God of Onions memes aside, is God of War 2018 actually a good game? Its on sale at the moment

God of Onions memes aside, is God of War 2018 actually a good game? Its on sale at the moment.

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if you're on PS4 you don't have much choice anyway and the game isn't available on any other platform.

Yes. It's not a 10/10 masterpiece but it's consistently fun for pretty much the whole way through. I would give it a solid 8.5-9.

Yes it's really good. But some of the story might be lost on you if you didn't play GoW1-3. It's a direct sequel to GoW3.

Also, play on Hard. Normal is too easy and hardest is too hard.

It's alright. Not perfect but not garbage.
7/10 I'd say

It has issues but I liked it a lot.

The Give Me God of War difficulty can be downright masochistic in the early-game but it did eventually click for me.

It's got a few minor things that hold it back, but it's one of the best AAA titles in the past five years. Surprisingly replayable as well.

Worth it for the sale price, don't see it going lower for a while

It's boring, but the graphics are amazing.


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It's funny how hard Nintensoys tried to brand this game as soi even though the game has manly as fuck story themes.

Attached: kratos.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

It's okay. Nothing spectacular or even worth a replay, but definitely worth a single run for whatever price suits your budget.

The gameplay and enemy variety are seriously limited, but the setting and story make up for it. Even though the story falls apart towards the end and ends on what should have been the climax.

Yeah, it's literally a father teaches his son to be manly, while a woman fucks everything up.


*hits pipe*

I get that the whole intention of this image is "le girlfriends daughter BASEDYYY" but what actually angers me is his wording.

"we came to a compromise". What fucking compromise? They just got a cat, there was no compromise.

It's terrible but if you're the type who plays these AAA movie games you'll probably love it.

>girlfriend's daughter
Honestly even that is an impressive feat for someone who looks like the very opposite of masculinity.

Which is more cucked? My wife's son or my girlfriend's daughter?


That's the "joke", autismo

it's a masterpiece so yes

Attached: amulet of kvasir.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

No, it's clearly a soi image and you know it.

>all that sliding


Attached: GOW.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>slides again
Double Yikes

Normal is the sweet spot, GoW can't into difficulties for shit.
Harder difficulties just mean more damage taken and more damage sponged.

Overall it's a solid 9/10
The downsides are there's a lack of content - not quests or dialogue, but you can clearly see some aspects of the game were rushed like lack of executions, lack of enemies, etc

if all you want is a "cinematic experience" then yes but it's a shit tier action game.

Shit taste desu.

Demonstrably wrong. Most bosses have attacks they only use on hard or higher.

>Not enjoying combat with the feeling of so much weight behind the attacks.
If you didn't enjoy the combat, you have some serious problems.

It's shit.

...That's not what I said in the slightest. I pointed out that difficulty does have actual effects on gameplay in the form of bosses. Nothing more.

its a good game about 10/10 not he best game ive payed though

Great game 9/10. A western game in this era which is fun and not infected with she shit

Shit my bad, thought you were replying in the context of another post.

Honestly I didn't notice a difference that much. Bosses seemed to throw out more attacks when their health was low, just like classic games - that's when the difficulty was set to normal.
Hard difficult I assume just moves that slider up for when they can unleash those attacks.

>The autist that compared Bioshock Infinite to Abes Oddworld

Post disregarded.

It's okay, biggest problem is that there's no enemy variety and the lack of bosses

that didn't happen. he compared it to space invaders because the gameplay in infinite is so simple it's basically space invaders.

Watch the video again.

how about you just tell me where in the video he compares bioshock to oddworld

>from the nigger that had enough shit taste to like BoTW

Come on dude, it's not like you can't scroll the timeline of the video and see the images of oddworld.

It's a good game. I played on GMGOW difficulty. Grab the game dude, and i recommend you to download a PS2 emulator and play the first two games.

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No really, dialog changed depending on order of things If you enconter the valkyries and leave without fighting everytime kid and head tell diferent things when you encounter the rest, for example . Combat is also fun at max difficulty, but not everyone has the pacience to play'it at GMGOW difficulty.

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Got a video showing that user?

