Why does Sony never get stickied threads?
Why does Sony never get stickied threads?
Mods only sticky what they're paid to sticky.
They have no worthwile games or dedicated fanbases
They're too busy getting stickied at pride parades
Sony wins so much that it has become routine. It'd be likely making a sticky about the weather.
my sides
They DO have stickied threads
this kills the snoyboy
Becauase contrary to what you Sonyshitters would like, mods are not goldface spamming retards.
Sticky what? You guys aren't even going to be at E3 this year. The only worthwhile game on the PS4 is bloodborne.
Maybe when the kojima movie releases
Snoy should get stickies to discuss how they are book burning fascists
This was objectively better then Bloodborne
yet Nintendie has ZERO worthwhile games yet get stickies
>Sony announces a pseudo-direct
>People get excited about the possible announcements and news
>Gets a sticky
>Turns out to be fucking nothing and a waste of everyone's time
That's why
for what? Bloodborne already came out, kusonyshitter.
It got a sticky during State of Play.
Sticky is promoting 3 Sony exclusives tho
I got flamewar banned from shiting on nintendo console once
Yep, they was paid
they censored their stickies
Sony can get stickied threads when Sony gets games.
fanbase not autistic enough, toddler :)
>that orcxelf romance thread though
cope :)
The thread on the left was clearly made by a seething liberal Sony fanboy
>PS3 port
Don't remind me of that shitshow. Somehow it managed to be worse than the fucking nindie directs.
Because the last one was full of
Don't worry, the mods stickied the Absolute State of Play, and look how that turned well that wa-HAHAHAHAHA OH NO NO NO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MY FUCKING SIDES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
They got one for their direkt last time but no one was interested
It didn't even reach 1000 bumps kek