AAAAAHHHH Xenoblade thread
AAAAAHHHH Xenoblade thread
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XB1 on the 3DS is truly unplayable and they shouldve just waited for another year to release it on the switch.
I want to be Addam's wife
I wish Nia were my trusty cat-horse
So everybody fucks their blades, right?
what a blimp
i love her a lot
How is it unplayable? All I've heard was that the resolution was crappy.
everything looks like shit and the text is hard to read. it feels like I'm going blind and I dont have that issue with other rpgs on the 3ds.
Nia deserved better
Just bought the game and I'm on Satorl Marsh- I mean Dragon's Stomach.
Shit's cozy and the game is almost as good as xenoblade 1, but the dumb anime humor hinders it.
I love my silly wife.
This. Same with fucking Luigis Mansion.
Wrong, I've played Xenoblade on 3DS just fine, get good
Here your XBC2 sequel, bro
it goes away after a while and, if the game works on you, you'll wind up with nostalgia for the days of dumb anime humor in gormott
Would play.
Luigis Mansion was OK
Just play it on wii, dumbass
what have they done
Why a Xenoblade threat is talking only about the shittiest game of the series?
If the other games were good people would be talking about them.
This is the best videogame in the history of mankind
How the fuck do I get my trust up or whatever? I need leaping and I can't do anything leap related with Poppi
There's a boss I died on and it requires leaping to get back on and I fail the leap.
Trust goes up a bit from participating in battles and completing sidequests. Best way to raise it is to just spam pouch items, though.
For the particular problem you're having you can also just equip multiple blades that have leaping until their combined leaping level is high enough.
What the BLOODY ELL es thes? Don't tell me thes es ment to be mEeEe?
A remarkable likeness!
What blades have leaping though. I already have a few rare blades
This is adorable.
Is there someone here that can translate this?
Just use Poppi and Roc
Aegaeon and Finch are some of them, though I can't remember a plot required leap above level 1.
Aside from Poppi
And one story blade, which if you're at the point I think you're at you won't have yet.
>clearly a samurai
bravo, treehouse
What? Treehouse didn't touch xenoblade 2.
Dear lord dem hips
Post blade girls in casual clothes.
It's her gift to the world.
Nia has the perfect combination of small (but not flat) chest and massive hips that give her a perfect "spoon form".
she's a little jellybean
What's your favourite blade to use, Yea Forums? Which one do you pick when you want to do fun stuff? How about when you get serious?
>tfw liked this game more than Persona 5 and would rather Rex got a spot in Smash than Joker
I like spamming specials with Vale
The post credits sequence was awful and it ruined the entire finale.
The best XC2 character made it, at least
Crossette and Kora. Why is Kora tier E?
And, of course, there are ''sisters'' (Theory and Praxis) when you want to ''get serious''.
how the fuck is finch E tier when she's one of the few dodge tank blades Morag could use, though it's been a while since I've played the game
That chart is about DPS.
Hm. Ok then.
*keeps using Kora*
something something
>Even the Aegis wants to fall in love
>please dont steal my memories!
>arent they all worthless?
>That's cause I was sealed right away so isnt it fine I fall madly in love for the first time?
Reminds me that comic where Malos discovers Mythra's NEET room, vaporizes her trash and then finds Pyra's /ss/ room
Kora's useless because she does nothing except extend potion duration, and potions suck.
Morag has loads of options for tanks. Corvin, Brighid, and Mikhail are super strong dodge tanks, then you have the katanas. Finch has the same problem as Kora - she barely does anything. There are way too many blades that just chip at enemies with weak attacks, have few good options, and maybe one or two mildly useful gimmicks if they're lucky. Balance is fucked.
So the same as the Wii version?
>beat Xenoblade 2 in January 2018 enjoy the happy ending
>never touch the game again until all dlc finishes
>Torna ends with death, despair and the evil blue elves getting off scott free
Feels like early adopters are punished for playing the game out of chronological order. I wish main game had the vanguard rearguard system from Torna too. Just having all these cool blades link a laser to you is boringly passive.
Recently started XBC2 with about 7+ hours on the clock at the start of chapter 3 with Rex at level 13. Really enjoying it.
When should I play Torna?
Recommended guides on combat system?
Also, please, post some general newbie tips!
Too bad, fag. Joker’s a 3rd party character so OF COURSE he has priority. I miss smash being mostly about nintendo
Play Torna first. Dont make the same mistake I did and beat base game before Torna
I just bough this bs from target for $20. I’ve never played a jrpg before, what am I in for?
Beat the game, then play torna, the play a new game plus of the game.
Don't listen to this retard
Anime, combat that takes a long time to get going, and sexy welsh catgirls.
Torna was great, but yeah, it does make the main game feel like a slog
>Still no HD scans of the artbook.
This sequence:
>Main game
>Main game new game +
Torna works great as a prequel, not so much as a starting point.
the beginning is slow but the theres so much to do you might forget to progress the story. Get to chapter 4 right away and maybe chapter 7 then play around
Play Torna in three parts
>After Chapter 6 of the main game, play Torna up to the arrival at Aletta
>After Chapter 7 of the main game, play Torna up to the attack on Auresco
>After Chapter 8 of the main game, play Torna to completion
Why would you see a happy ending first then end the xenoblade 2 narrative experience in a cliffhanger that was resolved by the base game?
