you’re retarded.

>I'll never be able to brawl with inklings and Kirby as the heavy or the soldier

I can't take it.

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TF2 has reached the peak of it's life cycle, it's still gonna have active players years from now, seeing as CS 1.6. is still being played even if it was barely updated since it's launch.

I don't understand why Valve would do that. TF2 is THE game they're known for and their biggest hit. It would be like if Microsoft suddenly abandoned Halo.

Imagine being at valve and wanting to make update to tf2 or even hl3 but some retarded sjw that prefers to ban porn games from steam says he doesn't want tf2 updates or hl3, so because there is no upper management to make decisions they just decide not to work on either

I hate that the progressives at Valve has been choking TF2 development for years in favor of DotA. I fucking hate these troglodytes and that game.

I hated compfags until b4nny made fun of trannies, now comp TF2 is based and redpilled.

I don't see why people care about updates so much considering it's nothing but complaints every time we actually get one
I'd really like a vanilla mode desu



im not bothered this at all
The writing for expiry date and jungle inferno is post season 4 spongebob tier

that was just a theory he had

Suck my dick faggot. Maybe you shouldn't have become a containment game for horsefuckers.

Why does no one else want TF2 BR :(
It would be new gameplay and bring in new players

The excuses people give for why it wouldn't work are always dumb and easily gotten around

>Valve letting its franchises fade into irrelevancy
>Steam getting blown the fuck out by Epic
Is this it? Will we see Gaben throw in the towel sometime during the '20s?

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I'd rather see Gabe die an agonizing death. It's the least he deserves for betraying us all.

>the reason for this is that the player count would free fall and the market would crash in 5 minutes
only if they announce they are stopping support
they could stop support and not tell anyone and the economy would be fine with a long slow death

I really wish Valve would hire community map makers or really anyone who still gives a damn about TF2. Those are the sort of people who should be working on the game. And the work culture of "Meh, I'll work on this project that won't go anywhere because I don't feel like working on an existing game."

chill out man it's just video games

Because BRs are zoomer shit that requires tons of steady content/interaction to keep the ADHD little shits interested. Also the source engine can't handle 100 players. Now fuck off back to plebbit.

lack of maps isnt their problem
they have hundreds of good maps to take form the workshop

>betraying us all.
Why do valve haters always think a company owes them something?

Because of brain interface tech that is going to with VR revolutionize not just the game industry, but the entire world. Releasing Artifact was just the first step.

There was an interview with Gabens son and he said that it's gonna make our waifus real.

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apex legends the second most popular BR game is made on source engine
(this is what i mean by dumb excuses)
I was an angry boom like you, hating on br for no reason, until i played them

Most Valve "haters" are in fact Valve's biggest and most loving fans who hate that Valve has become a vile husk of its former self. Said fans just want Valve to stop being shit.

how long are these big companies going to try and push vr
people are lazy and dont want to be moving their heads and arms all over. That fad is over

I played apex for an hour or two and it was boring as fuck.

The only way this would happen is if Gaben was in any way interested in repping his games division. Do you see Gaben in any way wanting to rep his games division?

They all come from a very weird standpoint though. They sincerely believe Valve "owes" them sequels just because the company keeps existing. If Valve doesn't want to make games, that's their decision. They didn't even tease new shit you can get disappointed by, I really don't see the problem.

I will post this every time people talk about Valve and "why don't they do X" or "they should do Y"
Valve doesn't care about you, they don't care about making games, they don't care about Team Fortress or Half Life or Portal or any of their IPs. All they care about is maximizing profit which they are doing amazingly well. There's no point in making video games when you can make so much more money just selling them on your platform. Steam practically prints money. They supply power to the servers, and they make money. That's all they have to do and that's all they want to do.
Valve as a video game company is dead and has been dead for a long time, accept that and move on.

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VR + brain interface is gonna be pretty mad user. It can cure autism and make waifus real,

It's pretty mad shit. Imagine doing math, thinking about the calculations in your head and getting the answers to your brain.

They moved on with their lives and want to do new projects. Is it truly that hard to understand? The people who made TF2 probably don't even work at valve anymore

They're actually losing money to Epic now.

Hopefully, but supposedly there's a lot of latency problems to overcome with those brain interfaces. Even back when people used those headbands to play pong there were delays up the ass, attempts at more complex inputs are probably even more troublesome.

