How would you improve the pokemon shield and sword games

How would you improve the pokemon shield and sword games

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i would make it so u can go to all the other pokemon regions

Fix trainer code so that it's actually decent instead of dropping battles

Persona really fucked up the zoomer generation

Some degree of level scaling to fix the often retarded level curve.
I'd be happy with 2 or 3.

Let Monolith design the game aspect & keep GameFreak on the character designs

>people unironically think this looks this looks better than SS

actually pump fucking budget into them
they wanted to future proof by tanking framerates in return for better models ahead of time? Put that shit to fucking work already and animate them worth a goddamn.
I know it's tough work but for the first major Pokemon game on a console it deserves the pizazz.

Aesthetically already, it's wholly unique from drab shitty roads'n'grass from all nu pokemon games, so yes it does look better than SS already.

Make it so creating a team would be a non-existent issue.
I don't want to use some hex editors or grind ages for a 5IV

Active Turn Based

For online only, of course.

Only one acceptable answer here: completely redo the formula.

how retard

Know what? I'll take it a step further.
>Unique pokemon center
>Shitty rundown scrap buildings suggesting a poor area
>The Floor is fucking mae of metal
>You have a fucking human partner following you around, unnecessary but welcome effort on devs part
>Stylish Main character
In just a screen shot, i think this place is more unique than any cities i can remember in all of 3ds era games.

>tfw no Chunnel between Galar and Kalos

>it's wholly unique from drab shitty roads'n'grass from all nu pokemon games
Oh, yeah, Stone and sand everywhere is much less drab
Stupid hipster faggot

Show me the stone and sand in the OP user.
Gen 3 and 5 deserts were awesome as well, retard user.

Nigger, The nigger is standing on the stone, you nigger. And most of Orre is sand, you literally see it when the nigger is driving

You see a cutscene of driving over sand, but the areas you move inside of and explore are unique cities/towns, or huge villain hideouts. Fucking retard, learn to speak too, worthless scum.

>unique cities/towns, or huge villain hideouts
Oh, you mean things SM and ORAS had?
Stay seething, tranny


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A greentext and a reaction image =/= argument

Every game has a hideout or two you fucking retard, Colosseum is composed of almost entirely hideouts.
You're not worth "Arguing" with, retard.

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>moving goalpost
>ad hom
>You're not worth "Arguing" with,
Because you don't have one. Cuckisoyum fags are the worst

I've never played a Pokemon game, the concepts all sound interesting but there's always some flaw in the game. Is there a Pokemon game that's actually perfect?

>there will never be a third orre game

Give the protag a shield and sword.


There is no excuse for battles to take this long even with animations off

The game is a gay bar grindfest already, there's no reason why every text box and animation needs to stop turn progress.

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>speed up a turn based game


turnbased game = strategy game
if you already know what strategy you're going to use theres no reason to make the turns take forever

Just having an actual post game or a story that actually feels like an adventure instead of an amusement park is way too much to expect from game freak. The only way to enjoy this shit is to go in with no expectations.


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Pokegirl dating simulator where the best girl is actually a zoroark

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Let's Go-style system of actually being able to see what wild pokemon you're going to encounter coupled with US/M SoS modes. Ultra Wormholes were a good idea, expand it to something like "expedition" events that let you visit sections of old regions on a rotation to let you get pokemon that aren't otherwise accessible because GF left them out.
Event Pokemon that don't require you to go to a kiosk just to get a download code. Make them actually story-related, genuine post-game content. If you have to do movie tie-in shit, add like, an in-game quest relating to it that you can just do.
Change up the starter type rotation. There's a bunch of other type trios that have the same relationship to eachother as Fire>Water>Grass. Keep the ease of traversal that USM/LG had - HM slaves are just wasted party slots.
More pokemon interaction; let us keep whoever we want outside the ball (within reason) and let us ride pokemon in scenarios that make sense.
LG's candy system for building IVs was good too, so keep that junk.
Oh, and the difficulty; Totem Pokemon were actually kind of challenging - more of that.

Make it like the sequel of that game, who's name I cannot remember for the life of me.


yeah dude just make the game good

B/W2 and Platinum are solid and fairly lengthy JRPG's. I'd recommend either if you've got just a cursory interest in the series. HGSS is really good too

Pokemon HeartGold
People will give me (You)s, but they know I'm right.

They made a psx port of it? cool

HGSS are beloved here what are you talking about

>still got a (You)
heh, nothen personnelle