What does she see
Rex x Niall
Rex bonding with Nia.
if it's a hammer it's automatically worse than anything else because shulk is a faster hammer with better everything
>Also, please, post some general newbie tips!
Stock up on Narcipear Jelly in Argentum sweets shop. Put it in everyone's pouch to speed up their arts charge, really helps with combat.
>Also, please, post some general newbie tips!
Get the driver skill tree nodes that let you cancel arts into other arts as soon as you possibly can. It's an absolute godsend.
Also, don't kill the baby.
kill the baby
>driver skill tree nodes that let you cancel arts into other arts
Looks like I also need to focus on skills that allow me to start a battle with charged arts, right?
>Also, don't kill the baby.
>everyone's pouch
Should I care about favourite stuff?
>Should I care about favourite stuff?
Not yet. Just use 0.4 arts recharge for now.
The baby Ardun in Torigoth farm. If you feed it, it grows into a level 99 boss.
feed the cat
Anybody else been keeping up on that one user's fic?
Feed her what?
Snowbaby salad I believe
Why is that all weeb products feel the need to satisfy a loli quota? Piss me off
Fish and Rex.
I love Nia so much. I would do anything get have her my loving wife and make many babies with her.
can someone post the images where the mingecat is compared to other cats making meme faces?
>Game has been out for well over a year
>Still no Nia version of this image
Instead she gets stuff like this.
and this
This artist disappeared, it sucks.
This is fine too
Norag (seriously, why these clothes fit her so well?)
They change all the names
user, Treehouse didn't work in xenoblade 2 localization at all. It was someone else, dunno who but I assure you it wasn't treehouse.
Treehouse weren't involved in the localisation.
They don’t and this artist sucks.
Is there more of this?
Fuck yeah, let's get rowdy!
Morag and Nonon have similar roles, both are "leaders of a band".
>Also, don't kill the baby.
Isn't this from X?
She's not a loli whatsoever. Not young, not flat and tiny, nothing. She's a smaller chest, big hipped woman, not a child.
I don't know a shit about X but not, user is talking of xbc2 with that baby thing.
Hmm, I must have missed the baby thing, is it from Torna?
Baby Armu in Torigoth
I don't have anything on hand but yes, there's quite a lot more.
I haven't been keeping up with it but I checked it out once when someone shared a link and thought it was charming. Care to link it for me again so I can catch up and save it this time?
I would. Who wouldn't?
>character from the worst persona instead of a mainline SMT character or Jack Frost
I want a XBC2 continuation but I can't see how after they ended it that way
Easy, let's go with that both xbc1 and xbc2 worlds did fuse into one and run from there.
XC3 will probably connect to it somehow at least.
Do these threads really have so little to talk about you guys are reduced to trading fan fiction?
I think you guys need to go to /vg/ now more than ever, this is the type of shit that happens in /vg/ threads.
If my Blade was Nia, then all the damn time.
Imagine pretending to be gay
Imagine thinking My Hero Academia is a good anime
Imagine thinking Joker shouldn't be in Smash
no doubt about it
Big ice girls.
Small ice girls.
Why do these threads about 2 year-old game always survive for hours, but threads about games I actually care about hit page 10 within minutes?
What makes ice the best element? Because it always is
Because they samefagging over and over for hours. There are even fanboys bumping the thread when it is close to expiring.
Wait, if a I remember right both titty bunny girl and ice Loli were low tier.
Isn't that against the rules?
Because you won't admit it, but good games generates discussions, because people like them, remember them and grow quite fond of them. And shit games are forgotten. As they should be. That's the natural and logical order of things.
Make the continuation be xenoblade warriors, set in the postgame of both games.
>good games generates discussions
>Literally only has fanfic tier discussion and waifu images
Challenge mode is pretty fucking fun
Just beat Serious Showdown. I was overleveled when I first fought Malos and Jin, so it was interesting having to actually think about which Blades and Blade Skills I bring in.
Challenge Mode on the whole is just really fun
Mama Mia!
The games I like are good games, and they don't get discussed this long.
You posted FF9, so I'll use that as an example, I can make an FF9 thread right now, and it'll die after 15 posts unless I get lucky.
XC2 threads ALWAYS stay up for hours at a time no matter the day.
Threw the link in a pastebin to get past the filter.
You hardly even have to save it. He updates every Sunday so it's always flying back up to first page.
Oh right, the one you feed and grow. Gotcha, thanks!
For fun stuff, it's Finch on Morag, because I'm a gambling man and I love that stupid bird.
For serious stuff, it's Zenobia on Zeke.
Play Torna right after Chapter 8
There are some images floating around about the combat system.
FEfags do the same thing and I don't see you complaining.
They don't actually, I haven't seen an actual FE thread in like a month.
Literally says ep8 in the pic you dumb mong.
Mother games are another example, even with the recent talk of them due to Smash and the anniversary, they still don't survive as long as these threads do.
user, the last Mother game came out 13 fucking years ago, there's just not much left to discuss.
>We never got the voice lines back
True suffering
>Page 10
>Thread literally dead
>Some faggot post a "Kek."
I am the only one that actually found this annoying?
What does Nia's minge taste like?