How'd they make it feel so big?

How'd they make it feel so big?

Attached: SanAndreas.jpg (700x373, 338K)

Slow travelling speed

Penis enlargement surgery.

theres alot of hills and valleys if u think back on it. so looking at a flat will definitely make it seem smaller, look at a depth map and it might give u more perspective to it

also they had alot of things in those dense areas, minus the back country and part of vegas(because basically end game)

why is it a square

maximum area

The map isn't fully accessible from the start. The gradual progression makes every area feel more significant.

the map's pretty sizeable once you consider how small your character actually is.

Shit draw distance and hills.

Draw distance+terrain shape was a pretty big factor

fog to hide low draw distance
it was actually a great tool to make environments seem way bigger than they really are but developers don't use it anymore

it's a fucking square

I wonder why the map borders form a perfect square, is it something to do with value limits and GTA SA pushed the map limits to its maximum?

The underwater terrain extends far past those borders so I doubt it

Fog and slower movement speed.
Morrowind did the same thing.

Attached: 1458493851331[1].jpg (3840x2160, 3.56M)

Attached: 1176-gta-5-gta-sa-comp.jpg (3032x3032, 593K)

shit draw distance
no fast travel
you slowly unlocked more of the map as you progressed instead of having it all at once
every area feels different

This picture is false. The entirety of Los Santos in SA is roughly 1.5x bigger than Fort Zancudo. LSIA in V is bigger than LS in SA.

>san andreas thread

Every fucking time.

Attached: flat 800x800 075 f.u7.jpg (800x698, 45K)

That upper left area was so fucking comfy

It felt big because of the three cities with their own airports, it was geographically diverse, and pretty densely packed in comparison to GTAV. V has a whola lotta nothing going on in the map too, so your brain condenses those areas. Yeah, it may be bigger, but they executed it poorly because it doesnt seem that big

Dense, deliberate winding pathing

distance fog which actually changed based on the area to define what you could see and how far.

Character scale and top speed also play an important part

>no fast travel

airports, train stations, taxis and buses all did fast travel in SA

>K-Rose starts playing

wait for real

More of a compact video game design where every area has something. Later games are meme realism design, so you get lots of empty stretches of nothing.

Also, SA is pretty damn big al tolld and is probably as big a map as you can get while it's still fun.

>that straight line separating the Grazelands from Molag Amur
Also what's with the ring in the water?

By you being twelve years old when you first played it

roads are bigger and wider than in reality. it gives you an illusion you're driving for miles.
also city seems much bigger coz of that.

It was part of a free DLC pack they released after the game. You know, back when companies released free DLC.

The fact that you weren't used to it at that point.

I think you mean K-DST

This. Theres a ton of winding roads and all the cars are relatively slow, but just think, how often can you go max speed where the camera gets all blurry? Not often and for not very long also that max speed isnt that fast but the trickery makes it seem that way. Its very well designed also the map is packed with shit in every part of it.

Also fog

IOI does with HITMAN 1 and 2

terrain elevation

this and shit draw distance

Dozens of companies still release free DLC you melodramatic moron

variety of unique zones
didn't waste too much of the map on water
freeways all way around the map that made the game feel huge