What’s multiplayer solitaire like?

yes that mostly true
but i mean that csgo battle royale was only released a coupe of days ago

and they are always making games, it just that they always get cancelled behind the scenes

Nah, they're retards who think a company owes them something because they played their games 10 years ago.

>All they care about is maximizing profit
It's actually funny how people believe this as well while also saying
>There's no point in making video games
Like... what? If you're going to contradict yourself at least leave a few posts between

That's a pretty pessimistic view. Valve is doing some cool things for video games, they just aren't pumping out video games. Their multiplayer networking improvements have been pretty good, as have their efforts to make games run outside of windows naturally.

You mean 90% of weapons are allowed?

There is an objective to be won. Sounds competitive to me.

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>Valve is doing some cool things for video games
>cancelling HL3 and taunting fans over it is a cool thing
Go fuck yourself.

HL3 was never announced, it's all people's headcanon.

>muh HL3

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Valve will never improve until they get rid of their lazy as fuck work structure. There are "creatives" at Valve who have not produced a fucking thing since they started there years ago.

Different user here, but HL3 was actually pretty important to people, so either you’re underage or just retarded.

I too wanted HL3 or at least episode 3. But they were never satisfied with whatever they tried to put together, and I can accept that the project just wasn't good enough to release. People would bitch regardless because they'd be let down in a different way.

There was a period of time where HL3 could be utter shit and it would still rake in the cash.

You wan't to play HL3 user? It's easy, honestly! Come closer we... just need to err, insert this small chip inside of your.... skull. Simple operation, really.

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no, I just don't think companies owe me something and then get assmad over the fact that they in fact don't

Shut up you pathetic Yea Forums racist bigot incel sexist homophobe panphobe transphobe islamaphobe xenophobe. You disgust me.

I think that's true as well. But then if the game wasn't good, HL would be left with a shitty ending legacy like ME3.

It's amazing that there's nobody speaking out against Valve's outright anti-human campaign. Did the dystopia movies teach nobody anything?

It's called TEAM Fortress user

Nobody will implant you with spying chip. The solution was much easier, just make people willingly carry a spying device 24/7. And they fucking worship that device too.


you can have TEAM BR's like Apex Legends. and team modes like in Fortnite
(another example of a stupid reason, please think before you speak)

If I had two gaymin related wishes one would be used to erase the retard who made the banana hat from the timeline.

Good night and God bless you user.

Dota and CSGO make them substantially more money. TF2 is like a drop in the ocean of Dota and CSGO money.

Yet nobody gives a fuck about Dota or CSGO, while everyone gives a fuck about TF2.


are you even aware of how old this game is?

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Yea Forums is not everyone

I hate to break it to you user but CSGO is THE normie comp shooter.

Battle Royale, by definition, requires a singular winner
You're just asking for expanded server capacity

Shut the fuck up! I like CSGO!

Casual should be reverted to a quickplay with an extra step to ask the player "the fuck kind of TF2 you want" by listing servers with a better tagging/advertising system
>Custom modes
>>Mobility (Jump/Surf)
>>Party (Saxton etc.)
>Symmetry modes (5CP, PLR, CTF etc.)
>Asymmetry modes (PL, A/D, 2-3CP etc)
when you click a category, you tag it for matchmaking. When you click on subcategories that pop out, you get given a list of popular, non-full servers shown to you to just connect directly to.

Competitive should be retooled to be "casual competitive" with 7s on the actual comp scene's season/off-season map pools (so customs and no shitty maps are included) and a handful of weapons disabled, on top of no random crits and spread, but otherwise looser in terms of modes and class limits. The problem of 6s tends to be from
"Too slow": which isn't too big a problem if you're queueing to kill time instead of knocking out scrims scheduled a week in advance. Even games being a bit defensive with most of the classes as are is workable when you have just an extra player to throw at it even with a limit of 2.
"Hard to organise more than six players": which is perfect for matchmaking to resolve when it's a more streamlined competitive with in-game tools.
Actual competitive games should still rely on external sources and such but having extra in-game support would help too, and not many would have time to get into that scene seriously when you need to bring your own team. Matchmaking could help you find enough players to solve that however.

And morons who whine "TF2 isn't comp!!1!" are the type to queue competitive in CS:GO and say it's not the same thing, it's just a game etc.