>his wife's son

Searched for a while an not, but a random dude proclaims that you can fight a valkyrie in NG+ before finding Mimir in Muspelheim(fire realm, no chisel required), gonna play the game now and try to get pics of such thing and the no fighting dialog, shit like this is one of the reasons i like this game, it has love

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I remeber when this board wouldn't stop screaming about god of soi and "your wifes son" how the times have changed

Indeed. Lots of love went into the game, wish it had make another 6months development though, could have used a tiny bit more content.

Sometimes censorship is a good thing, although t's still fascinating how one plant manages to strike so much fear into a large group of people.

I know you really want to fit in, but not everything you hear on Yea Forums is true. Kratos did bang and have a kid with a hot giantess.

original joke, DO NOT STEAL

Funny consider how the original games was all about Kratos fucking up.

Gameplay is solid, it has a couple things holding it back from being truly great. Even still its very fun and has a well presented story. I'd reccomend

Nintenfags were going crazy that period. They were so certain it would flop. I still remember how this board melted when the footage right before release was out and everyone realized it was going to be good. NintendoGAF was literally shitting itself that Labo would not outsell it anyways.

Attached: gow-labo.jpg (840x823, 209K)

>Nintenfags were going crazy that period
>Implying they had anything to do with it

It's about as well-polished as a game can be. I didn't expect much from it, but it's extremely well made.

Yeah and he basically ruined everything around him and regrets that and how he used to be.

>They were so certain it would flop

That's some nicely warm revisionism you got rolling there.

Best game from 2018 way better than the original GoW never got into them because they were just brainless button masher.

It became a good seller, now the second one will be great if they use the same engine, and the have more trust from higher ups.

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i don't care about the game, but i like the maymays

Labo was releasing on the same day and it made NintenGAF absolutely furious that Sony's own AAA was going to completely dwarf it.

To be fair, Yea Forums thinks literally everything they dont like is going to flop these days. And since out of the non PC, nintendo has the majority here, it's a pretty fuckin safe bet to say people were "sure" it was gonna flop.

Yes that's literally the point, user.

>You have to be better than me.
five minutes later

>fucking brat, you have to be better than me.

Kratos is shitting his pants that his son might cause another disaster like he did.

Yeah I have high hopes. The foundations are set for a great fucking game.

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I wish this game had less sequel teasing and more of an independent resolution. That's what I enjoyed about the first game. It wasn't just a tease for more sequels. It was a story that was also self-contained from start to finish. GoW4 is like third of a story. It might be great when the trilogy is done but right now it just looks a bit underwhelming.

Move assist kills any hack n' slash. Also you'll spend about 2 hours just holding forward doing nothing else in an action game. For all the game's good aspects things like this drag it down and make it less fun as a game. If you just want pretty visuals and don't care about gameplay then yeah...you just want pretty visuals and don't care about gameplay.

>whack whack whack slash whack slash
>oo0h emotional storie
>17 minute cut scene fight scenes
fucking garbage the most boring game i've seen in years

Literally what more can you ask out of its combat system? It's ridiculously good for western standards. There are far more mechanics at play than ever before.

>brainless button masher
What difficulty did you play the games, it's been a while but i remember having to think an encounter, when to use the invincibility, who to focus and when to do'it specially the kratos army inside kratos mind fight.

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>I've seen
Always. Fucking always.

But it did have a resolution?
The game was never about fighting Gods or Baldur, it was about the journey Kratos had with his son and learning to accept what happened in the past.
It had an amazing resolution.

haha you think i'm gonna buy a games machine and plug it in my tv like when i was 13

>way better than the original GoW

slow down. this is an okay game but it is not on the same level as the old ones. that style is much better than movie bullshit

When you make a game set in Nordic mythology, you'd atleast expect Thor or Odin to be there. Instead they have this background presence that sort of clouds over the entire story. Ok this Baldur guy is insane but where is Thor? Ok I'm fighting this Baldur guy but what's Odin doing?

The first GoW game didn't hold back like this one does. It showed you all the Gods because that's what you want to see. All the Gods and creatures of that era. GoW4 held back too much. The father-son story was good but it's also a GoW game.

Attached: Odin.jpg (750x1000, 118K)

Older games were undeniably more cinematic than the newer one is. By every metric.

