Staples hymen

Never get memed into buying one of these fucking things by people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. It is literally back pain made into the form of a chair. It is THE most uncomfortable thing I have ever sat in and the mesh is like a cheese grater for your skin and clothes. The bottom part of it is covered in an inch thick layer of lint and dead skin that you could probably press into a dish towel. Almost nothing is adjustable despite the deceptive appearance or made in such a fashion that the extremely limited range of adjustability makes it unsuitable for any normal human.

I seriously think the people giving this chair rave reviews did so after sitting in it for 5 minutes on initial purchase or are morbidly obese and their ample rolls of fat fill in all the gaps so that their body adjusts to the unnatural hyperbolic shape of the chair.

Attached: hyken.jpg (380x380, 18K)

I returned it asap. never buy hyped up shit. get in store and try the chairs yourself. even then, ALL staples chairs are garbage. watch out for misaligned seat screws, it makes the back rests bent -> fucking up your back. I returned 3 chairs in a month and just fucked off back to a normal dining chair.

>not just getting comfy office chairs form Craigslist
Businesses close all the time and just throw out those nice office chairs

Buy a Herman Miller.

>Don't buy the cheap ones (i.e. below 120 burgerbucks)
>Don't buy "gamur chairs"
>Don't buy them second hand (if you must, get someone to check it for problems)
>Always visit a physical shop and try before you buy
>Ask the store or buy a cover on your own to cover up the mesh if you dislike it

If you still hate it then that's just you, my chair is fucking based and I will never go back to regular office chairs.

I hate these kinds of chairs, but they're still better than gaming chairs. I could probably sit in one of these 3x longer than a gaming chair before reaching an ultimatum where I either stand up or shoot myself. I genuinely don't understand how and why so many "content creators" use them. I understand they're likely being paid to do so, but there is no amount you could pay me to sit in one of those abominations for several hours every day.

I just looked up cheap chairs with lumbar support, and I was good.

It is literally the same retarded hyperbolic shape. Anyone with a normal sized ass is going to fall into the crease in the back of the chair and get back pain.

Attached: herman-miller-aeron-chair-p361-580_image.jpg (1000x1000, 92K)

I have a gaming chair and it's pretty nice because it has adjustable head rest and back support and a little thing for feet I can pull out.
When I play, I pull the back support all the way up to my upper back so that I sit upright with good posture. When I chill and recline the chair, back support goes to lower back and feet thing comes out for max comfy.

get one with actual lower back support

if you see a chair that doesn't have anything in the red circle it's trash.

Attached: 14-Best-Office-Chairs-of-2018-Gear-Patrol-Flash-furniture.jpg (1300x1000, 134K)

maybe don't sit naked in it, fatty

>got a leather office chair with some of the leather coming off for $5 at a thrift store
There's something fucking magical about this coushin. It hasn't gone flat after 4 years of abuse from my ass. It pops up aplomb when I stand each and every time.

God I wish I was that chair

You've never sat in one have you? Suit yourself fucking moron.

Attached: 1554015488500.jpg (395x345, 35K)

>t hasn't gone flat after 4 years of abuse from my ass. It pops up aplomb when I stand each and every time.

Attached: 1290865091237.jpg (1024x769, 127K)

user you bastard

It wouldn't


God dammit.

Oh, shit. I remember that news story.

Any chairs that can actually keep my back straight and discourage slouching?

this but get the Mirra instead

how about you fix yourself, instead of depending on a chair?

>bought a gaming chair for the neck pillow and lumbar pillow
>find out you can buy these strap neck pillows separately and some office chairs have better lumbar support built in
It's not as bad as Yea Forums says gaming chairs are but I still regret my purchase

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there was time I was working as janitor at town hall and they just let me have expensive office chair and nice adjustable table because they were going for new ergonomics standing desks and those weird saddle chairs
my tax money being well spent

Look at Ikea Markus. Bought one for this exact reason. Super comfy first couple days, then a whole week of lower back pain, self massaging, stretching and sitting in it with good posture(easy with this chair) led me to having way better posture overall. I can thank the chair for that, and as long as I keep sitting nicely I don't expect my posture to deteriorate. But you should really stretch more as well, stretch EVERYTHING

I love this chair. Love it so much I bought a second one after the arms and lumbar support started breaking after years of use. The only thing I’ll give you is that the mesh is uncomfortable on your skin, so just don’t sit in it naked? It’s really not that big of a deal

i dont get it

I've been using this chair for about two years and there's plenty I dislike, but it's not the worst I've used. The back doesn't go far back enough to relax, the headrest faces too far forward, and the arms aren't adjustable. Aside from that, the material loosens up after a few months where it has some cushioning and it's better for your posture than most chairs I suppose. Still, I'd much rather have anything else if I wasn't poor.

get an executive office chair for lardasses. The one on the right in pic related
Took this the day I got it like six months ago and it looks exactly the same and still just as comfy

Attached: IMAG0388.jpg (2688x1520, 1.06M)

the IKEA markus is pretty gut

Attached: markus-sedia-da-ufficio-nero__0392583_PE564516_S4.jpg (500x500, 14K)

Kotatsu sofa master race here. Fuck you and your meme gaming chairs. Not to mention your gay ass chairs can't accommodate a gf. Not a problem 90% of Yea Forums will ever encounter.

Attached: maximum comfy.jpg (2000x1050, 235K)

Kys weeb

This looks like the most unpractical thing ever. Also
>dog in bed
subhuman filth should just be purged

Lardass here. Where do I start to find a chair like yours user?

Fun fact: they were intentionally designed NOT to be comfortable because it increased office productivity

>subhuman filth should just be purged
I'm pretty sure that's just a stock photo. You don't need to get so upset over that.

No. It's really not. Cheap materials made for manlets.

I literally just buy $20 used office chairs from Good Will.

It says "I loves da game"

enjoy your ass herpes

That looks so fucking nice.


ive bought expensive chairs and they dont last any longer than cheap ones
i just get cheap chairs now and replace them more frequently

Any tall anons, I'm 6'6 and it looks like no chairs that have adjustable headrests and all that stuff like the one OP posted will fit me, and chance those 'gamer' chairs will?

Staples, don't fall for the meme chairs like OP, try every chair they have on display. You're looking for something cushy with good height adjustment.

Attached: serta.jpg (500x500, 25K)