>Yet nobody gives a fuck about Dota or CSGO, while everyone gives a fuck about TF2.
pppffftt hahahahahaha

dont be autistic ma nigger
are you really going to argue apex legends and and fortnite aren't battle royals because they have teams just to be contrarian to me

and no, tf2 with just a larger player count isnt battle royale retard

TF2 could easily make money in a similar way because they just need to sell battle passes
The problem is they don't bother making their own cosmetics and have to share with creators, plus they don't want to support competitive because they have to actually think about making it better instead of just doing "dota"/"CS" as it was before they got their hands on the IP

40k online

Hero shooters are not money printers man, Overwatch has had a huge "lets turn this into an esport" campaign by Blizzard and it failed spectacularly.

I'm saying that a team mode in whatever isn't a battle royale. It's a game mode you tard. Is that Fortnite base defense mode battle royale as well?
Maybe articulate what you actually want a little better next time.

I hate snipers

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Fortnite is better than Trash Fortress two lol

so apex legends which only has 1 mode, team battle royale, isnt a battle royale?
If someone asked you what kind of game apex legends was you wouldnt say battle royale?

Because Overwatch is a fucking joke having to both throw shit on the screen with clusterfuck abilities and stale meta because you're intended to die and respawn as something else non-stop, despite it not necessarily being effective.
TF2 has an issue in it's competitive because Valve didn't design the game right to begin with, then gave no shits about esports until CSGO, long after TF2. If they designed TF2 to begin with mannconomy and esports we wouldn't be having this conversation. To get to that point, Valve needs to deal with the 2sc/2sl/d/m meta in 6s because 6s is the default mode because of various factors including both Valve's problems and reality.
You can't really do more than 6s despite the game initially being designed for about 6-10 players a side, arranging games with more than 6 people is inefficient and difficult. 6s is forced because otherwise sites like ETF2L would never kick off if everyone kept constantly having to reschedule matches. This can be part fixed for most with matchmaking support, but mapping and balance are also issues without Valve's intervention.
Likewise, support classes get horribly imbalanced when stacked and there is a general problem with defensive classes being effective and situational classes even existing, let alone struggling to offer any incentive to pick them when you can pad your whole team with generalists.

Overwatch > tf2 you dumbtard. No one likes old trash games.

Jesus christ you're delusional.

I think tf2 could have been a great and popular esports. The core gameplay is amazing
it just needed some rebalancing, an match making system that worked, and better modes

Your a retard. There’s a reason that OW has an amazing competitive league and tf2 doesn’t. Stay mad loser.

>There’s a reason that OW has an amazing competitive league
because blizz pays for everything

ow has good match making in the game, and lots of money for the scene
its core gameplay isnt as good

Too bad you’re stuck with a trash game. Even if valve put money into it it wouldn’t even come close to Overwatch (2016 game of the year) how many game of the year awards does tf2 have? Oh that’s right! 0! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

OW community >>>>>> tf2 community

Prove me wrong

Haven't played it. I guess multiple small teams would count, is that what you're suggesting? You even typed team battle royale which is a distinction from what you originally stated. Again you haven't told me what you actually want.

Honestly I think pyro getting some serious damage was pretty interesting, it's just Valve backpedalled because of issues with casual matchmaking (read: not community servers were you can expect a somewhat raised skill floor by virtue of needing the brainpower to find the server to begin with) and whining, as well as Jungle Inferno fucking incentivising everyone to play Pyro. Meanwhile scout is a little too strong and always has been, something I think stems from beta where they swapped his nailgun for ??? reasons, possibly because "without meatshots nobody would play scout", but conc grenade removal doesn't help either. Imagine scouts needing to track while keeping up crazy mobility non-stop with bhop-lite physics.
If these were adjusted, you'd see less of a second scout most likely, and pyro could break some defensive lines, so the game could be more offense oriented, and you'd see more than 5CP standard 6s etc. It would be more fresh and therefore viable as an esport.

Also I forgot before but basic shit like "if payload cart is touched, it auto-pushes" would do a lot for the non-comp modes becoming viable, but only Valve can do that. That's another big problem with the variety.

you dont need to play it to know its a br, you know its a br
i want ugandan warriors

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we just got a patch yesterday you babies

tfc and half life 1 get patches
doesnt mean they are getting content

there was that gordon freeman thing in final fantaxy 15 or some shit

>play character
>get screamed at for not choosing tank / healer

>you can't play X - it's not meta!