Take out the move assist ice skating and give me a zoomed out orbital camera that doesn't get locked to where my character swings. Get rid of the leveling system since it's a mix between hack n' slash and RPG that feels lacking in both in their execution. That's all the game needs to be fun, the things I've mentioned actively make the game less enjoyable and don't need to be there.

It has it's conclusion, Father and son go to woods to live a quiet life, but also A LOT of teasing Thor, Mimir informing that the freya asked him where are her valkyrie wings (only if you defeat the last valkirye before the end), ragnarok and probably something more

And more spectacular unlike the walking simulator turd.

If QTEs impress you, sure.

You'll get the game you want in the sequel I'm sure.
You gotta let it go when critiquing GoW4, it's about showing the player how much Kratos has grown, and how he's trying to improve from his sins in the last games.
Heck there's a comic that shows him trying to repress his power and rage because how much he hates it, (that's why he holds so much back in the games combat).

Nice bait but that isn't even close to being true

I enjoyed it but it is a little light on unique content.
could have really used to have some actual dungeons with puzzles and way more bosses and unique enemies.
crossing my fingers that they can improve a lot in the sequel since they now have a good base to work on

-cinematic camera you can't control
-endless QTE
-easier more streamlined combat
-Very linear progression
-No customization whatsoever
-Huge emphasis on spectacle

I loved the older GoW games but I don't lie to myself.

Its the undisputed best game of 2018.

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>cinematic camera you can't control
better than cinematic camera where you cant see anything
>endless QTE
same as nu-gow, but executed better
>easier more streamlined combat
depends on the difficulty, plus nu gow has very few moves compared to dozens of combos in the old ones
>Very linear progression
so does nu gow
>No customization whatsoever
yeah who cares. the items in nu gow are tedious to deal with
>Huge emphasis on spectacle
same with nu gow

Not to mention nu-gow's long unskippable cutscenes and walking and climbing segments

it's generic as fuck, the only way they could have made it even more generic was making it open world

it's more because it's a magnet to sois who are trying too hard to compensate

Jokes on you, it is open world

>so certain it would flop

you mean the way Snoys were shit-talking Switch before release?

being able to come back to previous areas doesn't make a game an open world

>not videoed: nigger enemies sitting half way across the map taking lazy pot shots at you
I fucking hate the over-the-shoulder camera in this game. Massive Spyro vibes where in an otherwise good game the most difficult enemy is the camera controls.

You tendies really enjoy mental gymnastics. But at least the söy meme is pretty much synonymous with nintendo friends.

They should have made the kid less of a shithead then. The story became irritating once you go to the death realm twice.

Yes, it is a very solid game.

It's good, but it won't blow your mind. I think it's better than the previous games by virtue of the fact that you can pull off more shit with the combat. I found the story serviceable, didn't enjoy the forced walk segments (even though they were short), and the little kid's arc is very blatantly rushed. There's a nice moment of realization in the end as to who he is though. Also, play on the highest difficulty, like it's meant to be played.

the ps4 has the biggest library of all current gen platforms you retard

It was like a 6/10 for me. I only bought into the hype after it beat out all the other games even though 2018 was a shit year.
+kratos is neat
+gameplay is visceral at times with lots of pretty explosions
+world and lore is somewhat interesting, as is graphic fidelity
+good voice acting for what it's worth
+the boss fights are pretty fantastic. final valkyrie and first baldur fight are pretty good
-gameplay is hamstrung by the godawful camera system, and other annoyances like not being able to jump or automatically boost over small knee-high objects
-instead of giving you a loading screen you have in place a 1-2 minute climbing section which requires your full interaction (the teleporting room works in a similar method)
-the RPG system mucks with exploration and difficulty far too much, you can be playing on the lowest difficulty and still die in 1-2 hits if you are underleveled/ungeared
-runic attacks are either superfluous or useful ones are found far too late into the game, making GMGOW harder than it should be
-enemy variety sucks. you will be fighting the same thing over and over and over and over and over
-AI has an over reliance on spawning enemies far away
-puzzle sections are a literal waste of time and disrupt the flow of the game far too often
All in all I don't think it was a good game, but if you were after some nice cutscenes then there is a lot here for you.