I don't even have to post proof, you know it's true

>Too bad you’re stuck with a trash game
i don't play overwatch sorry
i don't play tf2 either

I remember reading somewhere that one of the design principles behind the mercs was that they all mostly wear hats/lack hair or have their faces obscured in some way in order to make them less "human". Does anyone know where to find that commentary?

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Lol pathetic trash. If youre not playing OW or Fortnite you clearly just hate cool trends.

Fuck it. When I graduate this spring I’m joining the TF2 team. I’ll update this game myself if it kills me.

Join OW team instead like a non loser.

I wouldn’t work for Blizzard in a million years.

Valve themselves outright said "It's too much work".

It was intended to be a full 22 minute pilot but they couldn't even bother with that.

i have 5400 hours, and i can safely say that the game was okay in 2012
they just fucked up the peformance from then on, theres too many stupid fucking cosmetics and floating effects, and a lot of the "players" are just idling for items
kill trader mains

Good luck user, I believe in you

>this will never ever happen again

The hero we need. Keep us updated.

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please god let him get in

Valve barely hire people anymore if at all. They've fired over a hundred permanent members over the years and usually just get contractors when they need extra hands.

No idea. Pretty sure the hats was just to make them more distinct, since Heavy's the one without a hat. Even when they were discussion on adding cosmetics, they only choose hats since it meant they didn't have to worry about those clipping with any of the animations or weapons.

Medic doesn't have a hat either.

Have you anons ever made a map before? Got any tips? I've got a few ideas swirling around in my head.

>wasting time making maps no one's going to play
why bother honestly

You're a goddamn hero user, even if your chances are slim just remember we believe in you
And give heavy a riot shield or I'm gluing your elbows together

I think they still hire often, it's just that, at least going by Glassdoor, they seem to have some weird employee review system that ends up just making people leave.
Typed quickly, didn't even remember him. So yeah, Heavy's bald and Medic with normal hair. Everyone else also has different headwear as well.

I’ll still try. If nothing else I’ll try to get the team and the community to actually communicate. Cosmetics are great and all but we need some damn weapons.

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TF2 was specifically designed around being a fun game, not necessarily the most balanced, but the most fun (though that doesn't mean that a lot of time and thought wasn't put into balance). Because of this, it can never have a healthy competitive scene without butchering the rest of the game, the parts that we all know and love. We saw a glimpse of this with Meet Your Match, weapons that were stripped of all usefulness or synergy in an attempt to make them more palatable for the E-sports crowd, which continued to reject them anyway. A matchmaking system that is an even worse iteration of the previous one, which was already lambasted for cutting out vanilla community servers. Not to mention all of the time and resources that TF2's skeleton crew put into an official comp mode, which was immediately abandoned by they very people it was made for. Competitive in TF2 is a literal forced meme. Not literal (figurative), but literal (literal), it is an attempt made by autists to shoehorn a 'super srs' community into a game whose core values reject them on a fundamental level. They are the very antithesis of what TF2 stands for.

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day of the compnigger lynch when

Dude if you managed to get that far you may as well go all out and make TF3.

>tf3 with the way valve is now
enjoy gun: the team fortress card game

well, considering the amount of shit they've cancelled, I don't blame him.

Don’t know about that one. I have no clue what the status on Source 2 is and I don’t think 15 or so people are going to be able to make a game as complex as TF2 by themselves. Valve is much more into hardware development than software and games. They’re really trying to figure out the whole VR thing.

Makes me wish that Valve were obligated by law to release every single project they ever started in three years or less. We really need some big guy to strangle Valve and force them to release video games.

I could make out Scout, Medic and Spy 100% because of their posture/leg shape. Heavy because of the roundness. Engi and demo because of the actual cosmetics (Peg leg and robot) and Sniper is 100% lost to the mess of items. Honestly thought Pyro's flamethrower was some big club melee weapon for a while there.

So out of nine that used to be utterly unique, three are still instantly recognizable, four are part ways lost and two are just blobs.

Artifact should've been much more ambitious, as a sort of Valve card game, having stuff from all their franchises, not just Dota. That alone might made people more willing to even try it.

Valve time would be impossible for even a fifteen minute/13 episode show and they're greedy jews who would refuse to hire community members to work on it for anything but free.

another one was that the dude that got the info went to valve during their vacation so they probably do have 2 people currently but only temporarily